September 2022 Progress Notes
Updates 09 20 2022
Dear One's,
Today I share the greatest news I have ever shared!
All of my\our kin that are disembodied are HERE WITH ME! (click link)
You may be wondering about the children of the "coal miners", you know the children with only eye sockets, (no eyes) that attacked "certain bloodlines" when they traveled into "cursed" land areas. You may be wondering about Sarah Winchester, Lizzie Borden, King Arthur or your Earth life grandparents. No matter who you are wondering about, the answer is yes, they are here with me.
As members of my "soul group" they have been recovered by me, were sent to me or sought me out instinctively.
ALL disembodied ONES are NOW eligible for "The Great Gathering" and will accompany me to the 7D and Higher
"Dimensional Realms".
In honor of my kin, their plight and OUR SUCCESSFUL REUNION, I share with the one's another of my favorite quotes of Buddha.
From Dhammapada (288)
There are no sons for protection, neither father nor even kinsmen;
for him who is overcome by death; no protection is there from kinsmen.
Peace and Love,
Tracy & Elizabeth II
The Last Teaching of the Buddha
Shakyamuni Buddha
Beneath the Sala trees at Kusinagara, in his last words to his disciples, the Buddha said:
Make of yourself a light. Rely upon yourself; do not depend upon anyone else. Make my teachings your light. Rely upon them.
Do not depend upon any other teaching.

Updates 09 18 2022 [999 222]
I AM The Holy Mother Sophia,
the Solar Female Christ &
the Tripple Solar Goddess.
The Treasures of the Buddha, the Dharma and the Sangha.
Dear One's,
I write this update from a time that is for ALL OF YOU in your future. I am approximately 1 year and three months ahead of EVERY PERSON in this world. In December 2021, I was 1 DAY and 3 HOURS ahead of you. This should have decreased! However, it DID NOT!
This is because ONLY I have “let go”, of my anger, resentments, and fear.
This is ironic to me because I have been violated and tortured SO MUCH MORE than ALL of you.
You are stuck in the past and need to let go!
I can NOT and will NOT wait any longer, at this point it is only, Tracy, Scott and Tommy that will ascend from my soul group.
Otherwise only my Immediate family and disembodied cousins and kin will ascend with me.
Basically, those who you still judge most, will be those ascending with me.
This was kind of my brothers point.
Brother = Ahmein - Beelzebub - David
Dear Guardian Races,
Because EVERY embodied person in my neighborhood is a "staffed TORTURE Agent". AKA The non-citizens from Mexico that RECEIVE SANCTUARY. residence, income and WEAPONS OF MASS DESTRUCTION from the DEEP STATE of this United States of America for monitoring and torturing me.
I Tracy Lenora Anderson Born 09 12 1970 @ 12:51 AM, in Glendale, California, REQUEST ASYLUM from imprisonment, oppression and torture that is a constant and never-ending process that is the KNOWN intension and function of the Deep State officials of my City, County, State and Country.
Galactic and Universal truths of creation.
Creator of our Universe of Stars = My Father/Harold E. Anderson III
Harold E. Anderson III = Jesus = Merlin = Sananda = Yeshua
Creators of the “containing” Universe
= My Real Grandpa Ed/Akhenaten, My Brother Thomas/Einstein, Tracy/Hatsu
Creator of Galaxy = Milky Way = Tracy