The Thematic Threes of the Final Phase

Last Updated 09 06 2024

From the Teaching of Buddha 


Chapter 2 The Theory of Mind Only and the Real State of Things

I Impermanency and Ego-lessness

1 Though both body and mind appear because of cooperating causes, it does not follow that there is an ego-personality. As the body of flesh is an aggregate of elements, it is, therefore, impermanent. 


Chapter 4 Defilements

II Mans Nature

2 There are three kinds of people in the world. The first are those who are like letters carved in rock; they easily give way to anger and retain their angry thoughts for a long time. The second are those who are like letters written in sand; they give way to anger also, but their angry thoughts quickly pass away. The third are those who are like letters written in running water; they do not retain their passing thoughts; they let abuse and uncomfortable gossip pass by unnoticed; their minds are always pure and undisturbed. 

There are three other kinds of people. The first are who are proud, act rashly and are never satisfied; their natures are easy to understand. Then there are those who are courteous and always act after consideration; their natures are hard to understand. Then there are those who have overcome desire completely; it is impossible to understand their natures.  



Updates 08 11 2024

Dear One's,

Today I bring forward information that is my allegory of our battle that has been fought, played and won in the "hi-jacked 3D Matrix of Illusion".


The Last Fight


Game Field Structure Template (realm) = Buddha Dharma Wheel = Do No Harm

Game Field Template Overlay = Thee Thematic Threes [333]


Chosen disciplines of utilization = Music, Theater, Literature

Our Three Tools = Music, Memory, Intention


My Thematic Mission Template Three Men of Music identified in three songs by three bands.

Messages and conversations across time via music!

The Tambourine Man by the Byrds =

Original\Husband\Buddha Scott



Tripping on a Hole in a Paper Heart

Stone Temple Pilots

Scott Weiland is the Tambourine Man

Click image = link to video

The Piano Man by Billy Joel

Danger\First\Shadow Buddha Scott



Come In, Come On

Velvet Revolver

Scott Weiland is the Piano Man


Click image = link to video

The Guitar Man by Bread

First\Terrestrial\Non-Terrestrial Tommy



High Enough

Damn Yankees

Tommy Roland Shaw is the Guitar Man

Click image = link to video

Updates 01 28 2023


01 28 2023

Dear One’s,


THE THEMATIC THREE’S – Brought to you by TracyVW – As Promised

Final Phase X 3


Three movies or shows created within the LAST THREE YEARS.

By way of the most recent\current seasons or anthologies, I WILL BE NAMED. (All 3 Earth names)

    Project Power (Movie)

    = the character of Jamie Foxx is seeking his missing daughter, named Tracy.

    Stranger Things Season 5 (Netflix series)

    = Eleven is relocated to Lenora Hills, California.

    The Matrix, Resurrections (Movie Anthology)

    = Neo = *Thomas Anderson

    *Bonus, also my brother’s earth name

    01 28 2023


    Three thematically appropriate songs by ONE band = The Fixx

    Each song represents a "period" of time within my story. 

    01 28 2023


    Three thematically appropriate songs by three bands.

    Each song has an animated video which represents a "period" of time within my story.


    All Dead 

    Bonus = Hybrid version

    Elton John

    Louis Armstrong