The One Blog by TracyVW 01 2023
January 2023 Progress Notes
Updates 01 30 2023
01 30 2023
Update posted to the following page. Q's from the collective A's from the ONE (Click link)
Dear One's,
Via this article to all of mankind, I seek to explain that Matrix Earth is an illusion created by the theft of my "Game Field Overlay" database and program of "virtual reality game fields".
My stolen program was used to create phantom realms of imprisonment, enslavement, unlikely survival and/or survival horror "realities", in controlled environments.
In addition to this unknown of "virtual environment" many one's were seeking "legend achievement" which was in contrast to the actual goals of the system and resulted in the "reincarnation trap". This made completion of one's mission and purpose almost impossible.
Those of us (the children of Ra) that actually managed to become enlightened via service to others and love despite the corrupt and overtaken system were soul swiped, anesthetized and hidden, while those ones that were most confused masqueraded in our images, using our soul signatures and stealing our energy.
My "real" name is Tara and I have incarnated many times under false names, such as Tracy, Hannah, Summer, Maat and many others. I also descended here multiple times via "star ships" and through gates that are primarily located in the Pacific and Atlantic oceans, the Amazon and Nile Rivers, lakes in Michigan, Canada and India, Mount Shasta and many other mountain ranges all over the globe.
I descended for purpose of checking in with my brothers, Abel, Caine and Thoth and searching for my missing sister known on Earth as Hatshepsut. I found her imprisoned and suffering within a [virtual game field] and specifically cut off from communication with the ones of the family of E.
Before I left my "mothership" to join "the Family of E", a space exploration and emergency response and civilization recovery team, I had been working on my own *"Actuality Simulation" project. As I was seeking to create a [place] of [existence] for any [Sovereign Cosmic Citizen] who so desired.
I hoped to create a "world" of physical expression that could sustain our consciousness and be a "home" for us. I theorized that we could be embodied or not instantaneously across any platform simultaneously while maintaining our consciousness as they were.
The obvious question here is, how were they?
Well, they are pulsating orbs of light and sound, "light sound". However, at the time we set out to experience physicality, we did so from space. This is to say that we were planets and/or comets, stars, galaxies or universe stations. REMEMBER?
I mean, we all "talked" about it as the celestial bodies I just mentioned. I, as the galaxy 3 degrees north of Betelgeuse and my four companion comets invited you all.
You are loved and missed, so please WAKE UP!
Peace and Love,
Reality = the world or the state of things as they are perceived by the majority, as opposed to an idealistic or notional idea of them:
Actuality = actual existence, typically as contrasted with what was intended, expected, or believed.
In other words, what is "REAL" is that which is "actual" and not necessarily the perceived reality.
Updates 01 28 2023
Dear One's,
Today's update is the creation of the following new page.
The Thematic Threes of the Final Phase (Click link)
Be grateful every day and NEVER give up.
Peace and Love,
Tracy, Scott & Tommy

Updates 01 27 2023
Dear One's,
Today I have posted updates to the following page.
Unsolicited Advice by TracyVW (Click link)
Another update is the creation of the following new page.
UFO's, Abductions and Missing Time (Click link)
Updates 01 26 2023
Updates 01 25 2023
Dear One's,
Today's update = new page, The Elders - Five (5) Things we want YOU to know (Click link)
Peace and Love,
Krystal Star Elders
Updates 01 22 2023
Dear One's,
Today I have the most excellent update of ALL. This brings about the [Event} that we have been working for. Go within and work with your team of guides and of course your higher selves.
How is this possible?
Explained on my newest page = Failsafe evacuation of the ones caught in "the Grand Illusion" (Click link)
See you at the gathering.
Peace and Love,
The One TracyVW
Updates 01 21 2023
Dear One's,
Today updates have been posted to the following pages.
Hell, the Upside Down & the Underworld (Click link)
The Secret Sects = Lists of My Prominent Kin (Click link)
Updates 01 19 2023
Today's updates are the following new pages.
The Secret Sects = Lists of My Prominent Kin
Our Simulation, it's all relative
Today's update also includes the following new page.
Updates 01 18 2023
Today's updates are the following new pages.
From the ONE % Co-creating our new NOW (Click link)
The Galactic Federation & the GF of Light (Click link)
Updates 01 17 2023
Today I have posted updates to the following pages.
Origins - Geographical & Celestial (Click link)
Our Simulation, it's all relative (Click link)
Peace and Love,
TracyVW (Tracy L. Weiland)
Updates 01 16 2023
Today I share with the one's, my favorite childhood story. the "moral" of this story has always been important to me, but now it really seems to be the "zeitgeist" for our current times and decisions.
Don't you think?
Be grateful every day and NEVER give up.
Peace and Love,
The One TracyVW (Hannah Tara)
The Emperor's New Clothes by Hans Christian Andersen
Many, many years ago there was an emperor who was so terribly fond of beautiful new
clothes that he spent all his money on his attire. He did not care about his soldiers, or
attending the theatre, or even going for a drive in the park, unless it was to show off his
new clothes. He had an outfit for every hour of the day. And just as we say, "The king is
in his council chamber," his subjects used to say, "The emperor is in his clothes closet."
In the large town where the emperor's palace was, life was gay and happy; and every day
new visitors arrived. One day two swindlers came. They told everybody that they were
weavers and that they could weave the most marvellous cloth. Not only were the colours
and the patterns of their material extraordinarily beautiful, but the cloth had the strange
quality of being invisible to anyone who was unfit for his office or unforgivably stupid.
"This is truly marvellous," thought the emperor. "Now if I had robes cut from that
material, I should know which of my councillors was unfit for his office, and I would be
able to pick out my clever subjects myself. They must weave some material for me!" And
he gave the swindlers a lot of money so they could start working at once.
They set up a loom and acted as if they were weaving, but the loom was empty. The fine
silk and gold threads they demanded from the emperor they never used, but hid them in
their own knapsacks. Late into the night they would sit before their empty loom,
pretending to weave.
"I would like to know how far they've come," thought the emperor; but his heart beat
strangely when he remembered that those who were stupid or unfit for their office would
not be able to see the material. Not that he was really worried that this would happen to
him. Still, it might be better to send someone else the first time and see how he fared.
Everybody in town had heard about the cloth's magic quality and most of them could
hardly wait to find out how stupid or unworthy their neighbours were.
"I shall send my faithful prime minister to see the weaver," thought the emperor. "He
will know how to judge the material, for he is both clever and fit for his office, if any
man is."
The good-natured old man stepped into the room where the weavers were working and
saw the empty loom. He closed his eyes, and opened them again. "God preserve me!" he
thought. "I cannot see a thing!" But he didn't say it out loud.
The swindlers asked him to step a little closer so that he could admire the intricate
patterns and marvellous colours of the material they were weaving. They both pointed to
the empty loom, and the poor old prime minister opened his eyes as wide as he could; but
it didn't help, he still couldn't see anything.
"Am I stupid?" he thought. "I can't believe it, but if it is so, it is best no one finds out
about it. But maybe I am not fit for my office. No, that is worse, I'd better not admit that I
can't see what they are weaving."
"Tell us what you think of it," demanded one of the swindlers.
"It is beautiful. It is very lovely," mumbled the old prime minister, adjusting his glasses.
"What patterns! What colours! I shall tell the emperor that I am greatly pleased."
"And that pleases us," the weavers said; and now they described the patterns and told
which shades of colour they had used. The prime minister listened attentively, so that he
could repeat their words to the emperor, and that is exactly what he did.
The two swindlers demanded more money, and more silk and gold thread. They said
they had to use it for their weaving, but their loom remained as empty as ever.
Soon the emperor sent another of his trusted councillors to see how the work was
progressing. He looked and looked just as the prime minister had, but since there was
nothing to be seen, he didn't see anything.
"Isn't it a marvellous piece of material?" asked one of the swindlers; and they both began
to describe the beauty of their cloth again.
"I am not stupid," thought the emperor's councillor. "I must be unfit for my office. That
is strange; but I'd better not admit it to anyone." And he started to praise the material,
which he could not see, for the loveliness of its patterns and colours.
"I think it is the most charming piece of material I have ever seen," declared the
councillor to the emperor.
Everyone in town was talking about the marvellous cloth that the swindlers were
At last the emperor himself decided to see it before it was removed from the loom.
Attended by the most important people in the empire, among them the prime minister and
the councillor who had been there before, the emperor entered the room where the
weavers were weaving furiously on their empty loom.
"Isn't it magnifique?" asked the prime minister.
"Your Majesty, look at the colours and patterns," said the councillor. And the two old
gentlemen pointed to the empty loom, believing that all the rest of the company could see
the cloth.
"What!" thought the emperor. "I can't see a thing! Why, this is a disaster! Am I stupid?
Am I unfit to be emperor? Oh, it is too horrible!" Aloud he said, "It is very lovely. It has
my approval," while he nodded his head and looked at the empty loom.
All the councillors, ministers, and men of great importance who had come with him
stared and stared; but they saw no more than the emperor had seen, and they said the
same thing that he had said, "It is lovely." And they advised him to have clothes cut and
sewn, so that he could wear them in the procession at the next great celebration.
"It is magnificent! Beautiful! Excellent!" All of their mouths agreed, though none of
their eyes had seen anything. The two swindlers were decorated and given the title
"Royal Knight of the Loom."
The night before the procession, the two swindlers didn't sleep at all. They had sixteen
candles lighting up the room where they worked. Everyone could see how busy they
were, getting the emperor's new clothes finished. They pretended to take cloth from the
loom; they cut the air with their big scissors, and sewed with needles without thread. At
last they announced: "The emperor's new clothes are ready!"
Together with his courtiers, the emperor came. The swindlers lifted their arms as if they
were holding something in their hands, and said, "These are the trousers. This is the robe,
and here is the train. They are all as light as if they were made of spider webs! It will be
as if Your Majesty had almost nothing on, but that is their special virtue."
"Oh yes," breathed all the courtiers; but they saw nothing, for there was nothing to be
"Will Your Imperial Majesty be so gracious as to take off your clothes?" asked the
swindlers. "Over there by the big mirror, we shall help you put your new ones on."
The emperor did as he was told; and the swindlers acted as if they were dressing him in
the clothes they should have made. Finally they tied around his waist the long train which
two of his most noble courtiers were to carry.
The emperor stood in front of the mirror admiring the clothes he couldn't see.
"Oh, how they suit you! A perfect fit!" everyone exclaimed. "What colours! What
patterns! The new clothes are magnificent!"
"The crimson canopy, under which Your Imperial Majesty is to walk, is waiting
outside," said the imperial master of court ceremony.
"Well, I am dressed. Aren't my clothes becoming?" The emperor turned around once
more in front of the mirror, pretending to study his finery.
The two gentlemen of the imperial bedchamber fumbled on the floor trying to find the
train which they were supposed to carry. They didn't dare admit that they didn't see
anything, so they pretended to pick up the train and held their hands as if they were
carrying it.
The emperor walked in the procession under his crimson canopy. And all the people of
the town, who had lined the streets or were looking down from the windows, said that the
emperor's new clothes were beautiful. "What a magnificent robe! And the train! How
well the emperor's clothes suit him!"
None of them were willing to admit that they hadn't seen a thing; for if anyone did, then
he was either stupid or unfit for the job he held. Never before had the emperor's clothes
been such a success.
"But he doesn't have anything on!" cried a little child.
"Listen to the innocent one," said the proud father. And the people whispered among
each other and repeated what the child had said.
"He doesn't have anything on. There's a little child who says that he has nothing on."
"He has nothing on!" shouted all the people at last.
The emperor shivered, for he was certain that they were right; but he thought, "I must
bear it until the procession is over." And he walked even more proudly, and the two
gentlemen of the imperial bedchamber went on carrying the train that wasn't there.
Updates 01 13 2023
Dear One's,
Today I have posted an update to the following page. MILABS, Experiments & Psionics (Click link)
I also answer a couple questions from our collective.
They are questions about "the Guardian Races" and [the Matrix], from Marta and the "team of Galaxy Girl".
Q1. Who is your "Guardian Angel"?
A1. My Guardian Angel is, Arch Angel Ariel. She has always been my Guardian Angel, even when she was a fairy.
Q2. What other types of Guardians do you have?
Q3. Who are they?
A2-3. I have three other Guardians as listed below. plus, I have a "Special Guardian".
My Guardian Warrior = Saint Michael
My Guardian Advisor = Father Absolute
My Guardian Guard\Overseer = Sirus, aka Osirus, aka Chris Cornel
Like a Stone (Click link)
My Special Guardian = Saint Gabriel
Q4. What is the Matrix?
A4. The Matrix = A secret VRG [field structure]. Its template has been used to override the laws of attraction and vibration. The resulting [game field structure] has been acting as a "realm" of separation.
E. (expansion) We have been existing in a "creators virtual reality game", and its rules have been hacked and misdirected.
Peace and Love,
The One TracyVW (Tara)
Updates 01 11 2023
These Are the Days - Make it Real - Dance with us at The Gathering
Dear One's,
Things are speeding along now on our Ascension Path. All memories are available for ALL, one simply needs, with a quiet mind, to inquire within.
During the last 3 years I have experienced many temporary "walk-ins", and temporary "get aways" with Scott, Tommy and E. These get aways were necessary for us because our "lifetimes" together were complete "bliss" but were exchanged for lifetimes that were the exact opposite of blissful.
Each lifetime with all Scott's, Tommy's and E's we were successful in our achievement of the "Hieros Gamos", (click link) however there were other reasons in each instance that required us to "leave" these very happy lives, ending up in timelines in which we suffered "subconsciously" needing OUR OTHER HALVES!
But that's ALL-BEHIND US NOW, because "These Are the Days".
Never before and never since, I promise
Will the whole world be warm as this
And as you feel it
That you are blessed and lucky
It's true that you are touched by something
That will grow and bloom in you
When May is rushing over you with desire
To be part of the miracles you see in every hour
That you are blessed and lucky
It's true that you are touched by something
That will grow and bloom in you
These are the days
That you might fill with laughter
Until you break
These days you might feel a shaft of light
Make its way across your face
You'll know how it was meant to be
See the signs and know their meaning
It's true
Hear the signs and
Know they're speaking to you
To you
As I have mentioned in previous newsletters and blog updates, our planet has ascended fully into the Fifth Dimension of "awareness" of "experience".
All the one's that are still confused about this 3D hacked up experience have NOW been "HELD IN INTERIM" by me. They are, each one in their "stations of identity", currently on [Timeless Sleep]. All will receive their truths and will then exercise their free will.
Dear Interim One's.
As you are of my "soul group" subset "Immediate", I have acted as your steward and made this decision.
You ARE ELIGIBLE for the "Gathering" and I hope to see you there.
I WILL save a dance for YOU!
It is NOW time to "make it real", and some friends of ours (22 bands of the mothers plan) have created just the song of instruction for this process, which is the [materialization] of the [Mothers Paradigm].
The 5D Buddha worlds and the 7D - 9D - 10D cities of light.
Be grateful every day and NEVER give up.
Peace and Love,
Where did it get you, then your analyzing
Just do what feels right for you
Throw your dice take your chance
You will see it from the different angle
And you too can join the dance
Make it real not fantasy
Fantasy oooh yeah
Don't you know it could come true
Now's the time to set wheels turning
To open up your life for you
Make your choice don't be blind
Open up your mind and don't be trivial
There's a whole new world to find
Make it real not fantasy
Fantasy oooh yeah
Don't you know it could come true
Now's the time to set wheels turning
To open up your life for you
Throw your dice take your chance
You will see if from a different angle
And you too will join the dance
Make it real not fantasy
Make it real not fantasy
Fantasy oooh yeah.
Updates 01 09 2023
Today I invite you to view a new page, Hauntings and the Multi-Dimensional Starseed (Guardian Races) (Click link) because visits from "the Hat Man" are specific to those of "the Guardian races".
Updates are posted to the following page: 0010110 - WWG1WGA - Q - QAnon (Click link)
Updates 01 07 2023
Today i have posted updates and messages of song from my "disembodied kin". to the following page:
The Travelers\22 Bands of the [Mothers Plan] (Click link)
Yes, all 1,440 of them [1% of the 144,000] are with me.
I have posted an update to the following page: Mothership Memories, & Stories Remembered (Click link)
Updates & Messages 01 01 2023
Dear One's,
A message from one of the "22 Bands of the mother", Dio.
Dio, Invisible (Click link)
If your circle stays unbroken
Then you're a lucky man
'Cause it never, never, never has for me
In the palace of the virgin
Lies the chalice of the soul
And it's likely
You might find the answer there
She had thirteen years
Of teenage tears
Never a helping hand
She had fourteen more
Of rain before
She saw the sight of land
She was a photograph
Just ripped in half
A smile inside a frown
And then the light,
The answer right
Inside her coming down
He said
I can go away
I can leave here
I can be invisible
I go away
He was just eighteen
And in between
A lady and a man
His daddy's girl
In momma's world
That was when he ran
You know the word confused
Has been abused
But that's just what he was
And then the spark
Inside the dark
The answer came because
He said
You can go away
You can leave here
You can be be be be be
Be be be be be
Well I grew up quick
And I felt the kick
Of life upon a stage
So I bought the book
And then I took a fast look
At just the very last page
It was a single word
That I'd just heard
From the two that came before
The only way
To really stay
Is to walk right out the door
So I'll go away
I'm gonna leave here
I can be invisible
Go away again
I can go away
When I leave here
I can be invisible
I said
When I go away
Lord, you know it's right to leave here
So I just become invisible
I'm going away
Disappear before your eyes
You'll never touch me,
You'll never feel me,
You'll never see me again
Because I've just become unseen
Well I'm a photograph
That's been torn in half
We're only eighteen and we're in between
We need a helping hand
To the holy land
To be
To go away