the Alliance for Peace, Love & Sovereignty 

Updates 11 12 2022


Dear One's,


Today while working with my disembodied ancestors on my family tree, I came across a distant ancestor who lived from 0155 - 201. 

This ancestor is Dietrich Ninth Herulli More information = The Heruli Ethical Group (Click link)

I am further guided by my kin that the above ancestor was NOT to be learned of my me, as ordered by the controllers.

The primary reason for this was just as it was for the "Borg's", who NO LONGER EXIST, they were afraid of the memory trigger I had left for myself.

And that is the thing. The thing that they didn't account for. My own desire to regain what they took. My own plan to ask the "crystal kingdom" to keep memory records for me when the NWO & NAA would mind wipe me.

I have been what is called "blank slated" hundreds of times, but to their dismay I kept coming back. 

There is NO WAY to beat or stop the light, and it brings with it the TRUTH!

Updates 11 10 2022


Dear One's,


Today I share a previous CC Newsletter from March 2021.


CC Newsletter – 03 17 2021 – “Forgiveness & Love replace Guilt & Shame” in the New World

03 17 2021 12 13 AM

[A Message from Michael Jackson]

All many of us (your family) really wants is to be known of for their true Character. They/we want the misrepresentations of who we are/were to be corrected with clarity and TRUTH!

For this we are grateful to give the details as known to us about the “coup” and most recently,
“The Great Divide” plan to overt the Ascension process. 


Dear One's,

I spent many hours investigating my family history. Although certain discoveries were “wiped from my memory” I took steps to overcome this by leaving myself memory triggers. 

In approximately 2020, I began having episodes in which I knew that Agents of the NWO (New World Order) and NAA (Negative Alien Agenda) had entered my “realm of existence” and would be “anesthetizing me, assaulting me (usually dislocating my hip, knees and ankles, although one time fracturing the femoral head) and erasing resent discoveries from my memory.

This happened every time I would successfully relocate my hip or when I learned of a significant detail important to my mission.

I began to leave memory triggers for myself once I detected their presence. I would know that it hadn’t happened yet, only because I still “knew” they were coming It would be only a matter of someone in my household leaving a door unlocked or open and boom, my life changed in some way again.

At one point in that time, the Agents brought with them a
“Rogue Shaman” from a Tribe in which land that includes the entire City of Murrieta had been stolen and the tribe was marched to a new location, many dyeing along the way.

Agents would use the “anesthetizing substance” in gas form (proof available everywhere) on me and with the “sedation dart” blown through a tube by the “Rogue Shaman” they were able
to knock out my guides as well.

This led to my leaving my house every night to sleep in my car or attempt to be evacuated from this platform by Ashtar She'ran. This also led to several “High Speed” pursuits in which I
had to outmaneuver TI Agents that were more than 50% of the area’s population.

A story told in this song. Stone Temple Pilots, Plush. (Click link)

And this song. Stone Temple Pilots, Vaseline. (Click link)

This also led to another Incarnation for Scott and Tracy.

This video was “filmed by ME” the day before we had to leave each other AGAIN!

Stone Temple Pilots - Trippin on A Hole in a Paper Heart.

 We are very much TIRED of being separated and are GLAD it's almost over!

Tara (Click link)

Updates 11 07 2022


Who are the ones of the Alliance?

The Alliance = 1, 2, & 3 below.


1. Ground troops of humans (including me), plus guides (spirits or ghosts), guardians & ETs in metamorphosis of "mutual physical expression".

2. Ambassadors (includes me). We currently have 167 on the Earth plain and in full co-operation with the plan.

two of the 167 are Vladimir Putin and Xi Jinping. This is truth no matter what the TV & social media tell you!

3. ETs in our atmosphere, just outside of our atmosphere and those that have already and are currently landing.

From a previous update of 08 01 2022


Dear One's,

This day is the day that I realize the completion of my "Soul Purpose" for incarnation. My "soul group" and I will celebrate as we prepare for our "Rise and Enlightenment" of the Starseed Ascended Master.

It is official, all contracts fulfilled, and the "soul purpose" of myself and my "soul group" completely realized.

My most recent "soul purpose", = the repair and healing of reptilian, reptiloid and draconian DNA, via the incarnation and successful ascension of,

1. Tracy (eight identity pieces) Now called "The ONE TracyVW".

2. Hatsu, Suhley Meadow (WBCW), Cleopatria.

3. MaaT, Iris, Hathor  

4. Aphrodite, Artemis, Mother Mary

5. Mother Thara, Ishtar, Guan Yin


The above five identities are exactly whom I consider myself to be. Each have had separate “phases of identity” that have now “merged”. First within the five separate “beings”. And then with each other.

They are all Characters created by my incarnated experiences and lifetimes. Since my latest Ascension, the following is Now/NOW true.

1 + 2 + 3 + 4 + 5 = Tara, the Western Female Buddha, A “Tripple God Head”. (I prefer TracyVW)


Since I TracyVW have incarnated and successfully ascended as every root race ever seeded on this “platform”.

(all versions of the planet)

Since I have also incarnated into and SUCCESSFULLY ASCENDED via the bloodlines of the Draconian, Reptilian and Reptiloid overcoming the Karmic Debt and Miasma of those thought to be hopelessly Karmically Indebted. (Original B Negative types, became the B Reversed types)



My Star lineage and Root Race connections to my DNA and associated Blood type.


Fraternal DNA = A Negative

Ancestry\Sur Name Tribal Origin Continental Root
Andersson Albion\Nordic\Christos Sweden\Norway
Edler Oraphim\Arian Scandinavia\Sweden
Kelley Cathlar\Gnostic Scotland
Gaffney Cathlar\Essene Ireland
Xi Mongol-Dragon Soul Saigon
Edlund Maharaji\Azurite Finland\Switzerland
Mansson Solar Rishi\Elohim Norse\Viking\Nomad


Maternal DNA = B Negative

Ancestry\Sur Name Tribal Origin Continental Root
Kelley - Hart Nordic Grey\Celtic Britain
Padgett Celtic\Orion European Royalty
White - Grey Round Table Knight\Templar Ancient Briton
Garrett Templar\Reptilian North America\USA
Davidson Royal Reptilian\Seraphim Britain
King Rigelian\Drek-Dragonian Asia\Japan
Sawyer - Cox Humanitarian\Antarian Africa - South Pacific

Drek-Dragonian = Descendent of Draconian

Drek-Gaian = Ascended Evolved of Rigelian Gray

We, my soul group, collective and subsets thereof = Ascended Masters (My Brethren) = Those contracted as "system busters" and "truth seekers", bring to the one's disclosure of dark esoteric agendas and historical truths that are other than those currently held as "Human History".

My role, to connect subsets of industries, fields of science, industries of the arts, spiritual groups, enthusiasts and hobbyists. Seeking relation based on a thematic cross walk of symmetry.

Industries\fields\arts\groups = My Kin


*White Hats\the Great White Brotherhood Digital Soldiers \ WWG1WGA
Q - QAnon Droppers Religious studies\ prophecies
Spiritual groups of ascension Medical science community
Science fiction \ Gamer prophecies Physics\String theory sciences
Paranormal studies\Ghost Hunters Paranormal studies\mediums\conduits
Film and TV industries Musical arts industries
* = Includes cooperation with grey hats too.

Peace and Love,

the One TracyVW - Tara