Progress updates and Blog Entries - May 2022
Updates 05 29 2022
We have achieved the ULTIMATE DNA Upgrade!
In 1977 we achieved a "Christ Consciousness" DNA upgrade. The "Rainbow Starseed" DNA.
Yesterday, the DOUBLE Rainbow DNA String became ACTiVE! This is what I have been working towards my entire Earth life(s).
This means the "Ruby Sun" Light Body is recovered and restored, which means our "Christ Agua Crystal avatar" is NOW available.
Ready for 5D? Harmonizing is a breeze at the ALL NEW,
4D exit Platform \ 5D Entrance Gateway, = HIATUS HUB Houses
Be grateful every day and NEVER give up.
Peace and Love,
MaaT \ Ishtar \ Iris \ Gaia \ Hatsu \ Artemis
Aphrodite \Mother Earth \ The ONE TracyVW
Updates 05 27 2022
As Above So Below, Not What You Think?
When the two are ONE, we SHIFT to the Final [Timeline] which contains ALL APPROPRIATE Realms.
As Above so Below is obviously referring to the "lower realms" or "our shadow\alternate" becoming ONE with the ones in the "higher realms".
Thing is. ALL those that have &\or do exist as a "shadow" or "within the "illusion of the Upside-down", or AS THE GATEKEEPERS OF HELL, have LONG AGO "made amends" with their [Karmic Debt].
They have "flipped" the scales on ALL Karmic Debt. They have done so when the so-called Karmic Debt was but an Illusion of the "hacked and forced" system.
Intention to shift to the [Timeline] > {Sovereignty, Peace & Love} is ALL one needs to "Affirm".
Peace and Love,
Updates 05 26 2022
Who is the ONE TracyVW?
I have been a "tall pale Grey", I have been a "medium sized gray". I have been Egyptian, Sumarian, Chinesse, Japanesse, American, Hindu and Buddhist. I have been EVERY race, EVERY species!.
In this lifetime I can best explain that Tracy was a girl born in Glendale, California that KNEW who she was\is from birth.
It is best described in a small exerpt from my book, I AM the ONE, I AM Starseed, I AM TracyVW. the last page of Chapter 18. Included below.
From I AM the ONE, I AM Starseed, I AM TracyVW Chapter 18.
Imagine being a magical creator that participates in the creation of a “virtual reality game”. After having many experiences with other VRG’s as a creator of “story scripting code”.
This time, as a co-creator of this VRG you are primarily involved in the creation of the “static” code of the game. Static code, that includes the managing of gateway access and the required processes’ for “privilege escalation” and “system control”.
Imagine that you understand (on a subconscious level) that the following things are true.
Some computer code = Human DNA. Human DNA code is only supposed to expand, never should it “compress”. Never EVER, should it be “stepped thru”. If EVER BOTH were to occur, anything would be possible, and you know this because this is an “IF statement” for which there is no “static” answer.
This means by overlaying the Gatekeeper with “the scripted” code, an Imposter was created that allowed the “Trojan horse” that contained a self- replicating worm” through the gates/portals/ports.
Peace and Love,
TracyVW the ONE
Breaking Updates 05 20 2022
In light of the tremedous success of our "thematic" communications, I would like to share with the ones, two of the most "thematic" Buddha quotes to our collective and the subsets there of.
From The Teaching of Buddha Chapter two of
"The Way of Practical Attainment",
Search for Truth.
In the search for truth there are certain questionns that are unimportant.
Of what material is the universe constructed?
Is the universe eternal?
Are there limits or not to the universe?
In what way is the human society put together?
What is the ideal form of organization for human society?
If a man were to postpone his searching and practicing for Enlightenment until such questions were solved, he would die before he found the path.
From The Teaching of Buddha Chapter one of
"The Way of Purification",
Teaching in Ancient Fables
Two questions and their answers.
Who is the one, who being asleep, is called the awakened one, and, being awake, is called the sleeping one?
The answer is this.
He is awake when compared to those who are not interested in Enlightenment; he is asleep when compared with those who have already attained Enlightenment.
Peace and Love, Ever more,
TracyVW the ONE
Because in today's ridiculous world, my friend, who is Buddha embodied on Earth, like me, is A TARGETED INDIVIDUAL!

Updates 05 20 2022
In keeping with the "thematic flow", I continue..
When One makes personal changes, opening their "path of return" from a perceived defecit, [such as one named Blossom].
The "current" [flips], the "tides change" and the FLOW IS UNSTOPPABLE!
In this case, effecting the "Change of the Guard", which IN THIS CASE MEANS, THE CHANGE OF OUR COLLECTIVE REALITY!
Why does this = A change of the guard?
Becuase my "over-seer" or Primary Guard was, Chris Cornel = 1 of 2 Osiris', whom I am bringing HOME with me\us!
Thank you, "My" Brother(s)
It matters NOT what you are "called", I never would have "made it" without you, my BELOVED, brother.
Peace and Love,
Updates 05 19 2022
What is the Upside Down?
The "Upside Down" is an artificial realm created from a "Hacked" and "layered" [game field template].
The upside down was constructed artificially and created to "imprison" and hide the Original Angelic's and the Archangels.
Oh yeah, it is also where I have ALWAYS been IMPRISONED and tortured!
What is the Under World?
The Under World is another artificial realm created from a "Hacked" and "layered" [game field template].
The Under World was constructed artificially and created to "imprison" and hide any\all Christos beings.
It is also where you are likely to find physically materialized Cryptids and Demons.
Updates 05 18 2022
Today, from beyond the Aquarian Gateway I have been asked, by the New Galaxy, Gaianna to share the following two quotes from "Meditations from a Course in Miracles" the book.
On Atonement (Gaiannas choice)
Miracles Represent freedom from fear. "Atoning" means "undoing".
The undoing of fear is an essential part of the Atonement value of miracles.
On Understanding the nature of time (Tracys choice)
Time and eternity are both in your mind, and will conflict until you perceive time
solely as a means to regain eternity.
Time can release as well as imprison,
depending on whose interpretation
of it you use.
Updates 05 16 2022
The Golden Rose Galaxy = Gaianna is REALIZED. The NOW moment restored.
Many of you are aware that the Starseed children have decided unanimously to continue their personal growth to "Starseed Adulthood" on the 9D Nova Avalon Existance. Which is my "primary" home, as well as the "school" for young Starseeds, which has yet to be named, as the children will do so.
Peace and Love,
Updates 05 11 2022
Here I provide a link to the company RESPONSIBLE for 911, and hundreds of thousands of "SLOW KILL, TORTURE DEATHS".
About MSC - Microwave Specialty I attached at the page that proudly lists their clients. You know the ones that had made for themselves these "custom ordered", (means per PERSONS TELEMETRY RECORDINGS) slow kill torture machines.
(list is at end of page)
Updates 05 10 2022
Dear Ones,
Today I am sharing my personal experience of "recognizing", "acknowledging" & the healing of both one-self & ones-shadow. Or ones-shadow & ones-self. (Depending on which of YOU initiates the "reconsiliation")
I will upon a previous newsletter of 08 10 2021 expand my story of "Personal\Shadow" "healing".
Also, some of the Ones may recognize a "thematic" relationship with our resent "informal telepathic meetings", the "zeitgeist" of "our times" and the "flow" of the "subject" matter between our "meetings" and the "previous newsletter". In this case,
CC Newsletter 08 10 2021 Lions Gate = The Return of “MY” Ashtar. Increase in Shadows, which is provided below.
08 10 2021 5 55 PM News From “My” Ghost Hunter Collective
Dearest One’s,
I received via telepathic message information that at first, I didn’t understand. It didn’t seem to flow with what I KNOW is happening towards mankind’s ascension. The message was that there has been an increase of ghost and shadow activity in the United States of America.
Upon study, after receiving “download packets”, with an open mind and during review with my guides and members of my “soul Group” collective I was able to conclude the following reason for the increased activity.
For you, those of my HUGE collective (We Are Those Who Rock-heh, heh) You NEED to “Make Up” with your shadow selves and alternates so you can EMBODY your OVERSOUL!
Below is a page from Starseed Book II (Books are NOW combined) Chapter V, How I merged with all shadows & alters. The method of which I speak was developed by me with my guides and was taken from “advice” I saw from others, such as AA Michael on Awakening You the YouTube channel, and from a scene in the AMC show “Dispatches from Elsewhere”. THANK YOU SO VERY MUCH!
The following method developed by me with my Guides has proven successful. Go mentally to your “crystal palace”, or “consciousness corridor” and picture a Timeline of memory records that represent your life records of this lifetime. (Birth begins at left, current times towards the right end of the line).
Looking across the entire line of time, watch for an area showing itself. It may be swelling, lighting up or throbbing. When you find the first area, move in close to the record and see what is shown. For me I sometimes saw a picture of me at the age I was during a traumatic event, the memory of which was triggered upon inquiry and as shown thru the eyes of that time/age.
This often correlated with the size of the shadow person I had seen recently. Usually from the corner of my eye. Then I talked to each of them. They showed themselves and were 5-, 6- and 7-year-old shadows and 8, 11-, 12-, 14-, and 17-year-old alters.
I apologized for leaving them behind to deal with the trauma. I told them all I loved them. We hugged and cried and merged as one. After which memories were gained. It may be more details of the trauma or sometimes chunks of memories that were from before that split occurred.
These new memory records can be accessed upon inquiry, as they do not just play out. The traumatic event may, but otherwise you must inquire.
NOTE: This does not include the parasitically infected negatives, alters and shadows. Nor does it include the clones, or the AI or the AI/EBEN entities.
And oh yeah, nor the Reptilian “soul” in competition with me for control of my consciousness and avatar form. (This being was released thru the aqua portal by me).
I hope this is found to be helpful.
Be grateful every day and never give up.
Peace and love,
TracyVW 10-25-2020
“MY” Ashtar returns to ME!
Many were there, but just in case you missed it! Two nights ago, Ashtar returned to me, doing so through the [Lion’s Gate Portal] .
What does this mean?
It means that Ashtar is here with me in [Total Embodiment] and not just as an [Interactive Projection].
I.e., he can DO ANYTHING!
Be grateful everyday and NEVER give up.
Peace and Love,
The Western Buddha of Dharma and Love,
Making up with YOUR Shadow\Alternate, My Story
I am going to share my story as it relates to who had been my 7 year old alternate self and me.
Upon seeing "the" picture of her\myself I remembered feeling "down" on myself. I was very unhappy with my hair color, my freckles etc. I also remembered\felt the "emotion" involved.
When upon that recoglection I quickly told myself, "yeah but I am over that kind shit now", I remained "still" and then realized, oh shit, thats what it means to leave a "piece" of yourself behind.
I was then very fortunate to "witness" her "feeling recognized" and subsequently, feeling "our shared emotions", which were primarily RELIEF & GRATITUDE!
Thank you ALL so much!
Peace and Love,
The ONE, TracyVW
Whitney Houston, Greatest Love of All.
Thank YOU, my dear Divine Friend (and cousin), Whitney!
Updates 05 07 2022
The 4D exit platform to the 5D Gateway is fully manifested the paradigm is materalized. The 5D Unity grid is flushed and rebooted.
Command = Hard reset of "Earth the Grand Experiment". Flushed, cleared. Command = restart.exe /push Unity Gateway established, anchored, locked and the hologram is sealed.
And so it is.
We, the Threefold Founder Flame are united in unity and 'present" to the ones as, The Universal Solar Rishi, as such we Christen the 8D exit platform and the 9D gateway hub. NOVA TARA Holographic Structure is anchored, locked and sealed. And so it is.
Peace and Love,
The Universal Solar Rishi with Metatron
Updates 05 05 2022
Last night I received multiple “memory packets”, some of which are specific details of the “methods of operation” of ALL factions of this “scripted story-HACK”.
Such as “AT&T the Experience”, that was “Yahoo the Experience”
which is the process of infiltration into your private life by the “assigned” closest inside friend. Example, duplicate access to your,, etc.
Upon my discovery of the AT&T Experience/Pandora Project mentioned above, I was MURDERED AGAIN.
Waking up in a different life, is often the beginning of relationship trouble. Everything seems like a lie. Facts and stories don’t match the memories that you have, which makes you very SUSPICIOUS of otherwise trusted family and/or friends.
Emails such as the ones from my “financial advisors” or other financial details are “swept to another e-mail account”, that the foot soldiers of the “JUDGE TASKFORCE” or other compartmentalized systems have control of.
These “task forces” started around the same time mainstream tv news stopped saying, “all parties are considered INNOCENT until proven guilty in a court of law”. They used to cover the story, like both sides. Now the so called “reporter” who is actually “TV personality” simpley reads the police report PERIOD. Presenting it as a news report, which it is NOT!
Jets fly LOWER than the Cessna planes that fly in a triangle format all day over my house. If I leave home, the helicopters show up.
The Cessna planes are “for hire” at airports everywhere. “Mc Klellan” airport in Carlsbad, CA in my case. The business is only listed by way of searching from within a MAP APP or map based website. Example bellow.
Which is only found upon Search query; Latitude 33. The weapons used by these “Pandora participants” can be found at the following website.
In which they fearlessly advertise these technologies, shown below.
Primary Applications
Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAV)
Electronic Warfare (EW)
Threat Emitter / Simulator
Flight Termination / Command Destruct
This was also the method used on September 11, 2001 at the Twin Towers in New York. That and underground TNT for building implosion.
Today I woke up, back on the timeline I had been on before “election week”, which means END GAME time, plus a bonus of BLUE skies and SUNSHINE.
Next is proof of Hi-tech companies such as Microsoft are working with the shadow government against us.
After typing the last line, EVERYTHING CHANGED AGAIN!
TracyVW on 05 05 2022 RE: 11 16 2020