Timelines, dimensions and Realms
Last Updated 05 17 2023
12 31 2022
From the Teaching of Buddha, Theory of Mind Only, Real state of things #2
The world, indeed, is like a dream and the treasures of the world are an alluring mirage. Like the apparent distances in a picture, things have no reality in themselves but are like heat haze.
Timeline = A timeline is the name given to a “parallel” within a dimension once it holds enough “weight” in probability (likelihood) to be considered a [probable parallel]. Otherwise, it remains a “parallel” as a [potential parallel], [improbable parallel] or [impossible parallel].
Alternate Timeline = A timeline that has split from "competing parallels", as there has been a major "event" of change from the other timelines that are the "competing parallels". This could be just about anything.
Dimension = A "holographic" structured area of "space" within or on a planet or docked space vehicle in which one can co-inside with other ones. Dimensions may contain "subsets" called "realms" which include structure field grids" and templates and may also include a "game field" structure and a game field template "grid".
To gain clarity and truth about “dimensions”, one needs only to consult “Dr Dimension”. (One needs only to call for him)
Example: My home = NOVA, Avalon, Tracy Island, ET Palace.
Realm = A “holographic structure” perceived by ones that [co-inside] within a [co-incidence]. The “structure” separates ones from other ones by “perception” within the same dimension.
Updates 05 17 2023 - Synchronicity
Hello Friend's,
Since our return from the "Fantom Realms of Inorganic Timelines" we have begun our "synchronicity". and one's have been experiencing much high strangeness all over the planet.
Due to merging timelines, many Mandella effects can be recognized.
Due to the successful completion of many [second chances] we have begun phase [memory merge].
Over the last couple weeks, a rapid and unstoppable [merging] of [probable parallels] with [timeline A] and [timeline B], thus creating [timeline c] has begun.
This is to say, Ascension Plan A + Ascension Plan B = Timeline C
Timeline C = The one path back to the "real time continuum", (the now moment).
What is "timeline C"?
Timeline C represents the manifestation of the new actualities and realities that are based of the conscious intensions of the light workers and Starseed's that are heart and mind connected while contributing consciously to the paradigm of the "new sovereign worlds" of 5D, 7D and above.
In other words, in this universe, (the universe of stars), all are now one's of the ALL.
Timeline C is also the "hub" of paths that present the one's with choices of free will.
Probable parallel within timeline C = The "winning" timeline for the "Great Gathering" and existence in 7D and higher "Dimensional Realms of Existence". Note, these one's are able to visit the one's in the new 5D cities of light.
Alternate parallels within timeline C = The free will choices of human's and earthlings seeking ascension and/or experiences in 5D.
*Note, the "finite curve" provides the primary blueprint for the new 5D worlds.
How to Pick the Correct Timeline.
03 20 2022 How to pick the correct [Parallel\Realm] on *the ONE Timeline
Dear Ones, *The ONE Timeline = Timeline A+B combined
I AM Ishtar (Traci\Tracy + IsIs\MaaT = Ishtar). I AM Incredibly BLESSED. I have returned here for YOU and for MYSELF.
(Myself = TracyVW)
We are on the DOWNSIDE of the most challenging [EVENT] of all time and space. Of all existence in fact. That YOU are still here
(on planet) is an incredible testament to your strength and resolve. Thank you ALL for your service to OUR planet!
I as Ishtar\TracyVW have been relieved of some of the “energetic burden” that has been a part of my role as your Mother Earth.
This is because my mother Nefertiti\Betty has returned to assist, and she shares with me the responsibility of supplying prana energy to those of the ALL that remain asleep.
The “vampirism” that had me [bound] and [attached] or “plugged in” as the source for ALL the Dark that hide\hid here in the lower realms from THEMSELVES for approaching 500,000 years now, is finally and PERMANENTLY over.
There is NO MOMENTUM to “fret” about.
THANK YOU, Vladimir Puttin! AKA Grandpa Anderson!
Those who wander
The most interesting and applicable fact of this matter is that *those who wander” or *those most confused” have received their truths and are working with one’s of the all to help the other one’s to receive their truths as well.
*Those = The fallen NOT FALLEN Angelics, such as Saint Michael, Saint Uriel and Saint Gabriel etc.
It is only yesterday that I realize “MY” real or the ONE Grandpa Ed who is also the Absolute Father is\was Saint Gabriel of the “Realms of Angelica”(hence, he was bound via SRA to the San Gabriel Valley of Southern California) .
It is with this realization that some other questions that I have had come flooding in with answers.
Such as the fact that my great grandmother Hazel Lenora, who was “dually Incarnated” with me, is\was Mary Magdalena as well as the Solar Feminine Melchizedek.
This in terms of “Earth Life” or “Body Life” makes my father, Harold aka Jesus’ aka Yeshua THE FATHER. (All have been played by more than 1 person) It also makes "the ONE" Real Grandpa Ed aka Yahweh, his own son. He is also the "Absolute Father".
“Mandela Effects” = assistance in identifying the desired timeline.
Stone Temple Pilots, Big Bang Baby (click link)
It is only yesterday that I realize the verse “orange crush mama, it’s a laugh, laugh, laugh”, is a [drop + prompt] for me to choose the [timeline] in which he and I drank Orange\Strawberry\grape Crush. I remember too, that sometimes we had Welches Orange\Strawberry\Grape sodas too.
I remember that my brother and I realized that in “our” parallel/realm Rocky Road Ice Cream was made with marshmallows, while in my maternal grandparents’ parallel\realm Pasadena, CA, (The City of Roses) Rocky Road ice cream did not have marshmallows. but rather peanut butter.
I recall that it was from within the latter mentioned parallel that I, in 5th grade wrote a letter to President Reagan about the upcoming assassination attempt. This leads to him surviving the attempt on his life, which enables him to be instrumental in bringing down the “Iron Curtain” or the Berlin Wall.
I visited him every night while he was hospitalized. I also brought the Secret Service agent who gave his own life to save the life of the president home to my dimension and parallel\realm and he was successful in merging with himself.
Oh yeah, I also “mind mapped” the entire dimension and its realm. Yes, I did this with the help and co-operation of Beelzebub, who is “MY” Brother!
For those who need stated, “the obvious”.
Both Scott’s that some thought were working with the “Dark Ones” were and ever shall be “loyal” to the light and to me, (TracyVW).
Yes, YOU were tricked and deceived by US ALL!
There is nothing left to cling to, and so you are evacuated. This is permanent and irreversible in every direction of infinity, without manipulation. And so it is. {STATIC} + {=-<>*8*} > ASCII
I will see you ALL at the gathering\party\hiatus\finish line etc. Call it what you want, just please make the choice to do so, or not.
Doing so is choosing the ‘timeline + dimension” that is the Enlightenment of the Ascended Master and the Grand Awakening and Ascension of mankind.
You know, the one in which no ONE is imprisoned, and there are no SMART METERS.
Be grateful every day and NEVER give up.
Peace and Love,
Scott, Tracy and E