June, 2022 Progress notes, the ONE Blog
Updates 06 26 2022
Dear Ones,
I'm calling this one, "The Local Get Down"
This is a "common" area in my neighborhood.
In the pictures = The equipment and process used by those "staffed" as my neighbors to create Hypergolic fumes and Hyperbolic tunes.
It's a symphony of fear.
But I'm still here.
Updates 06 23 2022
Dear Ones,
Whether you call it Unity Consciousness, Twin Flame Reunion or Hieros Gamos, WE have acheived it.
I AM UNITED with my Soul Mate\Twin Flame! WE ARE ONE!
I have with me many guides and guardians.
I have my 3 REAL GRANDPAS,
the one in the "Uniform".
the one in the "Lab coat". and
the one in the "Secret miltary ID" THAT I HAVE! BOOM!
I have MY DADS, (all hues).
Example = An angry & ominous man banged upon my door and began yelling and screaming, creating a ridiculous scene at my front door.
Once greeted by my brother, (you know with the yellow reptilian eyes) the man suddenly and quietly exited my yard with no further incidents!
Peace and Love,
TracyWV with AA Metatron, Uriel & Ariel
Updates 06 22 2022
Spaces & Places "Hidden Back Door Cities" = VOIDS in the Parallel
Dear Ones,
Today I will explain in words Dimensional Displacement of the Holographic Field Structure or DDHFS.
Much like the way my intuition leads me, in the dead of night, to "patrol" the in-between spaces and places, such as the "out of eye shot" easements of my neighborhood.
So too, does it on a map. Picture on the lower right seems to be "tunnels" that weren't quite covered up all the way.
The cover-up at Skinwalker Ranch seems more thorough.
See clip below.
Secrets at Skinwalker Ranch, Mysterious Disappearance
(click link above)
Secret "esoteric" places and spaces on "the secret parallel" are Spaces of [VOID] in the parallel of the "Starseed" system buster, truth seeker.
Peace and Love,
the ONE TracyVW\Scott\Tommy
Updates 06 20 2022
In case you missed it, I am re-posting a newsletter from 03 15 2021.
Also, NEW definitions on page = word, phrase and fractal definitions. (click link)
CC Newsletter – 03 15 2021 – Questions from Collective Answers from the Trinity
03 15 2021 6 06 PM
Dear Ones,
First, I want to thank all “My” BRAVE brothers and sisters that have taken upon themselves the opportunity to be “IN SERVICE TO OTHERS”. They have done so by coming forward with their own personal “disclosures”.
Comparisons “Unable to exercise Free Will” in the Matrix & Psychological Terms
No Free Will = No cognitive “memory” of “choices” other than compliance or death.
Psychological Term
Cognitive dissonance, the mental conflict that occurs when beliefs or assumptions are contradicted by new information. The unease or tension that the conflict arouses in people is relieved by one of several defensive maneuvers: they reject, explain away, or avoid the new information; persuade themselves that no conflict really exists; reconcile the differences; or resort to any other defensive means of preserving stability or order in their conceptions of the world and of themselves. The concept was developed in the 1950s by American psychologist Leon Festinger and became a major point of discussion and research.
In the above “comparison” I have answered the question.
How is it decided that a “phase” of an identity is placed in their “station”?
Those “phases” and in some cases beings are being placed into their stations awaiting their personal “truths”. After which they can decide their lives path. They will exercise their own free will choice. This is simply IMPOSSIBLE however without knowing their own truth.
To stay “trapped and enslaved” in the old system, they could never receive this information. For they ARE and have been TRAPPED IN A DREAM.
Only NOW/Now, there is NO CONTROLLER holding them there! They simply CAN NOT WAKE UP!
So, it is for The Greater Good, (click link) That I and “my Crew” have intervened!
Thank You AGAIN, Styx the Band. YOU GUYS ROCK!
Question, who is my favorite band?
Those who know me (Tracy) personally know that for the last 20 years the answer has been, “Stroke 9”.
Favorite Album? Stroke 9, ALL IN. (click link)
Spaying a dog refers to the removal of a female dog's reproductive organs, while neutering refers to the procedure that's done for males. When a female dog is spayed, the vet removes her ovaries and usually her uterus as well. Spaying renders a female dog no longer able to reproduce and eliminates her heat cycle.
Why would we do this to LIFE!
We “snip” the vas deferens of a man for sterilization! Why take the TESTICLES of a dog!
Unsolicited Advice by TracyVW (Shorts)
You can tell the quality of a person by how they treat people they don’t need...TracyVW =)
Be what you want to be, not what other wants to see.. 🙂 TracyVW
Sometimes, struggles are exactly what we need in our life. If we were to go through our life without any obstacles, we would be crippled. We would not be as strong as what we could have been. Give every opportunity a chance, leave no room for regrets.. =D TracyVW
Nothing can stop the man with the right mental attitude from achieving his goal; nothing on earth can help the man with the wrong mental attitude. (Author Unknown to me)
You’ll never leave where you are until you decide where you’d rather be.... TracyVW
Seeing contrary to popular wisdom is not "DISBELIEVING". It is where "BELIEF" stops because it is not needed anymore.. =D TracyVW
Be grateful every day and NEVER give up!
Peace and Love,
Breaking Updates 06 15 2022
Cause & Effect of Time Travel in ONE Song – As Promised
01 23 2022 11 33 AM [111] [2222] [333]
Some Mandela Effects Explained
Dear Skeptical One’s,
This Newsletter is from 01 23 2022 and does as I promised. You were NOT able to read it at that time because YOU were an observer on a 5 MONTH nap.
It’s Christmas Day 1979 and it is also Christmas Day 1981. My brother and I are sitting in the living room at our Maternal Grandparents house in Pasadena, California.
We are watching a “New to us”, Christmas Special called the “Bernstein Bears”, while also watching an “old favorite” of ours called, “Santa and the Three Bears.
The phone rings and is answered by *Aunt Eloise. In both 1979 & 1981 she exclaims that it is Traci calling from the future.
Thank you, Aunt Eloise, for the SECRET INFOrMAtION you shared in that call!
Victory IS OURS!
*Highlighted on the 1st page of this grave site survey of a cemetery in Alabama.
Pleasant Home Baptist Church Survey April 2010. (Click link)
We are the Masters of Time (Grandpa, Scott, Tommy & Tracy)
Some answers can be obtained from “Low Key” songs of the past.
Hold on to your hat’s, because THIS ONE IS THE BIG BOOM!
- = Who really WON the 2021 US Presidential Election?
- = Heard .30 seconds into the song linked below. Heh, heh!
- = Is it Bernstein Bears or Berenstein Bears?
- = Heard at 2.26 minutes into the song linked below.
REM, It’s the End of the World (click link)
Alien Experiment Causes Panic, The Outer Limits (click link)
Updates 06 15 2022
Russian Threat = AS FAKE as the Trump\Russia Dossier
The current narrative, or why the Media PUPPETS are FOOLING you ALL = Answered below.
= The remaining "Dark Ones" are [Hold Up] in the Ukraine.
Explanation for the reason the remaining dark ones are [hold up] with hostages in the Ukraine in TWO words. = SLAVIC DNA!
For explanation of what this means, I have included the following exerpt from my book.
From, I AM the ONE, I AM Starseed, I AM TracyVW.
Imagine being a magical creator that participates in the creation of a “virtual reality game”. Having had many experiences with other VRG’s as a creator of “story scripting code”. This time, as a co-creator of this VRG you are primarily involved in the creation of the “static” code of the game. Static code, that includes the managing of gateway access and the required processes’ for “privilege escalation” and “system control”.
Imagine that you understand (on a subconscious level) that the following things are true.
Some computer code = Human DNA. Human DNA code is only supposed to expand, never should it “compress”. Never EVER, should it be “stepped thru”. If EVER BOTH were to occur, anything would be possible and you know this because this is an “IF statement” for which there is no “static” answer.
This means by overlaying the Gatekeeper with “the scripted” code, an Imposter was created that allowed the “Trojan horse” that contained a self- replicating worm” through the gates/portals/ports.
A Creators Virtual Reality game HACKED with DARK CODE
PTSD episode trigger In the late 1990’s
As a “computer enthusiast”, working in Healthcare some comparisons’ between the human body, computer processors and computer code started to trigger warning of ominous intentions with predictable results.
The body of an RH negative mother rejects the pregnancy of her own offspring when that offspring has RH positive blood.
This was the claim for the old day law that insisted on a blood test prior to receiving a marriage license.
This was actually the early method of identification for tracking, flagging and monitoring certain “bloodlines” and their future children.
To me, this is a fundamental and UNNATURAL problem and it reminds me of the fundamental issue of using a “scripting language” to connect to and control a Core System Language.
Later the Pharmaceutical lead Healthcare system said we no longer need blood tests prior to marriage because we have drugs like, RhoGam to correct these problems now.
To me, this drug solution, is only a solution if your purpose is to place a substance into a core and intentionally static system, thus allowing it to tunnel through the core system, overtaking it and forcing it to function as an “Imposter”.
Our Creator never intended for changes to be applied “In-reverse” to undue our DNA code, which is the very and only core/hard/static foundation of her/his creation.
The actual reason the blood test is no longer needed is that the tracking of prescribed drugs in a region and by the DEA# of a physician is a much easier and more accurate system of monitoring these people.
PTSD episode trigger
Medical doctors once licensed in a state, must accumulate and maintain CMEU’s (continued medical education units) to remain a Licensed Physician.
Most (almost all) CEU’s maintained by Physicians today are obtained through the educational data and processes of American Pharmaceutical Companies and are issued by employees of the same.
To me, more concerning than the above fact, was that no one else found that to be a “conflict of Interest”.
In the early 2000’s
As a Gatekeeper of many entry/exit portals and transition stations within our planet and galaxy, I monitored, recorded and authenticated the “signature of beings” coming and going thru certain portals.
A lot like
A Firewall, hub, switch, NIC, (network interface card) access point etc. monitors, records and authenticates, security certificates, and other packets of information allowing or disallowing access by nodes that are devices and machines.
PTSD episode trigger
Once we combine devices intended for separate function, such as making a modem also function as a router and/or wireless access point or by virtualizing ports to be handled by “layered software” rather than hardware, we then turn the “Gatekeeper”, or “firewall Hub” into an Imposter pretending to function while actually unable to do its job.
Placing an Operating System over a Core Operating System can expand the abilities and potential creations by that machine to infinite possibilities.
Placing an Operating System over a core operating system and then allowing it to tunnel thru to the core system, overtaking it and forcing it to function as an “Emulated Core System”, could only have ONE purpose.
To create an imposter.
The creator of such a carefully planned and separated by “Static” Hardware and ever expandable and creatively changeable software, would NEVER be any part of, “Firmware”.
She/he would not allow changes applied “In-reverse” to undue the very and only core/hard/static foundation of her/his invention. (No plug n play, no emulated/virtualized ports or IRQ’s, no virtually mounted hard drives.)
It is clear that everything and anything can be created from the 2nd layer.
The systems integrity only stays in tact if the /hard/static/unchangeable system remains that way ALWAYS!
PTSD episode trigger
This reason runs parallel to the fact that this is the same approximation of time in which I was flagged and assigned an FBI number that is prefixed with a digit of numbers that mean.
A highly cognitive person with suspected ties to organizations and groups known to the NSA (National Security Agency) as groups seeking to overthrow the government through computer and internet crime.
(A White Hat Hacker)
This is one of the many possible ways that a person becomes a “Targeted Individual”. I was however, already on that list for years.
Side note: = Q-Anon, was Q and Anonymous? = The BIGGEST most SUBSTATIAL DROP of ALL TIME!
So lets clarify. In the book I explain that as a child I experienced PTSD episodes upon the "subconscious" realization that there is no [IF statement] for an occurance of [Step through] + [Compress] = RBS DNA.
[IF statement] = {UN-REPLICABLE}. = BOOM
Peace and Love,
TracyVW the ONE\Iris\IsIs\MaaT
Dear Ones,
Today I have wonderful news about OUR final [timeline]. We have successfully jumped to the appropriate timeline, with all appropriate "triggers" of the past.
I know this for certain through clairvoyance and "telepathic connection" to my closest "Star Family". My family most closely resembles the being on the left in the picture above. Most would call them Medium Grey's", but I call them Andromedians. "Riffe Andromedians" is most accurate. We are very close in relationship with the Arcturians as the "Riffes' are extremely grateful to the Arcturians for taking me in when, as MaaT\Tracy I was LOST. I didn't care about anything, I had kind of gone numb. This was in 2019.
The Arcturians were extremely empathetic and grateful for all that I had endured in the name of Peace and Love and for the "highest purpose" of my mission, which was the recovery of ALL that had been lost, disgraced and/or replaced by imposters.
I think that the most important realization of my "Earth experience" is that Riffe Andromedian or (medium grey) is both my past as well as my future, although I will embody my chosen "Avatar Form" which looks more like a "Norse Humanoid".
Most often identified as Aphrodite. So, Aphrodite is MaaT, MaaT is Tracy, aka TracyVW\Hatsu is Iris I have only embodied a "Humanoid" form is this "Lifetime" of "Timelines" on Earth.
In other words, all temporary walk-ins and parallel existences occurred along side (or at the same time) as the lifetime of the character, Traci\Tracy\TracyVW. Incarnations were 1970, 1975, 1977, 1978, 1987.
Note, 1977, 1978 & 1987 were "walk back ins" to 'timelines" thought to have been unrecoverable. Something Grandpa
(the Absolute Father) said was impossible. Turns out, HE ALONE was right about that. For which I am extremely thankful.
We are now removing the falsely applied [game field templates] which force a "perceived reality" onto those of us Awakened and seeking "Enlightenment". We will then be left with only "realms" of separation, which can function properly, based of the "Law of Attraction" and "Vibration".
This leaves NOTHING for the "local controllers" to use against me or any other Starseed.
Be strong, and I will see you at/on the platform.
Peace and Love,
TracyVW - the ONE
Quotes from Meditations from a Course in Miracles
On Protecting the Truth
The best defense, as always, is not to attack another's position, but rather to protect the truth.
On the Power of Miracles
This world is full of miracles.
They stand in shining silence next
to every dream of pain and suffering,
of sin and guilt. They are the dream's
alternative, the choice of the dreamer,
rather than deny the active role in
making up the dream.
On Changing your Perspective
Seek not to change the world but choose to change your mind about the world. Perception is a result and NOT a cause.
Questions by - The FIRST and LONELY Indigo!
I need answers to these questions = 1979 Traci\TracyVW\Aphrodite\the WBCW - ∞⓫⓫│꙰┐Ʌ
We have lived in an illusion since way before I was born. It's called 3D reality or consciousness. A hologram used to rob us of informed consent and allow other entities to use our energy while enslaving us as their willing drones.
Who's earth is this?
Who am I?
What is this bizarre thing called life?
Why are people so obviously fake?