The Hat Man\Father Absolute\Death
Posted 08 13 2022
August 29th is "Targeted Individuals Day".
August 29 1920 is my grandpa's birthday.
Cyber Torture Website (click link)
The Twilight Zone - The 30 Fathom Grave Season 4 Episode 2.
This episode written about #4 grandpa & the South Pacific Force.. (click link)
A look into the relationship that developed between the Hat Man, (A grandpa) and me.
The Hat Man
I am an awakening Star seed and have had Hat Man experiences both before and after I was conscious of my awakening status.
In a way, the Hat Man was one of my many triggers. However, my experiences also escalated once I became consciously aware.
I first began seeing him in the corner of my eye. Usually, I was walking from room to room in my home when this would happen. I would see a tall man with a tall top hat and a trench coat just standing there staring at me. When I turned to see him, he would be gone. After a while I would also see him in the right bottom corner of a mirror or picture or even the bottom right corner of a TV or monitor that was turned off.
Once I was conscious of my Star Seed status, I started seeing him more often and at places other than my home. I could also sometimes "feel" his presence now too.
One night I was startled awake by my Pit-bull Bandit. He was standing over me on my bed barking and growling furiously at the open closet door next to me. I looked to my left and caught a glimpse of him moving thru the back wall of my closet. He had the hat and trench coat, but from the knees down he was not defined.
Another time I was walking from the hall to the living room, and I could feel that he was near. Sure enough, once I cleared the hallway I could see him in the corner of my eye to my left. Instead of turning to look at him at my left, I angled my eyes to the right as I was coming up to a large mirror in the living room. And that’s when I saw him straight on for the first time. He just stood there, once again staring at me. He did not attempt to hide or leave but was gone once I passed by the mirror.
Once I began to practice the 12D shield and other self-protection practices I did not see the Hat Man for a time. That was temporary however, and when he came back, he did a lot more than stare at me.
I joined my boyfriend at his hotel for a couple nights while he was working out of town for a few weeks. On the second night, I was awakened by the Hat Man and he had just inserted a very thin, very cold finger in my rectum. I remember touching at me waist area and feeling that I was still wearing my pajama bottoms and thinking, what just happened? How, huh?
I had been sleeping on my stomach, (something that is instinctive since early childhood) once this happened, I rolled over almost onto my back. Then I saw him over me his hands on my shoulders and bringing his face close to mine. Then I said, from a place where I was watching him do this to me, “you cannot do this! I command you to leave now”!
He kind of laughed and said, “Yah, I know, I am leaving.” But before he did, and somehow, I knew what he was about to do. He put his mouth real close to my face and blew a puff of air on my neck causing me to quiver and all my hair to stand up. This was a demonstration of his knowing intimate details about me and that he enjoyed using them against me.
Shortly after I had the Hat Man Hotel room experience, I remembered the Hat Man and his Hag from my childhood.
I remembered that I was somehow forced to an immediate revelation of the truth of human enslavement on the planet and attempting to explain to my mom that I thought we were all “stuck in a dream.”
I remembered a lot of terrifying Hat Man sightings and dreams.
In 1976, when I was approximately six years old. The Hat Man started his terror on me and my dreams. He sometimes stood in the corner of my bedroom or at the foot of my bed and would vanish as I awoke. Or more accurately, when I “broke” out of the sleep paralysis.
He was a dark shadow man. A tall, thin man with a tall top hat and a long trench-like coat. He appeared as if from the mid 1800’s.
At approximately 8-9 years of age, I suddenly forgot about the Hat Man and the other incredibly traumatizing visions, dreams and revelations that were far too burdensome for a little girl. One night in 1978 or 79 I awoke from a Hat Man dream and was unable to move or speak. He was atop me choking me and was going to kill me this time. I say, this time because this “suffocation technique” was a regular occurrence now, but this time I was going to die. I had, before this night, figured out that he wasn’t able or allowed to kill me, After all, it happened the same way every time. This translates to no longer fearing him and is usually cause for the Hat Man to exit your reality. However, exit, he did not. Instead, he was about to kill me.
I woke up the next morning, with a “knowing” that mankind was stuck in a dream and did not know it. Imagine being 8 years old and suddenly becoming aware that we can be, and I believe all mankind are trapped in a dream by an evil secret entity. I was extremely traumatized by the hopelessness of the situation and my failed attempts to “wake up” my mom. I was unable to eat or sleep and constantly attempting to reconcile nothing vs existence etc.
After 40 years the Hat Man returns and instead of re-traumatizing me, he is a trigger of my re-awakening, only this time I am not a child. I have learned to test my energetic boundaries and command my personal space, and I have not had any further Hat Man experiences.
I do NOT fear the Hat Man, his Hag or any other of his Shadow People Creatures!
Traci meets Grandpa the Ghost.
In 1975 while standing in the laundry area of my Grandma Andersons Azusa, CA home, I hear hello Traci.
I ask this ghost, “who are you and what do you want with me, after all I am just a child”.
Grandpa says, “yes but you are a very special child”. “You are of prophecy”.
“Yeah, I already figured that out”, “but how do you know that?”
He says, “because I am your grandpa, this was my house with your grandma before I died, when you were only two years old”.
I argue that my grandpa is in the living room right now, and not dead.
He explains that the grandpa in the living room is my Great Grandpa Gaffney and the father of my grandma. He has a separate bedroom, right?
He offers me proof by asking me to ask my grandma the following question.
Which of course, I do.
Why don’t you sleep in the same bed with Grandpa?
Grandma pauses, gets an “odd” look on her face and turns to look towards the laundry area. Then she explains that the grandpa in the living room is her dad.
This marks the beginning of the relationship between me and Ghost Grandpa. I would never be without him again! Exception: outside of the San Gabriel Valley.
Child Trafficking, underground caves and holding cells
So, it is 1975 and my cousin and I have been kidnapped by an Agent of the DSTI program. (deep state targeted individuals) This person, we will call him Chuck, was thought to be one of my dad’s closest friends.
Upon my suspicions that we were kidnapped, I telepathically contact Ashtar. I explain that he must contact my grandpa the ghost in Azusa, California.
He does this and Grandpa the ghost (the Telepathic Master) contacts my dad’s best friend “Uncle Rocky”. Uncle Rocky calls my dad at work and says, “I am going crazy or something, because your old man is in my head, saying Tracy and
(name withheld) have been kidnapped”.
My Dad (who blocked his abilities and denounced HIS DAD) says, if my dad is talking to you in your head, THIS IS REAL!
So, Uncle Rocky and my dad proceed to Crestline, California, where near Lake Gregory we are being held at “Woody’s Motel”.
Upon entering the living area of the owners of the motel, Uncle Rocky went straight up to “Chuck” and shot him in the face!
This left my dad no choice but to defend Uncle Rocky from the others, and he too shot and killed another person!
Their bodies were buried nearby and discovered soon thereafter!
After this day, Grandpa comes to reside at my home in West Covina, CA and then La Puente, CA, which is where we moved in 1977.
So as “misunderstood” as he has always been, he still remains MY “Beloved Grandpa Anderson”! Which is what he will ALWAYS BE!
Ashtar Sheran becomes my [tandem guardian], and US THREE are never separated until 2019. Which is when we left for our second of three “fishing trips”. The third of which occurs in April 2020.
It is important to note, that these “fishing trips” are not necessarily in chronological order.
Peace and Love,
Tracy\Scott - The ONE\Father\Mother Creators
Things worth mentioning.
When Dad became Grandpa/Dad, I had options that included merging with a parallel identity and being raised by my dad, or my mom and Dad or stay with Grandpa now in Dad’s form.
I chose to remain under the guidance and parental direction of my “Ghost-Grandpa Ed” because he was the BEST PARENTAL FIGURE of the group.
So, in as much as Grandpa was VERY MISUNDERSTOOD!
For me he was “unconditional and unquestioned LOVE” and the demonstrator of such.
Be grateful every day and NEVER give up.
Peace, Love and Abundance,

A further look into the relationship between grandpa and Tracy.
12 20 2021 - Stories from the Family of Light – Adonis, and The Hat Man
12 22 2021 11 11 AM Raised by a Demon (the Hat Man)
First Scott & Rock Star Scott
We begin upon our third incarnation via a [When – Where – Time Vortex].
Grandpa in the form of The Hat Mat arrives in 1979 with the seven-year-old spirit of Scott that had been ritualistically murdered along with Tracy and Tommy Anderson.
Grandpa becomes aware that the parents of nine-year-old Scott had started a fire that burned to the ground their residence in the Pennsylvania town of which the Scott of this “parallel timeline” had lived.
His parents who were expecting a large payout in the form of life insurance, were instead being charged with the murder of their own son.
Arriving in timeline after timeline, they find similar situations. In other words, like the parents depicted in the movie “Time Bandits”.
Time Bandits = The story of “My First Scott”.
Finding no parents fit for raising the two boys, it is decided that they will remain with the Hat Man living in the San Gabriel Valley of California in Los Angeles County.
Both Scott’s were taken to visit the two Tracy’s also living in the San Gabriel Valley based on a “seasonal schedule”.
The three youths would travel together visiting many “soul group” members. Often, they visited a young Tommy Shaw.
Most of the time they visited, “My Rock Star Scott”, because he was a Scott living parallel to Tracy and “Original Scott” that needed assistance fighting off the continuous flow of Reptilians seeking to capture him.
He was [relocated] to a “timeline” in which he could survive. (Details omitted)
Scott in the Rough
In 1987 on the 210 freeway, I have pulled over to the shoulder of the freeway with a flat tire.
I was just about to exit my vehicle in order to change the tire, when I heard a car screech to a stop along with a loud clunk sound.
I look up just in time to see a very attractive young man approaching me. He had just exited the car that had stopped and apparently, “dropped” its transmission from being slammed into park while still moving.
He approached the window of my car and asked, “are you Tracy”?
I answered “yes”.
He said, “I am Scott, and I have been driving by this area of this freeway every day for more than a year, waiting for the day that you would be here on this freeway so that we could be together”.
I remember him as well, and after moving his vehicle to the shoulder of the freeway and changing the tire on my vehicle, we proceed to his apartment in Azusa, California.
We were married two weeks later.
I AM so extremely BLESSED!
Peace and Love,
Scott, Tracy and E