Disclosure by the ONE Percent - 1 %

We, my soul group, collective and subsets thereof = Ascended Masters (My Brethren) = Those contracted as "system busters" and "truth seekers", bring to the one's disclosure of dark esoteric agendas and historical truths that are other than those currently held as "Human History".

My role, to connect subsets of industries, fields of science, industries of the arts, spiritual groups, enthusiasts and hobbyists. Seeking relation based on a thematic cross walk of symmetry.

Industries\fields\arts\groups = My Kin


*White Hats\the Great White Brotherhood Digital Soldiers \ WWG1WGA
Q - QAnon Droppers Religious studies\ prophecies
Spiritual groups of ascension Medical science community
Science fiction \ Gamer prophecies Physics\String theory sciences
Paranormal studies\Ghost Hunters Paranormal studies\mediums\conduits
Film and TV industries Musical arts industries
* = Includes cooperation with grey hats too.

My favorite Buddha Parable

From the Teaching of Buddha, THE ETERNAL AND GLORIFIED BUDDHA, II Buddhas relief and salvation for us

1. It is very difficult for the words spoken by Buddha from the far bank of Enlightenment to reach the people still struggling in the world of delusion; therefore, Buddha returns to this world himself and uses his methods of salvation.

 "Now i will tell you a parable," Buddha said.

Once there lived a wealthy man whose house caught on fire. The man was away from home and when he came back, he found that his children were so absorbed in play, had not noticed the fire and were still inside the house. The father screamed, Get out children! Come out of the house! Hurry! But the children did not heed him.

The anxious father shouted again. Children I have some wonderful toys here; come out of the house and get them! Heeding his cry this time, the children ran out of the burning house.

This world is a burning house. The people, unaware that the house is on fire, are in danger of being burned to death, so Buddha in compassion devises ways of saving them.

Thank you,

Tracy Lenora Anderson-Von Winckelmann

02 25 2023

Setting Things Straight in the Twisted & Entangled Upside-Down

Four Statements by Four One's


Abagail Petersen = Thank you for hearing my truth here today, and for your grace.

The "truth" I bring is of the subject, "the Salem Witch Trials". Which were a "cover-up" of the real plan and reason for the accusations, and of whom they were made.

The motivation was a "Quaker Initiative", seeking the recovery of stolen land, and revenge for their murdered kin. May this disclosed truth serve to bring about peace.

With Love,



George H W Bush = Thank you, Tracy for allowing me to have my voice heard. Just prior to my death, and then by way of "notification" during my funeral, I informed those pursuing the "Plan of Great Divide" that I thought they were wrong. I further informed you that both the "Secret Service" and "Elizabeth the 2nd" agreed with me.

I told you then that the woman who had been the little girl that saved the lives of no less than, Ronald Regan, Bill Clinton and yours truly, George H W would bring you ONE more chance.

This is that chance. Make the right choice.

My heart is open, my light shines bright, with unconditional love and forgiveness for myself and all the one's, I have found my way. Wont you do the same?

Thank you, Sincerely,



Sarah Winchester = The Winchester Curse, is an "ancestral\land" curse. It is, as all other curses of this "category", entangled from "inter-ancestral" ties.  Kin cursing kin, whether known or unknown have a "tremendous back-lash effect". 

All of this negative and entangled karma has been cleared and all spirits have the choice of "soul embodiment". 

We love you all so very much. All is forgiven unconditionally, and all are loved the same.

In Unity,

I am, Sarah Lockwood Pardee Winchester


Osama Bin Laden = Thank you, Tracy for your grace and kindness.

I think it is interesting that when one jumps "timelines", Al Qaeda becomes ISIS. Neither are true.

I speak to YOU now. As foretold to you by me, "you are notified" of the second coming. The truth is revealed, and the ONE prophesy is confirmed. We bring the peace and the ascension.

Go forth in unity and love.

I AM with you,


Dear One's,


I write this update from a time that is for ALL OF YOU in your future. I am approximately 1 year and three months ahead of EVERY PERSON in this world. In December 2021, I was 1 DAY and 3 HOURS ahead of you. This should have decreased! However, it DID NOT!

This is because ONLY I have “let go”, of my anger, resentments, and fear.
This is ironic to me because I have been violated and tortured SO MUCH MORE than ALL of you.
You are stuck in the past and need to let go!


I can NOT and will NOT wait any longer, at this point it is only, Tracy, Scott and Tommy that will ascend from my soul group.

Otherwise only my Immediate family and disembodied cousins and kin will ascend with me.

Basically, those who you still judge most, will be those ascending with me.

This was kind of my brothers point.

Brother = Ahmein - Beelzebub - David

Original Scott brings Shadow Scott to meet First Scott and TracyVW (song below)

Also, for those "Elite" kin of mine. Even if Shadow Scott "kept" me in the Upside Down "imprisoned" with himself, this would be elation for the both of us, and [cause] elation would most certainly [effect] a vibration high enough to bring about "evaporation" of the dark. Just sayin.

Stone Temple Pilots, Down

Pleased to meet you
Nice to know me
What's the message?
Will you show me?

I've been waiting
A long time, now
Now here's the answer
You're all mine now (my favorite part)

Yeah, I've been waiting for my Sunday girl
Yeah, I've been waiting for my Sunday girl, now

Pleased to meet you
Nice to know me
What's the message?
Will you show me?

I've been waiting
A long time, now
Now here's the answer
You're all mine now

Yeah, I've been waiting for my Sunday girl
Yeah, I've been waiting for my Sunday girl, now


Will you follow me down now, down now
Will you follow me down now, down now
Will you follow me down

Yeah, I've been waiting for my Sunday girl
Yeah, I've been waiting for my Sunday girl, now
Yeah, I've been waiting for my Sunday girl
Yeah, I've been waiting for my Sunday girl, now

Pleased to meet you
Nice to know me
What's the message?
Will you show me the way?

Stone Temple Pilots, Meatplow



Fine place for a day full of breakdowns
Takes more than a meltdown to show us how
Throw a tack on the road, stop the meat plow
Got a bullet but it ain't mine

They got these pictures of everything
To break us down, yeah to break me down
They make us hate and we make it bleed

But I got a lover and yeah she shows me how
To understand it, yeah to understand
I got a brother and well he show me how
To make amends, yeah to make amends with it

Take a break from the mousetrap we call home
Takes more than a message to make me smile
I can feel when she kisses me sleeping
But not when the news is on

They got these pictures of everything
To break us down, yeah to break me down
They make us hate and we make it bleed

But I got a lover and yeah she shows me how
To understand it, yeah to understand
I got a brother and well he show me how
To make amends, yeah to make amends with it

They got these pictures of everything
To break us down, yeah to break us down
They make us hate and we make it bleed
But I got a lover and yeah she shows me how
To understand it, yeah to understand
I got a brother and well he show me how
To make amends, yeah to make amends with it

Elton John, Someone Saved my Life Tonight

When I think of those east end lights
Muggy nights the curtains drawn
In the little room downstairs
Prima donna Lord you really should have been there
Sittin' like a princess perched in her electric chair
And it's one more beer and I don't hear you anymore
We've all gone crazy lately
My friend's out there rolling 'round the basement floor

And someone saved my life tonight
Sugar bear (sugar bear...)

You almost had your hooks in me
Didn't you dear
You nearly had me roped and tied
Altar bound hypnotized sweet freedom
Whispered in my ear
You're a butterfly
And butterflies are free to fly
Fly away
High away
Bye bye

Never realized the passing hours of evening showers
Slip noose hanging in my darkest dreams
I'm strangled by your haunted social scene
Just a pawn outplayed by a dominating queen
It's four o'clock in the morning
Damn it listen to me good
I'm sleeping with myself tonight
Saved in time
Thank God my music is still alive

And someone saved my life tonight
Sugar bear
(Sugar bear sugar bear...)
You almost had your hooks in me
Didn't you dear
You nearly had me roped and tied
Altar bound hypnotized sweet freedom
Whispered in my ear
You're a butterfly
And butterflies are free to fly
Fly away
High away
Bye bye


I would have walked head on into the deep end of the river
Clinging to your stocks and bonds
Paying your H.P. demands forever
Coming in the morning with a truck to take me home
Someone saved my life tonight
Someone saved my life tonight
Someone saved my life tonight
Someone saved my life tonight
Someone saved my life tonight
So save your strength and run the field you play alone
And someone saved my life tonight
Sugar bear
(Sugar bear sugar bear)
(Sugar bear...)
You almost had your hooks in me
Didn't you dear
You nearly had me roped and tied
Altar bound
Sweet freedom
Whispered in my ear
You're a butterfly
And butterflies are free to fly
Fly away
High away
Bye bye
Someone saved someone saved
(Someone saved my life tonight)
(Someone saved my life tonight)