The Looking Glass, the Yellow Cube & the Yellow Book
CC Newsletter 10 11 2021 – Understanding Each Other – The Looking Glass
10 11 2021 11 10 PM As I have said REPEATEDLY, I DO NOT CHANNEL.
Dear Ones,
Today I seek to clarify and perfect our communications. I DO NOT channel, this is very personal and has to do with overcoming the “Mind Control” AND TORTRURE PROGRAMS that I have been subjected to.
I have spent MANY YEARS just “Surviving”. Waiting for “My Time” to [RISE}. Alas the time has come.
The following message was sent as a [memory packet download], however it was received by the “Channel” as a channeled message. Thank you, Raisa for your DEVOTION and SERVICE to Mankind!
What a Breakthru, I AM THRILLED!
Message from ME, Children of the Light, A message from Gaia. (Click link)
AS I explained in my Book. Chapter XX The real Revelations, & a culmination of the Golden Age.
grandma's prediction both with the device [Looking Glass] and without the device were as follows.
Grandma was right when she said both with and without the “Looking Glass” technology device. “Mankind will awaken to their truths, dawning the Golden Age of Aquarius and the Ascension of Mankind”.
I heard this interpretation and offer the following as my view of the meaning of her words.
It was thought that, when using the “Looking Glass” Device, an individual’s tendency to be self-serving vs being in service to others greatly affected the outcome of the predicted results.
Here is what that means to me.
All individuals saw the outcome that will be their reality, as predicted by the device, and based largely on, an individual’s tendency to be self-serving vs being in service to others.
Now, I have viewed the same [potentials once again] and NOTHING has changed! I agree with these officials.
The Looking Glass & the Yellow Cube
Stone Sour - Through the Glass
This IS WHAT 0010110 is all about. As mentioned in my book Starseed we are QAnon.
Chapter XVII Not “My” Grandpa, 0010110, time & parallel travel
In the 1970’s my brother and I often spent weekends and summertime days at our Grandma Anderson’s house in Azusa, CA.
The following event happened many, many times but I only recall this occurring at Grandmas house and on Grandmas TV.
The kids programming, we are watching is interrupted with a rapid pulsing but also blinking light that explains something close to this,
We are your family, your true family of Star beings from beyond your Star Systems.
We have always been with you and we will always be with you. Your space is kept and we rejoice in the future knowledge of your return home amongst us your true star family.
In the same voice, and while displaying the numbers on the tv screen;
0010110 is your message from both your future and past.
0010110 will be your call to answer in service to mankind.
0010110 is after the year 2012 timelines.
0010110 is your call to rise in the year 2020 as an Eternal Omniversal Spiritual Being with a mission to assist mankind in freeing themselves from their enslaved and sleeping state.
When this transmission ended, there were times that an internal panic process of thoughts would start flying through my mind like;
What if I don’t remember the code?
What if I don’t “grow enough” by then?
What if I am too old by then?
What is old?
What is time?
What is nothing?
Then I would leave my body and hold “time and space” hostage until I received assurance from, the grandpa of “origin love” signature.
Cousins Align, plans are made.
Ozzy Osbourne, The Blizzard of Oz = The FIRST album I ever bought!
Ozzy Osbourne, Mother Earth Revelations. (cntrl + click).
Be grateful every day and NEVER give up!
Peace and Love,
Mother of ALL

01 29 2022 02 34 PM [Folded] ALL = Fantom\Inorganic Timelines
Dear One’s,
Today I am writing you ALL with some excellent news. We have successfully restored the [Organic Timelines].
What does this mean?
It means that we have “extracted” those that were “lost” within “fantom realms” and successfully folded the “inorganic timelines” that had been created by those using the “Yellow Cube” device.
There is NO MORE [Yellow Book] for this or any other “Galaxy”. The fantom timelines and ALL their related “parallels” have been [Folded] and the Book exists NOMORE! As explained in CC Newsletter 08 21 2021 Once Lost in the Matrix Twice at Home. Local agents were changing my “local” perceived reality daily.
Below is what can happen when a mathematical error is made during the “mapping” process. Like (Philadelphia Experiment!)
THANK YOU, TEMPLATE MASTERS for your work in 2006 in Escondido, CA. I’d be [LOST] with out you! Literally! THANK YOU.
Dimensional Displacement of the Holographic Field Structure + Math ERROR = No ENTRANCE\EXIT to\from the Land of the Lost! = As show below!
Despite the above, my Cherished ANCIENT (older than me!) friend, Enik is finally HOME from “The Land of the Lost”.
This is my HAPPIEST of Earth days so far!
Thank you ground crew for bringing MY Beloved friend HOME!
Hypnotized = No Free Will = NO FAULT,
We LOVE and MISS YOU so MUCH! Hatsu
03 15 2022 Practical\Logical explanation of the Physical Ascension by TracyVW
Ascension = Timeline and Dimension Merge of Extension Timelines
How do we meet at the “place” in which all approved paths lead?
1. Via correction of the location perception via the [Yellow Cube]
{Log of location displacement}.
2. Via [reverse execution] of the [relational map], applicable to [timeline C-1257]
DDHFS = Dimensional Displacement of the Holographic Field Structure. (below)
Those of [category] Lost Spirit have been [SEPERATED] from the structures in which they were [FUSED].
This makes this day, THE BEST DAY OF ALL MY LIVES!
THANK YOU, Amy Allan of the Dead Files!
Fused Spirit aka Fallen NOT FALLEN Angelic!
It’s TIME for Ascension!
Be grateful every day and NEVER give up.
Peace and Love,
The ONE TracyVW, Saint Scott and Saint Michael