The Real Time Inter-Dimensional Travelers

"I have noticed that even those who assert that everything is predestined and that we can change nothing about it still look both ways before they cross the street.” - Stephen W. Hawking


Updates 05 09 2023 = Karma Chameleon


Karma Chameleon = True Story of the song and related music video, that are "zeitgeist thematic" to our current times. The song and video were created on a "competing parallel", by me as a "temporary walk-in" [personification] of the [character], "Boy George".

I "walked in" to the timeline of another parallel in which this character, Boy George was murdered.

The perfect timing of grandpa's plan enabled, my "temporary personification." to create an "alternate" of the competing parallel that the "real" character, the one other wise murdered, in this case, was able to walk-into, thus creating another chance at completing their mission. 

BONUS = Being now, in a different reality, there was much learned by those who were given these "second chances". This is/was primarily because, it was the lack of truth and purposeful miss-information that "changed" an [outcome] of [Event] that  would become the [cause] of an [effect] for the one's of which I speak.

Extra Bonus = Every time, and in every case that I participated in, as the "temporary personification  walk in", we were now inside of "timeline". Once the "character" reclaimed their character, I was me, (TracyVW) but now inside of the timeline from a "time/space" perspective, thus ABLE to [effect] changes to [outcomes] of [events] that are [permanent] and [irreversible]. These are the ONLY changes possible to the [timeline] that are of the [story structure], which are also those of the fabricated "Origin Stories".   BOOM

Unexpected Story Twist = In the video shown below, I as the Boy George temporary walk-in, sit atop what is/was the last of the gold at "Fort Knox". Only 40,000 pounds of gold!

What other information "drops" can you identify in the video?

Peace and Love,

TracyVW, An "Astral Realm" Teacher.


Culture Club, Karma Chameleon

Desert loving in your eyes all the wayIf I listen to your lies, would you sayI'm a man (a man) without convictionI'm a man (a man) who doesn't knowHow to sell (to sell) a contradictionYou come and go, you come and go

Karma, karma, karma, karma, karma chameleonYou come and go, you come and goLoving would be easy if your colors were like my dreamsRed, gold, and green, red, gold, and green

Didn't hear your wicked words every dayAnd you used to be so sweet, I heard you sayThat my love (my love) was an addictionWhen we cling (we cling), our love is strongWhen you go (you go), you're gone foreverYou string along, you string along

Karma, karma, karma, karma, karma chameleonYou come and go, you come and goLoving would be easy if your colors were like my dreamsRed, gold, and green, red, gold, and green

Every day is like survival (survival)You're my lover (my lover), not my rivalEvery day is like survival (survival)You're my lover (my lover), not my rival

I'm a man (a man) without convictionI'm a man (a man) who doesn't knowHow to sell (to sell) a contradictionYou come and go, you come and go


(Click image = link to video)


Karma, karma, karma, karma, karma chameleonYou come and go, you come and goLoving would be easy if your colors were like my dreamsRed, gold, and green, red, gold, and green

Karma, karma, karma, karma, karma chameleonYou come and go, you come and goLoving would be easy if your colors were like my dreamsRed, gold, and green, red, gold, and green

Karma, karma, karma, karma, karma chameleonYou come and go, you come and goLoving would be easy if your colors were like my dreamsRed, gold, and green, red, gold, and green

Karma, karma, karma, karma, karma chameleon

Updates 04 27 2023 & (04 14 2023)

Dear One's,


Today, accompanied by those of my "circle", the [Real Time Interdimensional Travelers] I explain details regarding timelines and time travel to help the ones better understand that there is ONE path back to [disentanglement], which leads one to "quantum portal paths" to [Real Time] or the "now moment".

There are four factors for consideration, but they eliminate one from the other.

Factors = Time\space, Space\time, Linear time & Time continuum.


"Time\space" vs "space\time". = possible time travel with "quantum ties & entanglement".


Linear time vs time continuum = disentanglement with "quantum paths to "real time" or the "NOW moment".


Those of the deep state and industrial military complex have attempted to alter experiences of "outcome" by penetrating the "fabric of time" [time fabric].  

They have now finally understood that you can NOT manipulate the [threads] of [creation fabric], even when that fabric layers parallels of alternate timelines. 

It is very complicated to consider the factors and variables alone, not to mention, (although I must) the convolution of potential, probable, real and actual.

I will make this as simple as possible, but first, I TOLD YOU SO, I TOLD YOU SO! That is from Tracy(1979).   

Time\space VS Space\time

When one travels to events of the past, they are from a "time\space" point of view. While active in the event they are attempting to manipulate, the one is in "space\time". Any changes for purpose of outcome are completely NULL and will not affect the [outcome] of [event]. AND they NEVER WILL!

As I told so many of the Counsils and groups, there are many reasons and factors for this truth, but also there are ABSOLUTES.

Absolutes are, well absolute, period.

The ONE ABSOLUTE of which I am speaking = [Creation Fabric] = [Irrevocable>Permanent]. In that [System Law] you have the guarantee of existence, but you DO NOT have any link whatsoever to [Real Time]>[Disentanglement], therefor. no [bridge] will actualize for transition to continuum. PLEASE HEAR ME!

Linear time VS Time continuum 

Timelines are the stories that make up the book "Earth and the Last in Line". (See how we shine).

Just like grandpa told you when you said to him, "you can't change the details of the timelines to the "story structure."

True, but you CAN CHANGE anything you want of the details in a completely fabricated origin story! BOOM!

Peace and Love,


Updates 02 21 2023



We are the ONE’s of esoteric prophesy – The Real Time Inter-dimensional Travelers.


How we overcame Sleeper Agent Programming

(Hypnotic Autonomic Response Programming)

It was the “One Grandpa”, aka the Absolute Father, Akhenaten, the Hat Man Shadow Controlling Entity, Scott Richard Weiland (temporary walk-in), the 30 Fathom Navy Man and H.E. of the Philadelphia Experiment that came up with the “theory” that led to the successful removal of the autonomic hypnotic instruction code set.

 H.E. embedded deprogramming code that was prompt, then trigger upon the build of the code that was hypnotically implanted by the Black Suns of the NAA during guise alien abductions, in cooperation with our Shadow Government.

EVERY mass murder and\or public assassination was performed by Sleeper Agents that were programmed in the exact same way.

The first build of the plan to engage Sleeper Agent Tracy (420) was in 1987 and every three to five years thereafter.

And each time the embedded deprogramming code was successful in erasing the "Sleeper Agent" programming.


From my book, I Am the One - Part II - Chapter XVI Family Relation and Identity Confusion


Beings called “Grandpa” by Tracy


Referred to as Lifetime Details Points of contact Related facts
My Grandpa My life Grandpa 1978 2019 2020 Ashtar walk-in
Real My Grandpa Return to 1947 1976 1987 2019 Mars rescue
Not my Grandpa Black ops Navy 2017 2019 2020 Bachelor

My Grandpa upon returning to 1947 for the second time was periodically assisted by means of a “walk in” spirit. This “walk in” being was “Ashtar”, who is my “soul Bonded”, Soul Mate.

Note: Most, other Soul Mates are NOT Soul Bonded.

When not on incarnated missions we reside primarily in the 9-12D Pleiades or on any of the thousands of “spaceships” that are of his command.

Although in the NOW and very near future of our Now, we are often seen hanging out in the 9D Unity Gateway Cities. There are 9D cities of light and matter.

Ashtar and I have incarnated together in many star systems and have ascended together in those worlds and this reality.

Because of this our current time on earth, other timelines and lifetimes lived on earth and other star systems, we are both members of multiple species and races of beings.

There are many claiming to receive channeled messages from Ashtar or Ashtar Commander. The truth is that only 3 beings other than me receive these messages from Ashtar. These beings are of our awakened incarnated Soul Group and connect others with messages or “memory downloads” on behalf of Ashtar or me that are presented on channels and sites by other “Starseed and Light Workers”.

Our “Star Soul Group” is an assortment of Star Family beings. We identify very strongly with the following Star Races.

Christos, Pleiadian, Andromedian, Sirian, Arcturian, Human, Orion, Zeta-Arian and Ant-Arian.

The "Real Time", Inter-Dimensional Traveler's



Dear One's,


On the right is a picture taken during the Korean war. The red arrow marks me, (TracyVW). I am wearing a pair of black yoga shorts lined with white trim. 


The "years" are, 1943, 2019 & 2021.

Missed by Navy Censor.

However, in 2021 something called an image scanner can enlarge the photo thus revealing "out of time" detail. Boom!

E, please say you REMEMBER! 


It's a real "head scratcher".

Click image to enlarge.

Pictorial Journalist - December 1942

Click image to enlarge.

Navy Censor Approved in 1943.

Click image to enlarge.

The winners of the "Heist Off"


Timeline = Original 1971

Team Members

Original Real grandpa (1951)

Not My Grandpa (1947)

Traci (1979)

Tracy (1987) (17-years-old for 17 years)

Original Scott (1987) (20-years-old for 17 years)