Updates July, 2022

Updates 07 24 2022

Below = grandpa #1 (left) grandpa #3 & #4 (right) 

He was a man "out of time".

Dear One's,

In my progress note of 07 21 2022, I explained that my real grandpa Ed #4 has returned and is by my side.

You know the ONE that took me on "fishing trips" to "the Cafe at the end of the Universe".

It seems that my dad and grandpa changed some things that only they two were aware of!

Lets just say, the one they thought was burried in Glendora was burried in Covina Hills, and the one they thought was burried in Covina Hills while on the DESTROYED ALTERNATE timeline, was burried in Glendora.

Thing is, the destroyed alternate was to me (this current Tracy) parallel to both Ascension Plans A and B!

B   O   O   M   !

ADVANCED First Aid to the injured

Azusa, CA 04 11 1951

Navy School of Photography Pensacola, Florida

July 25, 1942


National Radio Institute Washington DC


Pictorial Journalist in the Armed Forces of the USA

The March of Time December 20, 1942

Navy Air Travel Authority

Noumea to Sydney 05 06 1944

30 days before D-DAY

Below is an excerpt from my book, I AM the ONE, I AM Starseed, I AM TracyVW.

Chapter XVII, Not MY grandpa, 0010110, time and parallel travel, page 58.


Chapter XVII          Not “My” Grandpa, 0010110, time & parallel travel

The grandpa I am referencing throughout this document is in many of the references, not my grandpa.

My grandpa was barely known by me (Tracy) as he died in 1972 and I was born in 1970.

My grandpa was the man that told my mom the stories about our past/future interactions and the prophecies’ etc.

My grandpa was the man who was cursed, soul captured, bound to space/time and ritually tortured into becoming the “Grandfather Demon”.

My grandpa was the “Tortured Spirit” some call Demons that stayed on and from a space that is between a parallel and a “time split”, worked with me and “on” himself to destroy his shadow.

“Not” my grandpa is the Black Ops intruder that came into my “Commanded Personal Space” in 2019 and was witnessed and presented with “Truth and free will choices” by the Guardian Forces when I requested a lift of the “Ban of Non-Interference”.

Witnessed by includes, grandpas’ known to me as versions with familiar energies that are past and future familiar but not current, and past/now/future/and what I can only express through words as “origin love”.

Past and future grandpa authenticates personally to me as, Ashtar.

Past and future/future grandpa authenticates personally to me as, I am Ashtar and is on a Galactic counsel.

Not my grandpa at this point was in 1947 existing on an “artificial parallel” where I, (Tracy) did not exist. (I think I understand now that this was from a timeline within Ascension Plan A)

Not my grandpa was confronted first by me, I said, I love you Grandpa Anderson and I forgive you.

Time seemed to pause as I was shown images of very dark abuses of me by all kinds of grandpas. (Signature energies is the best I can explain, “Kinds of grandpas”), as if to provide time for me and to which I responded, "yes all of it, anything, everything, I FORGIVE HIM".

Then I said to not my grandpa from 1947 but in 2019, My Dad is Harold Edler Anderson the 3rd born February 18, 1948, to Harold Edler Anderson Jr and Christina Ann Gaffney.

Your grandpa, my great, great grandpa was Johan Albin Andersson who emigrated from Sweden in 1898. You have been tricked and lied to. Tricked into destroying your own future descendants.

This was the extent of my interactions with not my grandpa and the group of time traveling super beings on this level of the event.

And the beginning of what I will call the psychic trail of time memory that beautifully displays a trail that gently places itself at, 0010110.


In the 1970’s my brother and I often spent weekends and summertime days at our grandma Anderson’s house in Azusa, CA.

The following event happened many times, but I only recall this occurring at grandma’s house and on grandmas TV.

The kids programming, we are watching is interrupted with a rapid pulsing but also blinking light that explains something close to this, we are your family, your true family of Star beings from beyond your Star Systems.

We have always been with you, and we will always be with you. Your space is    held, and we rejoice in the future knowledge of your return home amongst us your true star family.

In the same voice, and while displaying the numbers on the tv screen.

0010110 is your message from both your future and past.

0010110 will be your call to answer in service to mankind.

0010110 is after the year 2012 timelines.

0010110 is your call to rise in the year 2020 as an Eternal Omniversal Spiritual Being with a mission to assist mankind in freeing themselves from their enslaved and sleeping state.

When this transmission ended, there were times that an internal panic process of thoughts would start flying through my mind like.

What if I do not remember the code?

What if I do not “grow enough” by then?

What if I am too old by then?

What is old? What is time? What is nothing?

Then I would leave my body and hold “time and space” hostage until I received assurance from, the grandpa of “origin love” signature.

FBI wanted poster - DB Cooper

Airline Hijacker, Extorted $200,000

Evor & grandpa - Two men

"Out of time"

Memorial service for grandpa #2

Queen of Heaven Cemetary

Rowland Heights, CA 

Below right side = Real Grandpa

AKA D.B. Cooper

Updates 07 22 2022


Today I am re-posting an Article of Advice by Tracy. The original date was\is 03 30 2022


Dear One’s,

Today I bring 5 things you should know, about 5 different things.


Thing one
One may have many alternates and they may choose to merge, or they may choose to be
their own separate being. Each ONE has the right to Cosmic Citizenship, as ALL are
sentient. I do not BLUFF, I do not MISLEAD, I keep my word.
*Identities that choose to merge, always continue the ability to unmerge & remerge at will.


Thing two
Dimensions are based on and adhere to God Laws & Universal Laws. The collective reality
and manifestations are primarily based on The Law of Vibration & The Law of Attraction.
Only dimensions above 7, called 7D should contain Realms of Game Field Templates.


Thing three
Realm &/or Game Field Templates are controlled by “specific knowledge” that is usually
obtained from & as part of the experience within. Neither should exist outside of a 7D or
above dimension.

If altered or placed incorrectly, the “Template” [Code Overlay] should be completely
removed, and NOT re-set.


Thing four
One’s become [Free Spirits] by challenging death upon their deaths, or upon being release
from bindings of superimposed curses and rituals. This means one has decided to remain in
the 3D with others from their “soul group” that are still embodied. Upon the successful
ascension of the “Earthling” embodied from their “soul group”, ALL ascend together.

“Free Spirits” that remain outside of the [Heart Space] of the “soul group”, will become “lost
spirits”, and will ultimately be taken to the “Universal Consciousness”, or the sun.


Thing five
Extension timelines are “timelines” placed by the One TracyVW aside timelines from Plan
A or Plan B in which One has been cornered or has reached a dead end.

ALL ANYONE needs to do is write a new path to the ascension and Great Gathering of
Ascended Masters. (see writing & re-writing our stories). (Click link)

Great Gathering = Enlightenment of the Ascended Master

An explanation from the ONE that came here to trouble shoot, diagnose and repair that
which became our own “prison”.

Those that were of what we phrased the Dark Ones, were correct in a way when they
believed that they and others would not be eternal. Meaning, they would no longer exist
outside of this “star system”.

This wasn’t because some were, and some weren’t “chosen”. It was due to the fact that the
original 144,000 beings that incarnated here were “restored to source” without their
accompanying [Cache Record]. This is what people refer to as the Akashic Record.

Each being has this log of all changes & interactions. Each environment has this [contained
and always running] log of every incarnate and all changes and interactions within the

If the Earth were to be [Hard Reset] again, as it has four times prior, all would be lost.
All of us currently existing in this “solar system” can be considered a “shadow” or an
“alternate” of ourselves from another “lifetime”.

We were what had been the “copy” of ourselves, or “back up”. The [cache] of ourselves. We
are now/Now/NOW sentient sovereign beings.

We would not be however if I had not returned to source with two friends where we
informed and proved our existences to the others, who are or were us.


Further explanation below from an excerpt of a previous CC Newsletter dated 02 09 2022.


I have come Full Circle & Fulfilled ALL Contracts, Promises & Missions

02 09 2022 19 09

Dear Brethren Ones,

Today I bring wonderful news of UNIFICATION. Just as we have brought together our
brothers and sisters of our Bands and Tribes, WE now bring together ALL the ONES as we
have formed OUR Global Collective!

I AM Elder Tracy. (Click Link) = The Nobel ONE.

I AM Lady Peace = I AM Starseed (click link) I AM Returned!

I AM God, Sovereign FREE!

I have full memory of the reason I came here, as well as the reason I came back. I remember
that NO ONE believed me inside or outside of this “experiment”.

I remember being the one who pleaded with the others to come for their Alternate and possibly Shadow selves as

I remember leaving ALONE!

I remember returning to our ship with some friends that NO ONE believed existed. I told
them of the theft of our signatures, and that the one’s created in our DNA images were NOT
at fault.

I told them that I would not ABANDON the being that is Tracy, as she has endured more in
the name of compassion, unconditional love and forgiveness than ALL Counsel members
and Elders put together.

I told them that I could NO LONGER exist knowing of these truths without acting to correct
the injustice. I told them that SHE DESERVED to exist more than I.

I asked for help! HELP is HERE!

Be grateful every day and NEVER give up.


Peace and Love,


ADDITIONAL ARTICLE RECOMMENDED = Automated Intelligence & the Illusion of Separation from God? (CLICK LINK)

Updates 07 21 2022

Quotes from Meditations from A Course in Miracles


On remaining open-minded

Only the open-minded can be at peace, for they alone see reason for it.



On hiding nothing

When you have become willing to hide nothing, you will not only be willing to enter into communion but will also understand peace and joy.



On perception

Perception is the medium by which ignorance is brought to knowledge.


Dear Brethren, one's,

Today I bring new information, clarification, expansion and reminders for you, my Kindred Collective.


New Information = I have been reunited with my "Real grandpa Ed" (Harold Edler).


Clarification = This makes him my 4th "Real Grandpa Ed". You know AKA Saint Gabriel, the Montauk Windigo and the Grandfather Demon. 


Expanded Clarification = I have been reunited with real grandpa Ed #4, = the one buried in Covina Hills, California. Recovered from the Non-Catastrophic Alternate Timeline. 


Reminders = Five things that one's seeking Enlightenment (Ascended Masters) MUST recall or realize.


1. This is NOT your Ascension. YOU chose to come here as a volunteer to assist the planet & the humans with their Ascension.

2. All of our brothers & sisters that "died" on Earth are STILL HERE and one CAN communicate with any of them.

3. Many of those of #2 above were "bound" to prison realms in which they had no awareness of the [primary] parallels.  

4. You DID NOT come here to FIX A BROKEN WORLD!

5. ALL confusion will be resolved when from your "sacred heart space" you inquire within.


Important Advice = Stay heart\mind connected and in your "heart space".


Every morning when I awake, and every night at bedtime, I say the following command.

I place my complete being within my "sacred heart space". I expand my "heart space" to include my "sacred core" and I further expand my "heart space" to include my "sacred mind" and my highest expression of self.  And so it is!


Be grateful every day and NEVER give up.


Peace and Love,

TracyVW (the ONE) 


Updates 07 20 2022

If I were to be remembered by ONE "quote", I would want it to be the one that follows.

One may have been or may have done ANYTHING! 

With the new information of one's truth,

ONE can be  or ONE can do ANYTHING ELSE!



Peace and Love,


Updates 07 09 2022


A Typical Day in 7D NOVA, Avalon

Dear Ones,

I have received a request from Archangel Michael, Metatron & Gabriel for me to provide a short story of my typical day on NOVA, Avalon.

So here it is, "my paradigm", a manifestation of my new life in a new world.

This day, any other typical day, I awaken naturally at approximately 5:30 AM. My soulmate and I enjoy a cup of coffee and then head out for our morning walk to our favorite plateau. From our favorite "blanket spot" we decide that our afternoon plans together will include a few hours at our Avalon waterslide mountain swim park.

We head back to our home and help prepare a breakfast of potatoes O’Brien, scrambled eggs, blueberry\pineapple juice and coffee with the other members of our happy home clan. All of us from [Event] [Rise and Enlightenment of the Brotherhood] of timeline-merge events of all three.

After breakfast clean up, I spend approximately 3.5 hours answering questions and assisting the ones seeking ascension on the “timeline-merge”, Events of ALL THREE, [Event] Full Disclosure and [Event] Grand Ascension of Mankind. (Lightworkers & Old Souls). 

Shortly before the sun is directly over-head, we board a "sky bucket" and travel to our favorite waterslide, the one called "Luna Sea Drop". 

A few hours later we have dinner, clean up and travel with the others of "our home group" to the Mesa, where we board a "light-ship shuttle" to another residence, this one called "the NEW Jerusalem". (Our mothership). This night we are having a grand celebration, it will be another wonderful night.

Peace and Love,


Updates 07 01 2022


Dear Ones,

Today we share a poem and a short story. 

The Poem written by me for my son, presented in the "style" of another cousin of mine, Dr Seuss.

The short story written by a cousin of mine, Hans Christin Andersen. That is also the favorite childhood story of Scott and me.


To my son Connor, a poem from Mom


Dr. Seuss Explains Computers


If a packet hits a pocket on a socket on a port,

and the bus is interrupted as a very last resort,

and the address of the memory makes your disk abort,

then the socket packet pocket has an error to report.


If your cursor finds a menu item followed by a dash,

and the double-clicking icon puts your window in the trash,

and your data is corrupted 'cause the index doesn't hash,

then your situation's hopeless and your system's gonna crash!


If the label on the cable on the table at your house,

says the network is connected to the button on your mouse,

but your packets want to tunnel on another protocol,

that's repeatedly rejected by the printer down the hall,

and your screen is all distorted by the side effects of gauss,

so, your icons in the window are as wavy as a souse,

then you may as well reboot and go out with a bang,

‘cause as sure as I'm a poet, the sucker's gonna hang!


When the copy of your floppy's getting sloppy on the disk,

and the microcode instructions cause unnecessary risk,

then you have to flash your memory and you'll want to RAM your ROM.

Quickly turn off the computer and be sure to tell your mom.


Tracy Von Winckelmann - 1/30/2006 10:55 PM