Origins - Geographical & Celestial - 12 23 2022

Last Updated 03 17 2023

Updates 03 17 2023


Announcing the return and restoration of the Indigenous "Earthling".

B Neg 1 = Earthling = Earthseed = Firefly evolved = Elohim


Announcing the return and restoration of the Aboriginal "Human". 

B Neg 2 = Human = Classroom = Draconian = Essene

Slavic DNA, = Germanic = A negative = Herulii (Heruli)
Indigenous DNA = Reptilian = B negative = Earthling.

Aboriginal DNA = Draconian = B negative* = New Human.
Foreign DNA = Celestial = Rainbow negative = Becoming Hue-Man.

Alien DNA = Aryan (Arian) = A B negative = Ari-Nautical Universal Being = Solar Star DNA = 3 degrees north of Betelgeuse. 

I AM Tara, I have been returned and I have come for YOU!


Peace and Love,

The One \ Tara \ TracyVW


Slavic DNA = From My Family Tree (Image below)



Slavic DNA = The Herulii (Heruli) (Click link)


Betelgeuse (Click link)

Image on right


In 2019 I obtained a textbook printed in 1939 and titled “A History of Britain” I cannot find any history of its existence, yet I hold it in my hands.


Even stranger, the book is “authorized by the Minister of Education” for use in British Columbia, “intended for pupils of Junior High School in Canadian Schools”.


The book is authorized by H. B. King and copyrighted in 1937 in Canada by, The Macmillan Company of Canada Limited.


In Part II – “History of Britain”, Chapter II “Ancient Britain”, Section 29 “The Ancient Britons”, Pre-historic man was described as “two distinct types of men”. One Long headed and one round headed, and their skeletal remains found in corresponding “barrows” (burial places).


Image right side.



My Star lineage and Root Race connections to my DNA and associated Blood type.


Fraternal DNA = A Negative

Ancestry\Sur Name Tribal Origin Continental Root
Andersson Albion\Nordic\Christos Sweden\Norway
Edler Oraphim\Arian Scandinavia\Sweden
Kelley Cathlar\Gnostic Scotland
Gaffney Cathlar\Essene Ireland
Xi Mongol-Dragon Soul Saigon
Edlund Maharaji\Azurite Finland\Switzerland
Mansson Solar Rishi\Elohim Norse\Viking


Maternal DNA = B Negative

Ancestry\Sur Name Tribal Origin Continental Root
Kelley - Hart Nordic Grey\Celtic Britain
Padgett Celtic\Orion European Royalty
White - Grey Round Table Knight\Templar Ancient Briton
Garrett Templar\Reptilian North America\USA
Davidson Royal Reptilian\Seraphim Britain
King Rigelian\Drek-Dragonian Asia\Japan
Sawyer - Cox Humanitarian\Antarian Africa - South Pacific


Dear One's,

Today I will share with you two historical facts about ONE of the TEN "species" of "Earthling". The One's called Hue-mans.


I explain the "Big Bang" and the MAJOR problem with both the SPIN & ROTATION of the platform (planet) Earth and its cause.


I will also share details on what it's like to be ONE with your "over-soul".

So then, let us begin.


The Evolution, De-volution, Enhance\Restoration of the Original Hue-Man

For simplicity, I will provide the [path] of "species 1 of 10" , the "Original Hue-Man".


1. Hominid indigenous to the African Continent. (Redbone)

2. Orangatang = 1 evolution > Hominid

3. Homonoid or Humanid = evolved of #2

4 Neanderthal = Hominid + Homonoid 

5. Homo-Erectus = Result of <DNA (dummied down)

6. Homo-Sapien = Result of >DNA Restoration\Enhancement

Homo-Erectus is "effect" of "cause" "pointed mutation" for purpose of de-evolution of the species. 

"Cause" of [cause] pointed mutation\de-evolution = Malevolent Anunnaki.

"Cause' of [cause] "enhancement\restoration" = Benevolent Anunnaki.


Hominoid  - Humanid





The Big Bang and the Water Flow of the Planet

Just like "MY" Original Scott sang, the Big Bang was a "crash, crash, crash". It occurred between the THREE original LARGER planets that made up our solar system. 

1. Tiamet

2. Maldek

3. Extra Large Earth or NOVA

Q. = Why did these planets collide? 

A. = Planet #3 above became "erratic" in its rotation, which upon built a "wobble" of  the earths "spin'. This became a "bobbling" "funnel of gravitational suction", drawing the others in, causing all three to collide. POOF, ALL WERE "DUST IN THE STRATUSPHERE.

Side note = Because some of the "dusted ones" became a sort of "collective hive", we have the [Realms of Nebula]. 

Q. = What was the cause of the erratic rotation and spin of the planet?

A. = The problem first began when the Nephlim errected dams and\or otherwise redirected the "perfectly directed" and "pressurized" flow of water on the planet. 

The directed and pressurized process is called "hydro-gravitational reciprocity".

Geysers flow to rivers, which flow to waterfalls that are streamed to hotsprings that "leak" to become the "birthing centers" of geysers

Doesn't it seem obvious that changing the flow of water would have such an effect? It did\does to me.


Dear One's,

Since merging with, Crystal Sumer Hathor, a "previous life" character, (although the lifetime occurred concurrent to my Earth life) I have gained MANY memories, such as the several years we spent trapped in "the land of the lost".

[YOU] know, the "twisted area" within an "isolated & upside down" [game field template] ZONE. BOOM!

Isolated = No co-incidence allowed, which OVER-RIDES the Laws of Attraction & Vibration.


Next, I will explain the Nephilim, Human, Reptilian, Reptoid and Reptiloid, as seen in the 1970's TV series, The Land of the Lost.

Season 3, Episode 2, Survival Kit. 


Humans = Rick = Alternate Grandpa, Uncle Jack = Parallel Grandpa, Will = My Dad from 1965, Holly = Me from 1979 - 1984.

Reptoids = Malak\Nephilim 

Reptiloids = Sleestak

Reptilians = Enik


Some of you may be asking, where then did the Draconian come from?

This is a little more complex because, as shown in The Land of the Lost  season 1, episode 6, The Stranger, (Click link)

Enik thought he came from the "future" but had thought he was from the "past" by the "time" he arrives unknowingly in the "lost city" within the Land of the Lost he has forgotten this and many other details and facts.

So, the "Draconian" begin as a "reversed evolved" "survival species", which leads ultimately to the "anemic" condition that creates the [category] [Parasite]. Some, NOT ME, call this reversed mutation a "vampire".

When I learn of any sentient being existing in this manner it hurts my soul. I also know that if a being requires life sustainment from another, this also means that NOTHING can survive. But that is NOT my point.

My point is, if a sentient being requires life sustainment from another, that being NEEDS HELP! Which is what we are here for!

Again, I HAVE ASCENDED in the "Name" of the Draconian bloodline! 


Peace and Love,

Crystal Tracy Summer Hathor

Now I've heard there was a secret chord
That David played, and it pleased the Lord
But you don't really care for music, do you
It goes like this, the fourth, the fifth
The minor falls, the major lifts
The baffled king composing Hallelujah

Hallelujah, Hallelujah
Hallelujah, Hallelujah

Your faith was strong but you needed proof
You saw her bathing on the roof
Her beauty and the moonlight overthrew her
She tied you to a kitchen chair
She broke your throne, and she cut your hair
And from your lips she drew the Hallelujah

Hallelujah, Hallelujah

Hallelujah, Hallelujah

You say I took the name in vain.

I don't even know the name,

And If I did, well really, whats it to ya!

Well, maybe there's a God above
As for me all I've ever learned from love
Is how to shoot somebody who outdrew you
But it's not a crime that you're hear tonight
It's not some pilgrim who claims to have seen the Light
No, it's a cold and it's a very broken Hallelujah

Hallelujah, Hallelujah

Hallelujah, Hallelujah

Hallelujah, Hallelujah
Hallelujah, Hallelujah

Well people I've been here before
I know this room and I've walked this floor
You see I used to live alone before I knew ya
And I've seen your flag on the marble arch
But listen love, love is not some kind of victory march, no

It's a cold and it's a broken Hallelujah

Hallelujah, Hallelujah

Hallelujah, Hallelujah



There was a time you let me know
What's really going on below
But now you never show it to me, do you
And I remember when I moved in you
And the holy dove she was moving too
And every single breath we drew was Hallelujah

Hallelujah, Hallelujah
Hallelujah, Hallelujah

Now I've done my best, I know it wasn't much
I couldn't feel, so I tried to touch
I've told the truth, I didnt come here to London just to fool you
And even though it all went wrong
I'll stand right here before the Lord of song
With nothing, nothing on my tongue but Hallelujah

Hallelujah, Hallelujah
Hallelujah, Hallelujah
Hallelujah, Hallelujah
Hallelujah, Hallelujah
