Who is DB Cooper? My Grandpa Harold Edler Anderson Jr = left side of picture below. Wanted poster of "Heister"

This means that Tracy and Grandpa WON the "Heist Off", even if the "media" failed to mention reports about the little girl!

Naval School of Photography

Pensacola, Florida July 25, 1942

ADVANCED First Aid to the injured

Azusa, CA 04 11 1951


National Radio Institute Washington DC


= Laser Specialist

Anderson Gaffney Credentials
PDF – 1.5 MB

Pictorial Journalist in the Armed Forces of the USA

The March of Time December 20, 1942

Navy Air Travel Authority

Noumea to Sydney 05 06 1944

30 days before D-DAY

The Outer Limits, Galaxy Being

Grandpa meets "T" the Galaxy Consciousness being.

I never was able to conform to rules when they are simply dictated by TPTB and enforced by their "Happy Puppets".

Guess I can see where I got it.


                         Who is Tracy’s Grandpa  = The Absolute Father\Father Absolute

07 09 2021 2 22 PM 

Dear Ones,


Today’s newsletter seeks to clarify truths of our history ancient and recent. This is my attempt to do so.

The being that becomes known to me (Tracy) as MY real Grandpa Ed Anderson was a man that from 1947 was “psychologically harassing” me in the year 2019. He was not my grandpa truly until last year. Although we attempted the incarnations of both grandpa and me from 1987, going back from 2019 and forward from 1947 for years.

The problems and interference led to what was an additional 17 years. This translates to me being 17 years old for 17 years.

During these years Grandpa and I came back and forth through “time continuums” that became “time Matrix’s”, and then “false parallels” leading to “false timelines”.

We recruited other versions and “ages” of ourselves and others from our soul group and star families. We incarnated in other “timelines” for various reasons.

We Walked-in to previous and future timelines as well. We also manifested into other realities both on “Earth” and off. Sometimes via portals sometimes via “sky vehicles” built by Grandpa and me.

We made changes to the past, we moved artifacts and we “updated” cave carvings. I incarnated once again as Hatshepsut, Hatsu and King Tutt.

In 2019 when I explained to the “Black ops” agent from 1947 that I was his Granddaughter and that he had been tricked.

He took it upon himself to return to his time as now “a double agent” working for his “earth bloodline” basically me the ONE that reached out to and expected that he would change things, come up with a plan and somehow reach out to me when the “time” was right.

This “Grandpa” did not have a grandchild or any children as a matter of fact, however when given the family tree information and because he knew of parallels and probable potentials, he knew I was a potential Granddaughter.

From that knowledge and from the memory of LOVE, he began what would be Ascension Plan A.

Grandpa and I began our journey from 1987 the second time as simultaneous incarnations, as Harold Edler Anderson II (the one that married Grandma) and Tracy Lenora Anderson while also incarnating for our second time as Akhenaten and Hatshepsut.

I then manifested into the same time and place as a “Grey” (my potential future) and as a younger Ma'aT called Hatsu.

When as Hatshepsut I was “imprisoned” in the “underworld” I sent for Grandpa at his first incarnation as Akhenaten and attempted to explain to him that which he could not otherwise know until his 2nd incarnation as Akhenaten.

Akhenaten comes for me regardless of ALL laws and also locates my “future” soulmate Ashtar (Ashtar 0010110) both of whom disregard any LAW or council that “could not understand”.

When we return to February 2021 its is only a few days into our return, when we are returned to 2016. This is when I have recollection of working with “insiders” thought to be the “satanic elite” or my cousins.

Many of whom re-incarnated as well and would subsequently be represented by “full on Imposters”, that quickly destroy the being’s “character” and reputation.

Once this is realized, we have a new mission, “recover” our cousins! Which we did returning them primarily to November 2020, November 2016 and/or December 2017.


We will stop here for now.

Traci meets Grandpa the Ghost\Father Absolute

In 1975 while standing in the laundry area of my Grandma Andersons Azusa, CA home, I hear hello Traci.

I ask this ghost, “who are you and what do you want with me, after all I am just a child”.

Grandpa says, “yes but you are a very special child”. “You are of prophecy”.

“Yeah, I already figured that out”, “but how do you know that?”

He says, “because I am your Grandpa, this was my house with your Grandma before I died, when you weren't even two years old”.

I argue that my Grandpa is in the living room right now, and not dead.

He explains that the Grandpa in the living room is my Great Grandpa Gaffney and the father of my Grandma. He has a separate bedroom, right?

He offers me proof by asking me to ask my Grandma the following question.

Which of course, I do.

MY QUESTION TO GRANDMA = Why don’t you sleep in the same bed with Grandpa?

Grandma pauses, gets an “odd” look on her face and turns to look towards the laundry area. Then she explains that the Grandpa in the living room is her Dad.

This marks the beginning of the relationship between me and Ghost Grandpa. I would never be without him again! Exception: outside of the San Gabriel Valley.

Things worth mentioning. 

 When Dad became Grandpa/Dad, I had options that included merging with a parallel identity and being raised by my Dad, or my Mom and Dad or stay with Grandpa now in Dad’s form. 

I chose to remain under the guidance and parental direction of my “Ghost-Grandpa Ed” because he was the BEST PARENTAL FIGURE of the group. 

So, in as much as Grandpa was VERY MISUNDERSTOOD! 

 For me he was “unconditional and unquestioned LOVE” and the demonstrator of such. 

 Be grateful everyday and NEVER give up. 


Peace, Love and Abundance, 

 TracyVW/Hatsu/Aphrodite/Christos Sophia 

Child Trafficking, underground caves and holding cells

So, it is 1975 and my cousin and I have been kidnapped by an Agent of the DSTI program. (deep state targeted individuals) This person, we will call him Chuck, was thought to be one of my Dad’s closest friends.

Upon my suspicions that we were kidnapped, I telepathically contact Ashtar. I explain that he must contact my Grandpa the ghost in Azusa, California.

He does this and Grandpa the ghost (the Telepathic Master) contacts my Dad’s best friend “Uncle Rocky”. Uncle Rocky calls my Dad at work and says, “I am going crazy or something, because your old man is in my head, saying Tracy and

(name withheld) have been kidnapped”.

My Dad (who blocked his abilities and denounced HIS DAD) says, if my Dad is talking to you in your head, THIS IS REAL!

So, Uncle Rocky and my Dad proceed to Crestline, California, where near Lake Gregory we are being held at “Woody’s Motel”.

Upon entering the living area of the owners of the motel, Uncle Rocky went straight up to “Chuck” and shot him in the face!

This left my Dad no choice but to defend Uncle Rocky from the others, and he too shot and killed another person!

Their bodies were buried nearby and discovered soon thereafter!

After this day, Grandpa comes to reside at my home in West Covina, CA and then La Puente, CA, which is where we moved in 1977.

So as “misunderstood” as he has always been, he still remains MY “Beloved Grandpa Anderson”! Which is what he will ALWAYS BE!

Ashtar Sheran becomes my [tandem guardian], and US THREE are never separated until 2019. Which is when we left for our second of three “fishing trips”. The third of which occurs in April 2020. 

It is important to note, that these “fishing trips” are not necessarily in chronological order.


Peace and Love,

Tracy\Scott - The ONE\Father\Mother Creators

AKA Iris\Metatron


Queen, Bohemian Rhapsody (Click link)


Styx, Sing For the Day (Click link)

I AM the Messiah; I bring you REVELATIONS! 

11 20 2021 17 17 PM       

 Revelations = The act of REVEALING or DISCLOSING! 

 Dear Ones, 


I AM Tracy. I AM the Christ Consciousness Resurrected on Earth.  

 I AM the Feminine Solar Christ. I AM the Christos Sophia. 


Today I bring you revelations via my own personal story of this “lifetime” within this “Timeline of the Parables.”  

 The following is an excerpt from my book Starseed Part I & II.  


Part I, Chapter VIII - Attempt to Find and Connect with God. 

 Also, at the age of ten I decided to try out different churches in order to choose a religion. My Mom had been raised Baptist and my dad had been raised Catholic.  

 They decided that my brother and I should choose for ourselves, and I attempted to do just that. I had been to Catholic services with my grandma and found the whole thing weird and troubling. The ritual ceremonial stuff and why would the priest pretend to drink the blood of Christ? So that was out.  

 I attended a few other churches with friends and their families, and nothing was really working for me.  

 Then from the phone book, I arranged for a bus from a local Baptist Church to pick me up on Sunday mornings. I attended for 5 or 6 weeks *and even learned one verse (John 3:16). I really had trouble with “original sin” but was still hanging in there with this church.  

 Then we had a GUEST PASTOR who spoke about the sinking of the Titanic. 

 He said that God sank the Titanic because the captain said, “not even God can sink this ship.” 

 I actually stopped him and asked, “Is this your opinion, because how could someone know that? And why would God kill all those people to prove his power to a man”?  

 Other than “special services” relating to people and their life events, that was the last church service I ever attended. 

 As I child I was prone to spontaneous pondering “out loud” of my perceptions about [life].  

 Many adults when I was out in the world, upon hearing these observations from a child, would become tense, angry, and DOWN RIGHT MEAN!  

 Although I do not remember anyone waging an argument. 

 I could tell that, somehow, I hurt them. I could tell that for some reason they were living in fear. 

 But why? 

 One Saturday morning, while sitting at the table eating breakfast, which was a half grapefruit with a ½ tsp of sugar sprinkled over it. 

 I looked at the fresh flower on the table and thought, I need to bring in a new flower from our garden because this one is dying already.  

 I note that the flower was budding, then blooming then immediately dying.  

 Staring at the flower I asked my mom, “at what age do Human’s stop growing”? 

 To which she replied, “I think it’s somewhere in your latest teens to early 20’s”.  

 I responded, “so Human’s begin to die at approximately 20 years old”. 

 “What do you mean by that,” she inquires. 

 Well, if you are not still growing, (becoming stronger/preparing) it seems that here, one starts dying. Which is NOT how is supposed to be. 

 She disagrees but has no further input as to why. 

 Then she does what many others seem to regret (except my dad) and asks why I came to this conclusion. 

 This flower on the table, I brought it in yesterday and today it is already dying. It reaches full potential and rather than sharing its beauty with Earth life it just dies. Why? 

 She, like so many others stared blankly at me offering no additional feedback. 

 *Something I just now remembered! 

 After that day, there was a new fresh flower on the dining room table every morning, which I did not bring in. 

 I remember saying, how did that get there? 

 That’s when I heard, “It’s your Grandpa Anderson, (Ed) I am here with you now and always, my sweet child of Grace.” 

 I said something like, “It’s about time.”  

 We both laughed! 

 Finally, I had it, the understanding of the probable cause for the obvious fear and pain that most adults that I had come across were experiencing. 

 It was, in my young and humble opinion, parallel or at least similar to that of my refusal of attending organized church services, which I called “ritualistic ceremonies.” 

 I spent decades after this quite with my opinion on this matter, realizing that this would be my final “Soul Purpose” of my lifetimes of this “character” Tracy. Often then saying, “What sole purpose”? 

 Oh shit, somehow, I forgot again! 

 I said then and have been subsequently reminded by “guides” that I made the following statement of promise back then, that I will fulfill now! 

 I would show that what is distorted is believed and therefore twisted. This is so as to cause an unexamined and Self-Serving autonomic process of distortion, and hypocritical hate and the unfair judgement of others, for which they have NO RIGHT! In of itself the above is a curse upon others called the “Evil Eye”. 

 I will do this by simply explaining what true meaning of ONE single Biblical Verse which is, John 3:16. 

John 3:16 - For God so loved the world, he gave his only begotten son. For whom shall ever believe in him shall not parish but have ever lasting life. 

 Okay, so apparently unique to me and my perceptions, is the HUGE problem I have had with this verse calling my grandpa a COWARD! 

 Like many, you might be saying, “What the heck is she talking about”? 

 I am saying that for someone, God in this case, to give their son for purpose of saving man, the world or anything else is downright disgusting and cowardly! 

 How could no one else see it that way? 

 Do they believe the old saying, “I brought you into this world, and I can take you out”? 

 Fortunately for us all, I can clear this up now/Now/NOW! 

 Imagine a Man, my grandpa. He is living in JOY with his family (his reason) while believing he was, “saving the world from the (then) OLD WORLD ORDER and the "world domination plan", he discovers that he was fooled and is now a HUGE instrument used for exactly what he was trying to stop.  

 After examining every conceivable way, it’s determined he will have to volunteer (give) his son. As he is the only ONE that can remove her (me) from the Underworld. Which he does at 13 and when I am 9.  

 *This means crossing and merging timelines that have Grandpa HATED by his son, hated, and denounced by him at the age of 13 and leading to the desecration of his grave, cursing him deeper in a “webbing” of mixed up and crossed “meshing”.   

 This volunteering of his son is not done until his son, (my dad) makes this choice in the future, (2014) and this is to save his own Daughter and Granddaughter.  

 Only they will return to lives in which my dad doesn’t know this. He will HATE and CURSE his father from 1961 to 2014. 

 So, I ask you, as I asked my dad in 2017. (Three years after his death). 

 What would you have my grandpa do differently, (speaking of the horrors and trauma endured by my dad upon being brought into his Telekinetic abilities)? 

 What would cause Grandpa to do this knowing that he would be hated and cursed by his ONLY SON? 

 My answer is the only one I can think of that indeed shows my true Grandpa and his true nature and makes the verse about love and “Service to another” rather than cowardly bargaining! 

 This was for his son’s future DAUGHTER and GRANDAUGHTER!  

 He could have just ignored my plea for help in 2019, but he did NOT! 

 This is true although he did NOT believe himself to be eternal at that point. 


 I COMMAND that he is, God, Sovereign & Free, and so it is!  

 My Grandpa is, Harold Edler Anderson II. I nor you would exist if he had not done what is impossible for me to imagine surviving. 

 My own son hating and cursing me for what cannot be explained for, decades to come! OUCH! I could not have endured! 

 Be grateful every day and NEVER give up. 

 Peace and Love, 


Tracy & 4 Grandpa’s 

My “Real” Grandpa Ed (the one in the uniform) 

The Hat Man Demon 

The Skin Walker Cryptid – Montauk Windigo & 

Grandpa Yin Xu  


BTW – My Dad’s Birthday is February 18, 1948. Many people know this and it is the real reason for the fish symbol that represents Christianity. You know because he is a Pisces. 

When They took my future Dad – 1955

Channeled from Grandpa 

The year is 1955 and Grandpa and Dad have already intercepted the events of 1975.  

Events that ALL “Players of the Dark” thought were “Unknown of” by ALL “Players of the Light”. Heh, heh. 

This includes “The “Machine” also referred to as the AI God by others. 

It was, according to Grandpa a species not seen by him or anyone else in this Galaxy, maybe even universe. 

They paralyzed everyone in the Azusa, California residence with an “electro-Magnetic” “reverse/flip gravity” laser light. (Specifically different than beam) 

Then from the dark ship came a vibrating sound, and in a flash, he was gone.  

The year for me is 1975. 

Grandpa was in his garage, working on, well a “Space Tele-Transportation Relay Gun”.  

On the “White Noise” radio he had constructed, he sent the following Distress Call + Beacon. 

“Harold Edler Anderson III, a seven-year-old “Christos Solar Being”, abducted by unknown species with technology of an “interstellar threat”! 

I said to My Grandpa, I guess it’s my turn, except I haven't learned how to grasp objects such as flowers just yet. 

Oh yeah, I also brought, “some old friends” of ours. 

And for now, that’s where I leave the story. However, since we ALL exist, you can guess that we were successful! 


Gone Fishing at Crystal Lake with Dad – By Traci Anderson  


We will continue this story from Starseed Part I Chapter IV 

Chapter IV – UFO Abductions and Missing Time 

In the book this story ended at our ride back to our campsite.  

In the Newsletters which further explained the story, Dad died, Ghost Grandpa entered Dad’s human body and for a short time I lived with my grandpa/Dad. 

Here we return to “before” and utilizing the Law of Cause and Effect we change the story to, Cause Interception. 


Only TWO things changed here.  

  1. The hypnotized light ship that I made little squares of was intercepted, returned to its “source” and replaced by MY Sister, Athena or Lisa Renee.  
  2.  The “Mantid Being” (Overseer) had been recruited by us and was a secret double agent loyal to our cause. 

 Of “Cause - Interception” the effect was

“possible Dad” = “Future Dad”.  BOOM! 


Be grateful every day and NEVER give up. 

Peace and Love, 


Tracy, Grandpa, Elon, Tommy, Scott, Michael, Ashtar

& Ashtar Sheran (|11-Sheran) 


A Song for the Hat Man & My "Guardian" Ashtar from Traci\Tracy

A Thank You song to Arch Angels Gabriel, Michael & Metatron