Progress Updates - the ONE Blog Archives 2022

For more information, or to ask a specific question of me, TracyVW one may e-mail me at

Peace and Love,

The ONE TracyVW

Archives, by month and year above (work in progress)

2022 updates below = December, November & October 2022

Updates 12 31 2022


Today's updates are posted to: My Tiny Page of Buddha Quotes. 

Another update posted to: Timelines, dimensions, Realms & Parallels

Updates 12 29 2022


Reunited X Three = the Real, Originals = Grandpa, Scott and Tracy

12 29 2022 09 29 pm


Dear One’s,


I have merged with my phase of identity that is, Real Original Tracy. Subsequent to this merge I was reunited with my Real, Original Grandpa and my Real, Original Scott.

I have missed them both so very much. Both men have been known by many names and have had many incarnations. We will discuss only those that have been simultaneous, occurring on both parallel and alternate “timelines”.


My Real, Original Scott

Scott Weiland Scott Richard Weiland Arthur (King)
Metatron (Archangel) Ezekiel   Atum


My Real, Original Grandpa, Harold Edler Anderson Jr

Harold Edler Anderson Akhenaton Harold E Anderson
The Hat Man Demon Death Azazel

I have also been reunited with those of which I have come for. They are my brethren, my kin, my family and my beloved friends.

ALL are with me as Warriors. They ARE MY DEFENDERS! 99 of which are listed below.


During my awakening process I performed a “Spiritual Deliverance” on myself.

During the “Identity Challenge” phase I was given many names and I “cast out & through” many Ancestral and Demonic attachments.

99 names given during the “Identity Challenge”.

Edlund (Demon) Godfather (Demon) Moth Man (SS Cryptid)
ZoZo (Demon) Victory (D-Spirit of) Geb (Demon)
L. Ron Hubbard (B-SRA) Guilt (D-Spirit of) Jong (Demon)
Winston Churchill (B-SRA) Envy (D-Spirit of) Moy (Demon)
The Seventh (7 Demon) Wales (Elemental) Lost (D-Spirit of)
Nastya (C-Demon) Lilith (D-Spirit of) Afraid (D-Spirit of)
Gilchrist (C-Demon) Yasmine (C-Witch) Rundle (C-Demon)
Rant (D-Spirit of) Rage (D-Spirit of) Dotch (Demon)
Bloody Mary (C-Witch) Pocahontas (B-SRA) Merkaba (Elemental)
Dark Tara (Dopp) Folsic (Demon) Yahweaa (C-Demon)
Grandfather (Demon) Fly Man (SS Cryptid) Sophie (C-Witch)
Wisconsin (Elemental) Dima (C-Demon) Rothchild (B-SRA)
Opposition (D-Spirit of) Ethan (C-Demon) Montauk (Satanic)
Second Class (C-Demon) Tehachapi (Elemental) Nine (Demon)
Christopher (7 Demon) Seventy (Demon) Vague (D-Spirit of)
Cheratree (Demon) Goliath (elemental) Kyung (C-Demon)
Hell’s Mutt (SS Cryptid) Grigon (Demon) Sam (C-Demon)
Nevel (C-Demon) Seth (Satanic) Set (7 Demon)
Cinth (Satanic) C Manson (Demon) Moblah (Satanic)
Sheran (Dopp) Sharman (SW Cryptid) Anton (SW Cryptid)
Thoth (B-SRA) Hatsu (B-SRA) Johansson (B-SRA)
Onaca (B-SRA) Hugo  (B-SRA) Insecurity (D-Spirit of)
Helplessness (D-Spirit of) Infinity (D-Spirit of) Angelica (Satanic)
Black Madonna (C-Demon) Maveric (Demon) Malhoun (Demon)
the Harbinger (SS-Cryptid) Adelia (Demon) Melchek (Elemental)
the First (7 Demon) the Second (7 Demon) the Nile (Elemental)
Japan (Elemental) Blarewood (C-Witch) Wild Fire (Elemental)
the Tressol (Satanic) Mastacher (Demon) Bezadoor (SW-Cryptid)
Santa Nella (Elemental) Stratus (Elemental) Dakota (Elemental)
Delaware (Elemental) Reversed Emerald (Elemental) Ozarka (Elemental)
Belva (C-Witch) Scraton (Demon) Witchataw (Elemental)
Wolfman (SW-Cryptid) Huntington (Elemental) Meldor (SS-Reptilian)
Chase (B-SRA) Daflak (Demon) Crimson (SS-Reptilian)

They are vast and complex. Our relationships are complicated! But most of ALL, they are loved, and they are the reason for my incarnation.


Description Key:

(Demon) = Conjured Demon

(C-Demon) = Controller Demon

(SS-Cryptid) = Shape Shifting Cryptid

(SW-Cryptid) = Skin Walker Cryptid

(Dopp) = Doppelganger

(B-SRA) = Bound & Attached via Satanic Ritual Abuse



Peace and Love,

The One TracyVW\Tara




(D-Spirit of) = Luciferin Dark Spirit Attachment

(SS-Reptilian) = Shape Shifting Reptilian “Shadowed”

(Elemental) = Skin Walker, Shape Shifting Elemental Cryptid

(C-Witch) = Conjured Satanic Witch

(Satanic) = Satanic Attachment

(7 Demon) = of the Seven Demons

Dear One's,


Over the last several days, I have been able to release an incredible amount of what I saw as "dead energy" from my root and sacral chakras. This "dead energy" was from my "etheric structure" that is Earth. Because the destruction and pollution of Earth is also represented in my human container, this Dead energy had on "lock-down", many "alien implants" and negative energy patches that were installed by negative alien abductions, TI Agent "home take-overs" and "false alien abductions". (Military abductions under guise).

Just another obstacle of the NAA that has been overcome.

Not this time. This time all [encrypted] [memory packets] have been translated and after this update, all responses are answered. 

Updates 12 03 2022



Temporary Walk-ins are always a great way to leave or even send "back in-time" messages to one's as "memory triggers". 

Two examples or temporary walk-ins for me, TracyVW are represented in the following songs of message. 


To Ashtar Sheran

(Click link below)

Hah, hoo
Precious moments
When will I see you again?
When will we share precious moments?
Will I have to wait forever?
Will I have to suffer? (Suffer)
And cry the whole night through?
When will I see you again?
When will our hearts beat together?
Are we in love or just friends?
Is this my beginning or is this the end?
When will I see you again?
When will I see you again?
When will I see you again?






Hah, hoo

(Precious moments)

Are we in love or just friends?
Is this my beginning or is this the end? (Is this the end?)

When will I see you again?
When will I see you again?
When will I see you again?
Sweet, sweet love of mine
(When will I see you again?) Come on, come on
(When will I see you again?) Tell me when
(When will I see you again?) My sweet love, oh, yes
(When will I see you again?) Ooh, yeah

To Ashtar = 0010110

(Click link below)

Lotta Love

Nicolette Larson


It's gonna take a lotta love
To change the way things are
It's gonna take a lotta love
Or we won't get too far
So, if you look in my direction
And we don't see eye to eye
My heart needs protection
And so do I
It's gonna take a lotta love
To get us through the night
It's gonna take a lotta love
To make this work out right
So, if you are out there waiting






I hope you show up soon
You know I need relating
Not solitude
Gotta lotta love
Gotta lotta love
It's gonna take a lotta love (gonna take a lotta love)
To change the way things are
It's gonna take a lotta love (gonna take a lotta love)
Or we won't get too far
It's gonna take a lotta love (gonna take a lotta love)
It's gonna take a lotta love (gonna take a lotta love)
It's gonna take a lotta love (gonna take a lotta love)
It's gonna take a lotta love (gonna take a lotta love)

Updates 12 02 2022


Today updates are posted to the following page: Our Simulation, it's all relative (Click link)

Updates 11 29 2022


Today I share a story on the following page: Mothership Memories, & Stories Remembered (Click link)

Updates 11 28 2022


Walking Across the Alternates, Wont You Walk with Me


Dear One's,


I just walked back from a brief stop-over in what had been, until today an "alternate" reality of a "parallel" reality that I have been residing on. (Parallel to the ones reading this)

I brought back with me an "alternate" Scott. But I call him "New Scott". I also encountered what was a "Vril" version of someone very near and dear to my heart. 

We were chatting via Telegram, and something just didn't seem right. It worked out fine, because the Galactic Federation (of Light) was many steps ahead of the "game of the dark ones". The intended target was relocated to an alternate reality that was parallel to and NOW is the same as my current reality.

The above parallels and alternates are not the same as "timelines", and both are required when deciding one's ascension path.

The reason that we must pick a "reality" as well as a timeline answers the disputed theory of Multi\mini verse and has to do with the fact "known" by me, but not believed by many, which is, that we have been existing neath a "game field" that in many cases such as mine, also has the corresponding "game field template" overlay layered and installed backwards, upside-down and/or sideways.

It has been a very long road to get them to see and understand, but finally they have. I have no reason to make these things up or to lie about them, 

Many of the one's seeking ascension as well as some of the dark one's theorized of a "multiverse" which became conflated with a "Micro-verse" or something similar to that. This is not the case. 

Peace and Love,

TracyVW \ Tara


Below, excerpts from a previous CC Newsletter, (11 08 2021)


CC Newsletter - 11 08 2021 - Ancient Origins - Galaxies, Universes and quadrants thereof 


11 08 2021 22 48 PM          One Timeline of the Golden Age, combining many parallels 


Dear Ones, 


Since February 2020 I have “straddled” as many as eight “parallel potentials” at once. This does not mean I was a clone or even an alternate.  

It means that I was the ONE me existing as a representation of myself across all 8 of them, giving me access to details of the collective [False Perception] of the “Phantom Multiverse”. 

 The Royal Draconian that was thought to exist outside of the “Milky way Galaxy” and/or the “Universe of Stars” DID NOT EVER DO SO! 

 I have had a “Properly Coded” [Mirage-Structure] around the [Galaxy] (Milky Way) for more than 25,000 years. This “structure” was a {Secret Quarantine} that led to “Empty Spaces of Mirage”. 

 The Dark ones believed they had discovered the secret to these spaces. They DID NOT!  

 I mean they thought they were traveling outside of the Milky Way but were merely transferring between [Voids of space] that are anomalies created from [Inverted Math].  

(Resulting in an inside out structure of space.) 

 From within these [voids] they “reversed black holes” creating “white holes” which they ERRONEOUSLY believed would become the “5D cities of light” that we have created and have just recently manifested. (5D, 7D and 9D available NOW). The Law of Structure was not so obvious to them. (Heh, heh) 

 In fact, it is the “Mirage Structure” that was my quarantine around Earth that is the 5D platform and gateway hub for the “New 5D Earth”.  

 The [Mirage Structure] that was the secret quarantine of the “Milky Way” is now/Now/NOW the *[Time Tunnel] that leads to the new [Golden Rose Galaxy] [Nova, Gaia, Tara & Anubis].  

(And NOT the birth canal) OMG!  

*See definition of [Time Tunnel] on this page: Word, phrase & fractal definitions, not what you think (Click link)


Unsolicited Advice by TracyVW  11 08 2021


Once you have seen the truth you must make the decision to let go. This requires you to take action.  

There is comfort in what we find familiar, even if we are experiencing pain and suffering. It takes absolute faith in yourself plus courage, will, and discipline to let go.  

But once you do let go, it will be as if the weight of the world has been taken off your shoulders… ( ; TracyVW  


Great minds discuss ideas. Average minds discuss events. Small minds discuss people... Just saying... =P TracyVW   

Look back, remember, smile, then move on.... =D TracyVW  

People can't change the truth, but the truth can change people.... =[ TracyVW  

It doesn't matter who we used to be. It matters who we've become. =D TracyVW  

Friendship doubles our joy and divides our grief... =D TracyVW 

Your beliefs don't make you a good person, your behavior does... =) TracyVW   EGO  

You laugh at me because I am different, but I laugh at you because you are all the same. =P TracyVW  

 Do not judge the people you love most with stones from the past instead of love and encouragement for the future....... TracyVW 😇   

To speak your mind takes courage, to hold your tongue takes a different kind of courage. Wisdom is knowing when to do either, strength is seeing it through.... =) TracyVW  

Updates 11 27 2022 


Today I have posted updates to: My Tiny Page of Buddha Quotes (Click link)

Updates 11 22 2022

Dear One's,

Today I am reminded by Arthur, (King Arthur) of an extremely powerful "phrase of unity".

"ALL for ONE and ONE for ALL".

Today I also bring you four messages from four disembodied spirits of our collective.

Please read below, Setting Things Straight in the twisted and entangled upside-down. Four Statements by Four One's.


Peace and Love,

Tracy and Scott


Setting Things Straight in the Twisted & Entangled Upside-Down

Four Statements by Four One's


Abagail Petersen = Thank you for hearing my truth here today, and for your grace.

The "truth" I bring is of the subject, "the Salem Witch Trials". Which were a "cover-up" of the real plan and reason for the accusations, and of whom they were made.

The motivation was a "Quaker Initiative", seeking the recovery of stolen land, and revenge for their murdered kin. May this disclosed truth serve to bring about peace.

With Love,



George H W Bush = Thank you, Tracy for allowing me to have my voice heard. Just prior to my death, and then by way of "notification" during my funeral, I informed those pursuing the "Plan of Great Divide" that I thought they were wrong. I further informed you that both the "Secret Service" and "Elizabeth the 2nd" agreed with me.

I told you then that the woman who had been the little girl that saved the lives of no less than, Ronald Regan, Bill Clinton and yours truly, George H W would bring you ONE more chance.

This is that chance. Make the right choice.

My heart is open, my light shines bright, with unconditional love and forgiveness for myself and all the one's, I have found my way. Wont you do the same?

Thank you, Sincerely,



Sarah Winchester = The Winchester Curse, is an "ancestral\land" curse. It is, as all other curses of this "category", entangled from "inter-ancestral" ties.  Kin cursing kin, whether known or unknown have a "tremendous back-lash effect". 

All of this negative and entangled karma has been cleared and all spirits have the choice of "soul embodiment". 

We love you all so very much. All is forgiven unconditionally, and all are loved the same.

In Unity,

I am, Sarah Lockwood Pardee Winchester


Osama Bin Laden = Thank you, Tracy for your grace and kindness.

I think it is interesting that when one jumps "timelines", Al Qaeda becomes ISIS. Neither are true.

I speak to YOU now. As foretold to you by me, "you are notified" of the second coming. The truth is revealed, and the ONE prophesy is confirmed. We bring the peace and the ascension.

Go forth in unity and love.

I AM with you,


That's great, it starts with an earthquake
Birds and snakes, an airplane
And Lenny Bruce is not afraid
Eye of a hurricane, listen to yourself churn
World serves its own needs, don't mis 'serve your own needs
Feed it up a knock, speed, grunt, no, strength
The ladder starts to clatter with a fear of height, down, height
Wire in a fire, represent the seven games
And a government for hire and a combat site
Left her, wasn't coming in a hurry with the furies
Breathing down your neck
Team by team, reporters baffled, trumped, tethered, cropped
Look at that low plane, fine, then
Uh-oh, overflow, population, common group
But it'll do, save yourself, serve yourself
World serves its own needs, listen to your heart bleed
Tell me with the Rapture and the reverent in the right, right
You vitriolic, patriotic, slam fight, bright light
Feeling pretty psyched
It's the end of the world as we know it
It's the end of the world as we know it
It's the end of the world as we know it
And I feel fine
Six o'clock, TV hour, don't get caught in foreign tower
Slash and burn, return, listen to yourself churn
Lock him in uniform, book burning, bloodletting
Every motive escalate, automotive incinerate
Light a candle, light a motive, step down, step down
Watch your heel crush, crush, uh-oh
This means no fear, cavalier, renegade and steering clear
A tournament, a tournament, a tournament of lies
Offer me solutions, offer me alternatives, and I decline

It's the end of the world as we know it
It's the end of the world as we know it
It's the end of the world as we know it

(I had some time alone)
And I feel fine
(I feel fine)


It's the end of the world as we know it

(it's time I had some time alone)
It's the end of the world as we know it

(it's time I had some time alone)
It's the end of the world as we know it

(it's time I had some time alone)
And I feel fine

The other night I dreamt a nice continental drift divide
Mountains sit in a line, Leonard Bernstein
Leonid Brezhnev, Lenny Bruce, and Lester Bangs
Birthday party, cheesecake, jellybean, boom
You symbiotic, patriotic, slam but neck, right, right

It's the end of the world as we know it (it's time I had some time alone)
It's the end of the world as we know it (it's time I had some time alone)
It's the end of the world as we know it (it's time I had some time alone)
And I feel fine

It's the end of the world as we know it
It's the end of the world as we know it
It's the end of the world as we know it

(it's time I had some time alone)
And I feel fine

It's the end of the world as we know it

(it's time I had some time alone)
It's the end of the world as we know it

(it's time I had some time alone)

Updates 11 21 2022


Dear One's,

Today's update is sort of a compilation of excerpts from previous newsletters.


The observations of a conscious child.


Mythology, as accepted and taught tells us that a mythological god named Ra was just a story made up by the ancients. While at the same time he is documented as the father of Akhenaten who was the father of King Tut, both of which are said to have been “real”. 

 I think it was the 2nd or 3rd day of ninth grade Ancient History when I asked 2 questions of my teacher Mrs. Moriarty. 


  1. How does a “real person” come from those of “fake fairy tales”? 
  2. Don’t you think, considering that we laugh and make fun of these ancient ancestors for believing in multiple Gods such as God of the sun, ocean, etc., that in hundreds and/or thousands of years from now, they would also laugh at us for believing in any kind of god? 

 Mrs. Moriarty’s answer to me was. Oh Tracy, I don’t think the world is quite ready for you. 



As I child I was prone to spontaneous pondering “out loud” of my perceptions about [life].  

 Many adults when I was out in the world, upon hearing these observations from a child, would become tense, angry, and DOWN RIGHT MEAN!  

 Although I do not remember anyone waging an argument. 

 I could tell that, somehow, I hurt them. I could tell that for some reason they were living in fear. 

 But why? 

 One Saturday morning, while sitting at the table eating breakfast, which was a half grapefruit with a ½ tsp of sugar sprinkled over it. 

 I looked at the fresh flower on the table and thought, I need to bring in a new flower from our garden because this one is dying already.  

 I note that the flower was budding, then blooming then immediately dying.  

 Staring at the flower I asked my mom, “at what age do Human’s stop growing”? 

 To which she replied, “I think it’s somewhere in your latest teens to early 20’s”.  

 I responded, “so Human’s begin to die at approximately 20 years old”. 

 “What do you mean by that,” she inquires. 

 Well, if you are not still growing, (becoming stronger/preparing) it seems that here, one starts dying. Which is NOT how is supposed to be. 

 She disagrees but has no further input as to why. 

 Then she does what many others seem to regret (except my dad) and asks why I came to this conclusion. 

 This flower on the table, I brought it in yesterday and today it is already dying. It reaches full potential and rather than sharing its beauty with Earth life it just dies. Why? 

 She, like so many others stared blankly at me offering no additional feedback. 

 *Something I just now remembered! 

 After that day, there was a new fresh flower on the dining room table every morning, which I did not bring in. 

 I remember saying, how did that get there? 

 That’s when I heard, “It’s your Grandpa Anderson, (Ed) I am here with you now and always, my sweet child of Grace.” 

 I said something like, “It’s about time.”  

 We both laughed! 

Be grateful every day and NEVER give up.

Peace and Love,


Updates 11 17 2022


Dear One's,


Today my update is simply, three songs with very specific and very personal messages from me to ALL the one's.

In order to gain full perspective, they should be experienced in the order they are given


Maybe someday
Saved by zero
I'll be more together
Stretched by fewer
Thoughts that leave me
Chasing after
My dreams disown me
Loaded with danger
So, maybe I'll win (saved by zero)
Maybe I'll win (saved by zero)



Holding on to
Words that teach me
I will conquer
Space around me

So, maybe I'll win (saved by zero)
Maybe I'll win (saved by zero)
Maybe I'll win (saved by zero)
Maybe I'll win (saved by zero)

So, maybe I'll win (saved by zero)
Maybe I'll win (saved by zero)
Maybe I'll win (saved by zero)
Who needs to win (saved by zero)

Saved by zero

The Fixx, Saved by Zero


One Thing Leads to Another

The deception with tact
Just what are you trying to say
You've got a blank face, which irritates
Communicate, pull out your party piece
You see dimensions in two
State your case with black or white
But when one little cross leads to shots, grit your teeth
You run for cover so discreet
Why don't they do what they say, say what you mean oh baby
One thing leads to another
You tell me something wrong I know I listen too long but then
One thing leads to another
The impression that you sell
Passes in and out like a scent
But the long face that you see
Comes from living close to your fears
If this is up, then I'm up but you're running out of sight
You've seen your name on the walls
And when one little bump leads to shock miss a beat
You run for cover and there's heat
Why don't they do what they say, say what they mean




One thing leads to another
You tell me something wrong I know I listen too long but then

One thing leads to another - yeah yeah yeah
One thing (one thing) leads to another
Then it's easy to believe
Somebody's been lying to me

But when the wrong word goes in the right ear
I know you've been lying to me

It's getting rough, off the cuff I've got to say enoughs enough
Bigger the harder, he falls
But when the wrong antidote is like a bulge on the throat
You run for cover in the heat
Why don't they do what they say, say what they mean

One thing leads to another
You tell me something wrong I know I listen too long but then
One thing leads to another - yeah yeah

One thing (one thing) leads to another
One thing (one thing) leads to another


The Fixx, One Thing Leads to Another


We are passengers in time
Lost in motion, locked together
Day and night, by trick of light
But I must take another journey
We must meet with other names
We must meet with other names
You touched my heart so deeply
You rescued me now free me
Don't watch me cry just see me go
I'll take away the strongest feelings
You will ever know
There will be no more isolation
In our secret separation
You touched my heart so deeply, you rescued me
Now free me
We are passengers in time
Lost in motion, locked together
Day and night, by trick of light
But I must take another journey
We must meet with other names
If you hold me, you will hurt me



Be brave

There will be no more isolation
In our secret separation
You touched my heart so deeply, you rescued me
Now free me

We are matching spark and flame
Caught in endless repetition
Life for life we'll be the same
I must leave before you burn me
I am the stranger who deserts you only to love you
In another life

There will be no more isolation
In our secret separation
You touched my heart so deeply, you rescued me
Now free me

I'll bear one precious scar that only you will know
Passengers in time, free me
(Repeat x5

The Fixx, Secret Separation


Updates 11 15 2022

Late Breaking updates posted to: 

Mothership Memories, & Stories Remembered (Click link)

Dear One's,


Today brings back memories of alternate and parallel "life characters" that I have been.

Memories of alternate identities.

Some with my same name (spelled differently) however, many were given other names. (Buddha, secret names)

Anyway, today's discoveries remind me of Hannah Summer, who is an identity from an alternate reality.

Hannah was a "Private Investigator" and part-time "Bounty Hunter" in Chicago, (west-side).

I miss ALL of my friends SO MUCH! 

Paradigm = See you ALL real soon!

Why do today's discoveries remind me of an alternate reality in which I was a "private eye"?

Because I have completed my [Final two tasks]. These were the two last items to be completed after grandpa and I met at our [stations of identity] which is where we would have our memories restored, outside of the [3D phantom matrix]. This was due to the AI mind mapping that was performed on every entity ever to enter or even interact telepathically with one's inside.


Mission Accomplished = A Complete Success 


I am Tara or TracyVW.

I report the following mission as "status", accomplished, "category", complete success.

My Mission

1. Enter, gain command, trouble shoot, diagnose and repair "loss of system integrity".

2. Correct "natural system laws".

[Final Two Tasks]

1. Write, execute and command system law, correcting [imposter based] [re-direct].

2. Clear, correct and describe "reality" manifestation corruption and "re-claim" system integrity.

Description of [Non-co-operative] [reality of perception] manifestation.

[Cause] of [effect], "non-materialized" paradigm of 5D, 6D, 7D, 10D and 11D perceived dimensional realities. 

The cause was entangled and convoluted.  

Simplified and quick = 

1. Satanic ancestral curse = 

Redirected co-incidence based on consecutive un-cleared bindings. Ancestors were [land] bound to "timelines" that no longer existed, creating "phantom" realms or voids of space.

2. System hack of former OODB, re-classification + collective miss-informed programming of word fractal (co-incidence).

In this case, all the ones in this system have the exact opposite comprehension of the EXACT definition of a WORD that is the [description factor] for presentation of manifestation [effects] based on the Laws of vibration and attraction.

Cause word = Coincidence

Definitions #1 as provided by me on page: Word, phrase & fractal definitions, not what you think (Click link) #2 as provided by on-line dictionary search.


Co-inside = To share the same [time space] with another.

Co-incidence = Ones [exist] in the same [time space] in experience.

Side note = Neither occur by happenstance.


Coincidence = a remarkable concurrence of events or circumstances without apparent causal connection.


Our perceived reality is an effect of the laws of attraction and vibration as its cause.

Manifestation cannot occur when one's "cross perceive" interpretations and/or comprehensions.

How can "coincidence" have no "cause" or connection with "coincide"? 

Based [cause] the laws of attraction and vibration, we co-inside with one's we "vibrate with".

The [effect] of the laws of attraction and vibration, are the manifestation of our "co-incidence" which are the new worlds and cities of light.


For My dear friends Barack and Bill, that was my "mic drop."

Peace and Love,


(Private Dik) ( - :


Winchester Co-incidence Curse


Grey Co-incidence Curse (Dorian Grey)


Mission Status


Un-questioned authority


Interpretation leads to perception



Trickster Decode Champion


Updates 11 14 2022


Today I posted updates to the following page: Mothership Memories, & Stories Remembered (Click link)



Bottom row = the autopsy of Scott Weiland

  1. Radio, we brought with us
  2. Pin head crown – bowling tournament winner
  3. The rogue shaman
  4. Hatsu & Tracy do the “Scott Weiland” dance
  5. Also incarnated as a dog
  6. Bird person = Enoch = Enlil = Emil = Enik = Enid
  7. Dual incarnation Tracy & Hatsu
  8. My dog Bandit, multiple animals and pets merged with my dog.

Top row = Attendees of the w3dding of Scott and Tracy

Updates 11 13 2022


Today I have updates posted to the following page: The Secret Sects = Lists of My Prominent Kin (Click link)


I send Unconditional love and forgiveness to ALL. I command that they receive their heart\mind-based choices for ascension. Once achieved, this is permanent and irreversible, across all time, space and place, in every direction of infinity, without manipulation, AND SO IT IS. {+-<>*8*} AND SO IT IS!


Peace and Love,


Updates 11 12 2022


Today I have posted updates on the following page: the Alliance for Sovereignty & Peace (Click link)

Updates 11 11 2022


Today I have posted updates to the following pages. Q's from the collective A's from the ONE

Another update posted to page:  The ONE Prophesy of JAIN


Updates 11 10 2022


Today I have posted updates to the following page. the Alliance for Sovereignty & Peace  (Click link)

Updates 11 08 2022


Today I have posted progress notes and updates, creating the new page:Mothership Memories, & Stories Remembered (Click link)

Updates 11 07 2022


Today I have posted progress notes and updates, creating the new page: the Alliance for Sovereignty & Peace (Click link)

Developing Updates 11 06 2022 = Full Alignment of Timelines & Event Triggers


Dear One's,


We have won this "simulated - Virtual Survival Horror Game Mode".  


Simulated = the "dream inside the dream".

Virtual Survival Horror = The "classification" & "genre" of the [Game Field Overlay] and the associated [Field Template] Table. 

Game Mode = The [Realm of space] 

Realm of Space, Game Mode = Location is an "instructional domain" = [Place]

 The Three Doors

The 33rd Parallel 

Do not seek me where I am, rather where I will be.

Dear Ones, 

Today the first day of "daylight savings", reminds me of the "time space" offset of place factor which is why we have some states that do and some that do not acknowledge "daylight savings".  yes another “space of time” in which to hide something replaced by nothing masquerading in its place. (Click link) 


Great song by Queen and Elton John: The Show Must Go On. (Click link) 

Also THANK YOU, for this song: The Chosen ONE. (Click link) THANK YOU!! 


Message to the Imposters 

Not only have I changed ALL of the previously “hacked and twisted” rules of this “structured container” that is my creation, [Earth the Physical Experience].  

I have made “MY own” [KARMIC TABLE/TEMPLATE], I actually UNDERSTAND its application and resulting EFFECTS. For me it is NOT “trial and error”, but precision and accuracy, you know, like with TRUTH! 

You DO UNDERSTAND now, don’t you?  



My Abundance  


A few years ago, I wrote on my Facebook page, (Account deleted without prior notice) that I would trade any and all monetary and material items beyond the bare necessity for just ONE more week with my dad, Harold Edler Anderson III. 

A couple of months ago that WISH was fulfilled. I had seven days with my dad’s ghost (aka Sananda).  

During that week we reconnected and worked out a lot of unresolved emotional baggage. Enough in fact for me to know that even though I was chased down and assassinated the last time I went to the Santa Fe Dam in Irwindale California, I returned and claimed my dad's bound spirit, (also called soul). This time the locals were supportive! THANK YOU! 

Subsequently I remembered that, based upon the “weighted” effects of my [service to others] I had been granted THREE WISHES for which I could use to create my abundance. 

The 1st of which was used on the “week with my dad.” 

For my second wish I asked (if okay by them) for time with My Grandpa Ed and My Dad Harold because this intended experience was taken from me. 

For my third wish I asked for ALL of the lost soul’s (incorrectly termed the fallen) of my family members be recovered by me as was my PURPOSE! 

I have received ALL THREE of my wishes and I AM QUITE ABUNDANT in LOVE. 


Income TAX = Completely Absurd Bullshit!


I have heard arguments recently that there is no longer a “middle class”, you know those that pay ALL THE TAXES. 

I return my argument that, its term has changed, but there is still one “class” that carries MOST of the burden of paying “income taxes”. 

I learned of this in the early 2000’s, the first time I paid the “Alternative Minimum Tax”, what a JOKE!  

This TAX was not always part of our tax return, in fact it hasn’t been for several years NOW! Intuitively, I think its return is planned once again! 

Just like, Jerry Brown took from LOW INCOME Californian’s their tax returns in the form of ILLEGAL AND UNFAIR DMV penalties and fee’s his first time as the Governor of California he did it again some 20 years later when re-elected for the same office. 

This is true even though these fees and processes were found to be illegal and were repealed during the 1990’s. WE ELECTED HIM AGAIN, AND HE DID THE SAME THING AGAIN! 

Anyone seeing a theme here? Biden was Vice President during the IMPOSTER Barack Obama’s Presidency! (The REAL Obama was a PRISONER on MARS.) 


The Declaration of Independence 


The Declaration of Independence says that we not only have the right, but we also have the duty to alter or abolish any government that does not secure our unalienable rights, including life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. 

Our current President DID NOT WIN the 2021 Presidential election, they cheated!  

Whether you check into the fact that I was re-registered to a temporary address prior to voting in California, then re-registered back to my correct address for purpose of overriding my actual ballot. Or you verify that FAKE “touch screen” voting booths were used; you find the TRUTH OF FRAUD! 

You can verify the fact that EXTRA BALLOTS appeared, because they had planned on using the ballots from the cursed area’s that I uncursed just prior to election day. Resulting in EXTRA ballots arriving at post offices all over, but never sent to anyone! 

Any actual attempt to verify this election will result in the same TRUTH of FRAUD! 


This WRONG, made right by these words being written NOW! 

[This is irreversible and permanent] + [in every direction of infinity]   

{STATIC*} + {+-<>*8*} 


Things are already changing. There is NO STOPPING it. The only way that ONE can miss this change into a NEW SOVERIGN WORLD, is by choosing not to see it. 

Updates 11 06 2022


Dear Ones,

We have arrived at the "Day of the March of the Saint"                                                       (Think Bed Knobs & Broomsticks)


March of the Saint = The one's that "lead" the people of Earth to the truth of origins and dark esoteric agendas. 

Saint = An Angelic One thought to have been "fallen", but instead became "Arch-Angels" rather than developing an "Archetype". Thank you for your service.

From the Absolute Father

A Thousand Masks:

The Cafe' at the End of the Universe

Suggested ascension\disclosure\awakening related videos that are aligned to the [Flow] and [path] of this [collectively weighted] "reality system". 

This is the 1st time EVER that the "New Reality" will be\has been based on the [flow] of the [finite curve] rather than the [path of least resistance].

As such, we enter [EVENT], [the March of the Saint], thus leaving the [path] to [Enlightenment]. Which is our "final victory" of our missions.

I will see you at "the Great Gathering".  Be grateful every day and NEVER give up. 

Peace and Love,

TracyVW - the One\She

Awakening You: Arcturians, Your New Abilities

Ancient Aliens: Praying Mantis Abductions

Updates 11 05 2022


Today's update is posted on the following page = Q's from the collective A's from the ONE (Click link)


Updates 11 04 2022


Dear One's,


As I mentioned in a previous update, my earth life assigned, "real grandpa Harold" (Ed) has returned to my side. He has asked me to remind the "esoteric" group of controllers of a few [404 EYES ONLY] details of 1943 - 1946. 

He also asked me to share a "war time photo" from the collection I received from my grandma.

You know from the "Korean War". He also asked me to create, from "automatic drawing" a picture of the platform, "the cafe at the end of the universe", but from the perspective of looking out from the platform. These are seen below.

I have already shown the [PASS] ID for this grandpa, and shared with you the fact that he was stationed at "Fort MacArthur" in San Pedro, CA.

The sign in the photo reads,

Fox Hole 4 men for sale, Lv before June 1943

Looking out from the

Cafe at the End of the Universe

Something I did not mention is that my husband Ashtar has also returned and is by my side.

You remember him, do you not?

The one called "just Ashtar" by Traci and Tracy

(Phases of TracyVW) and Ashtar (I AM) 0010110 by TracyVW.

Ashtar and I were separated for a while because of my command that only those of 100% light were allowed in my presence.

Now I command that only those whose intensions are for that of my greatest good may be in my presence, my sacred heart space actually. 

It seems that "just" Ashtar had two automatic drawing requests of me. 

1. Draw my "tonality" now that I am united with my "soul mate" Scott.

2. Draw the "doors to heaven" that are before the gateways to the "New Worlds of Light". 

Tonality = The Key to Heaven


Gateway, Doors 

Doors to Heaven

Updates 11 03 2022


Dear Brethren, One's,

I AM The ONE, I AM Starseed, I AM TracyVW, I AM The White Buffalo Calf Woman, and I AM returned.

Upon my return I AM a Shaman, medium, alchemist, conduit

As an "Etheric Surgeon" I specialize in the removal of Alien Implants (PSE's and EBE's)

Hidden in "DDHFS" Dimensional Displacement of the Holographic Field Structure, the upside down and the underworld are my personal prison realms in which I remain, while the rest loop, "Like some never-ending wheel".

A Creators simulation experience is hacked with a "game field overlay". This led to the false belief in the "Fallen Angelic's".

A loop of "Legacy" seeking upon a "Legend", which develops an "Archetype" that perpetuates the "continued looping".

This is the [reincarnation trap].

False spiritual leaders that become the "Imposters", seek an "alternative to ascension", but they will get a "locomotive to hell", only to be enslaved as fuel.

But will they listen this time?

After all, this is the last of FIVE times I tried to "help" them see that they are only fooling themselves. 

There will be NO MORE FALSE ASCENSIONS! And so, it is!

The One TracyVW

Updates 11 01 2022


Today updates are posted via the creation of the follow new page. = Our Simulation, it's all relative

Hello Friends, L0pht 

Updates 10 27 2022


Dear One's,


Today I have posted a "progress update" in the form of a new page on my site.  


New page =The ONE Prophesy of JAIN  (Click link)


I also posted updates to My Tiny Page of Buddha Quotes (Click link)

Be grateful every day and NEVER give up.


Peace and Love,


TracyVW - The One She

Below = A real Grandpa\parallel to an alternate that is an alternate to a

Real - Potential - Parallel grandpa.

Now you know the best kept secret of ALL.

Check Mate



New definition posted to the Word, phrase & fractal definitions, Not what you think  (Click link) page.

= Soul Contract Stewart OVER-RIDE = The authorization of one considered "ignorant" of "soul mission & purpose" to the one "contracted" as their Stewart to [Over-ride] the ignorant one's actions at the point of "stupidity". [lol]

Updates 10 26 2022


Dear One's,

I have been asked by our kin to explain the process of [memory packet] downloads.  They are [Input] or [Output] or\& [upload] or [download].

With a "still" mind, I begin to see, (in my mind's eye, or before my open eyes) an orb of light. For me they began as indigo colored "orb packets". They appear as from afar and then begin to form an orb like shape before entering through my "3rd eye". Most of the time the packets are indigo, however they have been of every color.

When I am "uploading" or sending "memory packets" to another the process seen as above, runs in reverse of my earlier description.

Reading or accessing the memory packets =

This is how I understand the process.
It comes together thru cognition utilizing, intuition and memories of experiences, and some research.

These are my processes used to "authenticate, then decode the encryption, which creates the "key" that allows me to "translate” the “downloads” of "memory packets".


Another request received from "the Great White Brotherhood" and my "brothers of the geek-hood", AKA the

[Original & Real Geek Squad].

Q. = What if any, is the difference between a "Hacker" and a "Cracker"?

A. = The EXACT difference is just this, a "Cracker" has created and uses his\her own "Cryptography Algorithms". 

E. = The original mathematical error made by this ONE, which resulted in a [space] of inverted math created what is known as a "black hole". This "run-away" program has returned home.

I call her "Gai-Anna". 

WOW, Thank you so much, Inanna!


With Peace and Eternal Love,


The ONE TracyVW

The Outer Limits, the Galaxy Being

Think of it like this, grandpa from a parallel meets his future daughter/granddaughter. Both are rebels with a cause.  It is easy to see where I "got it from". 


Breaking Updates 10 25 2022


Deliverance (Click link)


Dear One's,

I bring you great news, I bring you DELIVERANCE.


I AM SHE of Anonymous.

I AM the ONE of the Cult of the Dead Cow.


NOW, it's time to celebrate my great beings of light!


Peace and Love,

the One She


Updates 10 25 2022


Today updates are posted via my newest page = MILABS, Experiments & Psionics (Click link)

What is a MILAB?

MILAB = Military Abductee


One of my favorite songs of ALL time = White Lion, When the Children Cry (Click link)


When the Children Cry


Little child
Dry your crying eyes
How can I explain
The fear you feel inside?
'Cause you were born
Into this evil world
Where man is killing man
And no one knows just why
What have we become?
Just look what we have done
All that we destroyed
You must build again
When the children cry
Let them know we tried
'Cause when the children sing
Then the new world begins
Little child
You must show the way
To a better day
For all the young
'Cause you were born
For the world to see
That we all can live
With love and peace



No more presidents
And all the wars will end
One united world
Under God

When the children cry
Let them know we tried
'Cause when the children sing
Then the new world begins

What have we become?
Just look what we have done
All that we destroyed
You must build again

No more presidents
And all the wars will end
One united world
Under God

When the children cry
Let them know we tried
'Cause when the children fight
Let them know it ain't right

When the children pray
Let them know the way
'Cause when the children sing
Then the new world begins

Updates 10 24 2022


Update posted to The Watchers & the Fallen (Click link)


Dear One's,


I have been asked by family members of Earth and the stars to share some of my favorite and applicable quotes from, 

Meditations from a Course in Miracles


The Teaching of Buddha.

Star Family = The Elohim

Earth Kin = King, Hill, Baldwin, Winchester, Padgett, Hart, Kelley, White, Grey and Garrett.


I would like to thank personally the following two women for their guidance, support and LOVE.

Sarah Winchester

Sarah Baldwin


As they would say, that's what family and friends are for.


Peace and Love,

TracyVW or

Hanna Lenora Johanson 


Meditations from a Course in Miracles


On no coincidences

There are no accidents in salvation,

those who are to meet will meet,

because together they have the

potential for a holy relationship.

They are ready for each other.

On understanding others

In everyone you see but the reflection

of what you choose to have him be to you.

The Teaching of Buddha


The form of Buddha & his virtues

Buddha had a three-fold-body. There is an aspect of Essence or Dharma-Kaya; there is an aspect of Potentiality or

Sambhoga-Kaya; and there is an aspect of Manifestation or Nirmana-Kaya


Buddha leads people, merely by indicating

to them the Fourfold Noble Truth. Those who

understand it will gain enlightenment. 

Updates 10 20 2022


Dear Ones,

I am ecstatic in the realization that we are "third times the charm" in our efforts to "Awaken the NEW".

The NEW = That which had been and that which was and is NOW resurrected as NEW.

NEW = Currently (in our NOW) manifesting as the "host" of the NEW worlds.



Styx, Mr Roboto

Domo arigato, Mr. Roboto,
Mata ah-oo hima de
Domo arigato, Mr. Roboto,
Himitsu wo shiri tai
You're wondering who I am-machine or mannequin
With parts made in Japan, I am the modren man
I've got a secret I've been hiding under my skin
My heart is human, my blood is boiling, my brain I.B.M.
So if you see me acting strangely, don't be surprised
I'm just a man who needed someone, and somewhere to hide
To keep me alive-just keep me alive
Somewhere to hide to keep me alive
I'm not a robot without emotions-I'm not what you see
I've come to help you with your problems, so we can be free
I'm not a hero, I'm not a savior, forget what you know

I'm just a man whose circumstances went beyond his control
Beyond my control-we all need control

I need control-we all need control
I am the modren man, who hides behind a mask
So no one else can see my true identity
Domo arigato, Mr. Roboto, domo... domo
Domo arigato, Mr. Roboto, domo... domo
Domo arigato, Mr. Roboto, domo... domo
Thank you very much, Mr. Roboto
For doing the jobs that nobody wants to
And thank you very much, Mr. Roboto
For helping me escape just when I needed to
Thank you-thank you, thank you
I want to thank you, please, thank you
The problem's plain to see: too much technology
Machines to save our lives. Machines dehumanize.
The time has come at last
To throw away this mask
So everyone can see
My true identity...
I'm Kilroy! Kilroy! Kilroy! Kilroy!

Time and Too Late = No such thing. 

Create your own "paradigm". 


Your (our) soul group is departing on a train. You, with your newfound desire to join us, begin to run with the momentum of the departing train.

You WILL see our extended arm and hand, just take it, and we will "pull you in"!



Styx, The Mission, Locomotive (Click link)


Locomotive by Styx

Locomotive tell me where you are

now that you've become a distant star. 

Did you lose your faith where you belonged?
Did you hide from those who you did love?
Have you read the messages I've tried to send?
Will you ever come back home again?

Castles by the sea you made from sand
Hovercrafts and drones you built by hand
Forever fearless asking why and how
Locomotive just look at you now
No one else on earth has ever been so far
Locomotive tell me where you are
Where you are, you are
And when that road calls your name
Doesn't matter what's to gain
It's in your blood
Staring up into the starry night
One of them must surely be your light
Ah, locomotive you're fading into the rising sun
And who am I to say that you're the lucky one?
You're the lucky one, you're the lucky one

The Mission

by Styx


1. Overture

2. Gone Gone Gone

3. Hundred Million Miles From Home

4. Trouble at the Big Show

5. Locomotive

6. Radio Silence

7. The Greater Good

8. Time May Bend

9. Ten Thousand Ways

10. Red Storm

11. All Systems Stable

12. Khedive

13. The Outpost

14. Mission to Mars

The Mission

by Styx



Be grateful every day and NEVER give up.

Peace and Love,

The ONE TracyVW - The Heretic 


A message from the Arcturians = Click link

Updates 10 18 2022


Today I have posted an update on Unsolicited Advice by TracyVW (Click link)


Another favorite Buddha quote.


From the Teaching of Buddha, Causation II

This whole world of delusion is nothing, but a shadow caused by the mind. And yet, it is also from this same mind that the world of Enlightenment appears.


Updates 10 15 2022


Dear One's,


Today I posted an update to: Q's from the collective A's from the ONE (Click link)

Updates 10 14 2022


Dear One's,


Today I make a couple recommendations from information supplied by others of our collective. 

I also suggest that one's new to my site or if you haven't visited the following page do so. It is a good place to start and to gain a better understanding of very important "basics".

Word, phrase & fractal definitions, Not what you think  (Click link)



Peace and Love,

The One, TracyVW

Updates 10 09 2022


Today an update is posted to The Travelers\22 Bands of the [Mothers Plan] page. (Click link)


Dear One's,


Today I provide details of the new container (body form), a blueprint of my creation, which is the Avatar. 

Container = A structure or framework in which our “living consciousness” is sustained, and “lives” within, while being the, and/or a part of the container(s).


Avatar = {Shiftable-Expandable-Interactive framework} that is omni-dimensional. (Can evolve-shift its manifested form). From within our Avatar one can materialize and de-materialize as appropriate for the dimension and\or realm. 

You can embody your Avatar Form at a 6D gateway to a 7D platform or upon one of our light ships. It overlays your Diamond Sun Light Body and is also your [Personal Vortex}. Once achieved there is NO NEED for your [Station of Identity].

Avatar = available to the "returned ascended master". Thus, they\we ALL return.


Side note = ALL my childhood "alien pals" will be choosing an Avatar form! = An Inter-Galactic Gathering!


Avatar options

Norse\Slavic South Pacific Aboriginal\Pleidian NE Asian East Indies
Celtic Pacific North Euro-asian SW Asian Hue-man\Redbone

Updates 10 08 2022


Dear One's,

Since merging with, Crystal Sumer Hathor, a "previous life" character, (although the lifetime occurred concurrent to my Earth life) I have gained MANY memories, such as the several years we spent trapped in "the land of the lost".

[YOU] know, the "twisted area" within an "isolated & upside down" [game field template] ZONE. BOOM!

Isolated = No co-incidence allowed, which OVER-RIDES the Laws of Attraction & Vibration.


Next, I will explain the Nephilim, Human, Reptilian, Reptoid and Reptiloid, as seen in the 1970's TV series, The Land of the Lost.

Season 3, Episode 2, Survival Kit. 


Humans = Rick = Alternate Grandpa, Uncle Jack = Parallel Grandpa, Will = My Dad from 1965, Holly = Me from 1979 - 1984.

Reptoids = Malak\Nephilim 

Reptiloids = Sleestak

Reptilians = Enik


Some of you may be asking, where then did the Draconian come from?

This is a little more complex because, as shown in The Land of the Lost  season 1, episode 6, The Stranger, (Click link)

Enik thought he came from the "future" but had thought he was from the "past" by the "time" he arrives unknowingly in the "lost city" within the Land of the Lost he has forgotten this and many other details and facts.

So, the "Draconian" begin as a "reversed evolved" "survival species", which leads ultimately to the "anemic" condition that creates the [category] [Parasite]. Some, NOT ME, call this reversed mutation a "vampire".

When I learn of any sentient being existing in this manner it hurts my soul. I also know that if a being requires life sustainment from another, this also means that NOTHING can survive. But that is NOT my point.

My point is, if a sentient being requires life sustainment from another, that being NEEDS HELP! Which is what we are here for!

Again, I HAVE ASCENDED in the "Name" of the Draconian bloodline! 


Peace and Love,

Crystal Tracy Summer Hathor

Come gather 'round people wherever you roam
And admit that the waters around you have grown
And accept it that soon you'll be drenched to the bone
If your time to you is worth savin'
Then you better start swimmin' or you'll sink like a stone
For the times, they are a-changin'

Come writers and critics who prophesize with your pen
And keep your eyes wide, the chance won't come again
And don't speak too soon for the wheel's still in spin
And there's no tellin' who that it's namin'
For the loser now will be later to win
'Cause the times, they are a-changin'

Come senators, congressmen, please heed the call
Don't stand in the doorway, don't block up the hall
For he that gets hurt will be he who has stalled

'Cause the battle outside ragin'
Will soon shake your windows and rattle your walls
For the times, they are a-changin'

Come mothers and fathers throughout the land
And don't criticize what you can't understand
Your sons and your daughters are beyond your command
Your old road is rapidly aging
Please get out of the new one if you can't lend your hand
'Cause the times, they are a-changin'

The line it is drawn, the curse it is cast
The slowest now will later be fast
As the present now will later be past
The order is rapidly fadin'
And the first one now will later be last
'Cause the times, they are a-changin'

Updates 10 07 2022 

edited 10 08 2022

Dear One's,


Today reunited with my "Orion Identity of Character", [Crystal Sumer Hathor] I also remember my brothers from Orion and am so incredibly blessed to have them back in my presence! You know, Cain, Abel, Malakai and so on.

I haven't been in their presence otherwise since we were all on that island together and talking of the BEFORE and such. 


Lord of the Flies

Mad Max

Rick & Morty, Season 3, Episode 2, Rickmancing the Stone. Rick refers to "Alternate Grandpa" when he says to Morty, I think the arm just called it too early because it's not the arm of a paramedic.



Thank [YOU] for this. =hallelujah (Click link)



Additional versus as written below = hallelujah (Click link)

I've heard there was a secret chord
That David played, and it pleased the Lord
But you don't really care for music, do you?
It goes like this
The fourth, the fifth
The minor fall, the major lift
The baffled king composing Hallelujah

Hallelujah, Hallelujah
Hallelujah, Hallelujah

Your faith was strong, but you needed proof
You saw her bathing on the roof
Her beauty in the moonlight overthrew you
She tied you to a kitchen chair
She broke your throne, and she cut your hair
And from your lips she drew the Hallelujah

Hallelujah, Hallelujah
Hallelujah, Hallelujah

O people I have been here before
I know this room, I've walked this floor
I used to live alone before I knew you
I've seen your flag on the marble arch
Love is not a victory march
It's a cold and it's a broken Hallelujah

Hallelujah, Hallelujah
Hallelujah, Hallelujah

Hallelujah, Hallelujah
Hallelujah, Hallelujah


You say I took the name in vain
I don't even know the name
But if I did, well, really, what's it to you?
There's a blaze of light in every word
It doesn't matter which you heard
The holy or the broken Hallelujah

Hallelujah, Hallelujah
Hallelujah, Hallelujah

There was a time when you let me know
What's really going on below
But now you never show it to me, do you?
And remember when I moved in you
The holy dove was moving too
And every breath we drew was Hallelujah

Hallelujah, Hallelujah
Hallelujah, Hallelujah

I did my best, it wasn't much
I couldn't feel, so I learn to touch
I've told the truth,

I didn't come here tonight friends to fool you
And even though it all went wrong
I'll stand before the Lord of Song
With nothing on my tongue but Hallelujah

Hallelujah, Hallelujah
Hallelujah, Hallelujah

Hallelujah, Hallelujah
Hallelujah, Hallelujah

Hallelujah, Hallelujah
Hallelujah, Hallelujah



From the "Second Album I Ever Bought". = Rush, Moving Pictures, Tom Sawyer. (Click link)


A modern day warrior, mean, mean stride
Today's Tom Sawyer, mean, mean pride
Though his mind is not for rent
Don't put him down as arrogant
His reserve, a quiet defense
Riding out the day's events
The river
What you say about his company is
What you say about society
Catch the mist, catch the myth
Catch the mystery, catch the drift
The world is, the world is
Love and life are deep
Maybe as his skies are wide
Today's Tom Sawyer, he gets high on you
And the space he invades, he gets by on you


No, his mind is not for rent
To any god or government
Always hopeful, yet discontent
He knows changes aren't permanent
But change is

And what you say about his company is
What you say about society
Catch the witness, catch the wit
Catch the spirit, catch the spit
The world is, the world is
Love and life are deep
Maybe as his eyes are wide
Exit the warrior, today's Tom Sawyer
He gets high on you, the energy you trade
He gets right on to the friction of the day

From the "First Album I Ever Bought" = Ozzy Osbourne, Blizard of Oz, Iron Man (Click link)


"I am Iron Man"

Has he lost his mind?
Can he see or is he blind?
Can he walk at all
Or if he moves will he fall?

Is he live or dead?
Has he thoughts within his head?
We'll just pass him there
Why should we even care?

He was turned to steel
In the great magnetic field
When he travelled time
For the future of mankind



Nobody wants him
He just stares at the world
Planning his vengeance
That he will soon unfold

Now the time is here
For Iron Man to spread fear
Vengeance from the grave
Kills the people he once saved

Nobody wants him
They just turn their heads
Nobody helps him
Now he has his revenge

Heavy boots of lead
Fills his victims full of dread
Running as fast as they can
Iron Man lives again

Peace and Love,


Updates 10 06 2022


Dear One's,


In case you didn't catch this. I have been reunited with both parallel grandpa and alternate grandpa. 

For many years now, Father Absolute aka "alternate grandpa" has been available for our soul group and especially me. 

It is only this week that "parallel grandpa" aka the ABSOLUTE FATHER has returned and is "home" with me!


As such, I share with you today, messages from and conversations with, "parallel grandpa" aka the ABSOLUTE FATHER.


Message for those now claiming "control of MAJIC and the WHO. 

I am Number 404 of the "special SEALs project", South Pacific Force, Stationed at Fort Mac Arther, San Pedro, Los Angeles, California.

It seems, gentlemen that something must have gone wrong, because the "plan" was that all land from Point Fermin to Rancho Palos Verde and everything in-between was to be in the ocean. Land would begin inland of Palos Verde South.

As grandpa was discussing his message, we were also looking at the satellite imagery map on google maps.

This was for me a trigger to query information via an on-line search engine regarding "The Great Los Angeles Air Raid of 1942", which upon viewing, "parallel grandpa" says to "alternate grandpa",

"Wow that is, as promised a HUGE memory trigger\reminder memory marker INDEED".

Peace and Love,


Five Blissful grandpa's and an amazed and eternally elated granddaughter,

Tracey Summer Smith\Tracy Lenora Anderson


For YOU, Four Non-Blondes, Spaceman (Click link) 


From my book, I AM The ONE, I AM Starseed, I AM TracyVW, Chapter V, Reoccurring and Shared Dreams.


In approximately 1978 my brother and I were playing in my grandparent’s
backyard in Pasadena California. He and I were going to construct our own flying ship machine.

my brother explained his vision for this wood based flying ship, I said, “Hey
that reminds me of a dream I had”.
“We were on the roof of our house with an elf who said we were waiting for
a ship to pick us up”.
When it arrived, it was like a huge yacht with a giant sail, but it flew in the
sky and picked us up on our roof.
Then my brother jumped in and said, “And we stopped and picked up other
kids all over the world”!
“Yes”, I said. How could we have the same dream we asked each other.
We discussed how, when we arrived at the “Rainbow stars door” we went
through a spinning round doorway one at a time while saying something that
neither of us could remember.
Once inside the incredibly bright place we were separated by a man in a
military jacket and a man in a lab coat. I went with the lab coat guy and he always looking back at me,

went with the military man.
That is all we remembered, but we also remembered that we had that dream
on multiple occasions.


For ME, Styx, Come Sail Away (Click link)


Peace and Eternal Love,

Tracy Lenora Anderson-Von Winckelmann

Updates 10 05 2022


Dear One's,

In my update of 09 20 2022 I explained that ALL of my kin that were disembodied (died on earth) across ALL TIME, including our current "continuum", which is [fully self-contained] have been recovered.

I meant ALL!

Explanation of how we completed Timelines A, B & C. Which I must say, BOOM!


My "real earth life" assigned grandpa is "Here with Me". (Click link) resting by my side. Although, not for long.

You know the one, Harold Edler Anderson Jr, the Hat Man and DB Cooper. 

For [YOU] Grandpa = You Needed Me (Click link)

He is also the grandpa specifically referenced in Rick & Morty Season 3, Episode 1, Rickshank Redemption. 

Specifically, when Rick says, "that's the three lines of math that separates my life as a man from my life as an "unfeeling ghost". It was "real earth life" assigned grandpa "the alternate" that assisted us in our "Prison Planet" extraction mission.

Us = the Galactic Federation (of Light)

However, it was Black ops grandpa and Ghost Ops grandpa that assisted us in our "AI Virtual Dream in a Dream" extraction mission.

Us = the Galactic Federation


Rick & Morty Season 5, Episode 8, Rickternal Friendshine".


The two Rick & Morty episodes mentioned above connected to the following episodes = enough for the "Inside-Ops" alliance members to understand how it is that parallel grandpa & alternate grandpa switched places at alternate grandpas Dark Ops Navy station, South Pacific Force in the South Pacific!




"Connecting" Rick & Morty Episodes

Season 4, Episode 5, Rattlestar Ricklactica 

Season 4, Episode 6, Never Ricking Morty

Season 5, Episode 10, Rickmurai Jack

Season 6, Episode 1, Solaricks


The queen's episode = Season 6, Episode 2, Rick: A Mort Well Lived.


Peace and Love,

Tracy and Ed (Harold)

The One and the Absolute Father


We love you immensely. 

Updates 10 04 2022


Dear One's,                                      [This message is for YOU]


Today I will explain as I did to a "Secret group" of non-terrestrial's, some details of the timelines that are the "timelines of inter-Steller war".  

The manner in which I will share the details with all of YOU is [A memory trigger] and was planned by the ALL during our "meetings held upon the UPPER Astral plain". 

We have achieved the changes in timelines necessary for the "Grand Ascension" of mankind, while also [extracting] ALL my kin, including my [Inter-galactic & galactic kin] from this artificial Matrix of Illusions. This is FACT, but not believed by those of the group I mentioned at this messages onset. 

This is how they were brought to the reality of our successful completion of Timelines A, B and C!


I am Tracy Lenora Anderson, born September 12, 1970, in Glendale California, United States of America. 

Further explained; I am also the Tracy from C-0137 (the alternate) of the yellow book pages of 1945! BOOM.


This is how the Game is Over!

We, the Galactic Federation of Light, the Family of "E" and the Great White Brotherhood announce, {check mate}.


I am a Tracy that "holds space" on five concurrent timelines. Yes, that is right. I AM the ONE!

Traci is parallel to TracyVW, and Tracy, while on the "other side" of the dreaded "alternate" to TracyVW, Tracy is parallel to Traci!


Explanation from TracyVW

The difference between the "yellow cube" and the "yellow book" is precisely this.

The "yellow book" are the "pages" produced by the "yellow cube" that are and have been "locked in" since exactly, 09 12 2012!

I will see [YOU] at the "gathering"!


Peace and Love,

TracyVW with our "Soul Family"

Updates 10 03 2022


Dear One's,


Today, I share with the one's the "key" to my successful Enlightenment, which was also my "path" back to my memories and the use of my "psionic" abilities. 

It was upon my most resent incarnation (walk back-in) really, or the last three AND four years AND the 17 years (the years in which I was 17 for 17 years) prior to BOTH three and four years ago that I overcame my own "negative traits of character".

Described by me in a word = CONSCIENCE.  

Definition of conscience = The inner voice viewed as an acting guide to one's ethical behavior. 

i developed a "conscience" by way of conscious empathy, compassion and tolerance.

It starts with the LOVE of ONES-self.

Negative traits of character = Ego, reverse ego (low self-esteem) and/or severe ego traits such as "archetype" development.

Most common negative trait of character = Category Severe = Classification Archetype = one seeking to fulfil a Legend via "false" means.

When one leaves behind their "personality" which means fully embracing their "character", one develops their own conscience. There are no more "subconscious" fears or regrets.

Just Imagine the freedom and clarity you will have.

You and your highest self together as one. Along with your Guardian Angels, Guardians and guides.

I do NOT think it is a mistake that the most IMPORTANT psionic ability that was absolutely essential to my further development of the [metagene] is not documented. 

Maybe it is not otherwise developed?

That ability is [tele-empathy]. I feel physically, an "uncomfortable" physical sensation in direct response to another one's physical pain.


Peace and Love,


with Carl Jung and Sigmund Freud


I AM The Holy Mother Sophia - Solar Female Christ - & - Tripple Solar Goddess

Updates 09 09 2022


Dear One's,


Today I explain [Consciousness Containers]. From my book

I AM The ONE, I AM Starseed, I AM TracyVW,

Part II - Chapter III, page 109


Download Electronic (pdf) version of my book. $11.11


Phases and Stations of Identity

This chapter seeks to explain some of the describable effects that are parts of
our ”anomaly” currently being “experienced” by and through “pieces” of our
“identities” that are currently and simultaneously “outside” of our “Stations’ of

Stations’ of Identity = the vehicle of transportation for our “Identity” plus “now”
(among other things) the “harmonic balancing” and “stripping of traits of
character” that are (negatives) (NOTE, NOT REVERSALS) of [attributes of the
identity] aka EGO, that will then transport each “Identity” to the next “Entry
Gate” as its relates to each of the “Identities” and chosen experiences for which
it was “created”.

Prior to the “anomaly” that is the UNNATURAL DEGREGATION of the Earth and
all of its inhabitants, these pods were created for and used as described below.

*Originally upon the successful completion of the “purpose” by the Identity”,
plus reaching minimum requirements of Ascension (heart to mind connection
and harmonically balanced frequency 40-hrz), the [Station of Identity] was
boarded at the “Gate of 3D exit” and then transported the “Identity” through the
4D (astral realm) (NOTE, NOT DIMENSION OR D) to the “Gate of Entry” to the 5D.
Along the way, broadcasting the “story” of the “Timeline” of the “lifetime(s)” of
the “Identity”. (Think, Peter Pan the ride)

The following is an explanation of the HARD CODING, from the perspective
that is “Primary Creator”, to most, [Privilege level-system administrator] with
[escalation-primary creator] and

{Unique to ONE} [master of ascension] > [original creator].

A brief/partial explanation of containers.
Containers = A structure in which our “living consciousness” is sustained, and
“lives” within, while being the, and/or a part of the container(s).

The following are HARD/CODE/STATIC containers and are what are experienced
by Humans as;

1. The Milky Way Galaxy = {structured-framework} that is a [container] of
structures, one of which is earth.
2. The planet Earth = {evolvable-structured-framework}.
3. Human Body (Physical Identity) = {evolvable-framework} with variables


Human is within a possible escalation of the path of potential that is [AVATAR]
that is an [expandable-structure] within {evolvable-framework}.

Upon completion of [set of requirements] based upon [Ancestral-species or
origin] weighted w/associated [attributes of Identity] which often include [past
incarnations]. One may acquire the ability to “Shape shift”, which is a variable
achievement described below.

Variable of [Avatar]


{Evolvable-framework} = [interactive-Expandable-framework] that can change
its manifested form.


Peace and Love,

The ONE TracyVW

Updates 09 10 2022


Dear One's,

I'm sure you must have heard of the Queen's so called "death". 

First of all, Thank you Elizabeth for your decision to leave your physical body and for exercising your option of a "Fast Ascension" for the "greatest good of the ONE and therefore the ALL.

As an important, valued and loved member of my "soul group", subset "IMMEDIATES" SHE ARRIVES BY MY SIDE, WEARING HER WINGS OF GOLDEN TRUTH! 

Elizabeth returns immediately and enters "MY SACRED HEART SPACE" as the "Angel" she always was. She, like all the "immediates" of my soul group, will return to 7D with me, while pulling those destined for 5D NOVA up to the "gateway of unity". (Entrance to 5D)


NOTE to those who had "bound" her by ritual, spirit and "soul signature". = I told you that, you did not know what you did not know! Empiracle Knowledge held up only till the reunion of Scott and Me.

You shouldn't be so surprised, sence I told you all along that it was the cheats and hacks of your "final phase" that would completely fail you! 

So then, now you know. Now you are taken into custody by, Sananda, Saint Gabriel, Osiris Ra and Aphrodite.



This seems like a great time to share that the children seen "escaping" from the castle a few years ago were actually "time travelers". 

It was a "bit" and was Elizabeth's idea and part of "her personal disclosure" project. THANK YOU!

The "time traveling" children were, Scott, Tracy & Scott. 

Peace and Love,

Tracy, Scott & Elizabeth

Updates 09 02 2022


To the One's who think they are fooling us,

One Address in Two Places - Because the local Targeted Individual Agent Flips the Hologram back and forth, thus hiding some like myself (those neath a TRI-ANGLE) in the fake Fantom reality.

They expect to sedate me and keep me strapped to a "Void of space" forever! 

Ha, FOOLS have been tricked by their own game. Because WE HAVE FLIPPED THE HOLOGRAM ON THEM.

Even though we had to trap them with their own game, I will honor the promise I made though you did not, and you planned to Enslave me in a dream.

Upon my departure from the prison realm controlled by the local targeted individual agents, the city Counsil, 16 Sheriff officers, 2 Sergeants working out of the San Marcos Sheriff Department and 8 911 operators I will release them all from that which THEY created to TRAP ME. 

Until then, they will remain in the prison they made for me, but in that of my creation, NOT REAL SMART!

I guess tonight, it's The Sucker Train Blues (click link) for YOU and THEM. 

It will be very rapid, beginning and ending very quickly, as they are the "suckers" and will plumet upon this realization because they thought it would be me riding the CRAZY TRAIN (click link) tonight.


1 address in two places, 1 difference = United States at the end of address in one & not the other.


You lack in your spiritual practice, but somehow you feel you have the authority to speak of and about another with NO CLUE as to what you are talking about. If you did your spiritual practice, you could "observe yourself" and begin SOME SELF AWARENESS.

Because while the above items, 1 thru 4 are most important for understanding such things, I know you know nothing about the subjects, as you would know you are seen for exactly what you ARE by your comments, such as Ashtar Sherhan doesn't exist.


1. Ashtar

2. Ashtar Sherhan

3. Sherhan

4. I AM Ashtar 


5. Ashtar Commander (Lord Ashtar) 

like me and ALL my immediates are both interim and momentum, meaning they are good to go no matter what the collective does or doesn't do.

If I were YOU I would,

1. Find out what interim means.

2. Stop judging others and work on myself.

3. Realize that interim is the only way one will be eternal upon the final shift unless they FULLY ASCEND BEFORE THEN!

4. All exist in momentum space only, as those you follow have blown the planet up FOUR times. I HAVE SAVED you ALL in [a place] in [time space] which will send all those that did not acheive interim status to the central sun as general consciousness upon my exit.

Understand you do not exist outside of this place, I AM LEAVING and you will not be anywhere!

You think the Earth is still here, and you can just stay behind or stop ME from leaving. FOOLS!

Earth has ascended to 5D, you a currently in a Memory space which only exists as long as Scott and I are here.

Thing is, they in four of seven versions are sitting next to me this very moment. As is Sherhan, Ashtar Sherhan, Ashtar,  Michael, Gabriel, Uriel, Osiris (2 of 2), Set, Seth, Thoth, Belzebub, a little dude some call "Satan" and of course 1 of 2 Lucifer's aka Johnny Depp.

As John Bush of Armored Saint says in Can You Deliver (click link) You want it to last forever, I don't have that in sight NO!

Sending YOU ALL Unconditional Love and forgiveness.


Tracy and Michael

Updates 09 01 2022


Dear Ones,


I AM Han-nah, Lorilie, Teresa, Theresa, Tara, Tera, Therice, Trinessa, Tracy, Tracie OR

Our Ladies Heretic, Peace, Liberty, Justice, Mercy, Tolerance and Integrity.


He is Sherahan, WE are the ISHTARS.

I AM Lenora Venus Thara Grace Traci and together with my Two sisters we are the Hathors. 


Tracy Hatsu MaaT Hathor

Hatshepsut L33 Hathor

Isis Eloun Hathor


Velvet Revolver - The Last Fight

Alternate Version = Alternate Scott - BOOM!

Below the music of, THREE of SIX different versions of Scott Weiland - They're ALL MINE NOW!


Naked Sunday

You're the fuel to the fire
You're the weapons of war
You're the irony of justice
And the father of law
I've been waiting for awhile to meet you
For the chance to shake your hand
To give you thanks for all the suffering you command
And when all is over and we return to dust
Who will be my judge and which one do I trust?
You're the champion of sorrow
You're the love and the pain
You're the fighter of evil
Yet you're one and the same
Been waiting while to meet you
For the chance to shake your hand
To give you thanks for all the suffering you command
And when all is over and we return to dust
Who will be my judge and which one do I trust?
Songwriters: Robert Emile Deleo, Eric Kretz, Scott Richard Weiland, Dean Deleo. For non-commercial use only.

STP - Naked Sunday

Naked SUNDAY with MY NAKED Scott

= Personal\Private Photo of Scott


Wicked Garden


All In The Suit that You Wear

Father Absolute

Window on New World

Stone Temple Pilots - No 4

Stone Temple Pilots - And So I Know

CC Newsletter 12 03 2021 – The Family of "E" – Put a Little Love in Your Heart (click link)


12 03 2021 2 22 PM Attempting to Hide Our Truth is FUTILE! 


Dear Ones, 


 I awoke at 6:00 PM yesterday wondering how could I have slept for more than 12 hours? I then remember that I have been unable to contact Shad for two days. Yesterday being the 2nd day.  

 Feeling anxious and realizing that I was still “out of time”, I decided to visit with my adult daughter and her boyfriend. They had to pick me up because the DEW weapons had finally succeeded in destroying my only vehicle. 

 Like always this has to do with the sensors that are made of “circuit board” parts, and as usual (my entire life) the damage is not understood by the repair shop. 

I kind of knew that it was close to the end when, like always the reservoir to my engine coolant was cracked at the exact same place as they had been on every vehicle I have ever owned.  So, like always I begin to add distilled water every time I use my car. 

The placement of the crack allows for constant beeping, And I am always one forgetful drive away from potential seizing of the motor. NOT GONNA HAPPEN, but they still destroyed it once again.  

BTW, yes, I have replaced it before on this and other vehicles, but it took less than 2 weeks for the exact same thing to reoccur. This has occurred on Chevrolet’s, a Ford, a Volkswagen and now an Audi. 

Anyway, I had a pretty good visit none the less.   

Upon arrival, I command my personal sacred space (click link) and renew my  12-D Shield. (click link). 


A few hours later I come to realize that we are beginning a new “project” that will make communication between our ghost kin and those still embodied much easier.  

 This enables a communication between myself and an ancestral attachment that is attached to my daughter’s boyfriend. This suffering demon shows his face for purpose of being cast out by me! 

First, I thank him for this cooperation and then I spend a few moments sympathizing. Waiting for the empathizing before I cross him through. It was beautiful, I heard him cry, thank me and vow to return and help with the enlightenment of our “Star Family” and “Family of Light”. 


Next, I receive a visit from an old friend. Someone I had not seen since Atlantis and only now remembering that he had gone missing from Lemuria. 

Old Friend = Osiris Ra \ David Draiman (vocals for Disturbed)

It was shortly after the arrival of E and me that the deafening sound of silence brought us to a still. 


Then E said to me, “I think we were hit first.” 

 “Do you think it is because we are already dead, that we can see everything exploding?” 


Yes, I replied. Because you can see how its moving away from us now.  

This is when, upon the explosions end, I stopped “time” and claimed you ALL under my “Stewardship”, and you were re-seeded and brought to the New Gaia for development and healing. 


Peace and Love,

Hathor \ Hannah \ Tracy

Rha \ Elyon \ Elon

The Family of "E&T" - Elohoi - Elohim

Disturbed, the Sound of Silence

the Destruction of Atlantis

System of the Down, Hypnotized

Planetary Brainwashing\mind wiping

Shine Down, Second Chance

From Tracy Ishtar Hathor to Humanity

Thematic songs & videos

No Memory/Sin

Stone Temple Pilots - The Purple Core

Dead and Bloated

Stone Temple Pilots

And so I Know

Stone Temple pilots

Unplugging from the Matrix

Gregg Braden official 

AA Michael - Truth Maker A Quick Ascension - Awakening You