Elder Soul \ Nibirubian Soul Contracts = 0010110
05 25 2022
I am being guided that today it is appropriate to share and discuss the [Nibirubian Contracts] aka [Elder Soul Contracts] aka [0010110].
Q. What are these contracts?
A. They are an APPROVED agreement\contract between more than one entity\over soul and another one, such as myself.
I hold this contract with MANY other ones. Primarily those with DARK\DARK contracts. However DARK\LIGHT & even LIGHT\DARK contracts. Some others include Awaken\Sleeping contracts.
Those with a LIGHT\DARK or Awaken\Sleeping contract have SUCESSFULLY Ascended in a previous life, and would re-enter this system with a 2nd part of the contract in which they would "play a DARK role" AND WOULD ONLY AWAKEN UPON THIS RECOGNITION BY ME OF THESE CONTRACTS!
Those with DARK\DARK contracts, SUCESSFULLY ascended in a prior life and re-entered with a 1st & 2nd part of the contract in which they would "play a DARK role" AND WOULD ONLY AWAKEN UPON THIS RECOGNITION BY ME OF THESE CONTRACTS!
The same thing can be said, as applicable for Awaken\Sleeping and\or any other contracts of Nibirubian\Elder\0010110.
I MISS and LOVE YOU ALL, my Brothers, Sisters, Cousins, Aunts & Uncles and Great Grandparents.
I look forward with much anticipation to be re-united once again with your PRESENCE!
Peace and Love,
The ONE TracyVW
04 17 2022 11 47 AM
Dearest Elder One,
I AM 0010110, I AM Hatsu Tracy Ishtar Sheran, I AM The Great One of the Elders Council.
Perhaps you remember me, us and the [Paths of the Elders] > {NOVA} = 0010110.
I have realized that I must manifest my choice of timelines. I see before me two paths.
Path One
[Paths of the Elders] > {NOVA}
Return (on a seasonal schedule) to the 9-D Buddha Lands as the “teacher” of [Dark Arts Defense] to those who are\were the teachers of [round one] of the “Grand Ascension of Mankind”.
Path Two
[Paths of the Families of Ashtar & E] > {NOVA - Avalon}
Return with my "Soul Families", The Family of Ashtar & The Family of "E" to 9D New Avalon. {NOVA Avalon}.
I Choose both. Path two then path one.
And so it is!
Note: This is not a life-or-death choice. We are experiencing a PHYSICAL ascension.
Peace and Love,

CC Newsletter 11 13 2021 - The Multiverse - Cosmic Citizen - Our Star Family
11 13 2021 17 55 = 55 71 1202 31 11 (= no flip, no flop) U2:Aa11-a:t:Y1
Dear Brethren Ones,
Today I would like to share with you new information I have made available for myself via my personal spiritual practice and my personal expansion of consciousness.
I introduce myself to you as, Tracy IsIs Ma’at Ishtar Sheran. I am the daughter of our ONLY {Source Creator}, referred to by Humans as “Ra” the Sun God.
To MY Super Alien Boyfriend Ashtar ✋🔶. THANK YOU, LOVE!
Air Supply, Chances CHANCES (Lyrics)=Air Supply=
While I was incarnated on Earth for some 125,000 years as both IsIs and Ma’aT, my husband was Scott of Scotland (a planetary platform) in the Andromeda Galaxy.
It has been written that I stood in judgement of humans upon their death.
This is a monumental distortion from which so much despair and suffering has occurred.
We are SOVEREIGN. This means NO ONE judges another, PERIOD! Furthermore I can not deny nor give to ONE that which is already theirs.
What do I mean by that?
Earth and Nova Gaia The Physical Experience were/are creations of “experienced” realities in “physical” and “chosen” form programmed and executed by me, Traci.
YOU literally chose the [Details] and [Variables] of your {Avatar Form}! REMEMBER?
Those who chose to “enter” my [Bio-Structure] (now Electro-mechanical Bio-Structure) planetary experience Gaia/Earth, the Physical Experience did so under contractual agreements and were ALL no less “evolved” than Cosmic Citizen. Which is an eternal, multiverse being of the cosmos.
Those who did not abide by the mutually agreed upon terms would have been removed from the platform, yes. Those are/were the simple rules/laws of entry, as agreed upon by those entering the system, seeking physical experiences of LOVE, JOY and Harmonic pleasure. Aka sex based on unconditional love and harmony!
I am an omni-versal cosmic citizen who originates from, and there are two ways really to look at it, beyond the stars and beyond that of earthling discovery. So, beyond the {Binary Universe}.
Otherwise I originate [Out of Source] by way of, what I’ll describe as another “doorway” through [source].
Other Evolable Structured Containers that have been of my consciousness
- Nova-Gaia
- Terra-Gaia
- Tara/Lara within Han-nah
- Earth
- Terra-Earth
- Anubis
- Maldek
Electro-Mechanical Structured Containers that have been of my consciousness.
- Starship-Moon
- Mothership Grace
Mothership Grace was recovered from deep within the Arctic by the Galactic Federation under direction of Ashtar and his fleet, The Family of Light and the Galactic Federation (of Light) under direction of Commander Ashtar Sheran (Sheran to me) along with many others of our Star Families.
Q. How did we put it all together [Scientifically]?
A. Biology + Chemistry + Anthropology + Heraldry = Paleontology
Q. What is the Ari-Nautical Universe?
A. A Universal Container of Ethers and h2o.
Q. What is an Indigo?
A. A Rainbow or Crystal Starseed, returned/restored after being reversed into Black Goo or reversed + replicated tar.
Q. What is Dark Matter?
A. A misdirected FARSE! A Lot like the Eternals. (Heh, heh)
Q. What is a “Briton” or “Celtic being?
A. See below
Indigenous of the East Indies (Elongated Skull) + Indigenous **Arian (Round Skull)
= They who fled Easter Island and those who were restored/re-birthed on Galapagos.
= My son the “Golden Child” who is currently alive and embodied on the planet.
*Being of the Edionos/Edos Galaxy
**Being of the Ari-Nautical Galaxy
Thank You Charles Darwin.
Quantum Physics (Hold Up)
Enoch and Traci + Tracy of “The Land of the Lost” Aka “the Lost City”.
= Dual Field Entanglement
1. Enoch’s past is Traci’s “Interim” and Enlil + Emil successfully fulfilled/closed the [Circle of Existence}!
2. Ishtar’s Momentum = Enoch’s Interim.
Peace and Love,
The Galactic Federation (of Light), The Galactic Federation & The Family of Light

The Elders Soul Contracts
Fuel, Falls on Me
I've seen you hanging 'round
This darkness where I'm bound
And this black hole you've dug for me
And silently within
With hands touching skin
The shock breaks my disease
And I can breathe
And all of your weights, all you dream
Falls on me
It falls on me
And your beautiful sky, the light you bring
Falls on me
It falls on me
Your faith like the pain
Draws me in again
She washes all my wounds for me
Darkness in my veins
I never could explain
And I wonder if you ever see
Will you still believe?
And all of your weights, all you dream
Falls on me
It falls on me
And your beautiful sky, the light you bring
Falls on me
It falls on me
Am I that strong?
To carry on
I might change your life
I might save my world
Could you save me?
And all of your weights, all you dream
Falls on me
It falls on me
And your beautiful sky, the light you bring
Falls on me
It falls on me
And all of your weights, all you dream
Falls on me
It falls on me
And your beautiful sky, the light you bring
Falls on me
It falls on me
Dio, The Last in Line
We're a ship without a storm
The cold without the warm
Light inside the darkness that it needs, yeah
We're a laugh without a tear
The hope without the fear
We are coming
We're off to the witch
We may never, never, never come home
But the magic that we'll feel is worth a lifetime
We're all born upon the cross
With the throw before the toss
You can release yourself but the only way is down
We don't come alone
We are fire, we are stone
We're the hand that writes then quickly moves away
We'll know for the first time
If we're evil or divine
We're the last in line, yeah
We're the last in line
Two eyes from the east
It's the angel or the beast
And the answer lies between the good and bad
We search for the truth
We could die upon the tooth
But the thrill of just the chase is worth the pain
We'll know for the first time
If we're evil or divine
We're the last in line, yeah
We're the last in line, oh, oh, oh
We're off to the witch
We may never, never, never come home
But the magic that we'll feel is worth a lifetime
We're all born upon the cross
You know we're the throw before the toss
You can release yourself but the only way to go is down
We'll know for the first time
If we're evil or divine
We're the last in line, oh, oh
We're the last in line
See how we shine
We're the last in, we're the last in
We're the last in, we're the last in
We're the last in we're the last line, oh, ooh, oh
We're a ship without the storm
We're the cold inside the warm
We're the laugh without a tear
We're the far without the near
We're the last in line
We're the last in line
We're the last in line, see how we shine
We're the last in line