Updates 01 27 2023
Dear One's,
I give you, Unsolicited Advice by TracyVW 01 27 2023.
We should not repeat, phrases, mantras, chants or even prayers, unless we understand the true meaning of those spoken words. You can unknowingly give your consent to some real crazy and unintended stuff.
Taught to English speaking children in England, Scotland, Ireland, the United States and many other English-speaking countries throughout Europe.
“A Childs Prayer”
Now I lay me down to sleep
I pray the Lord my soul to keep
If I should die before I wake
I pray the Lord my soul to take
English dictionary definition; Lord (lôrd)
1. A man of high rank in a feudal society or in one that retains feudal forms and institutions, especially: a. A king.
2. A territorial magnate.
- The proprietor of a manor.
- Lords The House of Lords.
- Abbr. Ld. Chiefly British the general masculine title of nobility and other rank: a. Used as a form of address for a marquis, an earl, or a viscount.
- Used as the usual style for a baron.
- Used as a courtesy title for a younger son of a duke or marquis.
- Used as a title for certain high officials and dignitaries: Lord Chamberlain; the Lord Mayor of London. e. Used as a title for a bishop.
We should not blindly follow and conform into compliance (exact opposite of freedom to pursue liberty) to the double speak of Satan which hides itself in clear view in many ways. Such as government agencies and media sources that control the information we receive and then tell us how we feel about it, and are trusted as the authority to our mind, body and soul.
For people that follow mainstream news media and the politics they broadcast. I ask you to consider this. We are approaching the deadline for every American Citizen to obtain a new Federal ID; this requires additional verification of your place of residence and many other personal intrusions into who you are and how to locate you at any time for purpose of National Security.
The same governing people are presenting hate and judgement for the border wall and praise for Sanctuary City’s that allow and protect the privacy of undocumented non-citizens. This somehow is not a threat to National Security.
To recognize the ironic and ridiculousness of that double speak of Satan, the mainstream media or politicians would call me a racist.
But I stand right back in the face of this ridicule and say NO, this is clearly the divide and conquer tactic along with controlled opposition that is always clearly demonstrated by these controllers.
We should not blindly follow an agency given authority to guard our health and safety. We are the authority of our health and safety. When we do, we may very well again, be unknowingly giving our consent to some crazy and unintended stuff.
Signs and labels that warn, known to cause cancer and other possible hazards are dismissed by us as “legal stuff” and overly cautious for our own good, are not overly cautious at all. They are in fact the method used by our controllers to give the illusion of “informed consent”.
So, when we used to purposely poisoned product, we unknowingly are giving our consent to be slowly murdered by that company and the “intention” we actually have, living long healthy lives, is overridden and the “cause & Effect” is we start to age, become sick and die.
It is important to understand that the universal laws that are the only true laws for all beings, are known and kept from us by the controllers.
Because we are willing to consent to a double speaking satanic controlling agency as the unquestioned authority over our health and safety, we then create the opportunity for them to deceive, kill and control us all as they have created the illusion of informed consent, overriding our intention, to live a long healthy life.
Example three
Louie Pasteur invented pasteurization; this process is what makes cow milk consumable for humans. Otherwise, parasites would infect our digestive system. This is accepted medical fact.
When we are “sick” with something like strep throat, the Doctor takes a culture and tests different antibiotics to determine which will effectively kill this invading parasite.
All cheese that is not American Pasteurized cheese, “natural cheese” is as is labeled on the product ingredients made from natural milk (unpasteurized) or something called “cheese culture” is grown and added to the cheese.
So, we as the divine authority of our minds body and souls need to realize the “Grand Design” of product labeling that is a requirement of the double speaking satanic controlling agency. We again create the opportunity for them to deceive, kill and control us all as they have created the illusion of informed consent, overriding our intention, to live a long healthy life.
Peace and Love,
Updates 11 05 2022
Unsolicited Advice by TracyVW = ♙☳❑♐➉╡❀♍
Great minds discuss ideas. Average minds discuss events. Small minds discuss people... Just saying... =P TracyVW
It doesn't matter who we used to be. It matters who we've become. =D TracyVW
Friendship doubles our joy and divides our grief... =D TracyVW
Your beliefs don't make you a good person, your behavior does... =) TracyVW EGO
You laugh at me because I am different, but I laugh at you because you are all the same.. =P TracyVW
Do not judge the people you love most with stones from the past instead of love and encouragement for the future....... TracyVW
Tracy VW = ♙☳❑♐➉╡❀♍
Updates 10 18 2022
An old couple, an “ideal couple” as they were called,
once came to Buddha and said, “Lord, we were married
after we had been acquainted in childhood and there has
never been a cloud in our happiness.
Please tell us if we
can be remarried in the next life.”
The Buddha gave them this wise answer: — “If you
both have exactly the same faith, if you both received the
teaching in exactly the same way, if you perform charity
in the same way and if you have the same wisdom, then
you will have the same mind in the next birth.”
[222] [444]
Hi-lighted Articles of Advice by TracyVW
Assured Ascension Via Esoteric Information Revealed
04 13 2022 10 11 AM Powerful Advice from the ONE
Dear One’s,
I AM Tracy. I AM Hatsu. I AM Aphrodite. I AM Ishtar.
I AM the ONE TracyVW.
I AM the Christos Sophia.
I AM The Absolute System Commander.
I AM the Christ Consciousness resurrected on Earth.
I AM 0010110
I bring to the “Global Collective” on this final day of battle, secret esoteric information most crucial to the control of the manifestation of this “reality”.
The “control” of the [path] and [flow] of this “collectively weighted” system.
The “Finite Curve”. This “guarded” detail is the highest factor related to the manifestation of any “perceived reality”.
The finite curve has no boundaries, in that it is heavier in “sum” than other factors.
The “finite curve” as it relates to the collectively perceived reality is only ever added against the weighted path of least resistance when intensions of those contributing consciously are based on the following.
1. The Greatest Good of the ALL.
2. Intensions are heart based.
3. Love
4. Service to others, the ALL.
Elder Soul Contracts
ALL Elders are in fact [ALL IN], and ALL currently operating with [Dark/Dark] contracts.
There is ONLY one exception which is ME. This other contract is NOW fully recognized and therefore fulfilled. BOOM!
The others, all of them have been “stewarded” under MY protection and ARE FULLY SUPPORTED AND PROTECTED!
The Elders do currently hold ALL positions of leadership of all nations on this planet. They have agreed and will “lead” their people to NO LEADERS!
Thank you to my very special “Alien Pals” from my “childhood”.
Bob = Small Gray of “Starship Saturn”, which had been taken over by the NAA.
Glar = Rhino-pota-noid. My Best friend in ALL TIME AND SPACE.
Schwall = My alien friend doesn’t have a “name” per say, so much as he has a “tone”.
Sam = My Mantid buddy. He was seen by MANY in Covina, California in December 2020, when he escorted me for a short time just after Ashtar had been blown off the planet all the way to the “planetary sheath”.
Peace and Love,
Unsolicited Advice by TracyVW (Shorts)
All people have the obligation to ponder well and often one’s own specific traits of character. We too must regulate them adequately. In this practice I find my only solace and I recognize everyone's RESPONSIBILITY to OUR existence... TracyVW 😊
The power of accurate observation is the goal of the Buddha. Enlightenment comes when ONE observes without prejudice. TracyVW 😊
Friend = A person known well to another and regarded with liking, affection and loyalty.. =) TracyVW
Nothing is a greater impediment to being on good terms with others than being ill at ease with yourself.
You cannot be friends upon any other terms than the terms of equality... =) TracyVW
You’ll never leave where you are until you decide where you’d rather be.... TracyVW
Seeing contrary to popular wisdom is not "DISBELIEVING". It is where "BELIEF" stops because it is not needed anymore.. =D TracyVW
Worry not of your reputation, rather your character. Character is who you are. Reputation is only what people think (or even, want to think) of you...=P TracyVW
Don't waste your life trying to fit in, because when you finally do, you realize that you are surrounded by all the people that held you back. TracyVW
Look back, remember, smile, then move on.... =D TracyVW
People can't change the truth, but the truth can change people.... =] TracyVW
It doesn't matter who we used to be. It matters who we've become. =D TracyVW
There are not many things in life so beautiful as true friendship. Nor are there many things more uncommon... =D TracyVW
True strength of character? Doing the right thing, even when everyone around you isn't!... =) TracyVW
Hypocrisy- The lifestyle made up by people that want other people to believe that they are perfect! =[ TracyVW
Help others where and when you can, for someday it may be your turn to receive that help! When it comes your turn embrace it with gratefulness & humility... =D TracyVW
When life knocks you down, calmly get back up and say, you hit like a bitch... =D TracyVW
Once you have seen the truth you must make the decision to let go. This requires you to take action.
There is comfort in what we find familiar, even if we are experiencing pain and suffering. It takes absolute faith in yourself plus courage, will, and discipline to let go.
But once you let go, it will be as if the weight of the world has been taken off your shoulders... [ = TracyVW
The greatest good you can do for another is not just share your riches, but to reveal to them, their own... TracyVW :D
Some words of advice to men: Treat women the same way you would want your daughter to be treated... TracyVW
If you can't be there for someone at their worst then you don't deserve to be there at their best :) TracyVW
To speak your mind takes courage, to hold your tongue takes a different kind of courage. Wisdom is knowing when to do either, strength is seeing it through.... =) TracyVW
Be kind to oneanother.
Peace & Love,
TracyVW (The One)