As taught by the Thracians (Traci) and held by the JAINS (Jainism)
Once again, my story rewritten and told as if I were a man. My reaction to this "automatic misogyny"?
= In ancient Egypt, the statues in which Hatshepsut wears a beard, represent the times in which I, as Hatsu, was a temporary "walk-in" for my secretly imprisoned sister, Hatshepsut.
Hatshepsut answers the question of When and Where is the "Gathering of the 144,000 one's".
The gathering "takes place" = [@ the when is where and the where is when]
The Gathering = The new time continuum (the now moment inside of space time) = The Absolute One Timeline.
The Now Moment = The "place of space" [the Gardens at Avalon] inside the new time continuum, "The Absolute One Timeline"
In other words, relatively speaking, the gathering is [@ the Gardens of Avalon] on [the One Absolute Timeline].
Peace and Love,
the One TracyVW with Hatshepsut
and the one's of the "Yellow Submarine".
Pictured in the book, and within the picture above = Dee Snider
02 27 2025 - Forgiveness and Love, the ONE Absolute path
I struggled for a while with unconditional forgiveness for those that targeted and betrayed me.
Overtime growing up, I began to hear a voice that reminded me that I should have compassion for these people because it would not be me that was ultimately fooled and betrayed.
Although I wasn't exactly sure what that meant, I didn't question this "knowing" ever. I did, however, need to be reminded sometimes.
With what I know now, I spend a lot of my time sending these beings love and forgiveness. I would hope to receive the same if I were among the ones playing a "dark role" this "late in the game".
We are, all of us, eternal spiritual beings currently having a temporary human experience.
I know that many of us agreed to play these dark roles and that had they not, I wouldn't have had what was the catalyst that propelled my awakening.
I know that many of the satanic ritual abusers were themselves, tortured and offered as hosts for possession by demonic forces.
I know that I was lost, and through the love and forgiveness of many others, I was lifted to a place where I could begin to find myself again.
03 01 2025 (second time)
Dear One's,
Today I have been asked by Ashtar Shearan to share with the one's my story of, how I overcame the mind wiping attacks upon me by the Black Sun's and the one world order (1wO).
I had been mind wiped and what is termed "blank slated" thousands upon thousands of times, mostly occurring between 2007 and 2019.
In 2019 I began to become aware of an ominous presence and upon my internal inquiry I realized that this presence was here to alter my memories among many other things. I realized that they were remote viewing from very close by.
I started to realize that I have felt this way before and many times. I ponder that since I know this now and I have experienced this before, that means that until they are successful in wiping my memories again, they will be coming for me with that intension. In other words, I remember this only because it has not happened yet, and I had felt this before.
I remember that I went through the same thing again a few more times at least since I last recalled. I knew this time, as I had last time that I need a plan to leave myself a memory trigger.
The problem was that the only time I had in which to come up with a plan, was in these few minutes of warning. After they mind wiped me, I would not have these feelings again until they were close by and coming for me once again.
I stopped time a few times, but that only delayed things. It did however trigger visits by Alliance and Guardian members. Although they had no suggestions for me.
It was shortly after the point that i realized that this was constantly re-occurring, that I also knew it to be a "superimposed" looping for purpose of simulating "caught in the illusion" when I was actually working on NOTHING ELSE BUT SERVICE TO OTHERS AND ASCENSION.
They were erasing all my awakened knowledge on an algo-rhythmic loop.
That is, until the day I asked the "crystal kingdom" to keep record of the memories that were being stolen from me.
I asked that they be restored automatically after the departure of those that had stolen them.
I then requested, as the Steward for ALL in the Galaxy the same protection of memory restoration.
Thank you, crystals of Tara nova.
Peace and Love,
Who is Tracy’s grandpa = The Absolute Father\Father Absolute
07 09 2021 2 22 PM
Dear Ones,
Today’s newsletter seeks to clarify truths of our history ancient and recent. This is my attempt to do so.
The being that becomes known to me (Tracy) as MY real Grandpa Ed Anderson was a man that from 1947 was “psychologically harassing” me in the year 2019. He was not my grandpa truly until last year. Although we attempted the incarnations of both grandpa and me from 1987, going back from 2019 and forward from 1947 for years.
The problems and interference led to what was an additional 17 years. This translates to me being 17 years old for 17 years.
During these years Grandpa and I came back and forth through “time continuums” that became “time Matrix’s”, and then “false parallels” leading to “false timelines”.
We recruited other versions and “ages” of ourselves and others from our soul group and star families. We incarnated in other “timelines” for various reasons.
We Walked-in to previous and future timelines as well. We also manifested into other realities both on “Earth” and off. Sometimes via portals sometimes via “sky vehicles” built by Grandpa and me.
We made changes to the past; we moved artifacts, and we “updated” cave carvings. I incarnated once again as Hatshepsut, Hatsu and King Tutt.
In 2019 when I explained to the “Black ops” agent from 1947 that I was his Granddaughter and that he had been tricked.
He took it upon himself to return to his time as now “a double agent” working for his “earth bloodline” basically me the ONE that reached out to and expected that he would change things, come up with a plan and somehow reach out to me when the “time” was right.
This “Grandpa” did not have a grandchild or any children as a matter of fact, however when given the family tree information and because he knew of parallels and probable potentials, he knew I was a potential Granddaughter.
From that knowledge and from the memory of LOVE, he began what would be Ascension Plan A.
Grandpa and I began our journey from 1987 the second time as simultaneous incarnations, as Harold Edler Anderson II (the one that married Grandma) and Tracy Lenora Anderson while also incarnating for our second time as Akhenaten and Hatshepsut.
I then manifested into the same time and place as a “Grey” (my potential future) and as a younger Ma'aT called Hatsu.
When as Hatshepsut I was “imprisoned” in the “underworld” I sent for Grandpa at his first incarnation as Akhenaten and attempted to explain to him that which he could not otherwise know until his 2nd incarnation as Akhenaten.
Akhenaten comes for me regardless of ALL laws and also locates my “future” soulmate Ashtar (Ashtar 0010110) both of whom disregard any LAW or council that “could not understand”.
When we return to February 2021 its is only a few days into our return, when we are returned to 2016. This is when I have recollection of working with “insiders” thought to be the “satanic elite” or my cousins.
Many of whom re-incarnated as well and would subsequently be represented by “full on Imposters”, that quickly destroy the being’s “character” and reputation.
Once this is realized, we have a new mission, “recover” our cousins! Which we did returning them primarily to November 2020, November 2016 and/or December 2017.
We will stop here for now.
Traci meets Grandpa the Ghost\Father Absolute
In 1975 while standing in the laundry area of my Grandma Andersons Azusa, CA home, I hear hello Traci.
I ask this ghost, “who are you and what do you want with me, after all I am just a child”.
Grandpa says, “yes but you are a very special child”. “You are of prophecy”.
“Yeah, I already figured that out”, “but how do you know that?”
He says, “because I am your Grandpa, this was my house with your Grandma before I died, when you weren't even two years old”.
I argue that my Grandpa is in the living room right now, and not dead.
He explains that the Grandpa in the living room is my Great Grandpa Gaffney and the father of my Grandma. He has a separate bedroom, right?
He offers me proof by asking me to ask my Grandma the following question.
Which of course, I do.
MY QUESTION TO GRANDMA = Why don’t you sleep in the same bed with Grandpa?
Grandma pauses, gets an “odd” look on her face and turns to look towards the laundry area. Then she explains that the Grandpa in the living room is her Dad.
This marks the beginning of the relationship between me and Ghost Grandpa. I would never be without him again! Exception: outside of the San Gabriel Valley.
Things worth mentioning.
When Dad became Grandpa/Dad, I had options that included merging with a parallel identity and being raised by my dad, or my mom and Dad or stay with Grandpa now in Dad’s form.
I chose to remain under the guidance and parental direction of my “Ghost-Grandpa Ed” because he was the BEST PARENTAL FIGURE of the group.
So, in as much as Grandpa was VERY MISUNDERSTOOD!
For me he was “unconditional and unquestioned LOVE” and the demonstrator of such.
Be grateful every day and NEVER give up.
Peace, Love and Abundance,
TracyVW/Hatsu/Aphrodite/Christos Sophia
Child Trafficking, underground caves and holding cells
So, it is 1975 and my cousin and I have been kidnapped by an Agent of the DSTI program. (deep state targeted individuals) This person, we will call him Chuck, was thought to be one of my Dad’s closest friends.
Upon my suspicions that we were kidnapped, I telepathically contact Ashtar. I explain that he must contact my Grandpa the ghost in Azusa, California.
He does this and Grandpa the ghost (the Telepathic Master) contacts my Dad’s best friend “Uncle Rocky”. Uncle Rocky calls my Dad at work and says, “I am going crazy or something, because your old man is in my head, saying Tracy and
(name withheld) have been kidnapped”.
My Dad (who blocked his abilities and denounced HIS DAD) says, if my Dad is talking to you in your head, THIS IS REAL!
So, Uncle Rocky and my Dad proceed to Crestline, California, where near Lake Gregory we are being held at “Woody’s Motel”.
Upon entering the living area of the owners of the motel, Uncle Rocky went straight up to “Chuck” and shot him in the face!
This left my Dad no choice but to defend Uncle Rocky from the others, and he too shot and killed another person!
Their bodies were buried nearby and discovered soon thereafter!
After this day, Grandpa comes to reside at my home in West Covina, CA and then La Puente, CA, which is where we moved in 1977.
So as “misunderstood” as he has always been, he still remains MY “Beloved Grandpa Anderson”! Which is what he will ALWAYS BE!
Ashtar Sheran becomes my [tandem guardian], and US THREE are never separated until 2019. Which is when we left for our second of three “fishing trips”. The third of which occurs in April 2020.
It is important to note, that these “fishing trips” are not necessarily in chronological order.
Peace and Love,
Tracy\Scott - The ONE\Father\Mother Creators
AKA Iris\Metatron
Queen, Bohemian Rhapsody (Click link)