Wondering Aloud by Tracy - 02 25 2023

Latest Update = 03 30 2023

I know two men who have been standing at the EDGE OF WONDER, for like five years now, just waiting for these ponderings to RISE.


Shakyamuni Buddha

"A man's mind may make him a Buddha, or it may make him a beast. Misled by error, one becomes a demon; enlightened, one becomes a Buddha. Therefore, control your mind and do not let it deviate from the right path."

As a child I was prone to ponderings aloud about life and our world. Sometimes while doing so in public, adults would become visibly distraught.

I often wondered, what they were so afraid of?

Did they even realize that they were afraid of something? 

I "knew" that to answer these two questions that arose from my ponderings, I would first need to answer a few questions that were coming from within and from before.

Whose earth is this?  

Who am I?  

What is this bizarre thing called life?  

Why are people so obviously fake?  

Now, as I believe I have answered the above questions of myself, I bring you, Wondering aloud by Tracy (Shorts)

06 13 2023 & 11 21 2022

Dear One's,

Today's update is sort of a compilation of excerpts from previous newsletters.


The observations of a conscious child.


Mythology, as accepted and taught tells us that a mythological god named Ra was just a story made up by the ancients. While at the same time he is documented as the father of Akhenaten who was the father of King Tut, both of which are said to have been “real”. 

 I think it was the 2nd or 3rd day of ninth grade Ancient History when I asked 2 questions of my teacher Mrs. Moriarty. 


  1. How does a “real person” come from those of “fake fairy tales”? 
  2. Don’t you think, considering that we laugh and make fun of these ancient ancestors for believing in multiple Gods such as God of the sun, ocean, etc., that in hundreds and/or thousands of years from now, they would also laugh at us for believing in any kind of god? 

 Mrs. Moriarty’s answer to me was. Oh Tracy, I don’t think the world is quite ready for you. 

As I child I was prone to spontaneous pondering “out loud” of my perceptions about [life].  

 Many adults when I was out in the world, upon hearing these observations from a child, would become tense, angry, and DOWN RIGHT MEAN!  

 Although I do not remember anyone waging an argument. 

 I could tell that, somehow, I hurt them. I could tell that for some reason they were living in fear. 

 But why? 

 One Saturday morning, while sitting at the table eating breakfast, which was a half grapefruit with a ½ tsp of sugar sprinkled over it. 

 I looked at the fresh flower on the table and thought, I need to bring in a new flower from our garden because this one is dying already.  

 I note that the flower was budding, then blooming then immediately dying.  

 Staring at the flower I asked my mom, “at what age do Human’s stop growing”? 

 To which she replied, “I think it’s somewhere in your latest teens to early 20’s”.  

 I responded, “so Human’s begin to die at approximately 20 years old”. 

 “What do you mean by that,” she inquires. 

 Well, if you are not still growing, (becoming stronger/preparing) it seems that here, one starts dying. Which is NOT how is supposed to be. 

 She disagrees but has no further input as to why. 

 Then she does what many others seem to regret (except my dad) and asks why I came to this conclusion. 

 This flower on the table, I brought it in yesterday and today it is already dying. It reaches full potential and rather than sharing its beauty with Earth life it just dies. Why? 

 She, like so many others stared blankly at me offering no additional feedback. 

 *Something I just now remembered! 

 After that day, there was a new fresh flower on the dining room table every morning, which I did not bring in. 

 I remember saying, how did that get there? 

 That’s when I heard, “It’s your Grandpa Anderson, (Ed) I am here with you now and always, my sweet child of Grace.” 

 I said something like, “It’s about time.”  

 We both laughed! 

Be grateful every day and NEVER give up.

Peace and Love,


In adolescence and early teens, I often accompanied my mom to work during the summer months. i performed light office duty tasks such as filing and making copies, etc.

One morning as my mom sped past traffic, driving in the "Diamond Lane" (carpool lane) I wondered aloud.

Imagine that there are space aliens. They would be up in the sky in their UFO's looking down on us.

I subsequently pondered aloud.

They would see us every day get into our cars all clumped together and going in the same direction to places that we remain all day. Then we all get into our cars all clumped together again to go back to where we had been. 

We would seem absolutely nuts to them. Don't you think?

I began "starting" the family dinner preparation for our family at the age of nine. My mom was employed full time as was my dad.

For example, flash sear the roast, add water to the top of the meat, add one half onion, potatoes and carrots, place covered in oven at 350 degrees. 

One day during my after-school dinner preparations, I wondered aloud.

Why do people pay other people to do the things that are living a life, just so they can have a job?

I subsequently pondered aloud.

People pay people to babysit and/or educate their children while they go to work.

People pay people to prepare their family meals because they are at work.

People pay people to maintain their yards and clean their houses while they work.

This seems absolutely nuts to me. Don't you think?

After one week of kindergarten, I prepared and presented my case for not attending public school to my dad. Dad and I agreed that I would not say the "pledge of allegiance" as cued by the principal every day, as I felt that a five-year-old should not pledge anything to anyone, let alone an allegiance. Which to me, means one is so obligated to a flag or a country idealization that they agree to be eternally indebted to it.

Uh, no thanks. 

After one month of kindergarten, the case presented by me could not be argued against by my dad. Which is when he said, "yah sweetheart, but you have to go to school."  

"Right, but you can just tell them I don't have to go." "Please, dad."

Dad says, "no sweetheart" you have to go by law". 

"What do you mean, by law." "We will have to pay a fine, then?" "Thats what you do when you break the law."

"No Tracy, they will take you away from us, if you don't go to school."

"Alright dad, that's it." "You said, this is the best country in the world because we are free." "And that attending school was a privilege." But it is really a "law". "Now if you break a law, you go to a judge and pay him money." That's it."

"If you break a law that is one of the laws for parents about children conforming to complete control in public school, they take your child away?"


That seems absolutely nuts to me. Don't you think?

Policing definition =

the maintenance of law and order by a police force:
"a ten-point plan to improve policing."
the enforcement of regulations or an agreement:
Freedom definition =

the power or right to act, speak, or think as one wants without hindrance or restraint: "we do have some freedom of choice" · "he talks of revoking some of the freedoms"

absence of subjection to foreign domination or despotic government: "he was a champion of Irish freedom"
the state of not being imprisoned or enslaved: "the shark thrashed its way to freedom"
the state of being physically unrestricted and able to move easily:" the shorts have a side split for freedom of movement"

All people on the planet reside within a country, for the purpose of this wondering i am referencing, the United States of America.

US citizens are governed, policed and even JUDGED by elected and appointed officials. Citizens also pay both taxes and fines that fund the governing body, that operate a system called, "the laws of the people" that are said to be by and for the people.

Huh, it seems that it plays out very different than what I know those words to mean. But that is far too much double spoken spun dung to even bother with. We will keep it basic.

I mean, I would maybe feel slightly less, it an insult to my basic intelligence if we were to call the police "Peace Officers".

It is here, at this point where I wonder aloud, as people judged under the laws of the United States, we are in many instances sentenced to jail and or prison terms, (the grossest distortion of function to be put onto a person). Okay, but even if I "let that one go".

I then begin to ponder. Huh, for a citizen to travel outside of our, let's face it, potential "imprisoning country" of freedom. Huh?

We seek special and "extra" documents called "Pass Ports" of granting one the right to travel outside of this, the land of free.

Hang On!

Haven't I already said that, unless we are granted extra privilege, here in "the land of the free", we are NOT ALLOWED TO LEAVE OUR COUNTRY?

Wait a minute, no need to go into more crazy antonyms called synonyms, because staying at that very basic structure of simple pondering questions. We blast into TINY BITS all claims of our freedom, never mind the farce called freedom to pursue liberty. 

Okay so far and no need to ponder a step further, disproven here does not grant nor warrant further examination.

Here's why.

Our government and its rules imposed upon us its citizens, is also one in the same with allowing us to leave, or not, as well as granting access to one's of other countries.

Let's then examine the above, placing it parallel to known of life and times of our kin. 

For me it goes like this, Johan Albin (Albion Light Body) Andersson, my great grand grandpa, immigrated to these here united states in 1896, on his own and of 22 years in age from Kristiandad Sweden

Grandpa Johan (I love that name!) was fluent in English and brought with his emigration an education and trade thought to be of use and value to the USA and its citizens, enters via Canada, through North Dakota without delay, he was almost immediately, naturalized a citizen.

Alright then, now, I'm thinking, wait so, kind of like those who had crossed that bridge that became the Berlin Wall, Grandpa Johan and his descendants are estranged from our roots from our ancestry.  

My Scotch Irish and Catholic Irish kin of the same time, you know, being drunkards and thieves and all, were delayed many times in England for many years. Followed by entry through Ellis Island. These kin were granted "green cards" and the "chance" to earn citizenship via a lengthily, process of many years. (Their Iron Curtain, not so immediate as my Swedish kin) I'm thinking, huh, SLAVIC DNA, but then I am becoming kind of skeptical now.

Alright, then. For me the HUGE QUESTIONS that flow are, how the hell can we be certain of freedom vs oppression in a situation where the ones are controlled from inside and kept from outside contact or influence of experience and facts?

Add to this charade, the fact that the us citizen of current receive all their information and facts from a "Media of mainstream" scripted information coming from the companies of 6 men (well, wearing human suits, of sorts).

No differently created and presented than the "prime time" fictional program line up. 

Most have forgotten, the industry of "Journalism". Remember when, they would say things like, all persons of this news report are considered innocent until proven guilty in a court of law. 

Then i realize, that they would have more than a script presented as their reports. Such as, I don't know, interview with both side of a dispute. Or the chance for one to answer accusations made against them by other ones.

What we have now is, an actor on camera reading script write filtered by and through the wishes and intensions of, well 6 men. 

Reports of criminal accusations presented via and only voicing say the accusing agencies police report, refusing any voice of the one accused. You know the same one they used to disclaim as innocent until proven guilty.

Accusations on social media, where to start.

I know, how about here, HEY STEPHEN KING, there will never be an indictment of our HONORABLE and true President Donald Trump.

YOU SHOW YOURSELF to be such an ASS!

With all that, i rest my case. 


10,000 Maniacs, You Happy Puppet


How did they teach you to be
Just a happy puppet dancing on a string?
How did you learn everything
That comes along with slavish funnery?

Tell me something, if the world is so insane
Is it making you sane again to
Let another man tug at the thread
That pulls up your nodding head?

How did they teach you to be
Just a happy puppet dancing on a string?
How do you manage to live inside
This tiny stage you can't leave?

Tell me something, if the world is so insane
Is it making you sane again to
Let another man tug at the thread
That pulls up your nodding head?

A dullard strung on the wire
When the master's gone you hang there
With your eyes and your limbs so lifeless

Tell me something, if the world is so insane
Is it making you sane again to
Let another man tug at the thread
That pulls up your nodding head?


How did they teach you to be
Just a happy puppet dancing on a string?
How do you manage to speak
Your mouth a frozen grin?

A dullard strung on the wire
When the master's gone you hang there
With your eyes and your limbs so lifeless

Tell me something, if the world is so insane
Is it making you sane again to
Let another man tug at the thread
That pulls up your empty wooden head?

Your hollow head, your marble eyes
Your wooden hands and your metal jaw pins
All wait in limbo for the man
Who knows how to move you this way