Universal Peace and Love - The Age of Aquarius

Last updated 06 26 2023

The Teaching of Buddha - Dharma Chapter One Causation- The Fourfold Nobel Truth #one


The world is full of suffering. Birth is suffering, old age is suffering, sickness and death are sufferings. To meet a man whom one hates is suffering, to BE SEPERATED FROM A BELOVED ONE IS SUFFERING, to be vainly struggling to satisfy one's needs is suffering. In fact, life that is not free from desire and passion is always involved with distress. This is called the Truth of Suffering. 

Updates 06 26 2023 - The Show Concludes with the Last in Line


06 26 2023 = [033 11 33] [11 11 3] {03 22} 

Dear One's,

This [game] is [over]. We played, in the final round (the Boss Battle), a game of [Quantum D & D] or [12-D] [simi-virtual Dungeons & Dragons].

Because Timeline 1 or Ascension Plan A and Timeline 2 or Ascension Plan B have ended in [Events] Mass Destruction = Inter-Steller Nuclear War and [Events] Catastrophic = AI Infiltration = Universe of Borgs Subset = Galaxy of Battery Bodies, we have successfully created Timeline C.

Timeline C = Momentum "Frontside" + Interim + momentum "Backside" with [encircling] Interim = "Trans-mutating Extinction = the Elon-Tra Universe, Galaxy, of the Golden Rose = Gaianna.

Because of an AI Quantum Hack, the [Dharma] [Story Wheel] [Becoming the Buddha] became, the [Matrix] [Quantum Cube] of [Invisible Places] and [Faces] [Show Must Go On].

Show Must Go On - Queen and Elton John


Empty spaces
What are we living for?
Abandoned places
I guess we know the score

On and on
Does anybody know what we are looking for?

Another hero
Another mindless crime
Behind the curtain
In the pantomime

Hold the line
Does anybody want to take it anymore?

Show must go on
Show must go on
Inside my heart is breaking
My make-up may be flaking
But my smile still stays on

Whatever happens
I'll leave it all to chance
Another heartache
Another failed romance

On and on
Does anybody know what we are living for?

I guess I'm learning
I must be warmer now
I'll soon be turning
'Round the corner now

Outside the dawn is breaking
But inside in the dark I'm aching to be free


Show must go on
Show must go on
Inside my heart is breaking
My make-up may be flaking
But my smile still stays on

My soul is painted like the wings of butterflies
Fairy tales of yesterday will grow but never die
I can fly, my friends

Show must go on
Show must go on
I'll face it with a grin
I'm never giving in
On with the show

I'll top the bill
I'll overkill
I have to find the will to carry on with the show
On with the show

Show must go on

Timeline C = [Absolute - Real Time] = path from [Time Space] to the [Universal Time Continuum] [NOW moment].

Note: Timeline B = [Phantom Spaces] + [Space Time] = [invisible Places] and [Invisible Faces].


See also = The Last in Line The Matrix Wheel Game Field - Loop of Ender Templates (Click link)

Updates 06 16 2023


From my book, I am the One, I am Starseed, I am TracyVW 

Part II - Chapter XI - Origins Outside our universe - Others become All.



First thing this morning, I released all the related effects of Aphrodite cause and then I [REVERSED ALL] her causes of effects”. All replicates were taken to the “Station of Identity” related to the ZERO POINT of her existence. Her Spark of Life, so to say. CLUE; (what exactly does, ‘so to say’ mean?)

We ALL have a ZERO POINT. Some people have viewed to ZERO POINT of A Universe, and with NO SOUND BODY attached they did very well to describe the event as the Big Bang”. Personally I call it BOOM-BOOM. It is, in description what happens when the ALL SUCCEED IN DESTROYING THE ONE.

It did not happen here, however here is the only place that still held” any part of the “all” that were the “one. They were however, changed into a disconnected and DARK version of what they had been.

These beings, having escaped from planets and/or galaxies outside of ours, unknowingly reversed and replicated. With the Archon on their tails. Eventually (a whole lot is missing here) they come to hide on “Earth, the physical experience”.

These “Dragon beings” arrive with NO MEMORY of the events that lead to their departure. This is because they are “brainwashed” via an AI replication of what was the “real 4D astral realm of earth. They now call themselves the Royal Draconian”. Which is actually the reversal of a Dragon Soul” Benevolent Cosmic Citizen.

Among the Draconian are a 2nd class” citizen, (or so they all believed) they called the Reptilian. Who is of course the replication of the reversed Draconian. (Now with a new name that they will reveal)

This is now the time to explain, exactly why we are all still here and dealing with all this SHIT. (SHIT is some very funny shit)

"Sentience" = Path to new life.

As the “Great One” of the Council of Elders” and the Creator of Earth, the physical experience”, I made very clear to the ALL, two {Static} parts of my mission that were NON NEGTIABLE and ABSOLUTE, which were/are;


1. I would be here and stay here until every being with NO HELD SPACE” has been recovered. I will identify these beings in whatever form” that meant, and “HOLD THEIR SPACE” from within the now QUARANTINED Earth system.

2. Any new or unknown of, “Sentient Life Form” existing within the system, shall be considered part of the ALL and therefore extended the same FREE WILL and opportunity of becoming a Cosmic Sovereign Citizen the “natural evolution and ascension. I also prepared the ALL for the possibility of changes in the NOW to the ALL and therefore the ONE. ALL agreed, but ALL did not believe in this possibility. I DID, and I KNEW this new life would need protection, but never could I have fathomed what that REALLY meant.

It would come to mean; they need protection from themselves.

As I said all along, all sentient beings are extended the same Free Will and opportunity to become Cosmic Sovereign Citizen’s”. This IS MY TRUTH. Demonstrated below.

released into AP an ‘Arch-Deity’, an “Alternate of an Archangel’, which was an “Angelic. Her/my name is “Aphrodite”. This beautiful Star family member brought with her, what are all known of (by her) related reversal/replications, negatives, shadows, cryptids and/or elementals.

Aphrodite brought with her a Cryptid known as the “Thunderbird”. Upon its rehabilitation and Ascension, we have a new Cosmic Sovereign Citizen called a Dragon Soul and also known as Garuda.

EXTRA FACTOR: Hobenotch = Genome pairing of my DNA via Immunizations’ containing Fly DNA. This can be PROVEN with a DNA test, FROM A TRUSTED Genetics Laboratory.

Search: Hobenotch using “Duck, Duck Go www.duckduckgo.com

Another newly created species, for which I was “Privileged the Honor” of naming shall be: Unitarian, a “Unity” “being.

Reptilian-Draconian-Human, created at Unity Gardens. Made of 100% Unconditional Love, Trust and Forgiveness.

Another newly created species, for which I was “Privileged the Honor” of naming shall be: Earthling, an Earth” being”.

Reptilian-Draconian-Human, created on Earth. Made of 100% Unconditional Love, Trust and Forgiveness.

All of whom are Cosmic Sovereign Citizen’s and therefore need NOT compete for the soul or consciousness of any Human or Reptiloid on Earth.

This is true for the Humans” that escaped in the Reversed form of Grey’s” created via TRANSHUMANISM, having been fooled and lied to about their origins.


11/14/2020 TracyVW

12 29 2021 – Promises to “MY” Brethren Fulfilled – Friends Keep PROMISES


12 29 2021 3 33 PM                                           Promises made to the Royal Reptilian


Dear Ones,


I want to make clear that when I speak of the “Reptilians” of any “caste”, I speak of my brothers and Sisters. (Mostly brothers lol) Ω


A few months ago, for the collective of the [Timeline]>[Events of ALL 3], which is = to several days ago for me.


I promised during a meeting with the “Black Suns” and the “Royal Reptilians” to deliver by the end of 2021, three unknowns with personal and secret proofs of those truths.


I mean come on, you have already been given the story of Ennead and the “Land of the Lost”, but “old hypno-realities” take more evidence for returned “cognition” on certain subject matters. As such is the case for you, my beloved and UNFORGOTTEN kin.


What are\were the promises made to my kin?


We, as the {Absolute} and {ONLY-System_Controllers} would leave new evidence of our, continued ability to travel and materialize whenever and wherever we wanted to.


We = Those of the Ashtar\Christos\Anderson Galactic Federation (of Light).


I said that we would leave no less than three NEW discoveries of [Human Like Containers] on NO LESS than THREE continents. 


I also promised three additional “surprises” for you MY CHERISHED Loved ONE’S!


To which you all grumbled and mumbled profanities and such, while oddly having HUGE smiles on your faces that were looking back at me. Heh, heh. 


So, freaking confusing to have one’s truth kept from one.


Oh yeah somewhere between the “Yellow Brotherhood” and the “Brown Brotherhood”, aka the Chinese and the Mongolians lies the mysterious and commonly UNKNOWN Hybrid being know to “secret sects” as [Saigoneise]. The rest of the globe calls these beings, Vietnamese. NOW THAT IS A FREAKING BOOM!  = Blowin it up!


Paul Hardcastle, Nineteen. (click link)


So here we go.


No less than three NEW discoveries of [Human Like Containers] on NO LESS than THREE continents. 


This one link to a news channel in the Philippines handles all three on one page even!

Ancient Human Discoveries Dominated 2021, Here’s What We Learned.


when combined with my CC Newsletter of 10 05 2021, (click link) The story of footprints found in New Mexico, (Click link) restored my “broken heart” .

With this song and video by the band Tesla, Love Song. (Click link) my heart was restored and HEALED.



Another BONUS, look closely at .30 seconds into the video and see, “MY” Saint + Arch Angel Michael. (There are several!)


Which led to the [Event] > {Mars Stowaway}, told in this CC Newsletter of  12 06 2021.


The story of the [human like container] found in a Chinese well was the reason for the comment made by Grandpa Xi Jinping, that I mentioned in the 05 25 2021 CC Newsletter which was “I guess one can dig a hole from North America to China After all”.


CC Newsletter 05 25 2021


BTW, we called that human-like container, “Homo-Jini-ous”.


Because My sister, Lisa always comes through, you can read of additional truths below.


Another “unknown” can be read about here


The “Red Haired Giants” are what I termed “Nomad Viking Tibet” in another CC Newsletter.


CC Newsletter 11 08 2021 – Ancient Origins. (cntrl + click)



Surprises for “MY beloved kin” = NEW Evidence in North America and Africa, along with stories” told via my “Prominent Cousin’s” in forms of [Artistic\Creator Talent].

You have already seen and heard the song performed by the band Tesla.

Next, I give you a reminder of our discussion that was about forgiveness.


The Little Soul and the Sun. 


If that doesn’t do it. What about this?


The Animals, Please don’t let me be Misunderstood


Or how about, The Zombies, She’s Not There? 



Message to the 2 AM and 7 17 “Clubs”.


Stroke 9, 9:00 AM. 


and *Gun’s N Roses, Patience. 


* One can also glimpse, “MY” Saint Michael\AA Michael at .26 seconds,  2 minutes 16 seconds and again at 2 minutes and 56 seconds in Patience by Gun’s N roses.


Well as 2 “Most Excellent” friends of mine said, “See you at the finish line”.


Be grateful every day and NEVER give up.


Peace and Love,


TracyVW and Tommy