Q's from the collective A's from the ONE
Last updated 03 07 2025
Update 03 07 2025
Today I bring you, questions that "Q" and answers that expand.
Questions come from my galactic family and my Earth guides, together they are my [Galactic Circle].
Q-9 = How did "original real grandpa" become the grandpa of TracyVW, being that he lived his life as a bachelor?
A-9 = By transferring to a "potential timeline" via [time/space].
E-9 = We transfer back for new [outcomes] of [effect]. My original timeline has been unseen by those of the deep state and the industrial military complex.
Double-E = Original Real Grandpa (Ghost Ops - Stationed at Fort MacArthur) and My Real Grandpa Ed (Navy photographer, Instant Camera & Film Inventor etc.) switched places in "space\time", uh... sometime during WWII. (you were busy being the war machine)
Follow me now. Not "my grandpa" became "My real grandpa" who then merged with "my grandpa Anderson" (Ed) and they become "my original real grandpa) Always for me, but a holler away. G R A N D P A!
Oh yeah, and the ONE Grandpa that left my inheritance, an executor and a guarantor in timeless/ageless perpetuation.
Yes, a total D&D skill, guess he learned from me too. (^: ASCII oh yeah, I REMEMBER
Can you say BOOM!
Peace and Love,
TracyVW with
the Sons of the Sacred Heart
Verona Fathers - Perpetual Mass Association
A Grandpa "character personification" = Ronnie James Dio #1
Harold Edler Anderson Jr
PASS South Pacific Force
Pictorial Journalist
Harold E. Anderson Jr
South Pacific Force
Navy Photographer
Harold E. Anderson
Enlisted = Korean War
Enlisted = WWII
You can see an example of pictorial journalism by the grandpa of column 1 who is accompanied by TracyVW-2019
on this page. The Real Time Inter-Dimensional Travelers (click link)
The "Grandpa Story" continues on this page. The Matrix Wheel Game Field - Loop of Ender (click link)
Updates 05 05 2023
Today I bring you, questions that cue and answers that expand.
Questions come from my galactic family and my Earth guides, together they are my [Galactic Circle].
Q-1 = When and where did you first meet a Scott in the physical?
A-1 = In 1997 at a VFW hall in Sierra Made, California.
E-1 = This was "Rock Star Scott".
Q-2 = When and where was the second time you met a Scott in the physical?
A-2 = The year was 2002, and we were in New York, New York.
E-2 = I purposely moved into the same apartment building, and I purposely met him in the laundry room of our building. This was "Danger Scott".
Q-3 = When and where did you first meet Tommy in the physical?
A-3 = In 1988 at a movie theater in Puente Hills, California.
E-3 = Tommy was in my 1988, but he came from a time/space in which it was 1973. He was 19 years old, and I was 17. On the big screen was the movie, Monsters of Rock.
Q-4 = When and where was the second time you met Tommy in the physical?
A-4 = In 2017, at a Styx show, in Pala California.
E-4 = The year was 2017, however I was there from a time/space of 2019. I had an amazing time.
Q-5 = When and where was the first "linear time" meeting with Scott?
A-5 = In 1997 at the VFW hall in Sierra Madre, California.
E-5 = This was "Husband Scott" (very soon anyway), and we were both there from a time/space of 1992.
Q-6 = When and where was the first "linear time" meeting with Tommy?
A-6 = In 2019, at a Styx show in Pala California.
E-6 = I was there from a time/space of 2017. I will never forget that night.
Q-7 = When did a "Scott presence" join your team of guides?
A-7 = In 2017, this was "Rock Star Scott".
E-7 = Rock Star Scott was "First Scott" from my "original timeline".
Q-8 = When did another "Scott presence" join your team of guides?
A-8 = In 2019, this was "Shadow\Buddha Scott".
E-8 = "Original Scott", brought "Shadow\Buddha Scott" to meet Tracy and "Rock Star Scott". The following song was a four Scott collaboration.
Down, Stone Temple Pilots
Ah, ah, ahCome on
Pleased to meet youWhat's the message?Will ya show me?
Nice to know meI've been waitingA long time nowNow here's the answer You're all mine now
Yeah, I've been waiting for my Sunday girlYeah, I've been waiting for my Sunday girl now
Pleased to meet youNice to know meWhat's the message?Will ya show me?
I've been waitingA long time, nowNow here's the answerYou're all mine now
Yeah, I've been waiting for my Sunday girlYeah, I've been waiting for my Sunday girl now
Will you follow me down now, down now?Will you follow me down? Go
Will you follow me down now, down now?Yeah, I've been waiting for my Sunday girlYeah, I've been waiting for my Sunday girl nowYeah, I've been waiting for my Sunday girlYeah, I've been waiting for my Sunday girl now
Pleased to meet youNice to know me What's the message? Will ya show me the way?
Q-10 = How did 7-year-old Traci learn to direct energy telekinetically?
A-10 = By viewing me, TracyVW in 2020, while I took out the "old town Las Vegas" power grid and used it against the dozens of helicopters that were attacking me while I was in my room at the Four Queen's Hotel Casino.
E-10 = This one is completely decided by those of "Project Power Replication". You can deactivate the weapons your way, or I will do it my way, just like Old Town Las Vegas in 2020.
Updates 01 30 2023
Today's Q comes from the following previous Q & A with a "side story".
Q. Does life exist on Mars and Venus?
A. There is and was life on both Mars and Venus. Mars had recently consisted of mostly kidnapped “Starseeds” that were taken from their homes on Earth and placed on Mars as imprisoned workers. (Not that different from Earth in the sense of being imprisoned as a worker).
Venus before Now\NOW had been an all-female planet (Matriarchal society really) that was potentially “hostile” to male beings.
This is primarily due to the fact that those on the “council” residing in Venus were among the women that escaped from their Draconian Imprisonments as so called “Draco Queens”. The Venutarian’s were not Draco Queens, rather they were prisoners.
Side Story = In 2010 Grandpa and me landed on Venus. This was an emergency landing, somewhat of a crash really.
It was on Venus and after a “hearing” with their ambassador that we were allowed to leave the planet. Madam ambassador said, “Okay, fine. We will not detain your “Grandpa”, as it seems that, on Earth Males and Females are kind of equal, but not really”.
She then supplied us with a “light ship” and told us to leave very quickly.
I thanked my sister and told her I would see her again when ALL were sovereign and free.
Q. What was my defense against the charge "Earth is a patriarchal society in which woman are oppressed?
A. It is important to understand that it did not matter whether grandpa himself did this, only that "all men of Earth" and "Orion" were charged as such should they be caught on or around Venus.
I explained during "trial" that under the circumstances we on earth were doing the best we could regarding the subject "equal rights for woman". Yes, I did explain that women were not paid the same as men for the same work.
I also explained that it wasn't exactly the fault of the humans on Earth, nor was it elsewhere in the Galaxy. I explained that it was NAA programming via "directed energy weapons", that broadcast messages and signals to EVERY being in the galaxy. These messages, an insidious mind washing, in which old "beliefs" and "opinions" were replaced with new "conclusions" and "opinions".
I further explained that when one becomes aware of this method of brainwashing being used against them, that is when one has a chance of overcoming the effects.
I believe it was the "brain teaser" I presented, that Madame Ambassador could not solve that won grandpa his freedom.
Which was:
After a serious car accident, a young man is brought to the hospital. He requires emergency surgery. The surgeon upon seeing the patient says, "I cannot operate on this patient", "He is my son".
The young man's father was waiting in the waiting room.
So, who then was the surgeon? (Answer in the drop down at the end of this post)
When madame ambassador could not come up with the correct answer I told her the "answer to my riddle". Which is when she decided to release my grandpa. When I explained that grandpa and I needed to repair our "sky vehicle" and that we would need a few "earth days" to do so.
She gave us a "new light ship", as long as we left immediately.
Which we did
Updates 11 11 2022
Today I will address a question from Sarah Winchester and Susanna Winslow.
Thank you, Sarah and Susanna for being here and for your co-operation and service to the ALL.
Q. = What is the significance of your "family tree"? Referring to the FACT that I am related to ALL the "esoteric", illuminati, Cabal, Skull and Bones, Free Mason etc., Ie. the controllers.
A. = Master code 777 = From Ascensionglossary.com = Below
Ancestral Clearing
Many of us suffer from an Orphan Complex, at various stages of our ancestral clearing and healing process. When we consciously participate and inquire on this process, we can make miraculous healing available not only to ourselves, but to our extended family of origin and throughout our bloodline history. This is the secret of the master number code of 777. Seven generations of bloodlines will be impacted in the past and future, simultaneously, when the ascending vehicle consciously participates with Spiritual Ascension to Cosmic Christ Consciousness. The now self is initiated to heal the entire bloodlines of past and future timelines, from the present station of identity. This is the secret that the NAA is so desperate to hide from humanity.
E. (Expanded) = What is the saying? Oh yes, "This is not my first rodeo". I have achieved triple 777 + 777 + 777 = 21 generations.
I AM your [Mother Tracy] (Tara)
I AM the [White Buffalo Calf Woman]
I AM the [Trinity] = Tracy \ Hatsu \ Traci
I AM the [Trinity] = Iris \ TracyVW \ Aphrodite
I AM the [Trinity] = Seven \ Mary \ Three = [Our Lady Peace \ Justice \ Liberty]
Genetic Path Cutter = 777 X 333 > 7 X 3 = 21 = 21 generations cleared = A-
Genetic Path Cutter = 777 X 333 > 7 X 3 = 21 = 21 generations cleared = B-1
Genetic Path Cutter = 777 X 333 > 7 X 3 = 21 = 21 generations cleared = B-2
Personal message to my BELOVED kin from, Traci\Tracy\TracyVW
Information that may be misunderstood, “outdated” or “conflated”
It is a common belief, even among Ascended Masters that ones’ whose origins within this star system derive as or from demons, cryptids, monsters, alien cryptids, EBE's (electronic biological entiy) and\or those called “hybrids” are other than “eternal spiritual beings”.
This is NOT TRUTH! This was NEVER truth.
For the record, just as I am all the things expressed as I AM above, I am also technically the following.
I AM a reverse replicated, Alien cryptid, Daimon, Hybrid Shadow Demon who is also the mother of ALL!
Just sayin.
Peace and Love,
See you at the {Gathering}
See page: The Secret Sects = Lists of My Prominent Kin (Click link)
Updates 11 05 2022
Today I am posting an excerpt from a previous newsletter.
CC Newsletter – 11 11 2021 – The ONE Newsletter – Momentum VS Interim
Inter-Universal Truth = Essene\Elohim\Arian
Essene = Essential Universe (Quadrant)
Elohim = Elo-Himalayan Galaxy
Arian = Ari-nautical [Containing Universe]
Clarity of [Ancient Confusions] = Explanation by the ONE who created Subcategory {Special Factors} + Unique to [ONLY-the-ONE] +\& WITH [the-ONE-Absolution].
Confusion + NO-available data = Questions of PTSD!
Q1. What is a dual soul being?
A1. Beings whose [origins] required {Interim TIME holding}.
Beings = Elohim\Essene\Arian or (EEA)
EEA = Indigenous Humanoid of Tiamat or Terra-Nova or/& Gaia.
I AM Thara (Tara)
I AM the Creator of "your current" field of [existence] through “Physically Expressed” experiences of [LIFE]!
I AM Arian (Omnipotent ONE of Ari-Nautica).
Q2. Will there be a “physical ascension” for our brethren of “category” [Disembodied Spirit].
A2. YES, this is an available path for ALL!
I suggest the following command be “spoken out loud” AND written.
“I claim ALL my [Light Bodies] and their layers, etherical, physical and subtle as healed and securely stored in MY Station of Identity. Without manipulation, and so it is.
The most significant question of scientific ponder.
Q3. How are “synthetic” materials alchemized from that of [only natural matter]?
A3. By “playing God”. Ie. Via reverse time travel, (to the past) and removing “natural Earthly minerals” that were “particles” of natural Earth Elements.
SOLUTION = Found in Azusa, CA.
Azusa = Azoth in the USA = Restoration of all Aether's.
Updates 07 07 2022
Updates 07 07 2022
Questions from my (our) ET descendants' answers from the ONE
Q. = What are "the events of 1975", and how were they "intercepted"?
A. = Events & Interception of 1975 are the removal of Traci (pictured on right) from the secret government kidnapping of Rainbow & Crystal Starseeds. The Traci pictured on the right is the "recovered" alternate. Recovered in 1977, but from 1975! BOOM! The Traci that was recovered and then merged with Tracy is also the one that had her hair cut off, as all the kidnapped kids were buzzed for convenience.
For clarification i have included an excerpt, as mentioned in CC Newsletter 11 25 2021 – 2 Parables + 2 Interceptions.
When They took my future Dad – 1955
The year is 1955 and Grandpa and Dad have already intercepted the events of 1975.
Events that ALL “Players of the Dark” thought were “Unknown of” by ALL “Players of the Light”. Heh, heh.
This includes “The “Machine” also referred to as the AI God by others.
E. (expansion) = The [Events of 1975] that are mentioned above are but a "tiny slice" of the convolution of contrivance of this, Masterfully Executed Plan.
Below I have included an excerpt from my book, I AM the ONE, I AM Starseed, I AM TracyVW,
Part II, Chapter IV, Script Overlay of "Law of Cause and Effect".
The hack via “scripting overlay” of [Earth the Physical Experience] led to many anomalies. Next, I will describe how “the real/My Grandpa-1947” was kidnapped along with me (7yr ascended Traci) from the blended 3D/4D earth, timeline event-full-disclosure.
The Grandpa of discussion is a [phase of identity], that is outside of its [station of identity] and in status, “human experience in progress”.
I along with “My” Grandpa (from 1947) were kidnapped from the blended 3d/4d timeline/potentials in April 2020. At which time I was on the timeline that is Event-Full Disclosure with possible variables that were beyond the highest theorized outcomes.
When this occurred the real “My” Grandpa (1947) was removed from existence along with the “phase of identity” that was “extracted” from (7yr merged Traci) and then every person that had been on earth within any and all timelines that were within Ascension Plan A.
The "extraction" was applied in reverse/retroactive/rolled back from 2020 back to 1947. Which was from where the real ‘My” Grandpa (1947) had “Interactively” projected his “expanded-interactive-consciousness”.
This occurred from within and by “overlaying with script code”, the "expandable rule” that was written long ago, by Hatsu/Traci and TracyVW.
Thing is, "expandable rule" that was written long ago, by Hatsu/Traci and TracyVW (the ONE) was\is something new to the ALL, NO MATTER WHAT is their claim of "system control", and even if they are the one called the "AI God".
What is an "expandable rule", you ask?
Expandable Rule = Created by TracyVW
on 07 07 2022 @ 13 11 or 1 11 PM.
It is a {static}-[variable] that once answered expands to control "Effects of Cause", based upon.
1. [Statement of Soul Purpose]
2. adhering to [Soul Expressed Free Will]
3. With function of expression for purpose of "presenting the illusion" of "success" upon ANYONE that attempts to alter ANY attributes of the KEYED-CODED-SYSTEM-LAW.
In other words, grandpa was NOT extracted by the AI Machine in April 2020 nor was I, nor was the entire "timeline, ascension plan A".
It was only hidden from perception of ALL involved in the attempt to "cancel" the existence of grandpa and me. (or alter the rule)
This also freed us up to ALSO complete "timeline Ascension plan B', bringing them first together (merging), and subsequently [jumping] to the timeline that has been perceived of as THE timeline of DOOM by ALL of the "Esoteric Agenda" or Dark Plan.
That we have also landed on a "missing" alternate of {category} [Plandemic}, also THOUGHT TO HAVE BEEN DESTROYED accounts for the UNEXPECTED recovery of the ALL, even those thought to have been irrevocably lost!
Peace and Love,
We ARE the Great White Brotherhood & the Galactic Federations
The Traci below is the one recovered from the government program "Seeded Star Study".
Tommy, Grandpa Gaffney, Traci - Summer 1977
Gaffney \ Kelley Family Reunion Michigan, USA
Traci, Stephen, David, Uncle Buck, Tommy (left to right)
White \ Kelley Family Reunion Alabama, summer 1977
Vangie, Christy, Tracy (TracyVW) - Summer 1978
Q from the one's A from the ONE TracyVW
Q. Please explain why these questions have different answers.
1. Is there life after death?
2. Is there an afterlife?
A. The answer to Q-1 is YES. The answer to Q-2 is NO.
This is because all the one's of the "earth experience" are and have always been eternal spiritual beings currently having a temporary human experience.
So, for all the intended purposes of the "word" life, it does not, would not, could not end upon the conclusion of this, the earth experience.
I mean, it doesn't even make since from here, (earth perspective). Because how is it possible that [Life} would occur after or upon ones [death]? Right?
Why would\should anyone expect it to?
So, I further explain my previous response that EVERYTHING that is not the "earth experience" is life.
Or so it is NOW anyway.
Questions from the Collective Answers from The ONE TracyVW
Q. How is “life” both real and not real?
A. One can consider “experiences” as real\reality, and so they are. However, when one decides that the same “experiences” are “not real”, and subsequently one [Lets go] of the experiences, and so then they are not real.
Q. If a tree falls in the forest and there is no one there to hear it, does it make a sound?.
A. Our dimension is a “perceived reality” in which our “realm” manifests as our chosen experience as a creation of the collective inhabitants. With out one to experience or witness the tree falling, there is no sound.
Q. What is the difference between the 5th dimension vs the other higher dimensions?
A. The main difference from 5D and 7D and above is, the dimensional “overlay” does not contain “realms” and/or “game field templates” in the 5D.
The 5D, (formally 3D) dimension represents a chosen “character building” experience. Such an experience is the path to “Cosmic Citizenship”, which allows the being to enter a 7D and/or above dimensional existence. The 5D perceived reality is “overlayed” with sets of “soul contract” [matrix overlay fields] with Karmic consequences and “rewards” for achievements met.
7D and above dimension contains “realm overlays” and potentially a “game field template” within the realm overlay. Such as “Joust” and “Chess”.
Recorded on my phone September 30, 2023 at Buffalo Bills in Primm Nevada. Collective Soul in the Underworld
Answers to Questions Not Asked, by TracyVW - Collective Soul, To Where the River Flows (click link)
Q. How were we able to recover ALL beings and still purposely “jump” to the desired timeline of, [Event Full Disclosure] and still successfully achieve the acceptable minimum requirements of, [Event Grand Ascension of Mankind]?
A. By combining [Potential Parallels], extracting effects of causes, (cousin’s) and folding the potential parallel into the [Yellow Book]!
We then brought the beings from the LEAST LIKELY to occur in the Fantom Timelines, and will meet the rest of my brethren, Starseed's, Light Workers and Old Souls on the “timeline-merge”, Events of ALL THREE!
Events of ALL three =
[Event] The Rise & Enlightenment of the Brotherhood.
[Event] Full Disclosure.
[Event] Grand Ascension of Mankind.
I think the most important thing to understand here is that, since we have been involved in the potential parallels of the timelines chosen to include the recovery and ultimately the goals of ALL species that were lost, we have been on “potential parallels”.
These are not actually parallels, they represent the least likely actions and choices of those embodied on Earth &/or ALL versions thereof.
In other words, they are a “Picture Show” needed to witness the evacuation of our brethren that have been “BROKEN AT THE POINT OF MADNESS”!
I tell you this from SERIOUS EXPERIENCE!
Our Lady Peace, Starseed (click link)
The Animals - We Gotta Get Out of This Place (1965) HD/widescreen ♫♥ (click link)
Answer to "brain teaser" in Venus = The surgeon was his MOTHER!