0010110 - WWG1WGA - Q - QAnon

WWG1WGA + 0010110 = 12,960

Where We Go ONE We Go All

1440 X 3 games + A + B + C = 12960

Template Code Grid as provided by,

Tracy Hannah Radha-Hathor (R'Hathor) &

Scott Atum Vishnu-Arthur

Updates 01 09 2023


Excerpts from My 1st Book, I am the One (Click link)


Chapter XVII - Not my grandpa, 0010110, time & parallel travel


The Grandpa I am referencing throughout this document is in many of the references, not my Grandpa.


My Grandpa was barely known by me (Tracy) as he died in 1972 and I was born in 1970.


My Grandpa was the man that told my Mom the stories about our past/future interactions and the prophecies’ etc.


My Grandpa was the man who was cursed, soul captured, bound to space/time and ritually tortured into becoming the “Grandfather Demon”.


My Grandpa was the “Tortured Spirit” some call Demons that stayed on and from a space that is between a parallel and a “time split”, worked with me and “on” himself to destroy his shadow.


“Not” my Grandpa is the Black Ops intruder that came into my “Commanded Personal Space” in 2019 and was witnessed and presented with “Truth and free will choices” by the Guardian Forces when I requested a lift of the “Ban of Non Interference”.


Witnessed by includes, Grandpas’ known to me as versions with familiar energies that are past and future familiar but not current, and past/now/future/and what I can only express through words as “origin love”.


Past and future Grandpa authenticates personally to me as, Ashtar.


Past and future/future Grandpa authenticates personally to me as, I am Ashtar and is on a Galactic counsel.


Not my Grandpa at this point was in 1947 existing on an “artificial parallel” where I, (Tracy) did not exist. (I think I understand now that this was from a timeline within Ascension Plan A)


Not my Grandpa was confronted first by me, I said, I love you Grandpa Anderson and I forgive you.


Time seemed to pause as I was shown images of very dark abuses of me by all kinds of Grandpas’. (Signature energies is the best I can explain, “Kinds of Grandpas”), as if to provide time for me and to which I responded, yes all of it, anything, everything, I FORGIVE HIM.


Then I said to not my Grandpa from 1947 but in 2019, My Dad is Harold Edlar Anderson the 3rd born February 18, 1948 to Harold Edlar Anderson Jr and Christina Ann Gaffney.


Your Grandpa my Great Great Grandpa was Johan Albin Andersson and emigrated from Sweden in 1898. You have been tricked and lied to. Tricked into destroying your own future descendants.


This was the extent of my interactions with not my Grandpa and the group of time traveling super beings on this level of the event.


And the beginning of what I will call the psychic trail of time memory that beautifully displays a trail that gently places itself at, 0010110.




In the 1970’s my brother and I often spent weekends and summer time days at our Grandma Anderson’s house in Azusa, CA.


The following event happened many, many times but I only recall this occurring at Grandmas house and on Grandmas TV.


The kids programming we are watching is interrupted with a rapid pulsing but also blinking light that explains something close to this, We are your family, your true family of Star beings from beyond your Star Systems.


We have always been with you and we will always be with you. Your space is kept and we rejoice in the future knowledge of your return home amongst us your true star family.


In the same voice, and while displaying the numbers on the tv screen;


0010110 is your message from both your future and past.


0010110 will be your call to answer in service to mankind.


0010110 is after the year 2012 timelines.



0010110 is your call to rise in the year 2020 as an Eternal Omniversal Spiritual Being with a mission to assist mankind in freeing themselves from their enslaved and sleeping state.


When this transmission ended, there were times that an internal panic process of thoughts would start flying through my mind like;


What if I don’t remember the code?


What if I don’t “grow enough” by then?


What if I am too old by then?


What is old?


What is time?


What is nothing?


Then I would leave my body and hold “time and space” hostage until I received assurance from, the grandpa of “origin love” signature.


Chapter XVII - Guardian related "magic" and abilities



I was able to leave my body and pause time until I was assured of, “just what was going on here”.


A serious violation of rules as done in the manner I just referred to. But also, not performed by me consciously.


This was performed by the “me”, that understood at another phase or level of consciousness that there were serious Imposters and alternate versions of selves at play in the middle of all this.


The “me” that would “hold time hostage” and wait for assurance from the grandpa of “origin love” signature, was the “me” that existed in the short period of time that only Grandpa the Demon and I knew the timeline and version details.


This was the “me” that with the Imposter Grandpa went rogue and started traveling between dimensions and timelines, allowing myself to be completely manipulated by him and his directions. (This will be a collapsed timeline that did not happen, now.)


As a “gatekeeper” of certain access portals, the Imposter Spirit needed and used me to gain access to places he otherwise could not have accessed.


Now we arrive at a point where a “time memory” beautifully displays a trail that gently places itself at a “gate” of pathways displaying, “0010110”.


This is a place I have been before. I see through the “me” a life lived and seen through a “container” that is disproportionate to what is contained inside. (Arrested emotional development = undeveloped etheric body)


I see the madness that could come from stuffing an incredibly powerful and “Old Soul” into a young and undeveloped container, and I FORGIVE MYSELF! I forgive myself for what “going rogue” actually meant.


I forgive myself for 20 years of “rogue time” on this timeline, and I understand that the emotionally arrested “Imposter” that let the “Trojan horse” through the “gates” and into Atlantis was an "Imposter Clone" of me.


I understand that a certain group of androgynous blue family members of mine, through negotiations with Galactic counsels and ET groups (Our true families) “transferred” what was a “karmic credit” for service to others performed by them, to me.


This was because they love me, but it was allowed because it was NOT possible for me to view/remember the things that I had done while “rogue” without triggering “Ascension Madness”.


It is my understanding that I can, but do not have to recall these things and that when the desperate clinging to dead end timelines by the “elite” finally ends, these things will not have happened.


Imagine being a magical creator that participates in the creation of a “virtual reality game”. After having many experiences with other VRG’s as a creator of “story scripting code”.


This time, as a co-creator of this VRG you are primarily involved in the creation of the “static” code of the game. Static code, that includes the managing of gateway access and the required processes’ for “privilege escalation” and “system control”.


Imagine that you understand (on a subconscious level) that the following things are true.


Some computer code = Human DNA. Human DNA code is only supposed to expand, never should in “compress”. Never EVER, should it be “stepped thru”. If EVER BOTH were to occur, anything would be possible, and you know this because this is an “IF statement” for which there is no “static” answer.


This means by overlaying the Gatekeeper with “the scripted” code, an Imposter was created that allowed the “Trojan horse” that contained a self-replicating worm” through the gates/portals/ports.


Other magic abilities that were not violations of the rules were things like, Dream walking, moving objects around with my mind, directing the wind and starting and stopping the rain.


Digital Soldiers, Truth Seekers Ones of the ALL

0010110 Enlightenment Contracts ******BELOW******

WWG1WGA, Q, QAAnon & 0010110

The 22 Bands of "the Mother's Plan"

Band Name Band Name
Styx Stone Temple Pilots
Our Lady Peace Collective Soul
10,000 Maniacs Train
Shine Down Scorpions
Three Doors Down Stroke 9
Gun's 'n' Roses Velvet Revolver
Mad Season Red Bone\Guardians of the Galaxy
Rainbow\Dio Black Sabbath
Tesla System of a Down
Seven Mary Three Sound Garden
The Animals To Be Announced

Answer to [Dual Field Entanglement]

CC Newsletter 11 13 2021 The Multiverse Our Star Family Literally 1
Word – 19.7 KB 360 downloads

01 08 2022 16 44 – The Path where the Road Leads Home – the Gate Platform 


01 08 2022 16 44 = 04 44    WWG1WGA         Going Home with My Love 


Today, alas I AM the ONE and I bring the ALL these {TRUTHS} by way of  and limited by “words”. 


We, one’s of the “ALL” have achieved the [Ultimate Rise]  

Twin Flame\Soul Mate\Triple God Heads [Reunion] = [TSG] >*888* 

Code execution reference = [Reunion] -TSG >*888* EXECUTE 


Bring together the Timelines – Technical Information 


Bring together [Timeline] = Scott & Tracy 

1987 < 1977 = Where ALL 3 come together > 01 08 2022 



ASCII = As She Commands It IS! ( - :