The Absolute Family is reunited - We Are Here We Are One


Hatreds never cease hatreds in this world. By love alone they cease. This is ancient law.

A fool who thinks he is a fool is for that very reason a wise man. The fool who thinks that he is wise is called a fool indeed.

THE WAY OF PRACTICE - Building a Buddha Land.

A pure mind soon becomes a deep mind, a mind that is commensurate with the Nobel Path, a mind that loves to give, a mind that loves to keep the precepts, an enduring mind, a zealous mind, a calm mind, a wise mind, a compassionate mind, a mind that leads people to Enlightenment by many and skillful means. Thus shall the Buddha's Land be Built.

I suggest that one's new to my site or if you haven't visited the following page do so. It is a good place to start and to gain a better understanding of very important "basics".

Word, phrase & fractal definitions, not what you think  (Click link) Followed by Progress Notes - the ONE Blog

The Book that started it all - The One TracyVW, Starseed

This website is best understood after reading the book below. The website is basically "support" for the book. I AM The ONE, I AM Starseed, I AM TracyVW

Hidden in "DDHFS" Dimensional Displacement of the Holographic Field Structure, the upside down and the underworld are my personal prison realms in which I remain, while the rest loop, "Like some never-ending wheel".

A Creators simulation experience is hacked with a "game field overlay". This led to the false belief in the "Fallen Angelic's".

A loop of "Legacy" seeking upon a "Legend", which develops an "Archetype" that perpetuates the "continued looping".

This is the [reincarnation trap].

False spiritual leaders that become the "Imposters", seek an "alternative to ascension", but they will get a "locomotive to hell", only to be enslaved as fuel. (see link below)

But will they listen this time?

After all, this is the last of FIVE times I tried to "help" them see that they are only fooling themselves. 

There will be NO MORE FALSE ASCENSIONS! And so, it is!

The One TracyVW


My book is now available on Amazon. I have provided a link below.

Please be grateful every day and NEVER give up.

Peace and Love,

Tracy L. Anderson-Von Winckelmann 

Memories of Soul Contracts and Agreements with other ONE's

Most recent articles by The ONE TracyVW

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Hi lighted Articles

Interview with a Draconian

Secrets Revealed 12 28 2021

I am the Messiah; I bring you Revelations

CC Newsletter 11 20 2021

Mandella, Parallel & Butterfly Effect

Answers to Questions Not Asked

The Absolute Father/Grandpa

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