03 30 2022 Things one needs to know, by TracyVW
03 30 2022 04 44 pm
Dear One’s,
Today I bring 5 things you should know, about 5 different things.
Thing one
One may have many alternates and they may choose to merge, or they may choose to be their own separate being. Each ONE has the right to Cosmic Citizenship, as ALL are sentient. I do not BLUFF, I do not MISLEAD, I keep my word.
*Identities that choose to merge, always continue the ability to unmerge & remerge at will.
Thing two
Dimensions are based on and adhere to God Laws & Universal Laws. The collective reality and manifestations are primarily based on The Law of Vibration & The Law of Attraction.
Only dimensions above 7, called 7D should contain Realms of Game Field Templates.
Thing three
Realm &/or Game Field Templates are controlled by “specific knowledge” that is usually obtained from & as part of the experience within. Neither should exist outside of a 9D or above dimension.
If altered or placed incorrectly, the “Template” [Code Overlay] should be completely removed, and NOT re-set.
Thing four
One’s become [Free Spirits] by challenging death upon their deaths, or upon being release from bindings of superimposed curses and rituals. This means one has decided to remain in the 3D with others from their “soul group” that are still embodied. Upon the successful ascension of the “Earthling” embodied from their “soul group”, ALL ascend together.
“Free Spirits” that remain outside of the [Heart Space] of the “soul group”, will become “lost spirits”, and will ultimately be taken to the “Universal Consciousness”, or the sun.
Thing five
Extension timelines are “timelines” placed by the One TracyVW aside timelines from Plan A or Plan B in which One has been cornered or has reached a dead end.
ALL ANY ONE needs to do is write a new path to the ascension and Great Gathering of Ascended Masters.
Great Gathering = Enlightenment of the Ascended Master
0010110 = The ascended Master's path to Enlightenment
My Interpretation of a Meaningful Buddha Short Story by The ONE TracyVW
04 11 2022 04 44 PM The NOW is BRIGHT
Once upon a time a man looked into the reverse side of a mirror and, not seeing his face and head, he became insane. How unnecessary it is for a person to become insane merely because he carelessly looks into the reverse side of a mirror!
It is just as foolish and unnecessary for a person to go on suffering because he does not attain Enlightenment where he expects to find it. There is no failure in Enlightenment; the failure lies in those who, for a long time, have sought Enlightenment in their discriminating minds, not realizing that theirs are not true minds but are imaginary minds that have been caused by the accumulation of illusion covering and hiding their true minds.
The above is referring to [The Implant or S.B.M.C.D.] “The Spherical Biological Monitoring and Control Device”. Page 77 of “The Blue Planet Project”.
Two lifelong held “knowing’s” of the ONE TracyVW
The “physical world” is an illusion. A simulated experience. Many one’s, wander this illusion while asleep and believing it is permanent and real.
Existence is, (or =) nothing, does not exist. Another way to say the same thing; there is no such thing as nothing.
I believe this to be parallel to the following words of Buddha.
It can be said that things are like illusions; they can be said neither to be existent nor non-existent.
Indeed it is very difficult to understand the world as it is, for, although it seems true, it is not. Ignorant people cannot know the truth concerning the world.
A wise one recognizing that the world is but an illusion, does not act as if it were real, so he escapes the suffering.
The 3 Buddha Quotes Most Meaningful & personal in nature to TracyVW
Endurance is one of the most difficult disciplines, but it is to him who endures that the final victory comes.
It is easy to point out the mistakes of others, while it is hard to admits one’s own mistakes. A person broadcasts the sins of other’s without thinking, but one hides one’s own sins as a gambler hides his extra dice.
Everyone is the master of oneself, one is the oasis he can depend on; therefore, everyone should control himself above all.
Be grateful Every day and NEVER give up.
Peace and Love,