0010110 Removing the NET

These Word, Word Fractal & Word Phrases may not mean what you think


The following are definitions of words and phrases that have been confused or conflated with words or phrases that mean other than the same.

Please note, definitions are based on the “Realm of Existence” that is\was an Object Oriented Database structured by a Holographic Template Wheel [created program] {Earth, the Physical Experience]. Now\NOW, {NOVA, the Physical Existence}!

Word, phrase & fractal definitions, Not what you think

Last Updated 03 11 2025


Fractal and word definitions in of linear timelines


Alter = change or cause to change in character or composition.

Alter-na-tive one of two or more available possibilities.

Parallel = side by side and having the same distance continuously between them

Parallel-o-gram = a quadrilateral with two side pairs of opposite sides that are parallel and equal in length. It also has two pairs of opposite angels that are equal.

Objective Note: So then there is an alternate choice available on each side of every parallel.


Linear = arranged in or extending along a straight line.

Sacred Geometry = the geometry of space relative to time in of a linear timeline.



Word, Phrase and Fractal Definitions


Parable = Story told for inspiration of; study of ethics.

Allegory = Story told only upon Mastry of experience.

Co-inside = To share the same [time space] with another.

Co-incidence = Ones [exist] in the same [time space] in experience.

Side note = Neither occur by happenstance.

Reality = the world or the state of things as they perceived by the majority, as opposed to an idealistic or notional idea of them:

Actuality = actual existence, typically as contrasted with what was intended, expected, or believed.

In other words, what is "REAL" is that which is "actual" and not necessarily the perceived reality.

Band = Ones that hold “Sacred Knowledge” as “sub-sets” of “Tribes”. May or may not necessarily reside among one another, such as on a Reservation {Root Race Tribes}.

Clairvoyance = The ability to gain truthful knowledge from a “realm” within a dimension via the elements or “Elemental Kingdom”, crystals or the “Crystal Kingdom” and the animals or the “Animal Kingdom”.

Tele-Empathy = A physical sensation in direct response to seeing another one come to physical harm.

Tele-Kinesis = The ability to move objects at a distance by mental power or other nonphysical means.

Tele-kinetically directed energy = The ability to accumulate and draw to focus energy while directing it for use as a "plasma laser". I believe that I am the only one currently able to do this. Yes, I can remotely assassinate someone. With little effort.

(While under my direction, most "Crystal Starseed's" have this ability).

Timeline = A timeline is the name given to a “parallel” within a dimension once it holds enough “weight” in probability (likelihood) to be considered a [probable parallel]. Otherwise, it remains a “parallel” as a [potential parallel], [improbable parallel] or [impossible parallel].

Alternate Timeline = A timeline that has split from "competing parallels", as there has been a major "event" of change from the other timelines that are the "competing parallels". This could be just about anything.

Dimension = A "holographic" structured area of "space" within or on a planet or docked space vehicle in which one can co-inside with other ones. Dimensions may contain "subsets" called "realms" which include structure field grids" and templates and may also include a "game field" structure and a game field template "grid". 

To gain clarity and truth about “dimensions”, one needs only to consult “Dr Dimension”.  (One needs only to call for him)

Example: My home = NOVA, Avalon, Tracy Island, ET Palace.

Realm = A “holographic structure” perceived by ones that [co-inside] within a [co-insi-dence]. The “structure” separates ones from other ones by “perception” within the same dimension.

Materialize = To gain “physical form” based on the “manifestations” of a paradigm.

Black Hole = An anomaly resulting from "inverted math", resulting in "inside out" [structures of space]. Can be used as "back doors" or "worm holes" to a realm, dimension or even another planet.

White Hole = Can only be secondary to a "black hole", in that you must "reverse" a black hole from within in order to create a white hole. These have been used as "mirage stations" and "traps" by the dark ones.

Backdoor = A specific “cloaked doorway” left by those who secretly and in defiance of Universal Law managed to gain entry to another platform.

Portal = Organic or inorganic, it is a doorway to another dimension. It opens at a specific location and instantly relocates one to another specific location. 

Vortex = Much like a “light ship”, it is mobile, and one can travel from place to place. One's who have embodied their Avatar can create their own vortex of their avatar form."

Time Tunnel = A Portal of travel from a "time" in "time space" or 3D Earth space to the "gateway" of another dimension, which could be the same or a different planet. 

Note = A time tunnel bypasses a "bridge".   

Avatar = {Shiftable-Expandable-Interactive framework} that is omni-dimensional. (Can evolve-shift its manifested form).

From within our Avatar one can materialize and de-materialize as appropriate for the dimension and\or realm. 

You can embody your Avatar Form at a 6D gateway to a 7D platform or upon one of our light ships. It overlays your Diamond Sun Light Body and is also your [Personal Vortex}. Once achieved there is NO NEED for your [Station of Identity].

Container = Container = A structure in which our “living consciousness” is sustained, and “lives” within, while being the, and/or a part of the container(s).

Gateway = An entrance to a "platform" that lies at the end of a bridge and is for “mankind”, their path to ascension via our individual “stations of identity”. 

Station of Identity = The vehicle of transportation for our “Identity” plus now (among other things) the “harmonic balancing” and “stripping of traits of character” that are (negatives) (NOTE, NOT REVERSALS) of [attributes of the identity] aka EGO, that will then transport each “Identity” to the next “Entry Gate” as it relates to each of the “Identities” and chosen experiences for which it was created.

Ghost = Part of a “Being” seen through dimensions as a “hologram”. (NOT MIST) 

Free Spirit = Can be benevolent or malevolent, seen as a mist or shadow and has abilities per individual and circumstance.  

Residual Haunting = Residual Holographic Occurrence is ones “Etheric Body” i.e., Pain/Emotional body “Wandering” and “believing” themselves to be soulless.

Demon Ghost = Can be independent or “conjured”. Usually this being is suffering from delusions or un-aware that they were “sold-out” by the others of the “Esoteric Agenda”.   

Skinwalker = A cryptid capable of [materializing] that is also able to [shape shift].

Skinwalker Variables = Humanoid Mutation, Animal Mutation and Elemental Mutation.

Windigo (Wendigo) = A type (variable) of [Skinwalker] cryptid. The Windigo is the result of an [Indigo Starseed} passing through "Reverse Replicate" gates in Wisconsin.

Heraldry = 1: the practice of devising, blazoning, and granting armorial insignia and of tracing and recording genealogies 2: an armorial ensign broadly: insignia

Patronymic = a name derived from the name of a father or ancestor, especially by the addition of a suffix or prefix indicating descent.

Example = My great, great grandfather Johan Albin Andersson Immigrated from Sweden in 1896, his father was Anders Peter Mansson. Anders father was Mans Nilsson the son of Nils Paulsson.

Familiar = Part 1 = Origin or cause of "familiar Curse" = In the Roman Catholic Church, familiar = one rendering certain services in a popes or bishop's household.

Familiar Part 2 Result or effect = a demon attending and obeying a witch, often said to assume the form of an animal.

Convoy = a group of ships or vehicles traveling together, typically accompanied by armed troops, warships or other vehicles for protection.

Sovereignty = The right of each one to be self-governing. (The absence of hierarchal compliance)!

Ignorance = Unaware of something because of a lack of exposure to the subject or thing.

Stupidity = Acting upon something in which one is ignorant.

Soul Contract Stewart OVER-RIDE = The authorization of one considered "ignorant" of "soul mission & purpose" to the one "contracted" as their Stewart to [Over-ride] the ignorant one's actions at the point of "stupidity". [lol]

Zero Point Field = Access to the Akashic record through meditation, which when perfected can even be accessed via the choices of fight, flight or zero point. (Saved by Zero, song by The Fixx).

Honey Pot = An enticing set trap. 

Conscience = The inner voice viewed as an acting guide to one's ethical behavior.

Namaste = Similar to "aloha", namaste can be used to say hello and also goodbye.

When used to end a conversation or visit rather than goodbye or farewell, ones seek to depart while maintaining the connection to the other one(s).

Note = The expression farewell seeks to sever of terminate the connection to the one(s) of which it is expressed.


Be grateful every day and NEVER give up.

Peace and Love



Updates 03 11 2025


Please be advised that some ancient symbols have been purposely taught to us incorrectly.

Example the sign for infinity is not the number 8 on its side, that symbol was meant to mark the one's the dark planned on keep hidden as their fuel for all time, as it really represents an "infinite loop".


The true "infinity sign" is a rhombus {diamond shape) with a "wild card" (*) in the middle.