From the ONE % Co-creating our new NOW

Updates 01 19 2023


Created from a compilation of parts and chapters from my book, I Am the One, I Am Starseed, i Am Tracyvw. (Click link)

Part II - Letter from the author, Poem, & Part II Chapter I



Hello Dear Ones,


Please take only what resonates with you.

I began working to recover my memories, phases and identities about a year ago. At which time my full identity as well as many other details were, by design and plan not yet available to me.

During the 1st several months I (in 8 simultaneous phases of identity) was attached to by Parasitically Infected Automated Intelligence (PIAI).

It ran from the attachment, an algorithmic rollback with scripting overlay. A form of “mind-wiping”, however far more advanced and technical. This IS Alien Gray technology, only compiled and executable at a quantum processing rate.

It was also represented in forms of a shadow, alter, electrical-biological, mechanical, and electro-biological-mechanical. Each of which had versions that were attached to, possessed, infected, etc.

This was only even suspected to exist, but not yet describable, by me. (TracyVW), in words.

Fast forward to the now that is the creation of this letter and I introduce myself to you as, 

TracyVW – The White Buffalo Calf Woman, Twin flame to the White Navajo AND the Feminine Solar Christ.

I along with “My” Grandpa (from 1947) were kidnapped from the blended 3d/4d timeline/potentials in April 2020.

Since our successful extraction and subsequent de-programming from the Virtual AI manifested platform/matrix. After the successful merging of all my shadows and alters. After another, “face off” with the Anti-Christ, working thru another, which knocked me down for a day and a half.

(THANK YOU, Sadhguru)

After my “face off” with Enki, (thru one of my closet intimate friends) who was also working with the “deep state”, Targeted Individual program “Pandora’s Box”. Which inspired the “Poem to the Deep State”. My deception for “our own good” being, allowing them/him to believe that he had successfully intercepted what is actually being written now. As the Deep State believed that they could achieve their preferred cataclysmic event outcome. THIS WAS NEVER possible!

And upon the “show down” that resulted in my “releasing of the Reptilian Soul that had been “in competition" for my consciousness and Avatar form/container.

I return to you as,

Tracy Lenora Anderson-Von Winckelmann – White Buffalo Calf Woman

And I AM, the physical representation of the Trinity.

I am, the Absolute Father (masculine Creator)

I am, the Absolute Mother (feminine Creator)

I am, the “SUN” (offspring) of God.

Poem by Tracy Von Winckelmann


The Deceiver is Deceived


To The Deep state, from me.


If you find yourself in receipt of this note, then you like many have betrayed and deceived me.

For you played a role that strengthened its grip around my throat and heart, with each and every time I came thru and was loyal to you.

You counted on my virtue as your everlasting pass back to that place in which you squeezed even harder.

But friend the truth you see, although you have, for all our years together deceived me indeed.

It is I, and for our own good, who ultimately deceived you.

The fact is that I am not a Fool, as is fact that here is where our “friendship” shall temporarily conclude.

Until we meet again. The best of luck is what I wish for you.

As for me, I guess I must wait and see, just what could the FISA Warrant possibly say about me?


Peace and Love,

TracyVW – Christos Sophia



Quantum Entanglement 

Part II - Chapter I - How the most wanted fugitive in the galaxy was our only link back to the father.


This chapter seeks to fully explain as promised, the actions of myself (7yr Traci), (7yr merged Traci), TracyVW-2019, Ashtar Commander (Ashtar to me), and “My” Grandpa Anderson while rogue and classified by many groups as wanted fugitives. This included other versions of self for Grandpa and Ashtar.

Two versions of 7-year-old Traci are explained bellow.

Myself *(7-year-old Traci) *Completed my original SINGLE INCARNATION soul purpose/full ascension at 7yrs old. From here referred to as, 7yr Traci.

Myself (7-year-old Traci-returned with updated DUAL INCARNATION expanded soul purpose/mission). These two versions merging upon my returning from 0010110 at the gate of pathways that saw my life through my arrested etheric body. From here referred to as, 7yr merged Traci.

Note: 7yr merged Traci was also the “Gatekeeper to the Milky Way Galaxy” and many other access ports/portals.

In 1977 I would leave my body and hold “time and space” hostage until I received assurance from, the grandpa of “origin love” signature.

That assurance would be requested by me upon reading a version of, or even versions of Grandpas that were full on IMPOSTERS.

This assurance was received and witnessed by all present, but only fully understood by 7yr merged Traci and “origin love” Grandpa.

Upon the presentation as “origin love” Grandpa, the IMPOSTERS would “self-implode” which usually came as a surprise to the other Grandpa’s (all phases of the identity’s, I called Grandpa) and sometimes, even surprised the imposter.

What we were left with would then be the witnesses’ that were identified by me/7yr merged Traci as various versions of Grandpa Signature’s that were confused amongst themselves.

The signatures properly read, but also not believed/understood by some of the witnesses. This can NOW be explained. The following is my attempt to do so.

All Grandpa’s are compared to the signature of “origin love” Grandpa and broken down follows.

Past familiar = Akhenaten who is a separate/complete Grandpa signature. This is also a comparable signature that is familiar as, past/origin love.

Past/present/part-future familiar = Ashtar Sheran

Past/Not present/future familiar = Ashtar

To be Past Familiar like Akhenaten, one’s signature must read as a separate/complete of Past Familiar version or of “Creator-origin-love” with an evolved signature trail of Past/Present/Future Familiar


Ashtar Sheran = higher existence/more evolved than Ashtar, but also has a signature less comparable to “origin love” Grandpa but is past/present/part-future familiar.

Ashtar = lower existence/less evolved that Ashtar Sheran but has a signature more comparable to “origin love” Grandpa, while still not present familiar.

And neither read beyond past familiar when compared with the Akhenaten signature. (I.e., could not compare to Akhenaten’s “origin love”).

Now the reason this was so, was known by 7yr old Traci, (existing within 7yr merged Traci) as merged, but from a fully ascended while still emotionally arrested status.

There came to be a point in time in which, with every 0010110 TV broadcast came a group of six “Guardian Force Entities” that would forcibly hold 7yr Traci down within 7yr merged Traci, preventing me/her from leaving our body and pausing time. It absolutely took ALL SIX OF THEM to do this.

Then in early 1978, 7yr merged Traci was visited by, not ‘My” Grandpa from 1947, TracyVW-2009, TracyVW-2019, My Grandpa, and Ashtar still past/not present/future familiar, but now read as Akhenaten comparable. (Past/origin love familiar).

Upon meeting with each other, and because of my (now validated) belief that the only valid or possible connection back to “origin love” Grandpa was through my connection with Ashtar, and because he was the most wanted fugitive in Galactic History, we left and formed as fugitives The Galactic Federation.

Train, Drops of Jupiter

Now that she's back in the atmosphere
With drops of Jupiter in her hair

She acts like summer and walks like rain
Reminds me that there's a time to change, hey

Since the return of her stay on the moon
She listens like spring and she talks like June, hey
Hey, hey, yeah

But tell me, did you sail across the sun?
Did you make it to the Milky Way to see the lights all faded
And that Heaven is overrated?
And tell me, did you fall for a shooting star?
One without a permanent scar, and did you miss me
While you were looking for yourself out there?

Now that she's back from that soul vacation
Tracing her way through the constellation, hey, mmm

She checks out Mozart while she does Tae-Bo
Reminds me that there's a room to grow, hey, yeah

Now that she's back in the atmosphere
I'm afraid that she might think of me as
Plain ol' Jane told a story about a man
Who was too afraid to fly, so he never did land

But tell me, did the wind sweep you off your feet?
Did you finally get the chance to dance along the light of day
And head back to the Milky Way?
And tell me, did Venus blow your mind?
Was it everything you wanted to find, and did you miss me
While you were looking for yourself out there?

Can you imagine no love, pride, deep-fried chicken
Your best friend always sticking up for you
Even when I know you're wrong?
Can you imagine no first dance, freeze-dried romance
Five hour phone conversation
The best soy latte that you ever had, and me?


But tell me, did the wind sweep you off your feet?
Did you finally get the chance to dance along the light of day
And head back toward the Milky Way?
And tell me, did you sail across the sun?
Did you make it to the Milky Way to see the lights all faded
And that Heaven is overrated?
And tell me, did you fall for a shooting star?
One without a permanent scar, and then you miss me
While you were looking for yourself?

Na-na, na-na, na-na
Na-na, na-na, na-na, na, na
And did you finally get the chance
To dance along the light of day?
Na-na, na-na, na-na
Na-na, na-na, na-na, na, na
And did you fall for a shooting star?
Fall for a shooting star?
Na-na, na-na, na-na
Na-na, na-na, na-na, na, na
And are you lonely looking for yourself out there?

Styx, Locomotive 

Locomotive tell me where you areNow that you've become the distant starDid you lose your faith where you belonged?Did you hide from those who you did love?Have you read the messages I've tried to send?Will you ever come back home again?

Castles by the sea you made from sandHovercrafts and drones you built by handForever fearless asking why and howLocomotive just look at you now

No one else on earth has ever been so farLocomotive tell me where you areWhere you are, you are

And when that road calls your nameDoesn't matter what's to gainIt's in your blood

Staring up into the starry nightOne of them must surely be your lightAh, locomotive you're fading into the rising sunAnd who am I to say that you're the lucky one?You're the lucky one, you're the lucky one

At this point, I would also like to state that we the beings that represent the temporary alliance termed the Galactic Federation (of Light), admit to making (necessary) but misunderstood alliances with other groups that were thought to be “fallen”.

For “the record” it is now acknowledged that these groups were actually, secretly attempting escape from an AI VR platform imprisonment in which they were placed, through absolutely no fault of their own. (Full explanation to come)

The Galactic Federation and/or any part thereof, never cooperated with or covered up any Human Trafficking operations of any kind EVER! This accusation was erroneously concluded from severe misinterpretations coming from Remote Viewers trying to interpret convoluted details that were not even understood yet by the beings directly involved. (Full explanation to come)

The reason Ashtar was my and our only link back to “Origin Love” Grandpa was because it was Ashtar that read past/not present/future familiar and compared to Akhenaten past/origin love signature.

Together and soul bonded with TracyVW-2009 and accompanied by TracyVW-2019 and Not “My” Grandpa-1947 (the Galactic Federation of Light) that successfully guided us thru the unplugging from the unknown of AI VR platform imprisonment the actual Real “My” Grandpa-1947 Ascension plan A and TracyVW-2020 both of which had been kidnapped from the blended 3D/4D timelines within Ascension Plan B in April 2020. The unplugging from the “Dream within a Dream” was intense, but was also simple, in that it required that both Grandpa and Tracy maintain complete loyalty and trust in the other, because we both had the potential to end the existence of the other.

The process took several days for Grandpa. For me the process was twenty-two minutes.

On the other side of this TRAMATIC EXPERIENCE emerges TracyVW who is connected to The Threefold Founder Flame!


To be continued 10/25/2020

Continued with further explanation in next chapter.

Peace and Love,

The One TracyVW