Mind Control - Trigger Words for Behaviors

Page created with excerpts from my book, 

My 1st Book, I am the One (Click link)


Part II - Chapter X - Mind Control - Triggers Words - Behaviors - Loss of Cognitive paths


New word with a loop of triggers that blocked my cognitive thought process.

I had to be "walked” through the last sentence. Like I was guided four core words in the sentence, and then subsequently guided back to “feel” in the words. Then I created my process that was my filling in of the gaps.

This trigger word was ART. Attempting to post a message on a Spiritual Community Forum. When I arrived at the Forum Topic, all good till I read the word ART. Finally, having figured this out, I remember a life as Leonardo Di Vinci. Crazy. (Just like that)

So anyway, I Cleared the trigger word "Art", and being already in my Sacred Heart Space, GROUNDED AND ANCHORED BY ROOT CHAKRA INTO the 5D AURORA SAFETY HUB foundation. I simply said, while making quotations with my fingers' and thumbs' Clear trigger word "ART" and all related "cause to effect" reversals. Restore to Gods Natural Law TEMPLATE FREE WILL, while still holding your quotations say, “AND SO IT IS”.


CLUE: Determine ‘POSSIBLE’ unapproved words and/or *set of words” based on personal knowledge and/or known ancestry. The following is an incomplete (sample) list of mine then WORLD then USA.


Windigo Hopi Krishna
Cheyenne Skin Walker Ganesha
ISIS Sophia Shiva
Alien Implant Sacred Heart Jesus
Meditation Yoga Bandit (my dogs name)
Covid Pandemic Vaccine
Shorten the curve Vote by mail Black Lives Matter
Mask Russia Trump

A short list of discovered [TRIGGERS] to [COGNITIVE] [BLOCK] that are for purpose of [DELETE] [EVENT]. Different than MIND WIPING in that it is progressive and insidious. The “script” is triggered by the ‘word’ and continues to run often building to new behaviors. [Think the Sims’]

White Privilege Peaceful Protest Build Back Better
Conspiracy Theory Russian Collusion Impeachment
The President The First Lady Stay @ Home

Because of.

{LIBRARY}Words+expression=behaviors=paths=<>-+[OPTIONS] COPIED/ALTERED/OVERLAID becomes

Words/expression/behaviors/paths and is then overlaid with; Unapproved words/expression/behaviors/paths.

Shorten the Curve = Lessen the paths that CURVE towards “Event Full Disclosure”. Leaving paths to the desired “Timeline Event.” Of catastrophe.

Obviously, there are many more and they do change constantly. This is due to “Satanic Ritual Abuse”. And the Mainstream Media that are constantly saying these words/phrases and are further identifying themselves as the Satanic Ritual Abuses following the Esoteric Plan. These scripts continue to run in your environment even if cleared, and can return, trigger and re-run in your environment.