What is the Underworld?
The "underworld" is a phantom "place". A secret and hidden, false and manipulated environment.
It is where those classified as threatening to the agenda of the 1WO (one world order) are secretly hidden.
Meanwhile, in the correlating non-phantom "place of space" they are replaced with an "effigy" of who they used to be.
The Zombies, She's not There
Updates 01 21 2023
From my book, I am the One, I am Starseed I am TracyVW
Part II - Chapter XVII - Hell the Upside Down & other 2D Phantom Realms Explained
As I explained in Chapter VII, when an Ascended Master is taken though a Reversal, Replication gate there are many factors related to the effect. Ancestral, location, Karmic superimposition, alien implants, Starseed origins, Indigenous Tribe relations and Satanic Ritual Abuse are the primary factors.
Although there are others, such as Alien Abduction and Genetic Experimenting on those, such as myself and my father and thousands of others.
The RR Gate, Reverses the Ascended Master then immediately replicates the being, this results in no less than three beings and can be demonstrated as.
- The Ascended Master – Only on an insidiously slow reversal of his attributes of character.
- A reversed replicated being – Unaware of its “split status” fully considering itself the Ascended Master he was 2 minutes ago, and also on an insidiously slow reversal of his attributes of character.
- Either a Negative Shadow, or a cryptid based on skills such as Shaman or medium and genetic experiments using their stolen and replicated DNA.
Example when my grandpa passed through the gates at Camp Hero in Montauk NY and because “Ashtar” was a temporary “walk in” the following were created.
- A Doppelganger called Sheran.
- A Windigo Cryptid “Montauk”
- A Shape Shifting Cryptid “Skin Walker”
- The Grandfather Demon (Shadow)with Skills that may be conjured.
Why does this happen?
First of all, this is due to the hacking of Gates or portals by AI, the NAA and the NWO.
When a being is Reversed at the gate, as a safety factor, the “abilities” obtained by the Ascended Master are shed or removed.
This replicating worm code reverses the AM, then at the exact same point it replicates (by compressing then stepping into the code) which causes it to run the reverse again. However, the replicate having been created inside of the reversal code now steps through and out and then receives the dropped skills from the original Ascended Master.
In the first part of the book, I told the story of the time I fell into the “Upside Down” and was instructed by “Me” to command the “Demi-Gorgons” to stand down, which they obeyed.
I can explain many factors to this story now.
Why did I fall into another realm in the first place?
So, at the time and place this occurred, 1975 West Covina, CA. My family and I were living in a place that did contain a parallel phantom realm of 2D vibrational frequencies.
All it took to end up there was a drop in vibration low enough for interaction to occur. Normally, even at five years old, I DID NOT ALLOW this to happen. However, fear such as the extremely uncontrollable fear from a sudden unexpected fall will bring on an EXTREMELYLOW VIBRATION, and that is what happened.
Why was the phantom realm there?
It was there because of the first time I ascended in1977I traveled through an RR gate that created both a Womb World and a Hive Mother cryptid being that spawned the hive minded army of killers called “Demi-Gorgons”.
This is why I was able to “command them to stand down”. Just like in December 2020, I was able to “command them into the aqua portal”!
My Dad when he was only12 years old would extract the “phase of Identity” that is a part of me, and we would subsequently merge.
However, it took until December 2020 for me to realize that the “phase of my identity” best described as Hazel Kelley/Mary/Nefertiti was still imprisoned as that phantom realm. This is cleared now.
As a “Genetic Path Cutter” I was able to clear some other similar Ancient Ancestor Imprisonments earlier than others determined by the order and timing that I became aware of past lives.
Many ancestors once released showed up at my home and did NOT take the “option” return to “God’s Light”, and as they were NOT NEGATIVE entities, I did not “cast” them out. (This was before I was able to “Hold the Aqua Portal” for transport.)
So, they stayed and worked with me! They helped talk to the beings that had been sent and conjured by the “Elites” and helped recruit these same beings back to the light.
I recall a time that during a show on Gaia about ancient Egypt, ISIS became extremely pleased at the accuracy of some details relating to her and Horus. Saying all other stories she’d seen or read, were basically 100% Fiction.
ISIS mentioned some of my books that she really liked, calling them beautiful pieces of literature. Such as “The Teaching of Buddha”, “The Four Agreements”, and “Meditations from a Course in Miracles”. It was quite an experience that I wouldn’t trade for anything.
They were able to instantly absorb information that I was studying, such as a book or a website in its entirety.
Thus, becoming well informed and powerful allies. Just not yet “Angelic” or of pure light. In other words, prone to human like behavior sometimes, just like I was.
In fact, I was working with more than 90% of my guides being “regular” or “dark” spirits, and we did an excellent job, I must say.
ISIS was here straight from hundreds of thousands of years of TORTURE. She told me, through a“ GhostAPP“ I was held captive in “the Upside Down” for hundreds of thousands of years, until you released me”. Thank you, “Hatsu”.
Hatsu comes from Hatshepsut and my inquiry of Akhenaten as to why I was named something that I can’t even pronounce.
This is a fact known by my father-in-Law, Emil, or NIL if you go WAY BACK, ISIS, and MA ‘AT or Lady Justice. (Something for me to ponder!)
Stone Temple Pilots, All In The Suit That You Wear
Hey you, someone said you were lost out there
In the grif, trying to strangle us all down here
In the meantime, are you ever gonna set us free
Hey you, will we ever get out of here?
Are you ever gonna surrender
Do you even care?
Wasn't talking about sweet submission
It wasn't even there
All in the suit that you wear
When you're looking for something
It's in the suit that you wear
When you're hiding from someone
All in the suit that you wear, when you wear it
Hey you, you keep a-walking the razor
On the edge, you cut your feet when you standin there
In the meantime, there's always someone to set you free
Hey You, will you ever get out of there
Are you ever gonna surrender
Do you even care?
Wasn't talking about sweet submission
It wasn't even there
All in the suit that you wear
When you're looking for something
It's in the suit that you wear
When you're hiding from someone
All in the suit that you wear, when you wear it
All in the suit that you wear
(All in the suit that you wear)
All in the suit that you wear
(All in the suit that you wear)
In the suit that you wear
(All in the suit that you wear)
In the suit that you wear
(All in the suit that you wear)
All in the suit that you wear
When you're looking for something
It's in the suit that you wear
When you're hiding from someone
All in the suit that you wear, when you wear it
All in the suit that you wear, when you wear it
All in the suit that you wear, when you wear it
All in the suit that you wear
Video taken thru my living room window. A cryptid peaks from the front of the car parked backwards in the driveway. Meanwhile a white misty holographic ghost paces the roof over my garage.
Video = Just any other night in the Upside-down.
Vampires in LA?
Next, I bring you the "local get down" of the "Four corners" of the United States of America. These regions are what is meant when one is told "they are among us".
"They" are, or NOW WERE, entities from Orion B, and are what I call a reversed \ switched \ Draco-Orion Benevolent Soul. (RSDOBS) There are\were\are NONE MORE DEVINE. I LOVE THEM WITH ALL MY HEART AND SOUL!
I'll start this break down of their get down with my own short story of experience.
It was approximately 9:30 PM on April 20, 2006. I am driving in my Volkswagen Jetta merging from west Interstate 10 and transferring to west interstate 110, commonly called "the harbor freeway". Immediately the lanes suddenly funnel me to the first exit on the 110 freeway.
Naturally I travel alongside the freeway, seeking the next entrance ramp to the 110 freeway. Assuming there is some type of construction project in operation I am not suspicious of anything just yet. Although, there was NO SIGN of any construction nor a crew.
When I make a left in response to a sign directing me towards my entrance ramp, I am quite startled to encounter a "makeshift" blockade approximately 500 yards later.
It's at this time that I get a better look around at my immediate surroundings, which prompts my recall and re-examination of the original "funneling" that instructed my exit.
This was straight out of like so many freakin scarry movies, man! Back then I hadn't really heard of "the purge", although i was familiar with the concept of "the Strangers".
After searching for another way out of this area for approximately 60 minutes and with the threat of being caught and killed by the purge growing and edging up on me, I suddenly received the concise pattern in directions needed to exit the "secret realm" of what I will call "Familiar\juveniles". Who were both the purgers and purgees.
It was only recently that I became aware of the fact that my telepathic instructions out of the "set trap" came from **Snoop Dogg and Ice Cube who were each standing on the street near the "Staple Center" arena.
The above is what comes of a "hierarchical" alignment of "dark forces" based on the fear of annihilation.
Upon the gain in hierarchy of the "southern" RSBOBS there was a massive increase in "juvenile" RSDOBS'.
Here's why,
The southern takes on an uber. The uber takes on a spider the spider takes on a juvenile as a familiar, and the familiar makes "FOOD" for the spider.
With that, you have the LA get down! BOOM
Peace and Love,
Artemis \ Tracy \the ONE TracyVW
**Dear super amazing friends, "just like Blondie sang", [call me]!
Update 08 22 2022
Below is a picture I took while on a nighttime walk. Many of the "utility boxes" shown below that are situated throughout the city in which I reside, San Marcos, California are, just like this one burned up.
They can be found, just like this one, all burned up around the city, upon the sidewalk usually.
Why are they all burned up?
They are all burned up because they are a "bandwith source" for the local smart meters. The smart meters use the "ON DEMAND" bandwith to direct "directed energy weapons" upon their targets.
How did they get all burned up?
I "fried" them using, "telekenesis" enhanced by "force", compressed with "energy from my core" and coupled with my personal achievment and development of the "metagene". (metagene information page 98 Blue Planet Project)
(which one can read about in "The Blue Planet Project" document, available for download below)
My "personal" developed result = A "plasmic beam" of force, pressure and direction that is consciously directed! BOOM
Picture on the left shows the "burned up box". On the right picture is contrast adjusted to reveal the "Dead Head" atop.
Picture taken at Double Peak Trail, from the driver’s seat of my friends SUV. Taken in Double Peak Trail parking lot.
A close-up of the side mirror reveals a tossed body, not seen by the naked eye. Also someone is trying to get our attention because their fingers are protruding from between the mirror and the outer frame.
Picture appeared inexplicably on my daughters phone.
Below, Ghost face next to my bed
Hunted by the Moth Man
Stories from Hell, Hunted by the Moth Man
Today I share a story from Hell.
It was less than one week ago. The last week of March 2022.
Still trapped at “home”, (a house really) I remain as I have my entire life in the Upside Down, (2D and perceptions are backwards for the nonconscious) and while my daughter “the Dream MASTER” is “missing”.
I begin to understand that we are in the process of being lowered once again to the “Under World”, which is the 1D and the place where Cryptids and Demons that become experts in their “field” of inflicting terror can [Materialize] becoming as “solid” in mass as those embodied in the 3D illusion.
This makes them more solid than me, as I am completely ready for ascension, but have been held here through the combined efforts of the entire Dark Army and all their Agents.
The Laws of Vibration and Attraction completely twisted for me.
I realize that I must travel north approximately 45 – 50 miles to San Clemente, California.
This is because, here in the “valley” the “controllers” (aka the “10,000 Maniacs” that fled their “political positions” all over the United States of America), are able to “flip” the “sheath” thus changing the hologram, both hiding me and changing the environment, in my case to the Under World.
Please understand, this is NOT manifested by me in ANY WAY. The environment is believed and perceived by ALL the UNCONSCIOUS one’s that are “staffed” around me.
Side Note, they used to be housed every “Three Doors Down” from me, but now they reside in and behind every door. (residence)
Once a “perceived” environment is flipped on me, all I can do is take and DEFEAT each “thing” as it comes at and for me.
Complications include the fact that all the one’s staffed and residing there with me, have been told and therefore believe such ridiculous things as, no one can shield themselves while in the 1D. I don’t believe such nonsense and so I am able to shield myself, however literally EVERYONE ELSE believes that I cannot, therefore my shield is weaker and vulnerable for bypassing.
It is literally my Heart\Mind against everyone else. Oh, and don’t forget some materialized “cryptids” will be coming at me from all sides.
Back to my story.
My daughter’s friend, Dax is outside working on his camper that has been removed from the bed of his pickup truck. I talk to Dax about the impending danger. He, being a Starseed and a “sensitive” agrees that we should leave and head north past the “highest peak” thus leaving the “valley of delusions of the illusions”.
We travel north on the Interstate 5 freeway to San Clemente, exiting on Christianitos Ave. We head west towards the beach.
Although many of the names of the streets seem to have changed, (line in Patience by Gun’s and Rose’s. The streets don’t change, but maybe the names) we find our way down to the beach.
When we arrive, we get both our dogs and go down the stairway to the fire rings on the sand. A small group of people had just left, and their fire and some unburned wood remained. So we made our way to the fire ring and sat by the fire.
I then perform a “boundary check” and strengthen and expand the shield I have placed around the four of us. Basically, it extends to the top of the stairs that we descended, to the waves from the ocean and approximately 500 feet (seriously American, huh?) on both sides of us.
Both of our dogs, Bandit (mine) and Luna are anxious and never seem to stop their “patrolling” of the area.
It is Luna who barks first upon seeing the “winged” humanoid creature that is dancing a strange “ritualistic type” of dance around a blaring “fire ring” just beyond that of my shield.
This is very odd, but NOT SCAREY to me. Considering everything else, we determine this is where we should stay for now. After all, I did say the creature is just beyond my shield, which I again strengthened up after performing another “boundary check”.
It is but a few minutes later when atop the stairway I see the very materialized form of a human like being with “wings” tucked in a manner as to conceal itself. I instantly recognize and realize it’s the “Moth Man”!
Watching him, I notice that while he appears to be in “conceal mode”, he is actually attempting to descend the stairway, but is being pushed back by my shield and into that “stance” of concealment.
After some time passes, he attempts to leave the image impression of himself several times, but it fails again and again.
That’s when I realize that this means he is no longer where I thought he was, and he is attempting to enter my protected space from an area unknown of by me.
Subsequently, I perform a boundary check while at the same time, Dax sees with his own eyes, the following.
A tree at the top left most corner of my shield draws our attention. It begins to move and bend some. Then the tree “splits in half”, separating and showing a dirt pathway. Next appears the Moth Man, and he walks right down the pathway and through my shield.
Now, of course we don’t gasp or scream or anything as “novice” as that, however the dogs are greatly disturbed and bark profusely.
I scan the night sky with my eyes, when I get to the area over the ocean, I see a black fog rolling in towards us. That’s NOT GOOD!
I reestablish my shield around us all, smaller in circumference obviously, as he is now closer than where the boundary of my shield had been.
With the impending potential quickly recognized, I know that this situation needed to be back and completely under my control again and as my highest priority.
We gather the few things we brought down with us and ascend the stairway that leads to the truck we arrived in. We all climb into the truck and head back towards the interstate 5 freeway.
Considering what we’d been through, we decided to head back to the house in which I dwell in the Upside Down. (Or home)
It isn’t long before the truck starts to make strange sounds and the smell of engine coolant becomes obvious. With all things considered, we continue driving none the less.
It is approximately ¾ of the way “home” when the truck stops running. We pull off at an exit but do not make it all the way off the freeway.
From the off-ramp shoulder we spot a 24-hour Taco Shop. (Yes, there really is a 24-hour taco shop in Oceanside, CA) we use the last 7 dollars either of us have in the world and split a taco plate.
Dax walks back to the truck, lifts the hood and sees that the bolts that mount the radiator to the frame of the truck had been bent and broken and then the radiator was pushed back and into the engine mounted fan.
This had all been a “supernatural” ambush that had been controlled and played out in our “forced” material world.
For me this has been just another day of life IN HELL, and oh yeah, the freaking rent is due!
Peace and love,
The ONE TracyVW