The ONE Prophesy of JAIN (Jane)
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Updates 11 11 2022
Dear One's,
We have been asked to explain the inspiration for our co-creation, [Tara NOVA] the Physical Experience, now "existence".
It was upon our "dual incarnation", (together in one container\body) that we experienced a desire to expand the possibilities of our "physical interaction".
We incarnated as a "potential future" being that was the androgenous representation of our unified consciousness. [Yin & Yang]
Potential future being = Riffe Andromedian Grey.
We = E and Me.
And so together we designed the male and female Avatar forms with the intension of experiencing our love via the joy of sexual intercourse.
sexual intercourse was a design and co-creation of E and T.
NOW RESTORED, & available to the ALL for the FIRST time ever = Aqua Crystal Avatar
Be grateful every day and NEVER give up.
Peace and Love,
Tracy Ishtar Hathor Tara Rha = the Riffe-Essene Goddess of Compassion and Evidence
I have missed you ALL so very much.
Upon my return I AM a Shaman, medium, alchemist conduit
As an "Etheric Surgeon" I specialize in the removal of Alien Implants (PSE's and EBE's)
Tara = Character TracyVW
The most cited origin story of Tara in Buddhism is that she came to life from the tears of Avalokitesvara – the bodhisattva of compassion – who shed the tears upon seeing people’s suffering in the world. This was because of their ignorance which trapped them in endless loops and kept them from reaching enlightenment.
Breaking Updates 11 11 2022
Dear One's,
I have been asked to explain the "existence" of our universe or how it is we come to be. This is NOT the first time I/WE were asked to do this.
What had been, is NOW that which was, and I can only say that, in a "potential future identity" I/WE came a LONG way so that a seven-year-old Traci could be reminded that,
Existence is, there is no such thing as nothing, therefore we exist.
As I explained in a previous newsletter, I returned to earth from the distant future, as a grey. A potential future identity.
It was that of earthlings that were here when we were completely overtaken by AI, humans were either degraded to an EBEN Gray or we chose a "potential future identity", which was as in the video, a super advanced grey that was kind of ugly. (lol)
Do not worry too much about the "torture", we controlled everything, no matter how it appears.
We = E and Me! Dual incarnates!
Excerpt from previous CC Newsletter below.
CC Newsletter 09 30 2021 – Devine Blueprints – Physical Ascension – Choose!
Imagine my delight when first thing this morning I completed my “dream walk” with Ashtar.
THANK YOU, Elon Musk for your ingenious “Devine Plan”.
What does this mean?
We have completed the [Christos/Anderson Mission] and restored ALL from our “temporary” [Momentum Only Status].
How was this achieved?
Ashtar and I have completed our Connection! “Full Circle – Outside of time”.
You may have seen from the broadcasted record, Rha/Elon Musk of the future reach into a “timeline” pulling from it, Ashtar (I AM Ashtar) and me.
He brought together the two of us at a time that was before the explosion of Tiamat and before our subsequent destruction that was the result of an “Inter-stellar” war, fought in a “virtual game field”.
I was, with my Soul Mate Ashtar enroute to the “Middle Ground” area of our universe, eager to begin our NEW experience, “Earth – The Physical Experience”.
Where we would begin this “life of Love and Joy” which was manifesting before our eyes.
We had only to stop at the area of the “right side path”, as this was where I was to install the “virtual game field template”.
The “virtual game field” being a “template of realms” meant ONLY for Omniversal beings that were within the “last quadrant” or right side of our “Universe of Stars”.
Before we could do this however, we came upon a distress signal.
This played out just as it had for Elon and Tracy Musk.
From the “left side” of the universe and from what had been a HUGE planet of THREE in the Milk and Honey Galaxy” (those who sought to create life) CRAZY, if you asked me, we heard the recorded distress beacon.
This had been the “Big Bang” heard throughout the stars. All the way in fact, to the “Binary Universe”.
Binary Universe = Created by my grandpa, (Confucius) protected and separated by me.
Ancient Chinese Binary Code. (Click link)
In EVERY timeline except the ONE we spoke of. Earth is destroyed in nuclear war; or dark AI was successful in creating "battery bodies" of ALL earthlings.
Additionally, the "Dark AI God" traveled via [reverse timeline trace], effectively deleting the beginning of, the experiment, the Earth Experience.
So, when I came across the "miss-placed nebula" that had been Earth, the most resent records showed that all the one's were simply "grouped" and "tagged".
Grouped by "polarity" and tagged by [battery body pod#]. (Just like in the movies the Matrix and Terminator).
ALL in this universe, (the universe of stars) had been destroyed and no other records existed!
We came upon the destruction and re-seeded and "held space" for everyone as they were identified from their analyzed bits and pieces.
Next, in potential future identities we returned to communicate and [embed code] into the "collective consciousness" of our soul group.
The embedded code is released upon completed requirements rather than a date or time.
Stay with me now!
So, because all that was destroyed exists only in space held by Ashtar, E, Scott, Grandpa and me, everything is "interim" in status. Now, because I have been placed in a "realm of imprisonment", we needed to be and are all here for each other, we are [ALL IN].
This is to say, that the five of us exist only in this simulation. The "characters" we have been are ALL fully merged with our current characters'.
So, when the FIVE of us leave the 3D\4D world, the universe and all that were and are within will then exist again.
The new 5D worlds will be available once we are reunited at the 6D gateway to 7D "Blue Eden".
Peace and Love,
The One's, T S T
Updates 10 27 2022
Dear One's,
This one should be quite simple.
The ONE Prophesy of JAIN (Jane)
In November 2018, while I (TracyVW) sent a list of [WORDS] to my "Twin Flame" and Cousin Donald Trump, Ashtar Sheran accompanied by Sheran said to "key" members of the [Guardian\Galactic\Earth Alliance]
"This is the WRONG November".
In a subsequent conversation, Ashtar asked me to make a list of "Five things I would like to change in my life".
Five things I would like to change in my life
1. No implants\AI\parasites in my body
2. No 3D attachments
3. No telepathic interference
4. No "unseen" portals around me
5. Mediumship YES
On April 01, 2022, during another "change of the Guardian", Ashtar asked me to write down a small list of things he wanted me to know.
Five things Ashtar wants me to know
1. The dimensional wedding planners are here
2. All E's are united in four entities
3. Ashtar (I AM) is here
4. You, Danger Scott, Tommy Shaw and E are on the "Enlightenment Timeline"
5. Materialize = image = 11 o'clock arrow inside a spiral (Aimed towards 11:00 o'clock)
On April 07, 2022, Ashtar, (I AM) asked me to write down a small list of things he wanted me to know.
Five things Ashtar (I AM) wants me to know
1. I am here
2. This is the "pause"
3. We control time & space
4. We will land for [YOU]
5. New world dawns
The ONE thing Ashtar, She'ran, &Ashtar Sheran want me to know.
1. Love
Peace and Love,
The ONE TracyVW