August, 2022 Progress Notes, the One Blog

Breaking Updates Developing 08 28 2022 09 39 PM 


Dear One's,

I AM the ONE Creator of our "simulation", Earth the physical experience. Many of the most ancient ones in our simulation have memories and information of "Terra Earth", at best.

I will explain exactly what I mean by the above statement, I AM the ONE Creator of our "simulation", Earth the physical experience.

I am including a previous CC Newsletter and will follow the newsletter with full demonstration of the "structure and function" of this simulation.

I will demonstrate my TRUTH as the ONE SYSTEM COMMANDER.

Privledge of Authorization = I COMMAND the [structure] + [function] = [operation] of [expression]. 

After the "explosion at Atlantis" and subsequent related "flooding", it be came clear to me that this "system" had been HACKED and overtaken. Overtaken by just about ANY ONE, due to ALL THE BACK DOORS! (portals, tunnels & black hole back doors).

This "system overtake" is an [effect] of [Cause] = [Greek gain system ROOT] at Troy gateway via a "Key logging Trojan Horse", that "contained" a "self-replicating worm". 

The [effect] = an unfathomable TOTAL loss of System Integrity! 

SIDE NOTE : Does anyone remember "Slammer Worm"?  Heh, heh.


Below is a "side by side" of the "system" as discovered by, The Family of "E", Rescue\Recovery Team. (Elon, Tracy & Scott) and the "system of simulation" of my creation.


Figure A - Earth post explosion and flood Figure B - Gaia - Earth the Physical Experience
1. Object Oriented Database (OODB) = based on groupings 1. Relational Database = based on structure & relation.
2. Emulated Application linking from groups oriented by objects. (Too Generic) 2. Fully self contained program of mapped bridges of operation to function. (ANSI "C"}
3. Possible manifestation of a "Light Body". 3. Progression within creates one's "Avatar Form."


Example of what I mean by "too generic" when referring to the previous systems database.


The [effect] of [cause] system hack = A re-classification of items of data without regard to "relation".

Example: "Arguments" are [atributes] & [expressions] for [function] of manifestation. Arguments for expression based on atributes. (Details of code instruction for manifestation presentation.)

Upon the hack, "Arguments" were "re-classified" and become negative energy exchange expressed as emotional battles!  

That is some ridiculous SHIT right there.

It is also just one of hundreds of thousands of similiarly exploitable "code & structure weakness".

See you at the "Gathering".

Peace and Love,

Tracy, Scott & Tommy

Tripple, Solar-Angelic Flames = Hosts of Mothership, the Amazing Grace.

Updates 08 28 2022


Dear One's,

Today I will share with you two historical facts about ONE of the TEN "species" of "Earthling". The One's called Hue-mans.


I explain the "Big Bang" and the MAJOR problem with both the SPIN & ROTATION of the platform (planet) Earth and its cause.


I will also share details on what it's like to be ONE with your "over-soul".

So then, let us begin.


The Evolution, De-volution, Enhance\Restoration of the Original Hue-Man

For simplicity, I will provide the [path] of "species 1 of 10" , the "Original Hue-Man".


1. Hominid indigenous to the African Continent. (Redbone)

2. Orangatang = 1 evolution > Hominid

3. Homonoid or Humanid = evolved of #2

4 Neanderthal = Hominid + Homonoid 

5. Homo-Erectus = Result of <DNA (dummied down)

6. Homo-Sapien = Result of >DNA Restoration\Enhancement

Homo-Erectus is "effect" of "cause" "pointed mutation" for purpose of de-evolution of the species. 

"Cause" of [cause] pointed mutation\de-evolution = Malevolent Anunnaki.

"Cause' of [cause] "enhancement\restoration" = Benevolent Anunnaki.


Homonoid     -     Humanid





The Big Bang and the Water Flow of the Planet

Just like "MY" Original Scott sang, the Big Bang was a "crash, crash, crash". It occurred between the THREE original LARGER planets that made up our solar system. 

1. Tiamet

2. Maldek

3. Extra Large Earth or NOVA

Q. = Why did these planets collide? 

A. = Planet #3 above became "erratic" in its rotation, which upon built a "wobble" of  the earths "spin'. This became a "bobbling" "funnel of gravitational suction", drawing the others in, causing all three to collide. POOF, ALL WERE "DUST IN THE STRATUSPHERE.

Side note = Because some of the "dusted ones" became a sort of "collective hive", we have the [Realms of Nebula]. 

Q. = What was the cause of the erratic rotation and spin of the planet?

A. = The problem first began when the Nephlim errected dams and\or otherwise redirected the "perfectly directed" and "pressurized" flow of water on the planet. 

The directed and pressurized process is called "hydro-gravitational reciprocity".

Geysers flow to rivers, which flow to waterfalls that are streamed to hotsprings that "leak" to become the "birthing centers" of geysers

Doesn't it seem obvious that changing the flow of water would have such an effect? It did\does to me.


The Easiest Sure Sign of Oversoul Embodiment.

The first time I realized and verified my "oversoul embodiment" went something like this. (Very Simple)

I joked with one of our soul collective during a telepathic meeting. (I) then laughed at (my) joke from a place that is kind of like the "front" position of the "character personality" at that moment.

Its kind of like she, my "higher self\oversoul" was in the "upfront" position while I was participating in the meeting. 

It is also great when I am "spent" and need an "emotional" break.


With unconditional love and forgiveness for ALL,

The ONE TracyVW \ Artemis \ Hathor

of the Family of "E".

Updates 08 27 2022


Today I share a picture of my back which shows two laser burns on my spine, they are just above the yellowing bruise.

ALL THREE are from Directed Energy Weapons, they are literally melting my spine with microwave beams while changing the shape and structure with Particle Beams.

This is an everyday torture that I endure, while I WAIT FOR YOU TO STOP COMPLAINING ABOUT YOUR MINOR DISCOMFORT, I must go without you.

Becaause 98% of "spiritual community" serving the self, I LEAVE YOU with this song, FROM ME TO YOU, the fake "spiritual practicioners". QUARTERFLASH, HARDEN MY HEART.

Neath the picture is my song and message to, Arch Angel Michael, Arch Angel Uriel (my Guardian Angel) Arch Angel Gabriel (Father Absolute),  and Ashtar, Lotta Love by Nicolette Larson.



The One TracyVW  \ Gaia \ Tara

Click picture to enlarge

2 perfect circle microwave laser burns.


Updates 08 26 2022


Dear One's,

As I mentioned in a previous update, almost ALL people that were embodied on earth and have "died" have remained within the "Earth Dimension".

Some of our brothers and sisters remained as "free Spirits" (see Word, phrase & fractal definitions, Not what you think), some as ghosts that were imprisoned within a "realm" of perception, and others were "demons" that had been bound via "satanic ritual abuse". (SRA), while some were "mind wiped" with memories of sin and crimes that were implanted in their mind as FALSE memories. These ONES were placed in "phantom HELL Realms".  Click link = Queen, Bohemian Rhapsody

ALL of the above are now returned to us and are "Resurrected Earth Angels" and\or "Aurora-Nubes".

Aurora-Nubes are those who had been "tormented souls" that we have recovered. They were rehabilitated at the "Aurora Safety & Rehabilitation Hub" which was temporarily bridged to "Anubis". 

They are RETURNED with their TRUTH! Click Link = = Queen, We Are the Champions

Aurora Safety & Rehabilitation Hub + Anubis = Aurora-Nube. 

Prepare yourselves for the MANIFESTATION OF the "resurrection" of MANY!. 

Q. How will many be resurrected?

A. Via the same method used by my father when he "played the role" of Jesus. Which also includes the help of his father, My grandpa aka the Absolute Father.

They, as did he, will emerge from a "parallel reality". 

Expanded Information = My grandpa, Harold Edler Anderson II is currently represented in THREE embodied versions and ONE etheric form.

1. the Absolute Father

2. Father Absolute

3. Saint Arch-Angel Gabriel

4. Grandpa Ed

Be grateful every day and NEVER give up.

Peace and Love,

The ONE TracyVW

Please see "thematic" songs and videos below.

Updates 08 22 2022


I AM super excited to report to the ALL that @ 01 22 PM today, I received from MY ORIGINAL SCOTT,


[OUR] > [When + Where] {VORTEX}>{INFORMATION}|



Peace and Love,

Father\Mother Creator

Scott and Tracy



My Original Scott with Stone Temple Pilots - Big Bang Baby


Dear One's,

Todays update is posted to the Stories & Photos from the Upside Down & Hell  page. (click link)


I have one "Q" and two Quotes in the form of a "Q" in which I hope to "Que" (cue) YOU.


"Q" Other than a "past life" for myself, what do you know about the following?

Hare Krishna?


"Q" Who is "known" for the following "speeches of phrase?

1. The only thing that can REDEEM mankind is "CO-OPERATION"?

2. In the councils of government, we must guard against the acquisition of unwarranted influence, whether sought or unsought, by the military?


Clue RE: #2 can be downloaded below.


Eisenhower Namaste Avalon
PDF – 1.6 MB

Vampires in LA?

Next, I bring you the "local get down" of the "Four corners" of the United States of America. These regions are what is meant when one is told "they are among us".

"They" are, or NOW WERE, entities from Orion B, and are what I call a reversed \ switched \ Draco-Orion Benevolent Soul. (RSDOBS) There are\were\are NONE MORE DEVINE. I LOVE THEM WITH ALL MY HEART AND SOUL!

I'll start this break down of their get down with my own short story of experience.


It was approximately 9:30 PM on April 20, 2006. I am driving in my Volkswagen Jetta merging from west Interstate 10 and transferring to west interstate 110, commonly called "the harbor freeway". Immediately the lanes suddenly funnel me to the first exit on the 110 freeway.

Naturally I travel parallel to the freeway, seeking the next entrance ramp to the 110 freeway. Assuming there is some type of construction project in operation I am not suspicious of anything just yet. Although, there was NO SIGN of any construction nor a crew.

When I make a left in response to a sign directing me towards my entrance ramp, I am quite startled to encounter a "makeshift" blockade approximately 500 yards later.

It's at this time that I get a better look around at my immediate surroundings, which prompts my recall and re-examination of the original "funneling" that instructed my exit. 

This was straight out of like so many freakin scarry movies, man! Back then I hadn't really heard of "the purge", although i was familiar with the concept of "the Strangers".

After searching for another way out of this area for approximately 60 minutes and with the threat of being caught and killed by the purge growing and edging up on me, I suddenly received the concise pattern in directions needed to exit the "secret realm" of what I will call "Familiar\juveniles". Who were both the purgers and purgees.

It was only recently that I became aware of the fact that my telepathic instructions out of the "set trap" came from **Snoop Dogg and Ice Cube who were each standing on the street near the "Staple Center" arena. 

The above is what comes of a "hierarchical" alignment of "dark forces" based on the fear of annihilation.

Upon the gain in hierarchy of the "southern" RSBOBS there was a massive increase in "juvenile" RSDOBS'. 

Here's why, 

The southern takes on an uber. The uber takes on a spider the spider takes on a juvenile as a familiar, and the familiar makes "FOOD" for the spider.

With that, you have the LA get down!  BOOM

Peace and Love,

Artemis \ Tracy \the ONE TracyVW

**Dear super amazing friends, "just like Blondie sang", [call me]! 

Updates 08 20 22 = 80 02 22 = [22 22 02 22] ET Elo-hoME


See UPDATES to the Quantum Physics \ DDHFS page (click link)


Dear One's,


Honoring the arrival of my TRUE, most EXCELENTLY AMAZING Star-Light family, I am sharing two CC Newsletters from last year. (2021)

These beings are the most ANCIENT OF ALL STAR BEINGS. (oH YES, we HAVE visited IN THE past).

Unbeknownst to you our representative exited upon his whim despite your belief he was a prisoner.


We are Utarian Apache Spartan Solo-Christonian Solar-Reichi Star Nations. MY FAMILY IS HERE!


CC Newsletter 06 06 2021 – The Return HOME – Tribes Reconnecting with “BANDS” 


06 06 2021 12 13 PM Tribes Vs Bands and the Awakening of the Guardian 


I AM The White Buffalo Calf Woman Incarnate,  

I have returned to Southern North America (aka the Southwest) just as I promised! 


Tribe Vs Band by Tracy, Suhely Meadow/Indigo Girl/The Last Indigo 

 Tribe = Group of “Native American’s” that are part of a family of LOVE & LOYALTY. 

 Band = Groups of Tribes that [HOLD] “Sacred Knowledge”. 


P.S. I went to “The Lake”, ALL is now “balanced”. The lake is now/Now/NOW in “Echo Park”. This is in Los Angeles, California. 


Yours Truly, 


The Lady of the Lake/Tracy/the White Buffalo Calf Woman 


The Tribes and Bands of Tracy 

Lakota/Dakota Tribe 








Stories of some, “Cousins” by TracyVW/Our Ladies, Peace Justice & Liberty 


My Cousin, Christopher Columbus is said to have named the “Native Americans”, Indians because he thought that he had “landed” in India. 


I submit *MY TRUTH, which is that he named them “Indians” because he KNEW that they were the PEOPLE that were “smuggled” to North America from {India} and traded as “slaves”. BOOM!

The following countries\territories participated in the trading of their own people as SLAVES. Many times, ONE was traded for sale as an OFF-PLANET SLAVE.




Canada = South France traded INDIGINIOUS NORTHERN NORTH AMERICANS + those that fled North France.


South France traded kidnapped Georgians

Their OWN people were taken most often from unknown of parallels. This is the ugly awful truth.

Please know that this, should you choose the timeline of PEACE and LOVE, IT WILL NEVER HAVE HAPPENED!


Peace and Love, 

 TracyVW-The White Buffalo Calf Woman (cntrl + click) 



CC Newsletter 11 14 2021 - The ONE Newsletter (part II) - It is What it is


Here it goes, my LAST attempt to [prompt……..] you.

Clues and or Prompts to a Starseed’s Mission - Algorithmic Soul Purpose, Remember?


My Beloved Starseed,

Do you remember having a so-called Imaginary Friend?

Can you remember or did someone tell you that you expressed that friend as if he were your finger?

This usually indicates an Ancestral relationship with [Pre-Avian Lights] Aka [Fireflies]. They had been wiped off the planet and “out of existence”, as they were indigenous to the rainforests. This has been successfully changed.

The Return of B rh negative blood = Starseed blood = Starseed (B)


By deprogramming and “soul” recovery the species (note, NOT race) of Earthling termed “Ute” and/or “Apache” is RETURNED, thus the B negative bloodline is restored.

Starseed B = Those exterminated in the “Dutch East Indies”, (now called Indonesia).


The Galactic Federation (of Light) went back in time and “hid” these beings in a “secret space of Traci”.


[Solar Rishi] + [Firefly] = Original Human = A self-healing being of Ari-Nautical.


Thank you, Emil\Enid\Nil\Enlil\Enoch\Enik Aka My Father-in-Law, Emil Von Winckelmann.


*Note, not RACE.


This answers the “Universally Disputed” TRUTH, known and held only by me, TracyVW, that is all momentum is NOT necessarily interim.


Updates 08 19 2022


Today's update is posted to the, No War Pigs Allowed page. (click link)

Collective Soul - Where the River Flows


Stone Temple Pilots - Where the River Goes


Updates 08 18 2022


Dear One's,

Today I bring you a sample report of my findings from an "environmental field scan" performed by myself from within my "Realm of Imprisonment". Which is literally the name of the "game field matrix structural overlay template" that HAD been hacked into my "realm of Domanality".

This is how it was done.

From the "Table of records" that enforce the

[Path of Production and Presentation] (P & P) the following [data fields] were redirected, and subsequently received by a one other than that of their mapping. 

In other words, things that were mapped to be presented and received by me, my [karmic rewards] were received by others. (of course, i know EXACTLY who they were).

Oh yes, another thing that was the result of the "Realm Hack", a continual "looping" of situations and effects of causes. 

These fields missing in my [Incidence] (which, BTW should be co-incidences) have been the cause of many [Interrupted] manifestations within our simulation.

As you can guess, that's ALL about to CHANGE.

I Tara \ Tracy \ Iris COMMAND and EXECUTE application of [Function] + [Condition] NOW. And so, IT IS!

Stay in your Sacred Heart Space, and please join me in holding unconditional forgiveness and LOVE!

Peace and Love,

The ONE Tara Tracy Sheran Ishtar Hathor

of THE Family of "E".

List of "Data Fields" missing for me, hacked a re-routed to others.

Data fields > Path of P&P Table

Updates 08 17 2022



Dear Ones,


We stand here in this NOW as Ebb and flow, upon this "eve", literally at the "precipice" of Mankind's existence. We have begun our "March of the Saint".


The eve of what? You may ask.


The eve of the fully established "pardigm" that serves as the official 'manifestation' of the materalized new worlds and cities of light.

Please believe me when I say, this is not an opinion. This is not a perception, nor is it a prediction. This is a fact.

Perhaps YOU will trust in my advice enough to try the exercise below, that I believe will help you manifest your personal desires when you are other wise not exactly sure of what it is you want to experience. Its super simple, and I believe you will agree if it is in fact beneficial to your situation.

Here we go.

If Love, compassion and consciousness were "currency", what would you spend it on?

I find it most productive to answer the question in writting.


Q from the one's A from the ONE TracyVW


Q. Please explain why these questions have different answers.

1. Is there life after death?

2. Is there an afterlife?

A. The answer to Q-1 is YES. The answer to Q-2 is NO.

This is because all the one's of the "earth experience" are and have always been eternal spiritual beings currently having a temporary human experience.

So, for all the intended purposes of the "word" life, it does not, would not, could not end upon the conclusion of this, the earth experience.

I mean, it doesn't even make since from here, (earth perspective). Because how is it possible that [Life} would occur after or upon ones [death]? Right?

Why would\should anyone expect it to?

So, I further explain my previous response that EVERYTHING that is not the "earth experience" is life. 

Or so it is NOW anyway.

I love YOU ALL, and I THANK YOU for your dedication and all your hard ascension\light work.


Peace and love,

Tara \ The ONE TracyVW


Updates 08 14 2022


[11] [222] [444]

Dear One's,

There shall be no imposters upon our planet. Effective today, 08 14 2022 1 44 PM I have [effected] a NEW [self-contained] instruction set of code with accompanying attributes and switches. 

This new "system command" shall ensure that ALL [categories] of [character], (such as ascended master) shall never again be replaced or represented by that of an [impostor].

This is true whether for purpose of replacing one on the new 5D platform or for purpose of creating a "dark" representation of an ascended master, which is the only way one can superimpose "false" karmic debt upon another.

The effect on the ascension of Earth and her inhabitants is the rapid manifestation of the new reality.

I have "no doubt" that this is the factor that finally flips the "scales" of this weighted system of co-creation.

Please stay in your "sacred Heart Space" and "intend" that your ascension process will be experienced with ease and grace. (Assuming that is your intention)

Be grateful every day and NEVER give up.


Peace and Love,

The ONE TracyVW \ HannaH \ MaaT

Below I provide a sample of the related [template data fields] with appropriate switches and attributes.


Code Remarks Switches, attributes & instruction sets
privledge Execute transfer of being over riding the free will of another.
Extract [cause] of [Imprisonment] &/or [signature theft] > {system law} auth>[System Commander]
{Shiva hold} @ [secret container] > [station of identity]
=IM= [group hold] > [Imposter] < manipulation. of [character] [signature], [ascended master]
BLOCK [] remove from ascension\wayshower [path]
Execute code replace Extract = [effect] only > [NULL] (so as to "effect" no "cause").
=switch= />[catagory] = Ascended Master > PASS OVER WITH NO ECHO = [CAUSE]
Descriptor *ascended master with [sub-catogory] [group hold] = Impostor.
restart on termination {static} [+ - < > *8*] timed = "COMM LIFT"
Execution As she commands so it is.

Updates 08 13 2022


Dear One's,

Todays updates have been posted to the following pages.


The Travelers\22 Bands of the [Mothers Plan] = The ONE band = song of message for some of the ones. 

Also some new music from some ones of the 22 ones of the "travelers".

The Hat Man\Father Absolute\Death = Targeted Individuals Day = the Birthday of MY grandpa Harold Edler Anderson Jr.

Updates 08 09 2022

Amazing Grace, Urantia Album, by Ashtar 

Dear One's and those "ones" of the "Deep State"(s),


I have some INCrEDIbLE N3ws to share with you ALL. 

Today I [terminated] and [removed] the last

SPE (Suppressor Parasite Entity) (click link) from my physical & etheric containers. (body)

This last of ten was unlike the others. All the other SPE &/or EBE (eben) implants were recruited to the light voluntarily once recognized as "sentient" beings by me.

Yes from inside my physical body they communicated with me and my team of guides and guardians and in some cases, self uninstalled.

This last final SPE however, was not going quite so easily. 

So today "lured" by my "heart" as bait, it was drawn out and [terminated] by me! BOOM!

It is amazing, how great I feel NOW!

The effect is EXCELLERATION of the Ascension of the planet and "mankind". (Earthlings) and manifestation of

"The Great Gathering of Ascended Masters" which brings the Enlightenment of the same.


Peace and Love,

The ONE TracyVW

Updates 08 01 2022


Dear One's,

This day is the day that I realize the completion of my "Soul Purpose" for incarnation. My "soul group" and I will celebrate as we prepare for our "Rise and Enlightenment" of the Starseed Ascended Master.

It is official, all contracts fulfilled, and the "soul purpose" of myself and my "soul group" completely realized.

My most recent "soul purpose", = the repair and healing of reptilian, reptiloid and draconian DNA, via the incarnation and successful ascension of,

1. Tracy (eight identity pieces) Now called "The ONE TracyVW".

2. Hatsu, Suhley Meadow (WBCW), Cleopatria.

3. MaaT, Iris, Hathor  

4. Aphrodite, Artemis, Mother Mary

5. Mother Thara, Ishtar, Guan Yin


The above five identities are exactly whom I consider myself to be. Each have had separate “phases of identity” that have now “merged”. First within the five separate “beings”. And then with each other.

They are all Characters created by my incarnated experiences and lifetimes. Since my latest Ascension, the following is Now/NOW true.

1 + 2 + 3 + 4 + 5 = Tara, the Western Female Buddha, A “Tripple God Head”. (I prefer TracyVW)


Since I TracyVW have incarnated and successfully ascended as every root race ever seeded on this “platform”.

(all versions of the planet)

Since I have also incarnated into and SUCCESSFULLY ASCENDED via the bloodlines of the Draconian, Reptilian and Reptiloid overcoming the Karmic Debt and Miasma of those thought to be hopelessly Karmically Indebted. (Original B Negative types, became the B Reversed types)



My Star lineage and Root Race connections to my DNA and associated Blood type.


Fraternal DNA = A Negative

Ancestry\Sur Name Tribal Origin Continental Root
Andersson Albion\Nordic\Christos Sweden\Norway
Edler Oraphim\Arian Scandinavia\Sweden
Kelley Cathlar\Gnostic Scotland
Gaffney Cathlar\Essene Ireland
Xi Mongol-Dragon Soul Saigon
Edlund Maharaji\Azurite Finland\Switzerland
Mansson Solar Rishi\Elohim Norse\Viking


Maternal DNA = B Negative

Ancestry\Sur Name Tribal Origin Continental Root
Kelley - Hart Nordic Grey\Celtic Britain
Padgett Celtic\Orion European Royalty
White - Grey Round Table Knight\Templar Ancient Briton
Garrett Templar\Reptilian North America\USA
Davidson Royal Reptilian\Seraphim Britain
King Rigelian\Drek-Dragonian Asia\Japan
Sawyer - Cox Humanitarian\Antarian Africa - South Pacific


We, my soul group, collective and subsets thereof = Ascended Masters (My Brethren) = Those contracted as "system busters" and "truth seekers", bring to the one's disclosure of dark esoteric agendas and historical truths that are other than those currently held as "Human History".

My role, to connect subsets of industries, fields of science, industries of the arts, spiritual groups, enthusiasts and hobbyists.

Seeking relation based on a thematic cross walk of symmetry.

Industries\fields\arts\groups = My Kin


*White Hats\the Great White Brotherhood Digital Soldiers \ WWG1WGA
Q - QAnon Droppers Religious studies\ prophecies
Spiritual groups of ascension Medical science community
Science fiction \ Gamer prophecies Physics\String theory sciences
Paranormal studies\Ghost Hunters Paranormal studies\mediums\conduits
Film and TV industries Musical arts industries
* = Includes cooperation with grey hats too.


Dharma = The Law of ONE

Ancient Chinese secret = Enlightenment comes to the ones who ponder the question without prejudice.



The path to a "Realm Field' location of space within Earth = Via Teleportation.

= NOT a portal.

= IS a [when\where] {time tunnel} > [vortex]

= The ET Time Tunnel, courtesy of E and T 2021.

With whole hearted love,

the Family of E!