Failsafe evacuation of the ones caught in "the Grand Illusion"

Updates 04 27 2023 & 04 03 2022


04 03 2022 The Grand Illusion, It’s TIME to Pull Back the Curtain 

Dear One’s 

Welcome to the show. It is, however, time to WAKE UP! At which time you will see that despite appearances, these are THE BEST OF TIMES! 

This is because this is\was & ever shall be the times of prelude to The Golden Age of Man and the dawning of Aquarius. 

Aquarius is the “vortex of passage” to the Galaxy of the Golden Rose!  

Once again, I welcome you, because if you are reading, hearing or otherwise aware of this message, you are of those being GIFTED with the, [YOUR] key to “The Enlightened Buddha Platforms of Creation”. 

 Congratulations Child of the Sun! You are a SOLAR BEING, one of light and of love.  

You are appreciated and LOVED IMMENSELY. 


My Kin = EVERY species, EVERY race, It IS just a GRAND ILLUSION


When I thought about my maternal family line, it was very hard to imagine that they were those of the Global Elite, Cabal, New World Order, Olde Word Order, Free Mason, Bilderberg, Deep State or any of the other “Secret Sects” hidden in plain sight in our societies.

Then I would question, did they all have NO actual talent or skill while “holding” all the positions of importance or stature? I NOW realize no; they were no less\no more talented than the ALL.

ANY of the ALL could hold such positions as well. WE ARE ALL the SAME!

THE GRAND ILLUSION has been that we DID NOT come here to have careers or jobs.

We came here to experience harmony, joy and love. These are the SPECIAL “traits” and experiences of which we all sought\seek.

Simple sustainment, (take what is needed, pass the rest along) and living experiences of FUN and the JOY of LOVE is what we came to experience.

I cannot “work” my way to the 9th Dimension. (My favorite home)

Updates 01 22 2023


Dear One's,


Today I share some excellent information with you. 

We have achieved the necessary "majority of being" we were seeking in order to execute the failsafe evacuation of the ones I have come for.

I as the creator (programmer) of simulation, Earth the Physical experience have come here among you to devise a plan and execute the recovery and rehabilitation of the "star beings" &/or the "angelic beings" as well as the evacuation and rehabilitation of mankind or Earthling.

In order to achieve this, while also allowing the free will of each of the one's, we sought alliances with versions and phases of each of the ones trapped in the 3D illusion. Once a version from a parallel or a phase of the identity was recruited back to the light, they typically merged and sought out still other phases and/or version for the same purpose.

Once we had a "majority" of the being recruited and aware of their own truths, they can then make the decision to recover and/or evacuate the remaining phases of the one identity.

We are assisted by an ever and constantly increasing number of Entities, Beings and Life Forms from within and throughout this planet and Star System. All of whom exist NOW in HARMONIZED UNITY, as Cosmic Sovereign Citizens.

All beings, while having a “Temporary Human Experience” on [Earth] are “Human Beings”.

All “beings” that do not successfully “Ascend” or “Complete contract Experience”, go through an “experience Death”, followed by the default. push process, “At Rest”. In what was the [4D platform].

There as a “spirit”, they view they’re experience. Then learn from and plan their “re-birth” into the system with a new, modified and updated plan for Ascension.

All physical “beings” upon returning or reincarnating within the Temporary Human Experience” on [Earth] AND AFTER ACHIEVING SUCCESSFUL ASCENSION, are “termed” with their corresponding subtitle, “Seed”. (EXAMPLE: “Star seed” and “Earth seed”) and can have some/any/all characteristics of, “Light Workers”, “Angels”, “Fairies” etc.

All “beings” are “co-creators” and create within the “world system”. As a “being” of “the creator” have equal and sovereign free will, and these are of their “God Given Rights” and are from the “Universal Laws of God”.

This is a “progression” that leads to a “reincarnation level” of [Ascended Master], that upon completion result in the, [privileged escalation] of [creator rights] that are {ASCENDED MASTER-ADMINISTRATOR-CREATOR}.


There are TWO exceptions.

Progression of which are.





As the “Creator” of, what is now [Earth, 3D/4D], which is within the “Milky Way Galaxy”, I am {ASCENDED MASTER-CREATOR-PRIMARY}-[GALACTIC]

That which is within my “Fathers” (AND YOUR FATHER) creation, “Universe”,


There is ONE absolution.

Progression of which is.






BECAUSE, death is NOT REAL, but IMPRISONMENT within an ILLUSION of enslavement is.

As, it has caused the delusion that ultimately, led to the “All” attempting self-destruction of the “ONE”.

As such, WE are here, among “THE ALL” and are “ONE”.

Welcome To Our Grand Ascension for ALL.

We have successfully built, a [fail-safe] rescue/evacuation platform above what had been corrupted and created what I have “termed” the [4D-Astral] Split. Now cleared of the ones that are of the ALL and had been lost in the delusion of illusion,



Also available at the platform, are 5D-9D Gateway and Hub Cities, as well as “experiences” of “10D and beyond”, that are not describable here in “written-human-language”.

12 09 2020 NOTE: Aurora was a HONEY POT, and it worked.

Honey Pot = An enticing set trap.

Peace and Love,

The One TracyVW and Galactic Light Confederation

An excerpt from my book. My 1st Book, I am the One

Part II - Exercise Two - The Watchers and the Fallen


Why did Grandpa and I leave again? (2019)

I was trapped in this system, with no chance of exit, due to an UNKNOWN of Infiltration/corruption/control.

This was not the same thing as locked in the 3D (reincarnation trap) after death, I was vanishing from existence, this was happening after Soul Purpose completion. This occurred in 2007, as it had in 1997 and 2017.

However, in 2017, the process was witnessed by (Past/origin love) Akhenaten. (Grandpa to me Hatshepsut/All Tracy’s).


Working together, BRIEFLY described below.

TracyVW @3D Exit Gate + MY Grandpa 1947 @3D Exit Gate (Watching)

Akhenaten @3D Entrance Gate – Bridge to Platform (watching)

Ashtar (0010110) @5D Entry Platform/5D Unity Ranch (watching).

The team witnessed that upon presenting at the exit gate and after the identification of past life identity “Our Lady of Guadalupe” my avatar collapsed into a pile of mush that was immediately sucked into “nothing” followed by “My Grandpa 1947”.

On the other side the exit gate, presented “TracyVW” missing all ascension progress from approximately 2008-2017 (Stripped a phase that had been merged).

The Group that remained, began traveling throughout parallels, looking for versions and phases of our identities to help plan and execute a rescue from the system.

This proved extremely difficult and led to the formation of the Galactic Federation (of light), and the recruitment of “other selves” back to the light.

This recruitment spanned across 3D parallels and timelines, into other realms, as well as parallels within the 2D (Hell/Underworld) and throughout the 4D-astral realm.

The team of fugitives that included versions of us, that were considered “negative or dark”, planned and executed the extraction of “TracyVW” and “My Grandpa 1947” from the “AI-VR Platform (Dream w/in the Dream), and was successful in uniting our identities across all phases, all Dimensions (up to the “God Worlds) across all time and working TOGETHER simultaneously.

Let go of "time", as it is only an illusion.

Peace and Love,

Tracy & Scott

Styx, the Grand Illusion


Welcome to the grand illusion
Come on in and see whats happening
Pay the price get your tickets for the show
The stage is set the band starts playing
Suddenly your heart is pounding
You're wishing secretly you were a star
But don't be fooled by the radio
The TV or the magazines
They show you photographs on how your life should be
But there just someone else's fantasies
So if you think your life is complete confusion
'Cause you never win the game
Just remember that well it's a grand illusion
And deep inside we're all the same, we're all the same
So if you think your life is complete confusion
'Cause you're neighbor's got it made
Just remember that well it's a grand illusion
And deep inside we're all the same
America spells competition
Join us in our blind ambition.
Get yourself a brand new motor car
But some day soon, we'll stop to ponder
What on earth's this spell we're under
We made the grade and still we wonder who the hell we are