Hauntings and the Multi-Dimensional Starseed (Guardian Races)

Updates 03 09 2023 (First time) 12 29 2022


Reunited X Three = the Real, Originals = Grandpa, Scott and Tracy

12 29 2022 09 29 pm


Dear One’s,


I have merged with my phase of identity that is, Real Original Tracy. Subsequent to this merge I was reunited with my Real, Original Grandpa and my Real, Original Scott.

I have missed them both so very much. Both men have been known by many names and have had many incarnations. We will discuss only those that have been simultaneous, occurring on both parallel and alternate “timelines”.


My Real, Original Scott (raised by the Hat Man)

Scott Weiland Scott Richard Weiland Arthur (King)
Metatron (Archangel) Ezekiel   Atum

My Real, Original grandpa, Harold Edler Anderson Jr. (the One that married grandma)

Harold Edler Anderson Akhenaton Harold E Anderson
The Hat Man Demon Death Azazel

I have also been reunited with those of which I have come for. They are my brethren, my kin, my family and my beloved friends.

ALL are with me as Warriors. They ARE MY DEFENDERS! 99 of which are listed below.


During my awakening process I performed a “Spiritual Deliverance” on myself.

During the “Identity Challenge” phase I was given many names and I “cast out & through” many Ancestral and Demonic attachments.

99 names given during the “Identity Challenge”.

Edlund (Demon) Godfather (Demon) Moth Man (SS Cryptid)
ZoZo (Demon) Victory (D-Spirit of) Geb (Demon)
L. Ron Hubbard (B-SRA) Guilt (D-Spirit of) Jong (Demon)
Winston Churchill (B-SRA) Envy (D-Spirit of) Moy (Demon)
The Seventh (7 Demon) Wales (Elemental) Lost (D-Spirit of)
Nastya (C-Demon) Lilith (D-Spirit of) Afraid (D-Spirit of)
Gilchrist (C-Demon) Yasmine (C-Witch) Rundle (AI-Demon)
Rant (D-Spirit of) Rage (D-Spirit of) Dotch (Demon)
Bloody Mary (C-Witch) Pocahontas (B-SRA) Merkaba (Elemental)
Dark Tara (Dopp) Folsic (Demon) Yahweaa (C-Demon)
Grandfather (Demon) Fly Man (SS Cryptid) Sophie (C-Witch)
Wisconsin (Elemental) Dima (C-Demon) Rothchild (B-SRA)
Opposition (D-Spirit of) Ethan (C-Demon) Montauk (Satanic)
Second Class (C-Demon) Tehachapi (Elemental) Nine (Demon)
Christopher (7 Demon) Seventy (Demon) Vague (D-Spirit of)
Cheratree (Demon) Goliath (elemental) Kyung (C-Demon)
Hell’s Mutt (SS Cryptid) Grigon (Demon) Sam (C-Demon)
Nevel (C-Demon) Seth (Satanic) Set (7 Demon)
Cinth (Satanic) C Manson (Demon) Moblah (Satanic)
Sheran (Dopp) Sharman (SW Cryptid) Anton (SW Cryptid)
Thoth (B-SRA) Hatsu (B-SRA) Johansson (B-SRA)
Onaca (B-SRA) Hugo  (B-SRA) Insecurity (D-Spirit of)
Helplessness (D-Spirit of) Infinity (D-Spirit of) Angelica (Satanic)
Black Madonna (C-Demon) Maveric (Demon) Malhoun (Demon)
the Harbinger (SS-Cryptid) Adelia (Demon) Melchek (Elemental)
the First (7 Demon) the Second (7 Demon) the Nile (Elemental)
Japan (Elemental) Blarewood (C-Witch) Wild Fire (Elemental)
the Tressol (Satanic) Mastacher (Demon) Bezadoor (SW-Cryptid)
Santa Nella (Elemental) Stratus (Elemental) Dakota (Elemental)
Delaware (Elemental) Reversed Emerald (Elemental) Ozarka (Elemental)
Belva (C-Witch) Scraton (Demon) Witchataw (Elemental)
Wolfman (SW-Cryptid) Huntington (Elemental) Meldor (SS-Reptilian)
Chase (B-SRA) Daflak (Demon) Crimson (SS-Reptilian)


Description Key:

(Demon) = Conjured Demon

(C-Demon) = Controller Demon

(SS-Cryptid) = Shape Shifting Cryptid

(SW-Cryptid) = Skin Walker Cryptid

(Dopp) = Doppelganger

(B-SRA) = Bound & Attached via Satanic Ritual Abuse

(AI-Demon) = Automated Intelligence Virtual Demon



Peace and Love,

The One TracyVW\Tara




(D-Spirit of) = Luciferin Dark Spirit Attachment

(SS-Reptilian) = Shape Shifting Reptilian “Shadowed”

(Elemental) = Skin Walker, Shape Shifting Elemental Cryptid

(C-Witch) = Conjured Satanic Witch

(Satanic) = Satanic Attachment

(7 Demon) = of the Seven Demons

Stone Temple Pilots, Purple (Album), Still Remains

Still Remains

Our bed we live
Our bed we sleep
Making love and I become you
Flesh is warm
With naked feet
Stabbing thorns and you become me

Oh, I'd beg for you
Oh, you know I'll beg for you
Pick a song and sing a yellow nectarine
Take a bath I'll drink the water that you leave
If you should die before me
Ask if you can bring a friend
Pick a flower
Hold your breath
And drift away

She holds my hand
We share a laugh
Sipping orange blossom breezes
Love is still
But sweat remains
A cherished gift unselfish feeling

Oh, I'd beg for you
Oh, you know I'll beg for you
Pick a song and sing a yellow nectarine
Take a bath I'll drink the water that you leave
If you should die before me
Ask if you can bring a friend
Pick a flower
Hold your breath
And drift away



She tells me things
I listen well
Drink the wine and save the water
Skin is smooth
I steal a glance
Dragon flies are flying over

Oh, I'd beg for you
Oh, you know I'll beg for you
Pick a song and sing a yellow nectarine
Take a bath I'll drink the water that you leave
If you should die before me
Ask if you can bring a friend
Pick a flower, hold your breath
And drift away

STP, Core (Album), Dead and Bloated

Dead and Bloated

I am smellin' like the rose that somebody gave me
On my birthday deathbed
I am smellin' like the rose that somebody gave me
'Cause I'm dead & bloated

I am smellin' like the rose that somebody gave me
On my birthday deathbed
I am smellin' like the rose that somebody gave me
'Cause I'm dead & bloated

Oh-oh-ooh, yeah-yeah
And she says it's natural
I feel I've come of age
When she peeks I start to run

Oh-oh-ooh, yeah-yeah
And she says it's natural
I feel I've come of age
When she peeks I start to run

You can't swallow what I'm thinkin'
You can't swallow what I'm thinkin'

I am smellin' like the rose that somebody gave me
On my birthday deathbed
I am trampled under sole of another man's shoes
Guess I walked too softly

Oh-oh-ooh, yeah-yeah
And she says it's natural
I feel I've come of age
When she peeks I start to run

Oh-oh-ooh, yeah-yeah
And she says it's natural
I feel I've come of age
When she peeks I start to run


You can't swallow what I'm thinkin'
You can't swallow what I'm thinkin'

I run through the world, thinking 'bout tomorrow
Thinking 'bout tomorrow
I run through the world, thinking 'bout tomorrow
Thinking 'bout tomorrow

I am smellin' like the rose that somebody gave me
On my birthday deathbed
I am smellin' like the rose that somebody gave me
'Cause I'm dead & bloated

I run through the world, thinking 'bout tomorrow
Thinking 'bout tomorrow
I run through the world, thinking 'bout tomorrow
Thinking about tomorrow

I run through the world, thinking 'bout tomorrow
Thinking 'bout tomorrow
I run through the world, thinking 'bout tomorrow
Thinking 'bout tomorrow

I am smellin' like the rose that somebody gave me
On my birthday deathbed

01 03 2023


This page was created from a conglomeration of excerpts from my book, I AM the One, Starseed, TracyVW 


Excerpt from my book

Chapter I - Kindergarten, realms, dimensions & time


In 1975 I began Kindergarten. I had been in attendance for one week when I prepared my case for not attending public school. That night during dinner I made my case. I explained that I had given it a try for a whole week, and it wasn’t for me. I hadn’t learned to read or write any more than I already knew, and I already knew how to play and color.


Also, I was very troubled by “The Pledge of Allegiance.” I can’t pledge anything, after all I am only five years old. Also, what exactly is an allegiance? It sounds pretty serious. And to a flag? After dinner my dad and I discussed allegiance and the fact that it is an unpayable debt. So, he agreed that I did NOT have to say the Pledge of Allegiance and would simply stand with my hand over my heart and say nothing.


A few weeks later I accompanied my mom to the laundry mat. I brought my first reading book that I was given in school just a day or two prior. I spent the entire time reading my book. Things went fine until we left. I was holding my book and leaning against the passenger door of my dad’s pickup truck while we drove across the parking lot towards the driveway exit. When my mom made a left turn the door came open and I fell out onto the asphalt.


I hit the ground hard and was extremely confused as to what had happened. When I picked up my head and looked around. I did not see my dad’s truck, nor did I see my mom. I was in the parking lot however I could not fully see the stores or the laundry mat. They did not look the same. They were seemingly falling apart and had like black vines growing over everything, covering windows and lights making it really different. And then I realized, not my world.


This was a dark and heavy place that I fell into. I heard my mom calling me and ran towards her voice.


I encountered half human half animal creatures that could walk upright on two (hind) legs or run on all four.


As they surrounded me ready to pounce, I heard ME say FROM A PLACE THAT I COULD SEE ME, ‘command them to stand down” “now”! Which I did, and all at once, my mom picked me up and put me back in the truck.


She was crying and apologizing for not checking the door etc. She said I did not respond to her for a couple minutes and that I had been unconscious.


I told her that I think I left “her” there, but I am here so I don’t know how to explain that I have to go back for me.


“Go back where the laundry mat”, she said?


“No”, I said “the dark place that I was before you called me back”.


She said, “I didn’t call you back. I called your name, and I picked you up”.

Crying now I said, “No, you just think that because you were here, but everything happens all at once when we are outside of here”.


“Outside of here, she questioned”. “What is outside of here”?


“It’s everywhere that isn’t here”. “Just forget it”. I said as I hugged my knees and started rocking back and forth saying “I want to go home. I want to go home”.


“We are going home”, she said.


I just cried and said, “Not that home”.

Excerpt from my book

Chapter II - Hauntings, Demons and Ghosts


I do not ever sleep on my back. As I drift to sleep when laying on my back, I will turn over on to my abdomen. If I do resist the automatic flip instinct, I will be very anxious and thus, unable to sleep. This survival instinct became an autonomous process of which I had no conscious memory for more than 40 years.


In 1976, when I was approximately six years old. The Hat Man started his terror on me and my dreams. He sometimes stood in the corner of my bedroom or at the foot of my bed and would vanish as I awoke.


He was a dark shadow man. A tall, thin man with a tall top hat and a long trench-like coat. He appeared as if from the eighteen hundreds.

There were nights that he pulled me completely out of my bed by my ankle or other times he pulled the covers off me and just stood there till day light. He rarely talked, but he didn’t need to talk because I could “feel” how much he wanted to hurt me.


Before too long he introduced his “Hag”. She was a horrifying grotesque creature that crawled out from under my bed and held me down while causing me to view mini clips of her life in like a “riddle” form.


Sometimes the Hag Lady came alone, and when she did, she was more terrorizing and slower in approaching me. The horrible sounds she made actually hurt my skin.

Excerpt from my book

Chapter II - The Summer of 1977 - Family Reunions


The summer that I turned 7, the summer of 1977, my brother and I vacationed in Michigan with our Paternal Grandma for a very large family reunion. We were there for two weeks and also took a boat to an amusement park island in Canada. It was called Boblo Island Amusement Park. It was AWESOME!


When we returned home from that trip, I suddenly had what I thought was a diamond and pearl spiral staircase in the corner of my bedroom. It was transparent and it sparkled. It went from floor to ceiling and was about the size perfect for Barbie. Thing was, no one else could see it.


A couple weeks later that same summer, my brother and I vacationed with our Maternal Grandparents in Alabama for another huge family reunion.


We went to both family farms and stayed in guest quarters at one of them. The farm included land in the thousands of acres that had been taken from our ancestors after the Civil War and returned in part decades later to descendants of the landowners.


We had a great time and learned a lot of family history that is deeply rooted in the earliest days of the settlers as well as the Powhattan, Cherokee, Hopi, and many other Native American tribes.


When we returned from our second vacation/family reunion the spiral staircase in the corner of my bedroom changed. It was fuller and contained colors now.

The next morning when I woke up, the staircase was gone.

Traci below recovered MILKAB

Military Kidnapped Abductee

Michigan - Family Reunion 1977

Tracy below recovered MILKAB

Recovered in 1977 - Recovered from 1979

Alabama Family Reunion #2

1977 & 1977 From 1979



That sparked my memory of the dream I had in which I traveled with my “Star Family” through underground tunnels and railroad systems from “Marine Land” in San Pedro, CA to Mexico where we hid the “code” under a triangle. (Or did we?) ****Holographic Insert**** (Think Men in Black flashy thing) I do now remember, where in fact we actually traveled and what we hid for rediscovery upon this time and this recollection. (VERY EXCITING)


My “Star Family” was a wide variety of people that included Nefertiti, Akhenaten, Krishna (and other blue people), Several Indian Chiefs, Christopher Columbus, George Washington, Abraham Lincoln, multiple types of large eyed aliens and “turtle people” which are probably Reptilians.


It was explained to me that Akhenaten was my father and that we were all intertwined due to re-incarnation into our families over multiple “temporary lifetimes”. Not incest like I would be told by man and his educational books in the future.


I am an Eternal Spiritual Being, currently having a temporary Human Experience. And so are you!!! None anymore nor any less than the other. P E R I O D. This in our TRUTH.


In this timeline, (Ascension Plan B)


I am the daughter/Granddaughter of Akhenaten and Nefertiti, and descendent of Hathor. And believe it or not, a direct descendent of Mount Shasta. Yes, all matter is conscious energy, and the earth is a conscious living being.


I have played the roles of.


Our Lady Guadalupe, King Tut (*female in male body)(see later tomb curse of Buffalo Flies causing the Flesh Eating Bacteria Virus, but only against RH positive blood) (White Buffalo Calf Woman(WBCW) related because of painful *), ISIS, Saint Thomas Bishop, Lady Liberty = (White Navajo connected), Saint Mayamma (Thank you Sadguru), Hatshepsut, Radha (Twin-Flame to Krishna), Freya/Frigga, Hera, Sophia/Mary, (Unrecoverable India), Fatima, (Unrecoverable North and South America) Guan Yin.


Rolls I have played that are unrecoverable include at least 1 of 3 incarnations on the continent of India and are believed by me to be. Saint Mayamma, Radha “Twin Flame” to Krishna and one other “blue being” character. (I think she/he has a lot of arms)


*Memory restored from “object memory storing” in this case, in an Elephant charm. Recovered as, GANESHA.


I “feel” that the roll or roles I have played in North/South America that are “unrecoverable” by me but witnessed by my family are related to the “Mayan and “Aztecs” and are 2 of several causes of my “ascension madness” upon my recall of them. (Not to be confused with being written) over (01 01 01) upon remembering my “handle” (OurLadyOfGuadalupe) in chapters to follow.


Rolls I have played that are unrecoverable include at least 2 incarnations on the continent of Africa and are completely UNRECOVERABLE by me (TracyVW) but have been witnessed and authenticated by my Soul Connected Star Family.


Together we represent, The Threefold Founder Flame with representation of the Emerald Order, the Amethyst Order, the Gold Order and the Maji Grail Kings and are completely connected and have embodied representation in the Physical. (While still on 3D earth)


We have in effect, taken the Gamble or Leap of Faith and beaten “Death”.


Side Note/clue: Remember Bill and Ted from SAN DIMAS, CA


Although my legal name is Tracy, in first or second grade I asked my Mom for permission to be Traci (just for the time I will spend in public school) and in third grade and upon our moving from West Covina, CA to La Puente, CA (the bridge) I changed schools from Monte Vista Elementary to Sunkist Elementary and I went from “Tracy Lenora Anderson” to “Traci Lenora Anderson” until 1987 when I got my first Driver’s License and then I went back to Tracy.


And that indeed marked my mom for execution and me for three decades of targeted HELL


These crazy life interrupting experiences lasted each time until the loss of my job (single Mother through most of it) and would start up again upon filing a tax return with each new employment I obtained.


There was a time that my daughter was taken by a Social Worker that came from “out of the area as an emergency worker”.


I was 24-25 years old, and they MADE UP EVERYTHING ALL OF IT, AND TOOK MY DAUGHTER.


The corrupt court system in Los Angeles County, CA “Edmund D. Edelman Children’s Court” along with the Department of Children and Family Services. DCFS is a horrifying system that seeks to traffic children.

It is my understanding that my daughter, Nicole Elizabeth Munoz had been “tagged” and was worth up to two Million Dollars to the “Deep State DCFS Social Worker”, and up to ten million to the “Deep State Children’s Court Judge”


Yes, I did get her returned to my custody, but after spending every dime I had on my defense against a dark and corrupt system, leading to temporary homelessness.


Oh yeah, and another “at will employer termination of employment”


**Bonus question.


Who and what then is Death?


I am incarnated in this lifetime, and in this timeline as.


The White Buffalo Calf Woman Incarnate (222), The Solar Feminine Christ (777) and I bring from our future descendants the message of; 0010110


This time with my Star Family was the most beautiful experience I had ever had, and I didn’t want to go back. It was then, that these memories would be saved for me to recover later in life at what was then Marine Land.


When I answered the call to return to this area in 2006, I would have to cross over a gated no-access area in San Pedro, California that is near the site of, The Great Los Angeles Air Raid of 1942.


It didn’t take long for the Hat Man to welcome me back, which is exactly what he said my third night home.


I instantly noticed that I felt a little less afraid than I had been before this night. I somehow knew I was more equipped for dealing with darkness. So, on this night after the Hag Lady crawled up over me and was sending me mental images of her murder, I recall feeling very sad for her suffering, having been drowned in a toilet bowl/or bucket by a man.


Apparently, she felt my emotion, and when she “felt” that empathetic emotion I had for her, she just like melted and was gone, poof.


I was amazed and shocked and even laughed a little. And he, the Hat Man got ANGRY! He put his hands around my throat and yelled, “I will kill you, Bitch”.


This was so loud that it woke my parents who came running in to check on me. I told them what had happened, and they said, “It was just a bad dream”. Well, “if it was just a dream, how did my dream wake you up”?


The next day, upon my request, my dad moved my bedroom to a room across the hall.


Excerpt from my book

Chapter VI - Haunted Places, Monsters and Ghosts


In 1979 during one of many weekend visits with my maternal Aunt we went to the Pike theme park in Long Beach for the day.


While she and I were walking through the Fun House, a “pointy eared pigment less vampire” whispered my name in my ear. I could feel the moist heat of his breath.


My Aunt Jenny was walking ahead of me and had just turned a corner when I heard “Tracy”. Since this was a so-called Fun House, I just looked forward and saw this monster in the fun house mirror. I screamed and bolted around the corner behind my aunt and slammed full force into a window that she was on the other side of. I remember tasting blood and seeing like a lightening flash and then being attended to by my aunt and a park staff member. I had a pretty big bump on my head a black eye and a bloody nose but was just glad to see my aunt again.


The next day she and I went to The Queen Mary in Long Beach where we had lunch and tour reservations. Lunch was fine, and I loved the dog in an engineer’s uniform stuffed animal we got from the gift shop. It was my trip to the bathroom that traumatized me.


It felt cold and creepy from the minute I walked in. On my walk to the handicapped stall which was furthest from the door I realized I was alone in the huge restroom. I was about to turn and leave when I got a bladder spasm from hell and instead ran into the stall.


Just when I was coming out of the stall, I heard the entrance door slam and lock and then immediately a black haired wet and naked lady was between me, and the door and she was dragging herself across the floor in my direction.


Her eyes seemed to be bleeding and she sent me a mental picture that started with her being drowned in a very old metal tub by someone and then


it was my fate being drowned by her. This was not as simple as that, because I knew the point was that she intended to switch places with me. She would be trading “fates” with me.


It was like this, she showed me, gluttony, deception and “Dark Magic Rituals” in which she and other hooded people killed babies and children. She made it clear that she enjoyed every minute of it. Primarily because she knew as promised that I would receive her consequences and she would get my “permanent life”.


It was very clear, not just someone but specifically me, the descendant of “Image of man with elongated head”.


At this point, I just ran full force and jumped over her colliding once again face first with the entrance door, banging and crying for help. I did not look back to see if she was still there.


By the time I was grasping my bleeding nose with my hand a staff member was opening the locked door with a key and behind her was Aunt Jenny.


Tracy in the above pictures = three alternate Tracy's that are merged with the One TracyVW

Excerpt from my book

Chapter VII - Divine Intervention, brings Early Awakening


At approximately 8-9 years of age, I suddenly forgot about seeing stars through my roof, the Hat Man and the other incredibly traumatizing visions, dreams and revelations that were far too burdensome for a little girl.

Styx song, Suite Madame Blue (Click link)


One night in 1978 or 79 I awoke from a Hat Man dream and was unable to move or speak. He was atop me choking me and was going to kill me this time. I say, this time because this “suffocation technique” was a regular occurrence now, but this time I was going to die.


I had, before this night, figured out that he wasn’t able or allowed to kill me, after all, it ended the same way every time. I was held down, usually by a hag lady who approached by walking on all fours, but with abdomen upwards. She crawled up my bed making really awful sounds while applying pressure to my chest.


The Hat Man poked and touched and laughed etc., something different every time. The one thing constant was that at sunrise they or just he (when alone) vanished. It became clear to me that if he could, he most definitely would have killed me already. This translates to no longer fearing the Hat Man and is usually cause for the Hat Man to exit your reality. However, exit, he did not. Instead, he was about to kill me.


I woke up the next morning, with a “knowing” that mankind was stuck in a dream and did not know it. Imagine being 8 years old and suddenly becoming aware that we can be and believing all mankind are trapped in a dream and held there by an evil secret entity.


I was extremely traumatized by the hopelessness of the situation and my failed attempts to “wake up” my mom. I was unable to eat or sleep and constantly attempting to reconcile nothing vs existence etc.


I now know that since the age of 7, I have had Guardians from the Alliance with me at all times. They were/are literally watching over me always and did in fact intervene and stop the Hat Man from killing me that night.


I have many incredible guides with me as well. Some family known only to me, and some famous and known to us all today. Two such notables, Freddie Mercury (lyricist for Queen the Band) and Psychiatrist Carl Gustav Jung, the author of many world-famous studies on Archetypes and EGO related issues.