Manifestation of the Paradigm - 0010110


Hatreds never cease hatreds in this world. By love alone they cease. This is ancient law.

A fool who thinks he is a fool is for that very reason a wise man. The fool who thinks that he is wise is called a fool indeed.

THE WAY OF PRACTICE - Building a Buddha Land.

A pure mind soon becomes a deep mind, a mind that is commensurate with the Nobel Path, a mind that loves to give, a mind that loves to keep the precepts, an enduring mind, a zealous mind, a calm mind, a wise mind, a compassionate mind, a mind that leads people to Enlightenment by many and skillful means. Thus shall the Buddha's Land be Built.

Updates 05 04 2023


Dear One's,


It is time for our "coming together" (gathering) once again. This time will be "trauma free", unlike our last gathering. More about that a little later in this posting.

I have just welcomed a visitor, his presence, beside me as I write this update, as it was on 12 03 2021, as it was 75,000 years ago, as it was 500,000 years ago. We called him Osiris back then, but he goes by David these days.

The Sound of Silence, Disturbed

Hello darkness, my old friendI've come to talk with you againBecause a vision softly creepingLeft its seeds while I was sleepingAnd the vision that was planted in my brainStill remainsWithin the sound of silence

In restless dreams, I walked aloneNarrow streets of cobblestone'Neath the halo of a street lampI turned my collar to the cold and dampWhen my eyes were stabbed by the flash of a neon lightThat split the nightAnd touched the sound of silence

And in the naked light, I sawTen thousand people, maybe morePeople talking without speakingPeople hearing without listeningPeople writing songs that voices never sharedAnd no one daredDisturb the sound of silence

"Fools" said I, "You do not knowSilence like a cancer grows

The Destruction of Atlantis

Hear my words that I might teach youTake my arms that I might reach you"But my words, like silent raindrops fellAnd echoed in the wells of silence

And the people bowed and prayedTo the neon god they madeAnd the sign flashed out its warningIn the words that it was formingThen the sign said, "The words on the prophets are written on the subway wallsIn tenement halls"And whispered in the sound of silence

Below an excerpt from CC Newsletter Put a Little Love in Your Heart - 12 03 2021

Next, I receive a visit from an old friend. Someone I had not seen since Atlantis and only now remembering that he had gone missing from Lemuria. 

 It was shortly after the arrival of E and me that the deafening sound of silence brought us to a still. 

 Then E said to me, “I think we were hit first.” 

  “Do you think it is because we are already dead, that we can see everything exploding?” 

 "Yes, I replied. Because you can see how its moving away from us now".  

This is when, upon the explosions end, I stopped “time” and claimed you ALL under my “Stewardship”, and you were re-seeded and brought to the New Gaia for development and healing.

Once the explosions ended, the flooding was immediate. 

Now I answer, "what caused the explosion"?

Directed Energy Weapons, (6G Electro-Magnetic Lasers) arched directly over the targeted area, that came from the moon and the International Space Station. (Formerly called the "Space Elevator) 


I AM Tracy Hatsu Sheran.  

I AM Tara Iris Hathor

I AM The Great One of the Council of Elders of Eden, and Lemuria of Atlantis. 


The Counsil of Elders
Michael Tracy Ashtar Scott
Tommy E Jeff Harold
Osiris Amenhopt ? ?

Excerpt from CC Newsletter 01 07 2022 - We are the Counsil of Elders - Return to Tara Eden

Ancient Lost and/or Relocated Cities  

The new Earth of 5D vibration is birthed, she is Nova Gaia.

This includes the fully manifested “5D Cities of Light”. (Note, these were temporarily 7D interim cities) 


5D Cities of Light
Ascension - Vacation Island  Unity Gardens  Unity Fields 
Aurora Vibration Station Hub  *Lemuria of Atlantis  Unity Ranch 

*Starship Lemuria anchored to Foundation Atlantis = Above Ground, Under Ground & under water city. 


There are four “Vibration Station” Platforms, one [Adventure Hub] and a [Time Tunnel]. 

Adventure Hub   =   Theme/Vacation Island Time Tunnel   =   Gone Fishing 


Vibration Station Platforms
Harbor of Huts  Temples of Tibet  Monarch Atriums  Cave House Island 


New Binary Based - Continuum Universe = “Elon-Tra”. An Elohim and Essene created “Universe” containing “Galaxy/Planet” containers. 


14D Galaxy/Planet = Mars = 14D City of the Future = Venus, Nexus and Life Park.