Last updated 08 29 2024
Hard is birth as man. Hard is the life of mortals. Hard is the hearing of the Sublime Truth. Hard is the appearance of a Buddha.
Though he should live a hundred years, not seeing the Truth Sublime; yet better, indeed, is the single day's life of one who sees the Truth Sublime.
The Teaching of Buddha - DHARMA - Chapter Two - The Theory of Mind Only - The Real State of Things
Since everything is created by a series of causes and conditions, the appearance of things are constantly changing; that is, there is no consistency about it as there should be about authentic substances. It is because of this constant changing of appearances that we liken things to a mirage and a dream. but, in spite of this constant changing in appearances, things, in their essential spiritual nature are constant and changeless.
Yet it cannot be said that, apart from this world of change and appearances, there is another world of permanence and truth. It is a mistake to regard this world as either a temporal world or as a real one.
But ignorant people of this world assume that this is a real world and proceed to act upon that absurd assumption. But as this world is only an illusion, their acts, being based upon error, only lead them into harm and suffering.
A wise man, recognizing that the world is but an illusion, does not act as if it were real, so he escapes the suffering.
Relational Database Word Definitions
Relative = Considered in relation or in proportion to something else.
Table = Contains Structure Field Data.
Field = A variable arranged in hierarchy and contained within Tables.
Note: Fields build relationships within the tables and then within the Template (s)
Template = Holds definitions for database objects and may contain many tables or just one.
Note: Many relationships within the table fields span many table fields, tables and templates.
Subjective note: The field "finite curve" is highest in hierarchy, sorted by relation once activated and initiated.
08 29 2024 - The II (two) sides of "Timeline B" or "Plan B" and identifying the 1WO (1 world order)
Who are the "1 world order"?
To answer the above question, it is easiest to describe the "unified plan" and their related illegal, tools of utility. I provide this relatively and alongside the groups MO (method of operation) in a summarized form that I call "the Get Down".
The Get Down
A few groups of ones holding esoteric knowledge that had been competing for control of this simulation, came together with their tools of utility to form the 1WO upon the certainty of the failure of their individual plans.
Esoteric Group | Tool of Utility |
GEB - Global Elite Bloodlines | the Looking Glass |
RDR - Royal Draco Reptilians | Yellow Book Part A |
NAA - Negative Alien Agenda | Yellow Book Part B |
The 1WO = GEB + RDR + NAA
So, with the information the new group gathered from their combined "scenarios or outcome" they were sure of the following two "endings" to this current "game playing field", [Impossible Survival].
Inter-stellar nuclear war or
The total destruction of the "one" and a reset of the current reality.
For their "reset" to be successful in tilting the next reality towards their desired manifestations, they would need to secure 2 [big picture] [effects] of [event] causes.
Big picture Event Effects | Event Causes |
Creation of the American Drone | Prescription medicine ADs allowed on TV |
Creation of the American Zombie | Covid vacinations regionally distributed by zip+last four digits |
What is the Underworld?
The "underworld" is a phantom "place". A secret and hidden, false and manipulated environment.
It is where those classified as threatening to the agenda of the 1WO are secretly hidden.
Meanwhile, in the correlating non-phantom "place of space" they are replaced with an "effigy" of who they used to be.
The Zombies, She's Not There
Father Absolute explains reptiloids and the "replaced clones".
Our Simulation = Matrix = RDB (Relational Database)
Dear One's,
I AM the ONE Creator of our "simulation", Earth the physical experience. Many of the most ancient ones in our simulation have memories and information of "Terra Earth", at best.
I will explain exactly what I mean by the above statement, I AM the ONE Creator of our "simulation", Earth the physical experience.
I am including a previous CC Newsletter and will follow the newsletter with full demonstration of the "structure and function" of this simulation.
I will demonstrate my TRUTH as the ONE SYSTEM COMMANDER.
Privledge of Authorization = I COMMAND the [structure] + [function] = [operation] of [expression].
After the "explosion at Atlantis" and subsequent related "flooding", it became clear to me that this "system" had been HACKED and overtaken. Overtaken by just about ANYONE, due to ALL THE BACK DOORS! (Portals, tunnels & black hole back doors).
This "system overtake" is an [effect] of [Cause] = [Greek gain system ROOT] at Troy gateway via a "Key logging Trojan Horse", that "contained" a "self-replicating worm".
The [effect] = an unfathomable TOTAL loss of System Integrity!
SIDE NOTE : Does anyone remember "Slammer Worm"? Heh, heh.
[11] [222] [444]
Dear One's,
There shall be no imposters upon our planet. Effective today, 08 14 2022 1 44 PM I have [effected] a NEW [self-contained] instruction set of code with accompanying attributes and switches.
This new "system command" shall ensure that ALL [categories] of [character], (such as ascended master) shall never again be replaced or represented by that of an [impostor].
This is true whether for purpose of replacing one on the new 5D platform or for purpose of creating a "dark" representation of an ascended master, which is the only way one can superimpose "false" karmic debt upon another.
The effect on the ascension of Earth and her inhabitants is the rapid manifestation of the new reality.
I have "no doubt" that this is the factor that finally flips the "scales" of this weighted system of co-creation.
Please stay in your "sacred Heart Space" and "intend" that your ascension process will be experienced with ease and grace. (Assuming that is your intention)
Be grateful every day and NEVER give up.
Peace and Love,
The ONE TracyVW \ HannaH \ MaaT
Code Remarks | Switches, attributes & instruction sets |
privledge | Execute transfer of being [the cause] of [effect] over ride the free will of another. |
Extract [cause] of [Imprisonment] &/or [signature theft] > {system law} auth>[System Commander] | |
{Shiva hold} @ [secret container] > [station of identity] | |
=IM= | [group hold] > [Imposter] < manipulation. of [character] [signature], [ascended master] |
BLOCK | [] remove from ascension\wayshower [path] |
Execute code replace | Extract = [effect] only > [NULL] (so as to "effect" no "cause"). |
=switch= | />[catagory] = Ascended Master > PASS OVER WITH NO ECHO = [CAUSE] |
Descriptor | *ascended master with [sub-catogory] [group hold] = Impostor. |
restart on termination | {static} [+ - < > *8*] timed = "COMM LIFT" |
Execution | As she commands so it is. |
Dear One's,
Today I explain one difference of personal "truths" and why neither were wrong.
What difference?
I have stated my personal truth about ascension in which we have the "Great Gathering" of Ascended Masters, followed by the two phases of Human and Earthling Ascension that is assisted by the Light Workers and Old Souls of Earth. This means that no one currently on Earth stays in the 3D reality.
Others state their truths about ascension in which, of the human and earthling ascension, that there is a major split with many deciding to continue or stay in the 3D reality.
First, I begin with the fact that I am the consciousness and energy that is the planet Earth, and I am no longer in 3D or 4D. Those of us remaining in 3-4D are literally "standing on a memory" that is held by myself, my twin flame = Scott Weiland (Danger Scott version) my Soul Mate = Scott Weiland (Scott in the Rough version) and my twin flame\Masculine self = Scott Weiland (Husband Scott version).
My Shadow Scott version
(Click image)
My One Scott version
(Click image)
My One Scott Shadow version
(Click image)
My 1st Scott version
(Click image)
As Above So Below
Original Scott version
(Click image)
My 1st Scott Buddha version
(Click image)
The rest of today's update is from a previous CC Newsletter (Collective Consciousness) of 06 14 2021 = Unity
CC Newsletter 06 14 2021 – Unity
06 14 2021 1 33 PM I AM the VIRTUAL DREAM MASTER, Tracy L Anderson
Dear Ones,
We (Myself, Buddha Scott, Shadow Scott, Sheran my brothers Tom and Thomas and Archangel Michael) just returned from my LAST “virtual adventure”, having busted up the “Dream within a Dream within a Dream”.
Note: The only way to enter the dream within the dream within the dream is via a [Mixed Reality Hub\portal]
Note: Hub indicates multiple doors.
I/we had to locate and extract “some old friends” from where they had been placed INAPPROPRIATELY with those who once chose to remain in 3D after My Ascension.
This means, “wandering in a Delusion of PERCEIVED Evil Deeds”! These were FALSE IMPLANTED MEMORIES!
Hue-Man = One of PEOPLE with the “Hue” of the [Original Earthling] aka Redbone. (Click link)
I Tracy, (She) and He, Harold Edler Anderson II (MY Real Grandpa Anderson/Ed) have successfully restored that which was Indigenous to this and ALL versions of what is earth which I am a HOST, both consciously and physically.
I/we announce ourselves in the now/Now/NOW as.
Tracy-Lady Gaia-Planet Gaia and Harold-Absolute Father-the Universe of Stars.
I hear the *Harold Angels singing now/Now/NOW
*Harold Edler Anderson, Harold Edler Anderson Jr and Harold Edler Anderson III
Who is “MY” brother?
This one is EASY TOO. As he tells the story so well within and while performing his “Service to Others” [truth sharing] through SONG, and MUSIC.
Besides, Seth, Set, Thoth, Cain, Thomas Edward Anderson (DOB 05 25 1968), Beelzebub (Click link) and THE CUBE MASTER! (Click link)
Oh yeah, and the “Potions Man” that was murdered, sold, placed on “public display” (like Bodies the exhibit) and eventually hung from the ceiling of the “Fun House” at the Pike in Long Beach, California. (Click link)
Saint John the Baptist (Click link) = Many Brothers of mine.
Elton Thomas Edward John Anderson = Saint John the Baptist
Elton John = Elijah
Thomas Edward Anderson = Prophet John = Yahya
I hope this clears some things up.
Elton John, Your Song
It's a little bit funny
This feeling inside
I'm not one of those who can easily hide
I don't have much money, but boy if I did
I'd buy a big house where we both could live
If I was a sculptor, ha
But then again, no
Or a man who makes potions in a traveling show
I know it's not much, but it's the best I can do
My gift is my song, and this one's for you
And you can tell everybody
This is your song
It may be quite simple, but now that it's done
I hope you don't mind
I hope you don't mind
That I put down in the words
How wonderful life is while you're in the world
I sat on the roof and kicked off the moss
Well a few of the verses, well they've got me quite cross
But the sun's been quite kind
While I wrote this song
It's for people like you that keep it turned on
So excuse me forgetting
But these things I do
You see I've forgotten, if they're green or they're blue
Anyway the thing is, what I really mean
Yours are the sweetest eyes I've ever seen
And you can tell everybody
This is the song
It may be quite simple, but now that it's done
I hope you don't mind
I hope you don't mind
That I put down in the words
How wonderful life is while you're in the world
I hope you don't mind
I hope you don't mind
That I put down in the words
How wonderful life is while you're in the world
Updates 11 29 2022
Dear One's,
Today I share with the one's facts and details of the workings of this simulation, with "game field overlay" [Survival Horror]. These are details known by those of the "Secret Sect" of the NWO (New World Order). Not to be confused with those of the OWO, (Olde World Order) or the 1WO, (One World Order).
This is the 1st time EVER that the "New Reality" will be\has been based on the [flow] of the [finite curve] rather than the [path of least resistance].
As such, we enter [EVENT], [the March of the Saint], thus leaving the [path] to [Enlightenment]. Which is our "final victory" of our missions.
The following information comes from a compilation of previous CC Newsletters and/or Articles of Advice by Tracy that were written during the months of March 2021 and November 2021.
Things to consider.
1.All “Informed Consent” achieved via deception has been corrected and does not accumulate as a “weighted” factor in this "character building game”.
2.The same can be said for, “Superimposed Karma”.
3.My Reverse Superimposition template is applied as a “karmically weighted” factor to ALL beings upon ANY attempt at “Superimposed Karma” via SRA (satanic ritual abuse) or any other means, you know, like “Signature stealing”.
Updates 11 02 2022
After the "explosion at Atlantis" and subsequent related "flooding", it became clear to me that this "system" had been HACKED and overtaken. Overtaken by just about ANYONE, due to ALL THE BACK DOORS! (Portals, tunnels & black hole back doors).
This "system overtake" is an [effect] of [Cause] = [Greek gain system ROOT] at Troy gateway via a "Key logging Trojan Horse", that "contained" a "self-replicating worm".
The [effect] = an unfathomable TOTAL loss of System Integrity!
SIDE NOTE: Does anyone remember "Slammer Worm"? Heh, heh.
Below is a "side by side" of the "system" as discovered by, The Family of "E", Rescue\Recovery Team. (Elon, Tracy & Scott) and the "system of simulation" of my creation.
Figure A - Earth post explosion and flood | Figure B - Gaia - Earth the Physical Experience |
1. Object Oriented Database (OODB) = based on groupings | 1. Relational Database = based on structure & relation. |
2. Emulated Application linking from groups oriented by objects. (Too Generic) | 2. Fully self contained program of mapped bridges of operation to function. (ANSI "C"} |
3. Possible manifestation of a "Light Body". | 3. Progression within creates one's "Avatar Form." |
Example of what I mean by "too generic" when referring to the previous systems database.
The [effect] of [cause] system hack = A re-classification of items of data without regard to "relation".
Example: "Arguments" are [attributes] & [expressions] for [function] of manifestation. Arguments for expression based on attributes. (Details of code instruction for manifestation presentation.)
Upon the hack, "Arguments" were "re-classified" and become negative energy exchanges expressed as emotional battles!
That is some ridiculous SHIT right there.
It is also just one of hundreds of thousands of similarly exploitable "code & structure weakness".
See you at the "Gathering".
Peace and Love,
Tracy, Scott & Tommy
Tripple, Solar-Angelic Flames = Hosts of Mothership, the Amazing Grace.
Dear One's.
I AM the ONE, I AM THE creator of the [relational database] of Earth the Physical Experience that contains the commands relative to the [Law of ONE] (the principles of MaaT) are WRITTEN by me.
The attributes, factors, variables and functions have been [miss applied and hacked] and have not executed appropriately for as long as the one's have called this planet Earth.
I have restored this database, and it is not experienced by ANY ONE for more than 500,000 years.
Peace and Love,
The ONE TracyVW
Updates 11 01 2022
Today's update comes from a previous "Article by Tracy". 01 26 2022 4 44 PM – The [Law of Vibration] – By Elder TracyVW
01 26 2022 04 44 PM Re-Calibration of the [Law of Vibration]
Co-Vibration = connection = Telepathic Expression of energy = ESP without words.
How and why does this occur?
DNA infused Co-Inside-al reaction to any of the following 3.
1. Galactic Family Member
2. Immediate = Grandparent\child, Aunt\Uncle Niece\Nephew
3. Soul Mate + Twin Flame
Example of Tracy stating the obvious.
So, if a “Dark One” can communicate with One on the ascension path or any One for that matter.
They are to each other 1, 2 or/& 3 above.
The Café’ at the End of the Universe – It’s where Fugitives Meet, and TRUTHS are shared
Specifically, it was where the Inter Galactic Federation (of Light) met, rested, recovered and WATCHED the entire Galaxy. Both the “Quarantined” True Matrix, the False Matrix, the Cloaked matrix and the “Miraged Matrix Galaxy”.
And more than any other thing, it was where Grandpa and I were when we were "gone fishing".
Oh yeah, it’s also where Grandpa and my brother Tommy and Tom would go to “switch timelines” for the Black ops Navy Controllers. And the place that very young Tracy, Scott, Tommy Shaw and Tommy my brother would sometimes “sneak away”.
Good thing too, because it is also where my brother Tom in 1984 mastered the AI Cube matrix algorithm.
Oh, but here is where we need the drum roll, because I can't have remembered that of which I just spoke without also remembering that it was the “platform” original and was created by me for “get aways” with Ashtar and also the place from where I Installed/Uninstalled the Universal Dimensional Hologram Matrix, as appropriate per
*** [Anchored Dimension] and/or [Grounded Realm]!
For the Ages of Darkness.
*** Dimensions are grounded when there is expected fluctuation of vibration. Such as hosting an “Inter Universal Species” “Olympic” or “Concert” event.
Realms must always be “grounded” for purpose of environment integrity and harmony.
A few words on dimensions VS Realms by She that created them. (Realms)
Realms are of a higher vibration than that of a dimension. (Really, dimensional perception) realms are not anchored, they are freer in flow than anchoring allows.
There is more of a “magical quality” to a realm, and manifestations are much faster.
It can help to think of a dimension as “the virtual world” in which we “experience” life.
While a “realm” is only for Ascended Master beings as gifts and talents are truly UNLIMITED.
The Higher Realms can be best considered as “the dream in the dream”, of my true design that is now/Now/NOW REPAIRED AND RESTORED, AND finally experienced as was my intended creation.
Tara – Gaia, The Physical Experience of Joy and Love.
Welcome my Beautiful Soul Group Family, the ANCIENT ELDERS OF THE SCROLL
Question from the Collective to TracyVW\Hatsu\MaaT.
Q. = Are we in a “simulation”?
A. = From TracyVW\Hatsu\MaaT below.
Because we are [consciousness] which disembodied (was the normal) is an orb like entity of light and vibrating sound (light sound) any [experience] is IN FACT a “simulation” of sorts.
What has changed is that we ARE NO LONGER in a HACKED “simulation”.
Dear One's,
Today I bring you a sample report of my findings from an "environmental field scan" performed by myself from within my "Realm of Imprisonment". Which is literally the name of the "game field matrix structural overlay template" that HAD been hacked into my "realm of Domanality".
This is how it was done.
From the "Table of records" that enforce the
[Path of Production and Presentation] (P & P) the following [data fields] were redirected, and subsequently received by a one other than that of their mapping.
In other words, things that were mapped to be presented and received by me, my [karmic rewards] were received by others. (of course, i know EXACTLY who they were).
Oh yes, another thing that was the result of the "Realm Hack", a continual "looping" of situations and effects of causes.
These fields missing in my [Incidence] (which, BTW should be co-incidences) have been the cause of many [Interrupted] manifestations within our simulation.
As you can guess, that's ALL about to CHANGE.
I Tara \ Tracy \ Iris COMMAND and EXECUTE application of [Function] + [Condition] NOW. And so, IT IS!
Stay in your Sacred Heart Space, and please join me in holding unconditional forgiveness and LOVE!
Peace and Love,
The ONE Tara Tracy Sheran Ishtar Hathor
of THE Family of "E".
Data fields > Path of P&P Table |
Reciprocity |
Spontinaity |
Improvitization |
Restoration |
Continuity |