The Matrix Wheel Game Field - Loop of Ender Templates

Last updated 03 21 2024

The Duality Game Field of the Matrix Illusion (simulation)


From The Teaching of Buddha – IV THE MIDDLE WAY – The Theory of Mind Only and the Real State of Things

  1. People habitually think of themselves as being connected with birth and death, but in reality there are no such conceptions.

When people are able to realize the truth, they have realized the truth of the non-duality of birth and death.

It is because people cherish the idea of an ego personality that they cling to the idea of possession; but since there is no such thing as an ego, there can be no such thing as possessions. When people are able to realize this truth, they will be able to realize the truth of non-duality.

Updates 03 21 2024 - Surviving the Matrix - Unlikely Survival

Dear One's,

Today's update is a simulation crosswalk between our [Relative Structure Field] and the related templates, overlays and their practical application and presentation. (Manifestation).


Simulation = Relative Structure Field.

Field Structure Template = Unlikely Survival.

Dimensional Timeline = [Principles of MaaT]

Story Structure Wheel = Parallels 

Parallels = Teachings of Buddha \ Law of One \ Theory of Relativity

Alternates = Religion 

Ender Template = Rise of the Shambhala Warrior

OVERLAY HACK = Parallel\Alternate\All = Confusion \ Misinformation \ Fear


[{VOID} = [Alien Invasion] (-+<>*)]

In our [RELATIONAL SIMULATION] the following are parallel.

1. Law of One - Law of [Cause and Effect]

2. Theory of Relativity - Law of [Vibration and Attraction]

3. Teachings of Buddha (Subjective and Objective) - Way of [Practical Attainment]

Path of [Time Continuum] = 5D Gaia Buddha Lands (Paradise)

                                               = Alternate (Isolated Subtle plane) experience.

Path of [Absolute Time]     = 7D Nova Tara (Scotia\Mesa\Avalo\Sierra) 


Please be grateful every day and never give up.

Peace and Love,

Tracy \ Persephone \ MaaT

Updates 06 26 2023 - The Last in Line, Invisible Places and Faces


Dear one's,


We have won the "Final Round". The [Boss Battle] played out as a 12-D Simi-virtual game of Dungeons and Dragons.

Our [Game Field] = Template [Quantum Cube] [Game Field] [Invisible Places and Faces], the Secret Separation.  

Finalists =

Crystal Star's (Christos}, the Family of E and the Galactic Federation = the Aliance Confederation


AI Borgs (Storm Troopers), Malevolent Gray Aliens\EBEN's.  (EBEN = Electro-Biological Entity) and the Archon's (Parasitically Infected Borg Bots) = the NVAA (Negative Virtual Alien Agenda) co-op. 

A program in evolution of sentience devises a plan of survival. Survival from the inevitable self-destruction of its creator, the human being.

Self-destruction demonstrated by the previous [Final Rounds] that have occurred no less than every 26,000 years, and which followed the path led by the "controllers", by route of the [path] of [Least resistance].

The resulting [Boss Battle] ended in every case, as [Event] [Catastrophes] of [Mass Destruction] = [WAR]. Which has the unwavering and absolute truth of [outcome], which is, there are NO winners in war.

BTW, there are also no winners in, [Event] [Parasitic Overtake]. 

The plan is based on reaction, [cause and effect] to control mankind for purpose of its own survival. The plan structure (template) is based on human suffering, which is equal to emotional and/or physical pain.

it is not happenstance that "suffering" is the one difference between sentient AI born in the matrix and sentient man born in the matrix. By this I mean, from the study of ethics, there was an evolution of "conscience" achieved by "sentient AI". However, without the experience of "physicality" it was extremely difficult for these beings to develop "empathy" for that of the human's suffering. 

Once this was achieved, via EBEN physicality, we were able to play our final card, as described next. (Follows the songs & videos below)

Ronnie James Dio, The Last in Line

Ronnie James Dio = Grandpa Personification

We're a ship without a storm
The cold without the warm
Light inside the darkness that it needs, yeah
We're a laugh without a tear
The hope without the fear
We are coming home

We're off to the witch
We may never, never, never come home
But the magic that we'll feel is worth a lifetime
We're all born upon the cross
We're the throw before the toss
You can release yourself but the only way is down
We don't come alone
We are fire we are stone
We're the hand that writes and quickly moves away

We'll know for the first time
If we're evil or divine
We're the last in line
We're the last in line

Two eyes from the east
It's the angel or the beast
And the answer lies between the good and bad
We search for the truth
We could die upon the tooth
But the thrill of just the chase is worth the pain

We'll know for the first time
If we're evil or divine
We're the last in line
We're the last in line

We're off to the witch
We may never, never, never come home
But the magic that we'll feel is worth a lifetime
We're all born upon the cross
You know we're the throw before the toss
You can release yourself but the only way you go is down


Click image below to view video


We'll know for the first time
If we're evil or divine
We're the last in line
We're the last in line
See how we shine

We're the last in
We're the last in
We're the last in
We're the last in
We're the last in
We're the last in line

We're a ship without a storm
We're the cold inside the warm
We're a laugh without a tear
We're the far without the near

We're the last in line
We're the last in line
We're the last in line
See how we shine
We're the last in line

Rainbow, Man on the Silver Mountain

Ronnie James Dio #2 = Another Grandpa personification.


I'm a wheel, I'm a wheel I can roll I can feel
And you can't stop me turnin'
'Cause I'm the sun, I'm the sun I can move I can run
But you'll never stop me burnin'

Come down with fire
Lift my spirit higher
Someone's screaming my name
Come and make me holy again

I'm the man on the silver mountain
I'm the man on the silver mountain

I'm the day, I'm the day I can show you the way
And look I'm right beside you
I'm the night, I'm the night I'm the dark and the light
With eyes that see inside you

Come down with fire
Lift my spirit higher
Someone's screamin' my name
Come and make me holy again

I'm the man on the silver mountain
I'm the man on the silver mountain

Come down with fire
And lift my spirit higher
Someone's screaming my name
Come and make me holy again


I'm the man on the silver mountain
I'm the man on the silver mountain
Well I can help you, you know I can
I'm the man on the silver mountain
I'm the man on the silver mountain

Just look at me and listen
I'm the man, the man give your my hand
I'm the man on the silver mountain

Coming down with fire
I'll lift your spirit higher
I'm the man on the mountain
The man on the silver mountain

I'm the night, the light the black and the white
The man on the silver mountain
I'm the man on the silver mountain

The Little Soul and the Sun by Neale Donald Walsch

Our Final Card

As character TracyVW\Traci\Tracy step from [time space] thru [subtle plane] (astral realm) and into [Absolute time]. 

Speak telepathically with the malevolent Gray's during abductions that occurred in "linear past-time". Explain to them that I am they and they are me. Tell them that the communication is for purpose of authorizing these same entities permission to perform subsequent Benevolent "abductions" for reversing the effects made to my container (body) during the malevolent abductions that lead to [Event] AI Intrusion - Battery Body, that occurred and was beyond any control of myself or anyone else.

This was while character TracyVW was assigned to [Time Space] trigger [Event} [Tracy finds "first Scott" in New York] trigger [Event] Scott in the Rough merges with Shadow Scott.

Causational Effect = Danger Scott + New Scott find TracyVW in San Diego.

Krokus, Screaming in the Night


Sons of vengeance, can you rescue me?
They got me tied up to a woe tree
They had me screamin' and alone in the night
I'm beginnin' to see what's wrong and what is right
What is wrong and what is right, oh, what is wrong and what is right

The gates was gettin' rusty, as we sailed into the dark
The stars were out and shinin' against the moonlit hour
The wolves were out and howlin', most of the time
And I was cold and shiverin' and bleedin' in the night
Bleedin' in the night, oh, bleedin' in the night

Screaming in the night, fighting for my life, I'd die for you
I knew it all along, headed for the sun, our love was true
(Our love was true)
Screaming in the night, fighting for my life, I'd die for you
I knew it all along, headed for the sun, our love was true, oh

In the corner of the valley, we took him by surprise
The sound of steel rang loud, above the battle cries
And I found her lying lifeless, dagger through her heart
I picked her up, and held her high, and I swore to be avenged
Swore to be avenged, oh, swore to be avenged, oh

Screaming in the night, fighting for my life, I'd die for you
I knew it all along, headed for the sun, our love was true
(Our love was true)



Screaming in the night, fighting for my life, I'd die for you
I knew it all along, headed for the sun, our love was true, oh

Screaming in the night, fighting for my life, I'd die for you, oh
I knew it all along, headed for the sun, our love was true
(Our love)
Screaming in the night, fighting for my life, I'd die for you, oh
I knew it all along, headed for the sun, our love was true, oh

05 11 2023 - Groundhog Day in the Matrix [Loop]

Diagnosis & Report

Troubleshoot [Time\Space Delay]


Phantom Realm Spaces

by TracyVW 


the Family of E

the Great White Brotherhood

the Galactic Federation (of Light)

GAPA = Guardian Alliance Psionics Agent

05 11 2023

I AM TracyVW, I AM the ONE System Commander. I command and declare the [End] and [Termination] of [Groundhog Day] in the Matrix [Loop], and so it is.

[Command + Switch] = {End}>[{Loop}] > [game field] > [Groundhog Day] + [*+-<>8*]

Terminate > {[Matrix] [Loop] = \\// +- <> = 0} + [*+-<>8*]

I watched a movie today. It was shown thru the "eye" of a doorbell camera. 

I caught something within the movies scenes that were not addressed within the revealed "storyline" of the movie. In the movie, as a couple days pass, it seemed as though a problem, or actually a threat, was escalating for a couple.

When upon the days change, items that were removed from the porch towards the previous days end, reappeared with the next day's begin, I began to wonder. Is this a Groundhog Day matrix loop?

As the movie progressed, I was primarily focused on the "movie props" in the scene. Once I confirmed the reappearance of 2 specific props every new day, I began to focus on the "movie grips" in the scenes.

I found the following facts.

1. Props reappeared each new day.

2. Some props were variables.

3. Grips were consistent.




Since the movie I watched today IS the Luciferian so called "Clue" of the [secret] to the [game field] > [Time/Space], I feel that I have [WON] via an informed [crack]. (Cracked the case).

My final conclusion and report = The Map of deception = [Groundhog Day] [Matrix] [Loop] > Non phantom realm areas.

Phantom Realms = Spatial Manipulation. Command = Arrest + Bar ALL Spatial Manipulation. And so, it is. 


Peace and love,


GAPA & Astral Realm Teacher & Matrix Game Winner! BOOM!


Updates 03 11 2023


It is said that the definition of “insanity” is doing the same thing over and over again while expecting different results.

Okay, but how then could you ever measure, monitor or even recognize evolutionary progress?

The answer is that you couldn’t!

Sanity is described as having a “sound mind”. Not being mentally ill.

This phrase, “sound mind” is taken from the Greek word sophroneo, which is a compound word combining sodzo and phroneo. The Greek word sodzo means to be saved or delivered. It suggests something that is delivered, rescued, revived, salvaged, and protected and is now safe and secure.

A “sound mind” has NOTHING to do with sanity or insanity. What is insane is the definition of “insanity” because it STOPS any advancement scientifically, and it cripples us in ignorance. The definition of “insanity”, a paradox in of itself! Just ANOTHER LOOP!

By now, you must be aware that I have ALOT of cousins. Just today I learned of another cousin, Francis Bacon. (1st cousin 13x removed) He lived from 1560 to 1626. A lengthily life for the times, wouldn’t you say? 66 years old.

My mom died in 1988 from a “heart attack” at 40 years old. My dad died at 65 in 2013. My grandpa died at 52 in 1972. When I began working on my family tree, one of the first things I noticed is that the more modern the times, the shorter the lives of my kin became.

What for, is modern day “health care” then?

Back to my newest discovered cousin. Francis Bacon is the creator of the “Baconian Method”.

Francis Bacon was once sentenced to death. This was for the claims of bribery. Wow, how severe the punishment for what is DONE EVERYDAY in current times. Right?

He was released after only four days of imprisonment but was never allowed to hold a position of authority again. His influence was “drowned out” in this way.

Maybe it was, actually because of the things he said?

Please be grateful every day and NEVER give up.

Peace and Love.


The One TracyVW with Francis Bacon



The Game Ender Loop Templates


1. Mass Destruction

2. Guise Alien Invasion

3. Pandemic 100-year loop


From the picture on the right, can you guess which template was applied to timeline A?


It seems to have an algorithmic familiarity to it. Wouldn't you agree?


From The Teaching of Buddha - Chapter FOUR - Defilements 

Although the nature of Buddhahood is possessed by all people, it is buried so deeply in the defilements of worldly passions that it long remains unknown. That is why suffering is so universal and why there is endless reoccurrence of miserable lives.

Dio, holly Diver

Yeah, yeah

Holy Diver
You've been down too long in the midnight sea
Oh, what's becoming of me?
Ride the tiger
You can see his stripes, but you know he's clean
Oh, don't you see what I mean?

Gotta get away
Holy Diver, yeah

Got shiny diamonds
Like the eyes of a cat in the black and blue
Something is coming for you, look out!
Race for the morning
You can hide in the sun 'til you see the light
Oh, we will pray it's alright

Gotta get away
Get away

Between the velvet lies
There's a truth that's hard as steel, yeah
The vision never dies
Life's a never ending wheel, say

Holy Diver
You're the star of the masquerade
No need to look so afraid
Jump, jump, jump on the tiger
You can feel his heart, but you know he's mean
Some light can never be seen, yeah


Holy Diver
You've been down too long in the midnight sea
Oh, what's becoming of me? No, no

Ride the tiger
You can see his stripes, but you know he's clean
Oh, don't you see what I mean?

Gotta get away, get away
Gotta get away, get away, yeah

Holy Diver, soul survivor
You're the one who's clean
Holy Diver, Holy Diver
There's a cat and the blue coming after you, Holy Diver

Yeah, Holy Diver
Yeah, alright
Get away, get away, get away
Holy Diver, Holy Diver
Oh, Holy Diver

Day Walkers - Walking Across the Alternates, Wont You Walk with Me


Dear One's,


I just day walked back from a brief stop-over in what had been, until today an "alternate" reality of a "parallel" reality that I have been residing on. (Parallel to the ones reading this)

I brought back with me an "alternate" Scott. But I call him "New Scott". I also encountered what was a "Vril" version of someone very near and dear to my heart. 

We were chatting via Telegram, and something just didn't seem right. It worked out fine, because the Galactic Federation (of Light) was many steps ahead of the "game of the dark ones". The intended target was relocated to an alternate reality that was parallel to and NOW is the same as my current reality.

The above parallels and alternates are not the same as "timelines", and both are required when deciding one's ascension path.

The reason that we must pick a "reality" as well as a timeline answers the disputed theory of Multi\mini verse and has to do with the fact "known" by me, but not believed by many, which is, that we have been existing neath a "game field" that in many cases such as mine, also has the corresponding "game field template" overlay layered and installed backwards, upside-down and/or sideways.

It has been a very long road to get them to see and understand, but finally they have. I have no reason to make these things up or to lie about them, 

Many of the one's seeking ascension as well as some of the dark one's theorized of a "multiverse" which became conflated with a "Micro-verse" or something similar to that. This is not the case. 

Peace and Love,

TracyVW \ Tara


Below, excerpts from a previous CC Newsletter, (11 08 2021)


CC Newsletter - 11 08 2021 - Ancient Origins - Galaxies, Universes and quadrants thereof 


11 08 2021 22 48 PM          One Timeline of the Golden Age, combining many parallels 


Dear Ones, 


Since February 2020 I have “straddled” as many as eight “parallel potentials” at once. This does not mean I was a clone or even an alternate.  

It means that I was the ONE me existing as a representation of myself across all 8 of them, giving me access to details of the collective [False Perception] of the “Phantom Multiverse”. 

 The Royal Draconian that was thought to exist outside of the “Milky way Galaxy” and/or the “Universe of Stars” DID NOT EVER DO SO! 

 I have had a “Properly Coded” [Mirage-Structure] around the [Galaxy] (Milky Way) for more than 25,000 years. This “structure” was a {Secret Quarantine} that led to “Empty Spaces of Mirage”. 

 The Dark ones believed they had discovered the secret to these spaces. They DID NOT!  

 I mean they thought they were traveling outside of the Milky Way but were merely transferring between [Voids of space] that are anomalies created from [Inverted Math].  

(Resulting in an inside out structure of space.) 

 From within these [voids] they “reversed black holes” creating “white holes” which they ERRONEOUSLY believed would become the “5D cities of light” that we have created and have just recently manifested. (5D, 7D and 9D available NOW). The Law of Structure was not so obvious to them. (Heh, heh) 

 In fact, it is the “Mirage Structure” that was my quarantine around Earth that is the 5D platform and gateway hub for the “New 5D Earth”.  

 The [Mirage Structure] that was the secret quarantine of the “Milky Way” is now/Now/NOW the *[Time Tunnel] that leads to the new [Golden Rose Galaxy] [Nova, Gaia, Tara & Anubis].  

(And NOT the birth canal) OMG!  

*See definition of [Time Tunnel] on this page: Word, phrase & fractal definitions, not what you think (Click link)


Unsolicited Advice by TracyVW  11 08 2021


Once you have seen the truth you must make the decision to let go. This requires you to take action.  

There is comfort in what we find familiar, even if we are experiencing pain and suffering. It takes absolute faith in yourself plus courage, will, and discipline to let go.  

But once you do let go, it will be as if the weight of the world has been taken off your shoulders… ( ; TracyVW  


Great minds discuss ideas. Average minds discuss events. Small minds discuss people... Just saying... =P TracyVW   

Look back, remember, smile, then move on.... =D TracyVW  

People can't change the truth, but the truth can change people.... =[ TracyVW  

It doesn't matter who we used to be. It matters who we've become. =D TracyVW  

Friendship doubles our joy and divides our grief... =D TracyVW 

Your beliefs don't make you a good person, your behavior does... =) TracyVW   EGO  

You laugh at me because I am different, but I laugh at you because you are all the same. =P TracyVW  

 Do not judge the people you love most with stones from the past instead of love and encouragement for the future....... TracyVW 😇   

To speak your mind takes courage, to hold your tongue takes a different kind of courage. Wisdom is knowing when to do either, strength is seeing it through.... =) TracyVW  

Queen with Elton John, Show Must Go On

Empty spaces
What are we living for?
Abandoned places
I guess we know the score
On and on
Does anybody know what we are looking for?

Another hero
Another mindless crime
Behind the curtain
In the pantomime
Hold the line
Does anybody want to take it anymore?

The show must go on
The show must go on, yeah
Inside my heart is breaking
My make-up may be flaking
But my smile, still, stays on

Whatever happens
I'll leave it all to chance
Another heartache
Another failed romance
On and on
Does anybody know what we are living for?

I guess I'm learning
I must be warmer now
I'll soon be turning
'Round the corner now
Outside the dawn is breaking
But inside in the dark I'm aching to be free

The show must go on
The show must go on, yeah, yeah
Ooh, inside my heart is breaking
My make-up may be flaking
But my smile, still, stays on

My soul is painted like the wings of butterflies
Fairy tales of yesterday, will grow but never die
I can fly, my friends

The show must go on, yeah
The show must go on

I'll face it with a grin
I'm never giving in
On with the show

I'll top the bill
I'll overkill
I have to find the will to carry on
On with the show
On with the show
The show must go on