Last updated 12 31 2022
My Tiny Page of Buddha Quotes
I am that I am, I AM Tara Because even my friend Buddha is a Targeted Individual.
Updates 12 31 2022
Dear One's,
From The Teaching of Buddha, I share his teaching that, upon my practice, shifted my "character" and enabled me to be "in service to others" more that 95% of the time.
Practical Guide to the True Way of Living #2
A man should recognize among his acquaintances those with whom he should associate and those with whom he should not.
The ones with whom a man should not associate are those who are greedy, clever talkers, flatterers or wasters.
The ones with whom he should associate are those who are helpful, who are willing to share happiness as well as sufferings, who give good advice and who have a sympathetic heart.
A true friend, the one with whom a man may safely associate, will always stick closely to the right way, will worry secretly about his friend's welfare, will console him in misfortune, will offer him a helping hand when he needs it, will keep his secrets, and will always give him good advice.
It is very difficult to find a friend like this, and therefore, one should try very hard to be a friend like this. As the sun warms the fruitful earth, so a good friend shines in society because of his good deeds.
Updates 11 27 2022
Today I share a personally significant short story of Buddha.
From: The Way of Purification, 111, TEACHING IN ANCIENT FABLES #2
Queen of Videha in India once dreamed of a white elephant that had six ivory tusks. She coveted the tusks and besought the king to get them for her. Although the task seemed an impossible one, the king who loved the queen very much offered a reward to any hunter who would report if he found such an elephant. [137] It happened that there was just such an elephant with six tusks in the Himalayan Mountains who was training for Buddhahood. The elephant once had saved a hunter's life in an emergency in the depths of the mountains and the hunter could go back safely to his country.
The hunter however, blinded by the great reward and forgetting the kindness the elephant had shown him, returned to the mountains to kill the elephant. The hunter, knowing that the elephant was seeking Buddhahood, disguised himself in the robe of a Buddhist monk and, thus catching the elephant off guard, shot it with a poisoned arrow. The elephant, knowing that its end was near, and that the hunter had been overcome by the worldly desire for the reward, had compassion upon him and sheltered him in its limbs to protect the hunter from the fury of the other revengeful elephants. Then the elephant asked the hunter why he had done such a foolish thing. The hunter told of the reward and confessed that he coveted its six tusks. The elephant immediately broke off the tusks by hitting them against a tree and gave them to the hunter saying:-"By this offering I have completed my training for Buddhahood and will be reborn in the Pure Land.
When I become a Buddha, I will help you to get rid of your three poisonous arrows of greed, anger and foolishness." [138]
Be grateful every day and NEVER give up.
Peace and Love,
TracyVW \ Tara
Some of my favorite Buddha Quotes by TracyVW (the ONE)
Rust grows from iron and destroys it; so evil grows from the mind of man and destroys him.
Those who respect themselves must be on constant guard lest they yield to evil desires. Once in a lifetime, at least, they should awaken faith, either in their youth, or in middle age, or even in old age.
The world is always burning, burning with the fires of greed, anger and foolishness; one should flee from such dangers as soon as possible.
The world is like a bubble, it is like the gossamer web of a spider, it is like the defilement in a dirty jar; one should constantly protect the purity of his mind.
Do not become attached to the things you like, do not maintain aversion to the things you dislike. Sorrow, fear and bondage come from one's likes and dislikes.
To be healthy is a great advantage; to be contented with what one has is better than the possession of wealth; to be considered reliable is the truest mark of friendliness; to attain Enlightenment is the highest happiness.
The sun makes the day bright; the moon makes the night beautiful; discipline adds to the dignity of the warrior; so quiet meditation distinguishes the seeker for Enlightenment.
The first step towards freedom from the worldly bonds and fetters are to control one's mind, to stop idle talk, and to be somewhat pensive.
To utter pleasant words without practicing them is like a fine flower without fragrance.
The fragrance of a flower does not float against wind; but the honor of a good man goes even against the wind into the world.
Interpretations of Buddha Teachings
From Dhammapada (288)
There are no sons for protection, neither father nor even kinsmen; for him who is overcome by death; no protection is there from kinsmen.
Interpretation of a Meaningful Buddha Short Story by The ONE TracyVW
Once upon a time a man looked into the reverse side of a mirror and, not seeing his face and head, he became insane. How unnecessary it is for a person to become insane merely because he carelessly looks into the reverse side of a mirror!
It is just as foolish and unnecessary for a person to go on suffering because he does not attain Enlightenment where he expects to find it. There is no failure in Enlightenment; the failure lies in those who, for a long time, have sought Enlightenment in their discriminating minds, not realizing that theirs are not true minds but are imaginary minds that have been caused by the accumulation of illusion covering and hiding their true minds.
The above is referring to [The Implant or S.B.M.C.D.] “The Spherical Biological Monitoring and Control Device”.
Page 77 of “The Blue Planet Project”.
Two lifelong held “knowing’s” of the ONE TracyVW
1. The “physical world” is an illusion. A simulated experience. Many one’s, wander this illusion while asleep and believing it is permanent and real.
2. Existence is, (or =) nothing, does not exist. Another way to say the same thing; there is no such thing as nothing.
I believe this to be parallel to the following words of Buddha.
It can be said that things are like illusions; they can be said neither to be existent nor non-existent.
Indeed, it is very difficult to understand the world as it is, for, although it seems true, it is not. Ignorant people cannot know the truth concerning the world.
A wise one recognizing that the world is but an illusion, does not act as if it were real, so he escapes the suffering.
To be foolish and to recognize that one is a fool, is better than to be foolish and imagine one is wise.
A man is foolish to desire privileges, promotions, profits, or honor, for such desires can never bring happiness but will bring suffering instead.
A good friend who points out mistakes and imperfections and rebukes evil is to be respected as if she (or he) reveals the secret of some hidden treasure.
A great rock is not disturbed by the wind; the mind of a wise man is not disturbed by either honor or abuse.
To conquer oneself is a greater victory than to conquer thousands in a battle.
To live a single day and hear a good teaching is better than to live a hundred years without knowing such teaching
The 3 Buddha Quotes Most Meaningful & personal in nature to TracyVW
Endurance is one of the most difficult disciplines, but it is to him who endures that the final victory comes.
It is easy to point out the mistakes of others, while it is hard to admits one’s own mistakes. A person broadcasts the sins of other’s without thinking, but one hides one’s own sins as a gambler hides his extra dice.
Everyone is the master of oneself, one is the oasis he can depend on; therefore, everyone should control himself above all.
Be grateful Every day and NEVER give up.
Peace and Love,
Upon my return I AM a Shaman, medium, alchemist & conduit
As an "Etheric Surgeon" I specialize in the removal of Alien Implants (PSE's and EBE's)
Tara = Character TracyVW
The most cited origin story of Tara in Buddhism is that she came to life from the tears of Avalokitesvara – the bodhisattva of compassion – who shed the tears upon seeing people’s suffering in the world. This was because of their ignorance which trapped them in endless loops and kept them from reaching enlightenment.